Project SS NU Sample Teams

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I saw a bunch of our samples were outdated and we needed more, so I want to submit one of my own

:rotom-mow: :sirfetchd: :guzzlord: :bronzong: :talonflame: :vaporeon:

I originally built this for BLT tie break this week where we wanted to build around the stupid good NP Volt Mowtom and I was not disappointed. I went with Fetch'd to scare out Guzz or AV Copper who commonly come in on Mowtom and deal huge CC damage, opening up the game for ID Zong or Mowtom to sweep later on. I'm seriously enjoying running around with this team atm so enjoy!
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Hello, everybody! Torracat activist and Roselia advocate Catalisador here to give you a few cool and up to date teams for the SS NU metagame! I've gotten to decently high ladder only using them and they're very solid and fun. They come in all variety of playstyles, so don't be shy to pick one and give it a try!

winner winner.png

proof of peak

:ninjask: :bronzong: :guzzlord: :xatu: :rotom-mow: :salazzle:
CB Bronzong lure:

:xatu: :salazzle: :silvally:-Ground :bronzong: :omastar: :rotom-mow:
Thief Xatu + defensive Omastar:

:salazzle: :xatu: :araquanid: :mudsdale: :togedemaru: :braviary:
SubDisable Salazzle Toxic spam:

:thievul: :rotom-mow: :talonflame: :uxie: :sandslash-alola: :vaporeon:
Lure Thievul:

:thwackey: :hitmonlee: :uxie: :bronzong: :guzzlord: :garbodor:
Uxie terrain:

:ninjask: :heliolisk: :gurdurr: :qwilfish: :bronzong: :xatu:
Specs Heliolisk volturn:

:ninjask: :sirfetch'd: :xatu: :comfey: :rotom-mow: :goodra:
Standard Ninjask volturn a.k.a MariHO:
Samples outdated so here's one. Used a variation of the team in swiss and worked beautifully, as well as in room tours and on the ladder.

:Starmie: :Talonflame: :Vileplume: :Bronzong: :Guzzlord: :Sylveon:
Starmie Balance:

Starmie is the main offensive breaker, with guzzlord as a secondary breaker if needed. Guzzlord also acts as the team's decidueye check bcz that mon is ridiculously good. Tflame acts as a fighting check as well as the team's hazard removal, with uturn to pivot into starmie and fire off massive attacks. Vileplume is itemless to act as a golurk check, another ridiculously strong ghost type, as well has having corrosive gas for some general utility. Bronzong for setting rocks, as well as being a lazzle/croak check with psychic. Sylveon for sustain with wish support, and acts as a fighting check. Cute charm + mblast over Pixilate + Hyper Voice bcz this is much better defensively, and doesn't get bopped by throat chop. Very simple to pilot and very fun.

Edit: here are some replays showcasing the team, taken from the tour night room tour I won.
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Samples outdated so here's one. Used a variation of the team in swiss and worked beautifully, as well as in room tours and on the ladder.

:Starmie: :Talonflame: :Vileplume: :Bronzong: :Guzzlord: :Sylveon:
Starmie Balance:

Starmie is the main offensive breaker, with guzzlord as a secondary breaker if needed. Guzzlord also acts as the team's decidueye check bcz that mon is ridiculously good. Tflame acts as a fighting check as well as the team's hazard removal, with uturn to pivot into starmie and fire off massive attacks. Vileplume is itemless to act as a golurk check, another ridiculously strong ghost type, as well has having corrosive gas for some general utility. Bronzong for setting rocks, as well as being a lazzle/croak check with psychic. Sylveon for sustain with wish support, and acts as a fighting check. Cute charm + mblast over Pixilate + Hyper Voice bcz this is much better defensively, and doesn't get bopped by throat chop. Very simple to pilot and very fun.

