Project SS NU Sample Teams

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you guys won't BEElieve how busted this team is uwu

:ribombee: :toxicroak: :uxie: :tsareena: :stakataka: :snorlax:
:ribombee: the star of the show, unparalleled Speed tier makes the bee able to outspeed just about anything in the tier outside of Talonflame and Aerodactyl, a trait which pairs excellently with its spammable Moonblast and access to U-Turn for momentum or Trick to cripple common switch-ins such as Copperajah and Stakataka.

:toxicroak: just a powerful, Fighting-type breaker that also acts as a general check Water-type Pokémon thanks to Dry Skin. It pairs nicely with Ribombee given how well Toxicroak can abuse bulkier structures and severely weaken them.

:uxie: a late-game sweeper and pseudo-check to Silvally-Ground. Can be made utility with Future Sight and Yawn, but I just like cheesing with CM + RestTalk lol.

:tsareena: a bulkier variant to check Silvally-Ground (which I still think is annoying but whatever), also provides Rapid Spin support for Ribombee as well as a VoltTurn partner. Yache Berry is my preferred item as an option to check offensive Water-types such as Starmie and Blastoise, which can be annoying to deal with even with Snorlax.

:stakataka: an overall pretty solid defensive wall with pretty nice, unresisted coverage. It is our main check to Indeedee-F (which is busted btw). The EV spread allows it to not miss on some KOs with Gyro Ball and stuff.

:snorlax: Jolly CB Snorlax acts as a lure to bulkier Pokémon such as Copperajah, Vaporeon and Diancie. And I just needed something fat to eat some hits and check Salazzle too so lol.
Only HO sample we have is rabia's outdated one so here's the HO I've been using for the past few weeks. Consistently able to overwhelm 90% of teams and doesn't struggle with stall.

:Aerodactyl: :Snorlax: :Kingdra: :Blastoise: :Xatu: :Tyrantrum:

:Aerodactyl: Generic suicide lead, although I have experimented with DD aero here and it works nicely.
:Snorlax: Sets up on weaker special attackers and the passive stuff, also able to stall quagsire out if needed.
:Kingdra: Was my main focus when I build this team, does incredibly well in the current meta, being able to set up on a lot of common stuff.
:Blastoise: Suspectoise
:Xatu: Demon xatu the goat. Very easy to proc weakness policy, and very hard to stop once it gets going. Not being immune to haze is a bummer but not the biggest issue. Can also use full HP full speed.
:Tyrantrum: Secret broken right here. Unless opp has muds it's a wrap if this gets going.
Now that the metagame has settled and we reach closer to the end of the generation, I think its time to start creating much higher standards for submitted samples and also keeping the general structures diverse from themselves (i.e. not having two bulky offense teams sharing 3 or 4 or 5 similar members).

As Phantom mentioned, there is no hyper offense sample team;

:machamp: :duraludon: :tyrantrum: :starmie: :xatu: :snorlax:

(decayed a little lul)

Not a traditional set up hazards and click set-up moves until something sticks style of HO, but this team actually has a solid defensive backbone with Focus Sash Machamp, Starmie, and Snorlax. This team also manages to sneak in hazard control outside of Xatu with the Rapid Spin Meteor Beam Starmie. Also worth noting that Tyrantum is kind of an auto win if the opponent doesn't have a Mudsdale or Sandaconda; TTrum is very good right now. I had Seed Bomb on Snorlax to snipe Quagsire for TTrum but ladder seems to like Doublade and Diancie more than Quagsire :/

:escavalier: :golurk: :indeedee-f: :rotom-mow: :aerodactyl: :vaporeon:

No tangible proof of results but I went 30-2 at the start of my run for NULT (started choking terribly afterwards because I was tired but w.e) I made this team for Danny for NUPL (he didn't bring it and lost L + ratio) so I've been spamming it on ladder and its really fun. Golurk lives a Leaf Storm from Rotom-Mow and OHKO's with Heat Crash, making it a perfect counter lead to Scarf Mow, which is undoubtedly one of the best and most drawback-free leads in the tier. Escavalier has Close Combat which is rarely seen currently to "lure" in opposing Steels to allow Indeedee to sweep. Indeedee can also Healing Wish back Golurk and Escavalier in specific matchups.