Edit: here are some replays showcasing the team, taken from the tour night room tour I won.
added but made plume giga because I REFUSE to sample a no grass stab vileplume :[

also hvoice sylv because idt you need to be scared of throat chop anymore and the extra like 30% is nice
I heard that samples are outdated and there's only 4 sample teams, time to make that +1 :)

This is a team I have an excellent win-loss record with and Sirfetch'd is not too hard to use, which should be nice for a sample :D.
Teleport Xatu is arguably the best partner in the tier for Sirfetch'd, denying Rocks and giving Sirfetch'd a plethora of free switchins throughout most games. Specs Diancie helps to add on a more reliable Iron Defense Bronzong check with Earth Power, and it has greater defensive potential than Sylveon with enough speed for Mantine. AV Copperajah is an amazing Normal/Fairy/Dragon check, and it can be an amazing lure for Talonflame/beats Sylveon, adding on to the amazing Sirfetch'd support. Scarf Toxicroak is a bit odd, but it is surprising solid at catching offensive mons such as Starmie, and Gunk Shot outspeeding Nasty Plot Rotom Mow is so satisfying. Mudsdale is the main Tyrantrum/Tauros switchin, switching into nearly any physical attacker in the tier and being able to pressure Rotom Mow faster, for example, with Body Press.

I saw a bunch of our samples were outdated and we needed more, so I want to submit one of my own

:rotom-mow: :sirfetchd: :guzzlord: :bronzong: :talonflame: :vaporeon:

I originally built this for BLT tie break this week where we wanted to build around the stupid good NP Volt Mowtom and I was not disappointed. I went with Fetch'd to scare out Guzz or AV Copper who commonly come in on Mowtom and deal huge CC damage, opening up the game for ID Zong or Mowtom to sweep later on. I'm seriously enjoying running around with this team atm so enjoy!
I wanted to renom this team because of how potent it is in the current meta, putting consistent work all over Swiss, NUL, and ladder. I originally built this for kythr way back when and he's been spamming it for the past month or so, so HUGE s/o to him for replays here. The team is based around Mowtom+Fetch'd, baiting in Steel's or Guzz that want to switch into Mowtom for Fetch'd to go in. - team mirror match in Swiss v Rodriblutar - v zben that highlights how oppressive Mowtom can be - robjr using it in swiss - In NUL earlier today v GW
I wanted to renom this team because of how potent it is in the current meta, putting consistent work all over Swiss, NUL, and ladder. I originally built this for kythr way back when and he's been spamming it for the past month or so, so HUGE s/o to him for replays here. The team is based around Mowtom+Fetch'd, baiting in Steel's or Guzz that want to switch into Mowtom for Fetch'd to go in. - team mirror match in Swiss v Rodriblutar - v zben that highlights how oppressive Mowtom can be - robjr using it in swiss - In NUL earlier today v GW
will add ok ok
1632135099021.png 1632135159836.png1632135221299.png1632135262695.png1632135313052.png1632135345331.png
Click on sprites for pokepaste...

This is a reliable team I guess
You can easily get stealth rock and sticky web unless your opponent uses a multi hitting move which hits more than twice, knock off to remove items and you can use encore if the opponent starts setting up or starts setting up hazards or screens.
well there are a lot more stuff you can do. and yea shuckle with rock tomb is also gud it deactivates sash and lowers speed so that is good too
That's all I got for now
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Hello, everybody! Torracat activist and Roselia advocate Catalisador here to give you a few cool and up to date teams for the SS NU metagame! I've gotten to decently high ladder only using them and they're very solid and fun. They come in all variety of playstyles, so don't be shy to pick one and give it a try!

View attachment 366345
proof of peak

:ninjask: :bronzong: :guzzlord: :xatu: :rotom-mow: :salazzle:
CB Bronzong lure:

:xatu: :salazzle: :silvally:-Ground :bronzong: :omastar: :rotom-mow:
Thief Xatu + defensive Omastar:

:salazzle: :xatu: :araquanid: :mudsdale: :togedemaru: :braviary:
SubDisable Salazzle Toxic spam:

:thievul: :rotom-mow: :talonflame: :uxie: :sandslash-alola: :vaporeon:
Lure Thievul:

:thwackey: :hitmonlee: :uxie: :bronzong: :guzzlord: :garbodor:
Uxie terrain:

:ninjask: :heliolisk: :gurdurr: :qwilfish: :bronzong: :xatu:
Specs Heliolisk volturn:

:ninjask: :sirfetch :xatu: :comfey: :rotom-mow: :goodra:
Standard Ninjask volturn a.k.a MariHO:
:Tauros: & :Xatu:
Redbull gives you Wings

The Team Concept: I've used Tauros in the past as a breaker to great success, however now in the current metagame it may struggle to pick up those raw, fast 2HKO's it was known to achieve in the past. To help Tauros muscle through walls it would otherwise miss KO's on, such as Vaporeon, Mudsdale or Weezing, I decided to pair Tauros with Future Sight Xatu and Spikes Garbodor.