My other teams follow very similar structures to current samples and I think most of them reflect the meta pretty well.
Double post bc all my teams just happen to be amazing :D

CB Passimian Balance
:passimian: :rotom-mow: :snorlax: :stakataka: :vaporeon::talonflame:

Passimian is a demon with a Choice Band, OHKOing common checks like Dragalge with Earthquake, Sylveon with Gunk Shot, and even 2HKOing Talonflame with Close Combat. Passimian sets itself apart from similar competition like Machamp and Toxicroak due to its great speed tier, natural bulk, surprise factor, and great coverage.


* Danny vs OnArceus w4 NUPLX
(he edited the team a little for the MU here)

reached this record in like 2 hours went like 40-0 for week 2 of NULT
I forgot to save replays but this team doesn't lose + ratio
* CB Passimian beating #1 Passimian check Vileplume
Won a roomtour idc im starved for replays
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I noticed that all of the Stakataka samples are using the BEYOND boring set :puff: , so it's time to spice things up!

CB Lax Trick Room BO


Double rocky helmet can do a great job of wearing down physical attackers that could easily deny Stakataka a trick room in the late game such as Tauros. CB Snorlax is usually the mid-game surprise breaker, although it can be used as a late game menace as shown in one of my replays. It can check nearly every special attacker in the game other than Special Croak, which Dragalgae helps to shut down easily. Stakataka is nearly always the late game cleaner with Mowtom + Dragalgae doing most of the early game cleaning.


a lot of these losses were with other teams as well before I decided to use this trick room team for literally every match from there on out to gain an astounding 72 wins in under 90 games with this team. I have a few decent replays with the team as well:

Winning a terrible matchup threat-wise
1 Choke Away from winning in NUPL
NU Open Dub


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I have a lot of teams that could go here, but don't post many of them because 1. i want them to be top secret, and 2. they're not super standard and if sample teams are used to introduce players to the tier, niche mons aren't super epic. I wanted to post this stall team ive been using. its not like super standard (qwilfish moment), but i believe its won every tour game ive used it in and it fits into the meta well enough. Click on the mons for the paste.

I'll briefly explain all the mons, their moves, etc.
First vaporeon. Vaporeon is one of the best mons in the tier, and with access to big chungus wishes, it can heal up the other mons pretty effectively. Flip turn helps to do this, but that last move can change to heal bell/haze/toxic/whatever really to help the mu. Specially defensive vap helps take on special attackers like exploud, sylveon, salazzle, and others. It can live a rotom leaf storm and other strong special hits pretty easily.

Second mon is escavalier. Steel types are pretty necessary on almost every team, and this one provides some utility. With sd and megahorn it can set up on passive mons and special attackers and break. In a long game this can be very useful. It also has recovery and a typing which helps it check dragalge, indeedee, and other hard hitters repeatedly throughout a game.

Articuno is another bulky special wall. It serves the purpose of checking dragons like dragalge and exegutor, being a ground immunity, defogging, heal belling, and pp stalling with pressure. Toxic spikes aren't super annoying for the team because of qwilfish, but defog on articuno allows it to check dragalge and get rid of any tspikes it may try to use to pressure the team.

Eldegoss is a silvally counter, rapid spinner, and regenerator pokemon. Regenerator is a really solid ability. It really helps by scouting choiced attackers, getting chip with rocky helmet, etc. Its not hard to keep this guy healthy throughout a game especially vs more passive teams. Leaf storm + rocky helmet allow it to kill silvally-ground. Without this combination, it can get to +4 and knock out eldegoss with u-turn. With these two moves it atleast dies in return. Pollen puff hits rotom and rapid spin gets rid of hazards. Another option for the item could be assault vest. This may make it a bit harder to deal with silvally, but you gain the ability to scout special attackers more easily. Pokemon like indee and exploud could become less of a problem if you could scout their moves and go into either vaporeon or escavalier based on which they locked themselves into.

Mudsdale is a physical wall and electric immunity. Rocks are ebic, and eq is pretty self explanatory. Rest helps it to pretty much never be beaten by things like drapion and stakataka in the long run. Toxic is nice to have because no other mons have any moves that inflict status (besides as a secondary effect).

Qwilfish is the last pokemon. Qwilfish sets up spikes which can help to force progress vs some teams. It also checks bulk up scrafty, curse snorlax, glastrier, and araquanid with haze and pain split. Intimidate is also nice to have because it can be used to pivot into stuff to give -atk. Scald is nice for burning stuff which can help to wear things down and lower attack. Qwilfish also checks copper and can act as an emergency check to salazzle.

The team is pretty solid imo. It can struggle with breakers, trick pokemon, and other stuff that stall usually does. Notably, indeedee can be an issue, but it can be pivoted around and beaten with good play. Another issue this team may have is the lack of item removal. There is no knock off which can be annoying, but generally pp stall works well enough in the long run.

this was maybe not so brief. whoops lol.

Now, yes, I read what Togkey said about diversity and stuff, but, honestly, the only teams I can make are just simple VoltTurn cores + breaker. So, I assume, if any, only one of these teams will be chosen. Either way, I've been loving them, and they've been great, so I'll put 'em in as possible sample submissions and for the community to steal.

Grass Spam VoltTurn

This Grass Spam team benefits off of the lack of Fires in the tier to hold them back. Decidueye acts as the breaker 2HKOing many things with Choice Specs and softening up checks for a Rotom-C sweep. Rotom-C also acts as the Shell Smash Blastoise check with its Yache Berry, and the hazard control with Defog. Vaporeon weakens the Fire weakness that Salazzle could otherwise possibly abuse while also giving its teammates longevity with Wish passing and is a cleric for Escavalier and for annoying Toxic. Mudsdale is here for the Steels that the Grasses hate dealing with while also countering Salazzle, as the 12 Sp.Def investment lets it get 3HKO'd by Salazzle's Fire Blast from full. Talonflame takes care of most of the Fightings while also crippling things. And, Escavalier allows you to be better than Dragalge users, as it can beat this team quite easily otherwise.

Specs Galge VoltTurn

This is just basic VoltTurn centered around Specs Dragalge because all the other samples with Dragalge are using the and I quote GW, "beyond boring" utility pivot set. Specs Dragalge goes stupid and baits things in with its Flip Turn for its partners to take care of. Its only real counter is Doublade; Escavalier gets 3HKO'd by Draco Meteor, yes, you have to switch in and out, but if you keep up the pressure with Talonflame it should be simple. You could also run a Timid Nature to surprise opposing Specs or Sub Dragalge. Rotom-C, acts as the Shell Smash Blastoise check with Yache, the Silvally-Ground check-along with Vaporeon-, and the hazard control with Defog. Talonflame does as said above; it pressures Escavalier and takes care of Fightings. Vaporeon keeps its partners, namely Dragalge, alive, and acts as a cleric for Silvally-Ground. Silvally-Ground acts as a late-game cleaner after Dragalge has soften up the opposing team, and Stakataka sets up the Stealth Rock and is the Psychic, a.k.a. Indeedee-F, check on the team for Dragalge.

My Personal Favorites :3 :quagchamppogsire: -

CB Tyrantrum VoltTurn

Now, looking at the team, you see, and, yes, your eyes aren't deceiving you: Choice Banded Stealth Rock Tyrantrum. I'll explain later. So, this team was around Banded Tyrantrum as I thought it was a cool, underrated breaker with its stupid good combination of Rock Head + Head Smash. Talonflame was added to have a switch-in to for Fighting-, Fairy-, and Steel-type attacks. Silvally-Ground acts as a cleaner after Passimian takes care of the faster 'mons. (You could replace U-turn with Flame Charge, I guess.) Passimian acts as the speed control with its Scarf and has Rock Slide for Talonflame. Honestly, it could have Gunk Shot over that to better deal with Fairies, but they're so uncommon and usually get OHKO'd by Tyrantrum's Banded Head Smash; Diancie gets taken care of by Silvally-Ground, Rotom-C, and Vaporeon. Rotom-C checks Shell Smash Blastoise with Yache, is hazard control, and checks Silvally-Ground with Vaporeon, and Vaporeon is the cleric and Wish passer. Now, back to the Banded Stealth Rock Tyrantrum. After completing the team, I checked in with YaMomsHooen (and, no, I didn't spell that wrong) on Showdown. They realized I lacked a rock setter; I asked about who I should remove, and they didn't have a clue. It took me some time, but then I realized that Tyrantrum doesn't really need Crunch, and it causes switches quite nicely, allowing for Stealth Rock to be set up more easily. So, once again, I checked back in with YaMoms, and they agreed.