:Xatu: Among the few Pokémon who learn Future Sight, I decided to use Xatu because of its ability to deflect status inflictions and residual damage that Tauros is notably weak to; Wil-o-Wisp from Talonflame, all forms of hazards, and Strength Sap from Vileplume. Xatu also matches up nicely against Mudsdale, which is arguably the best Tauros check in the tier. Night Shade allows Xatu to hit walls with consistent damage such as Rest Bronzong, Diancie, and Mudsdale, who take more from Night Shade than a potential coverage move Xatu would use instead. Xatu Teleport allows it to pivot Tauros in safe from aformentioned status moves or on Pokémon who switch out vs Xatu for free momentum, and Roost is for recovery (duh).

:Garbodor: Gunk Shot is Garbodor's best (and only) STAB move and allows it to offer an offensive presence even in the face of hard checks like Xatu. Stomping Tantrum prevents Garbodor from being set-up fodder vs Steel and Poison types such as Salazzle, Drapion, and Doublade, who are otherwise extremely problematic for the team. Pain Split with less than max HP allows you to steal huge pools of HP vs tanky Pokémon such as Guzzlord, Vaporeon, and Copperajah, letting you stick around far longer than they would like you to. Spikes are broken and force at least 12% damage on Pokémon even when they're not being hit by an attack. 176 Speed allows Garbodor to outpace adamant Sirfetch'd, meaning you can always beat it 1v1, especially with Rocky Helmet and potential Aftermath damage; I opted for max Defense over max HP to get more HP from Pain Split as mentioned previously.

:Tauros: Tauros is so oppresive in credit to its wide coverage, high speed tier, and Sheer Force + Life Orb being broken. Body Slam 2HKO's almost all of the tier and Tauros has respective coverage for every Normal resist in the tier. Standard Tauros runs Close Combat however we opted to use Earthquake instead to ease our matchup against Garbodor, who forces a lot of recoil onto Tauros via Rocky Helmet and Aftermath, and also nearly OHKO's Drapion, which again, is very problematic for the team. Nothing much else to say, Tauros is pretty straight-forward.

:Dhelmise: Dhelmise was put on the team due to its hazard-related role compression in blocking Rapid Spin, providing its own Rapid Spin, and threatening opposing spin-blockers with its Ghost STAB. I experimented with Anchor Shot but lacking either Ghost or Grass STAB frequently gave me trouble vs Pokémon such as Xatu, Mudsdale, or Vaporeon, depending on which STAB I dropped. The EV's avoid the 2HKO from a +2 Silvally-Ground, live a hit from +2 Ice Beam from Blastoise and OHKO it back, and outspeed NASCAR Diancie™ after a Rapid Spin.

:Escavalier: I needed a Steel type on the team that could sponge special attacks without relying on Assault Vest like Copperajah and wasn't passive like Bronzong. I decided to use Iron Head as my STAB move because Bug coverage didn't do much for my team, although Mega Horn would work just as well I think. Knock Off means that Escavalier beats Talonflame in the long game and removing Leftovers on physical walls like Mudsdale lets Tauros win late game as well. I initially had Toxic Protect, but I switched to Swords Dance to beat Snorlax (suggested by daniYSB) (ban Lax so I can run Toxic again). Shell Armor also lets you reliably take crits, especially from Kingdra.

:Diancie: Here's the NASCAR Diancie, which outspeeds max Speed Guzzlord, Heal Bells its status-prone partners, and sets Rocks vs Xatu. I opted for a full special set because Diancie Diamond Storm often gets PP stalled and I get very unlucky with its boosts and got tired of it. Moonblast Power Gem is just hard to switch into outside of Steels.



vs PDT (temporarily taken down upon request)
DaniYSB vs Abejas
I will add more but I'm bad about remembering to save them :[

Shoutouts to Pawwz for laddering w me :)
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:druddigon: :araquanid: :sirfetch'd::indeedee-f: :tauros: :silvally-ghost:-Ghost

The lack of a simple, dumb HO amongst the sample teams is astonishing to me, so imma just drop the one I used to get reqs for the Snorlax suspect here. It is a simple webs team with Normal-type spam.