AoA Tsar VoltTurn Grass Spam

Since all the Tsareena I ever see are Rapid Spin support, and, in its analysis, it said it could run a more offensive set, I decided, "Well, why not make All-out Attacker Tsareena a thing?" Tsareena dismantles slower teams with its attacks and has Knock Off to always guarantee progress. High Jump Kick helps Tsareena with its uncanny ability in luring Steel-types like Stakataka and Copperajah just to be KO'd by its coverage after little chip. (An Adamant Nature could be run, as I used it as well, but Jolly Tsareena outspeeds Jolly Tyrantrum, Jolly Sirfetch'd, and Jolly/Timid Decidueye, which is really nice and helpful.) Rotom-C acts as a secondary, special breaker for the team while also being the Shell Smash Blastoise check with Yache, is hazard control, and checks Silvally-Ground with Vaporeon. Taonflame takes care of Fightings and Escavalier that this team can struggle with otherwise. Passimian is the speed control, provides pivoting, and is a good revenge killer. Diancie is the cleric and Stealth Rock setter, and Vaporeon heals up all of its teammates, extending the longevity of this team.

CB Sirfetch'd VoltTurn Elec. Spam

With the combination of Scrappy as an ability, a sky-high attack stat, an Adamant Nature, a high base power priority move, and a Choice Band, once Sirfetch'd is out in battle, it demands respect and gets kills. I used to have Steel Wing over Brave Bird to surprise Diancie with an OHKO, but, after realizing this team gets stopped by Vaporeon + Vileplume shenanigans, Brave Bird was added to just OHKO Vileplume instead. Rotom-C checks Shell Smash Blastoise with Yache, is hazard control, checks Silvally-Ground with Vaporeon, and acts as a secondary, special breaker. Heliolisk acts as the lead and as possible late-game cleaner after Sirfetch'd has weakened their team and Rotom-C has taken care of or heavily dented their Electric immunity/resist. Talonflame check opposing Fightings, Diancie is the cleric and hazard setter, and Vaporeon is the Wish passer.

Spam is super good in NU right now, especially types that are weak to fire because of the lack of them.
To always underspeed opposing non-Scarf Rotom-C and have a free Leaf Storm on incoming Mudsdale, Silvally-Ground, etc. No need to risk a speedtie.
They're the easiest to make, and I'm a bad player-Just kidding. It's because I can showcase uncommon, underrated 'mons like Tsareena, Tyrantrum, and Sirftech'd.

Also, ty YaMomsHooen.
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Scarf Passimian Build

Tonight, I felt like building Scarf Passimian.

I'll quickly explain each Pokemon's role on the team, and the sets they're using.


Scarf Passimian is one of the less common scarfers, yet it holds up excellently. Often times you can click U-Turn freely, because Passimian forces a lot of switches. Gunk Shot is used over Rock Slide here, since I have enough ways to hit Talonflame and needed more backup against Sylveon.


Silvally-Ground is an absolute beast and can clean up weakned teams with ease. Passimian + Silvally form a great offensive core, ganging up on Common Physical walls such as Mudsdale to Overwhelm them and break through. You could use U-Turn here to help with chipping Rotom-Mow and Tsareena, which can bring in one of the mons that deal with them.


Diancie is a useful tool to have; Diamond Storm and Body Press forms a surprisingly good offensive core with the defense boosts from Dstorm, and Heal Bell can help with Status such as Talonflame's Will-O-Wisp or Mudsdale's Toxic. Stealth Rock is a given here, since none of my other mons have the job of setting it up.


Nasty Plot Rotom is a nice special breaker to have on a team with mainly physical mons. Leaf Storm threatens two physical walls that Passimian and Silvally don't like; Mudsdale and Quagsire. Volt Switch is a relatively free move; The Grounds in the tier hate Leaf Storm, so abuse this. Additionally, Vaporeon gets completely destroyed by Rotom, and you can even keep yourself healthy with Pain Split. Rotom doesn't use an item here, mainly to check both of Golurk's STAB attacks and helps with Dhelmise.


Dhelmise helps out by being the sole form of Hazard Removal on the team. Knock Off is used to cripple other Dhelmise over Poltergeist, as the other Dhelmise may be running No Item. Power Whip is to dissuade the main Rockers in the tier from coming in, and Synthesis helps out with Longevity. These factors earn Dhelmise a place on this team.