:druddigon: Copying a lead Druddigon set from some gen 6/7 OU HO (iirc), I just wanted something that could realiably get Stealth Rock and punish opposing rockers. With Mold Breaker, Druddigon is able to completely ignore Xatu and bop any Bronzong with Earthquakes. Taunt also prevents Stealth Rock from the likes of Diancie and Mudsdale, while Glare punishes faster leads such as Duraludon.
Beware of opposing Taunt anti-leads, tho, as this Drud has no real means of threatening the likes of Aerodactyl with Taunt.

:araquanid: Webs are a fun playstyle and Araquanid is a reliable setter. Its bulk allows it to spam a few strong Liquidations before going down as well, bopping Magic Bouncers. Magic Coat is also extremely valuable to prevent Toxic Spikes and such. Cute spider!

:sirfetch'd: 50/50 crits are fun what can I say! It has monstrous physical prowess and access to reliable priority to bop faster foes if needed.

:indeedee-f: No Pokémon can reliably switch into Indeedee-F. The entire metagame is 2HKOed with Shadow Ball + Dazzling Gleam + Mystical Fire coverage. It prevents coverage so you want to be careful of when you deploy your Indeedee and Sirfetch'd.

:tauros: I just really wanted to use Adamant Tauros tbh because the mon also has no switch ins lol! Busted, make it A tier, bros!

:silvally-ghost: Spinblocker and potent setup sweeper with 120 BP Ghost STAB. Taking into account to how our main Ghost "checks" are just itemless Pokémon and Guzzlord (which is heavily pressured by Sirfetch'd, Tauros and even Indeedee-F's Dazzling Gleam), Ghostvally just seemed fun to slap on the team lol.

p.s: we have no good defiant/competitive users. no, passimian is not good. neither is braviary. articuno-galar has a dope design but it aint not good. so beware of defog ig LOL

Rabia pls add
Submitting my Machamp team that's been very successful on ladder and in tournaments

:Machamp: :Dragalge: :indeedee-f: :silvally: :dhelmise: :copperajah:
(click sprites for team paste)

Very simple Healing Wish offense team that I initially made for Emil Heskey and it turns out I loved it so much, I used it myself and confidently gave it to my friends to use in their own tournament games.

Machamp is a very simple man; he click button, something go bye bye. The only issue with Machamp is its inevitable short life span due to self-inflicted burns, but Healing Wish from Indeedee-F solves this problem very easily. Bullet Punch with Psychic Terrain may seem counterintuitive but Heavy Slam or any other coverage move is simply superfluous, and Bullet Punch brings utility despite Psychic Terrain's occasional appearance.

Dragalge is a phenomenal pivot that pairs especially well with Machamp because Machamp destroys the Ground-, Rock-, and Steel-types and special walls in general that Dragalge can force in and pivot out of with Flip Turn. Toxic Spikes are nice when Machamp is a Fighting-type that can overwhelm Poison-types like Dragalge and Garbodor through its raw power.

Indeedee is another part of the supporting cast for Machamp, but it can also greatly benefit from Machamp breaking holes in teams for it to sweep with its powerful Modest Expanding Forces. Modest is used here because it gets crucial OHKO's on Pokemon such as Talonflame, Rotom-Mow, and Golurk after Stealth Rocks. Timid is equally viable though as it lets you outspeed other common Choice Scarf users such as Passimian and Rotom-Mow. Mystical Fire is great coverage that lets you do decent damage to Steel types, although Trick is often better to cripple anything that can take an Expanding Force as long as you don't need the Choice Scarf later.

Silvally-Ground sports a Flame Charge set here to also capitalize on Machamp's damage output, letting it clean up weakened teams very easily. U-Turn can be used to pivot Machamp in more often, but overly relying on something that already needs Healing Wish support can make your team very top-heavy. Silvally also provides a Volt Switch immunity to the team, provides some speed, is broken, and threatens Poison-types for Machamp and Steel-types for Indeedee.

Dhelmise is the team's own Silvally-Ground check, living any 2 hits from a +2 Silvally and OHKOing back with Power Whip. The certified Togkey(tm) spread also lets you live an Ice Beam from +2 Blastoise. Knock Off is used here to cripple Flying-types that may pivot in on Machamp, and also hits even itemless Ghost-types that may attempt to Spin-block or wall Dhelmise completely if it were to have Poltergeist. Dhelmise itself can Spin-block while Spinning itself, and has reliable recovery in Synthesis, making it a secondary Blastoise check with Dragalge and the next Pokemon.

Copperajah is another beneficiary of Healing Wish due to its bulk and power letting it effectively 1v1 many Pokemon, even if it means remaining on a sliver of HP. Pretty standard Copperajah set and spread; Heat Crash is used over Super Power since the team is clearly not lacking in powerful Fighting-type attacks, although a Rock-type move could be used in place here to hit Talonflame and Xatu.

Me vs TJ for NU Winter League
TKK vs TGR for NU Winter League
Danny vs Hurtadoo for Pokeland Grandslam Semis
Opportunity to gas my boy TKK he did a PS! Live with the team too -> :worrywhirl:
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Was going back and forth on whether I should submit this team as a sample or not, we don't have updated samples tho so here it is anyway. My galvantula webs HO team that I've been using variations of for the past 2 weeks or so, having massive success in NU Winter League, on the ladder and in room tours.

:Mr_mime-galar: :Galvantula: :Blastoise: :Silvally: :Talonflame: :Xatu:
I chose galvantula over araq/swirlix/ribombee as my setter for a few reasons, all of which I outlined in my VR post. The team plays out like most HO teams, relying on sequencing the game properly from the start and identifying wincons and lines. I do think it's easier to use than earlier HO samples, namely Cata's and Ho3n's, and has a very easy time overwhelming the current meta.

Galarian mime is an off meta pick I chose as it provides a way to beat blastoise if it does get a shell smash, being able to eat a hit and KO back with freeze-dry provided that I got some chip, although this scenario is very unlikely as I'll be OHKO'ing it most of the time. Mime is also very potent offensively, and very comparable to jynx in BDSP NU in that its STAB combination is very difficult to handle, and focus blast covers options that you can't hit with STABs (the main one being escavalier, which you chip/KO if you're at +4, and then kill with something else).

vs Lucario in NUL
vs Ho3n in room tour
vs Danny in NUL (earlier variation of the team with pikachu > mime)
Was going back and forth on whether I should submit this team as a sample or not, we don't have updated samples tho so here it is anyway. My galvantula webs HO team that I've been using variations of for the past 2 weeks or so, having massive success in NU Winter League, on the ladder and in room tours.

:Mr_mime-galar: :Galvantula: :Blastoise: :Silvally: :Talonflame: :Xatu:
I chose galvantula over araq/swirlix/ribombee as my setter for a few reasons, all of which I outlined in my VR post. The team plays out like most HO teams, relying on sequencing the game properly from the start and identifying wincons and lines. I do think it's easier to use than earlier HO samples, namely Cata's and Ho3n's, and has a very easy time overwhelming the current meta.

Galarian mime is an off meta pick I chose as it provides a way to beat blastoise if it does get a shell smash, being able to eat a hit and KO back with freeze-dry provided that I got some chip, although this scenario is very unlikely as I'll be OHKO'ing it most of the time. Mime is also very potent offensively, and very comparable to jynx in BDSP NU in that its STAB combination is very difficult to handle, and focus blast covers options that you can't hit with STABs (the main one being escavalier, which you chip/KO if you're at +4, and then kill with something else).

vs Lucario in NUL
vs Ho3n in room tour
vs Danny in NUL (earlier variation of the team with pikachu > mime)
Was going back and forth on whether I should submit this team as a sample or not, we don't have updated samples tho so here it is anyway. My galvantula webs HO team that I've been using variations of for the past 2 weeks or so, having massive success in NU Winter League, on the ladder and in room tours.

:Mr_mime-galar: :Galvantula: :Blastoise: :Silvally: :Talonflame: :Xatu:
I chose galvantula over araq/swirlix/ribombee as my setter for a few reasons, all of which I outlined in my VR post. The team plays out like most HO teams, relying on sequencing the game properly from the start and identifying wincons and lines. I do think it's easier to use than earlier HO samples, namely Cata's and Ho3n's, and has a very easy time overwhelming the current meta.

Galarian mime is an off meta pick I chose as it provides a way to beat blastoise if it does get a shell smash, being able to eat a hit and KO back with freeze-dry provided that I got some chip, although this scenario is very unlikely as I'll be OHKO'ing it most of the time. Mime is also very potent offensively, and very comparable to jynx in BDSP NU in that its STAB combination is very difficult to handle, and focus blast covers options that you can't hit with STABs (the main one being escavalier, which you chip/KO if you're at +4, and then kill with something else).

vs Lucario in NUL
vs Ho3n in room tour
vs Danny in NUL (earlier variation of the team with pikachu > mime)
Thank you for contributing to the thread. While we may not take every single submission and the thread Aawin linked works, I really appreciate you taking the time to share your ideas to help make things like sample teams possible.
Ninjask Pivot Spam


Standard Ninjask pivot spam, this team is very easy to pilot and is able to make progress very easily. It's gotten me reqs for the recent Goodra suspect test, and using the Sneasel version has earned me many wins in various tournaments games, gotten the previous two suspect reqs, and allowed me to peak on ladder numerous times. Even if you choke/lose a member or two, with the offensive backbone/pivots they're able to recover quite quickly. Originally it had Sneasel over Sirfetch'd but it's a little bit harder to use, especially for people just starting the tier its sprite is also ugly.

Sirfetch'd provides the team with a very hard hitting breaker, able to punch large holes in many team structures and provides crucial priority. Leek is preferred since the team is quite squishy, meaning you really don't want to lock yourself into a move vs an unfavorable mon. Xatu provides hazard removal support and checks rockers such as Copperajah, Mudsdale, and Diancie, while also being an essential pivot. Mowtom is able to check Blastoise as well as other offensive waters, and can be a very solid wincon/momentum grabber with NP. Ninjask does Ninjask things, with Steelvally being there as another hazard control option. Able to also check dangerous special attackers, and also be a soft check/revenge killer to tyrantrum, toxicroak, drapion and many more. Diancie provides necessary hazards while also being a good check to Fire-types, also able to cure status for the team.

Many replays were not saved but I was able to find two with the Sirfetch'd version listed above:

vs doublade/talon/muds balance, and where the doublade crits my sirfetchd
vs silvally ground balance (ninjask sweep)
Samples are updated (and may get a couple more added soon), big thanks to Danny , Togkey , and turtledoggo1 !

Was going back and forth on whether I should submit this team as a sample or not, we don't have updated samples tho so here it is anyway. My galvantula webs HO team that I've been using variations of for the past 2 weeks or so, having massive success in NU Winter League, on the ladder and in room tours.

:Mr_mime-galar: :Galvantula: :Blastoise: :Silvally: :Talonflame: :Xatu:
I chose galvantula over araq/swirlix/ribombee as my setter for a few reasons, all of which I outlined in my VR post. The team plays out like most HO teams, relying on sequencing the game properly from the start and identifying wincons and lines. I do think it's easier to use than earlier HO samples, namely Cata's and Ho3n's, and has a very easy time overwhelming the current meta.

Galarian mime is an off meta pick I chose as it provides a way to beat blastoise if it does get a shell smash, being able to eat a hit and KO back with freeze-dry provided that I got some chip, although this scenario is very unlikely as I'll be OHKO'ing it most of the time. Mime is also very potent offensively, and very comparable to jynx in BDSP NU in that its STAB combination is very difficult to handle, and focus blast covers options that you can't hit with STABs (the main one being escavalier, which you chip/KO if you're at +4, and then kill with something else).

vs Lucario in NUL
vs Ho3n in room tour
vs Danny in NUL (earlier variation of the team with pikachu > mime)
Appreciate the submission, frankly still a bit unsure of whether to add it or not because Galvantula and Galarian Mr. Mime are really untested overall, and it doesn't seem like the team overall really needs Sticky Web support to function. This latter point seems pretty supported by the replays, in which you sweep pretty much independent of the speed control.
Hlelo, figured out i’d make a team dump after league ended of my favorite teams as of rn (it includes grimm/stak meta teams btw)
this team is pretty solid and standard-ish, offensive steel + sr diancie is a rly good archetype wse. heal bell diancie allowed for room for flip turn vappy which is pretty good imo paired with a slow breaker like escavalier. overheat tflame is there to fix the ploomer mu a bit because this teams kinda struggles against it but with that it’s fine.
this team is just flames and it suits the metagame rly well rn. specs sylveon is demonic and paired with dragalge get to weaken out steels so easily. superpower copper is there for other coppers because it’s one of the main threats to this team. might be my favorite one with the one i’m listing below.
okay, it’s a weird team and might make no sense. band dragalge in 2022?? hello? what are we doing? well we are weakening steels for one of the most demonic sets to put it in work: cm snore sylveon. this is honestly a great team and i would like y’all to give it a go before saying it’s complete trash… tyvm.
this is the best i managed to get out of grimmsnarl, and i don’t think this team is on point quite yet but i liked it a good bunch so i thought why not share it. the palossand is the only shaky thing here because it’s there to lure out decids tsars dhelmise and rmows and it worked pretty well so far.

hope you enjoy the teams :D
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I've seen this team running around with minor variations of it; I might as well submit mine as a possible sample. Either way-


With Nicknames: TR Stakataka (
Without Nicknames: TR Stakataka (
Basic Stakataka Trick Room

Uxie's sole purpose for existing on this team is to set up Trick Room, and then it proceeds to kill itself with Memento allowing Marowak or Glastrier to come in and set up more easily. Toxic is useful for bulky, pain-in-the-butt 'mons that won't die to any regular attacks. Mental Herb ensures you can ignore first-turn Taunts, but, if you fear getting OHKOed, Focus Sash can be better.
Stakamus Prime is fairly simple. He click button; something die. I chose Rock Blast over Stone Edge or Rock Slide to eff Focus Sashes, and Superpower is for Steels which I wouldn't be able to hit otherwise. Life Orb, along with its ability, lets Stakamus roll out of control. [In case you're confused by the defense IVs and defense lowering nature, they make it so Stakamus's ability boosts its Attack as opposed to its Defense stat.]
This is my favorite set in this entire team, for its uniqueness. What Eggy-A does is set up Trick Room then chooses one of its two STABs to use. Either way, this drops its Special Attack stat by two which, in combination with its Eject Pack, lets it pivot out into an offensive 'mon after doing some good damage. The only drawback of Eject Pack is that Sticky Webs and Intimidate both mess it up.
You can run max Special Attack as it allows you to pick up OHKOs more easily and switch out simultaneously, making you feel like a force to be reckoned with. The 252 HP / 212 Def / 44 SpA with a Quiet Nature lets you eat up a Life Orb boosted-Sheer Force boosted-super effective Play Rough from Adamant max Attack Copperajah from full while letting it hit as strong as possible. I calculated Eggy-A exactly for this after dying to it and realizing how annoying Copperajah can be in general late-game.
Honestly, this slot is very malleable; all it really has to be is a Trick Room setter. I chose Audino as it provides amazing utility with Wish, healing up teammates and yourself; Knock Off, removing items; and Healing Wish, which completely revitalizes a teammate and clears any status ailments.
You can run Protect over Healing Wish for guaranteed Wish recovery, or it can be run over Wish for free Leftovers recovery; you can also use Toxic over Wish but then you have no reliable recovery. But, these alternatives mean that you lose out on what Healing Wish or Wish can do for you.
Just as the name implies, Marowak is basically the Trick Room version of Silvally-Ground. It gets access to Earthquake, Rock Slide, and Fire Punch meaning the whole tier just auto-loses to it. Its signature item, Thick Club, along with Swords Dance lets it reach stupid levels of Attack meaning even neutral STAB Earthquake hits everything silly.
Glastrier, with both Icicle Crash and High Horsepower, hits the entire tier for at least neutral bar Araquanid, which is hit by Crunch. Swords Dance lets you hit dangerous levels of Attack with Chilling Neigh which boosts your Attack by 1 after securing a KO, just like Stakataka, letting it spiral out of control. Icicle Spear is a viable option over Icicle Crash if you hate Sashes however, in turn, you lose the guaranteed base power of Icicle Crash.

Start off with the Suicide Lead Uxie. Click Toxic/Psychic if needed. Once you use Trick Room, use Memento after to drop your opponents' stats and pivot out. Bring in Stakataka/Glastrier/Marowak, set up-if you predict a switch-play very offensively. Stakataka struggles to do any damage against Doublade, so Earthquake is another option over Superpower if you want to lure it. Doublade also takes care of Glastrier, so it's a bit of a threat to the team. By the way, Marowak's Thick Club boosted Earthquake 2HKOs Vaporeon unlike Silvally-Ground's Multi-Attack, so if any Vaporeon come in they're dead.
Don't got no saved replays; I also don't really feel like looking for battles either, today.
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