Assault Vest Copperajah can help with Special Attacking threats, and can give the reliable Scarf Indeedee Expanding Force switch-in this team so desperately needs. Heavy Slam deals an insane amount of damage to neutral targets, while the Coverage moves can be swapped around if you'd like. Superpower hits other Copperajah, but you can run Heat Crash if you want to improve the Escavalier MU. All and All, It helps out a lot, and is able to play important role on the team.

Hopefully you find success with this team, and until next time, I'll see you soon. Goodbye!
importable: :gigalith: :sandslash: :lycanroc: :vileplume: :blastoise: :escavalier:

Here's the team I used the most to get reqs for the Rotom-C suspect test: a pretty standard sand buid with Infestation Vileplume to lure and trap common checks to the playstyle as well as Gravity Gigalith to deny Ground-immune Pokemon from stopping Sandslash and to increase Stone Edge's accuracy for Lycanroc. Below is a brief description of each Pokémon's role to the team:

Gigalith is the main setter of sandstorm. Its defensive prowess is tremendous thanks to the Special Defense boost from sand coupled with already stellar bulk. Its moveset is comprised of Stealth Rock for chip damage on opposing teams, Gravity to support Sandslash and Lycanroc, Toxic to deny setuppers from abusing the fact that it is rocking a more passive moveset and Rock Blast as the STAB of choice to break sashes from leads such as Kabutops, Aerodactyl and Araquanid.

The first abuser of sand. With Sand Rush boosted speed and access to Swords Dance, it becomes a premier breaker. Earthquake provides STAB while Stone Edge is a great complimentary coverage. Leech Life is used over Knock Off or Rapid Spin as the last moveslot to lure unaware Rotom-C.

The secondary abuser. Choice Band boosted STAB Stone Edge is a powerful move with very few safe switchings, specially since the wolf has complimentary Close Combat to hit Steel- types. Accelrock is a priority move for when sandstorm isn't on the field of if battling a (somehow lol) faster foe. Lastly, Crunch is mainly chosen for Doublade but Rock Blast can be used to break potential sashes.

Infestation Vileplume (a.k.a demonplume) is a support choice for the team, taking on Fighting-types such as Passimian and Machamp. Its trapping set is chosen to get rid of potential walls such as Mudsdale and Weezing that could be troublesome for Sandslash and Lycanrioc. Leech Seed and Infestation to trap and chip down foes, with Strength Sap for recovery and Sludge Bomb as the STAB of choice for a chance of poisoning foes.

To be honest I just slapped a blastoise on the team for a setup sweeper than take hits from Water-types lol. Not much to be said, just a standard Shell Smash set.

Choice Banded Escavalier was chosen as a secondary breaker that is not dependable on sand/setupping. Its Steel-type also makes it a secondary check to Indeedee-F. It is mostly a semi-defensive glue for the team.
importable: :gigalith: :sandslash: :lycanroc: :vileplume: :blastoise: :escavalier:

Here's the team I used the most to get reqs for the Rotom-C suspect test: a pretty standard sand buid with Infestation Vileplume to lure and trap common checks to the playstyle as well as Gravity Gigalith to deny Ground-immune Pokemon from stopping Sandslash and to increase Stone Edge's accuracy for Lycanroc. Below is a brief description of each Pokémon's role to the team:

Gigalith is the main setter of sandstorm. Its defensive prowess is tremendous thanks to the Special Defense boost from sand coupled with already stellar bulk. Its moveset is comprised of Stealth Rock for chip damage on opposing teams, Gravity to support Sandslash and Lycanroc, Toxic to deny setuppers from abusing the fact that it is rocking a more passive moveset and Rock Blast as the STAB of choice to break sashes from leads such as Kabutops, Aerodactyl and Araquanid.

The first abuser of sand. With Sand Rush boosted speed and access to Swords Dance, it becomes a premier breaker. Earthquake provides STAB while Stone Edge is a great complimentary coverage. Leech Life is used over Knock Off or Rapid Spin as the last moveslot to lure unaware Rotom-C.

The secondary abuser. Choice Band boosted STAB Stone Edge is a powerful move with very few safe switchings, specially since the wolf has complimentary Close Combat to hit Steel- types. Accelrock is a priority move for when sandstorm isn't on the field of if battling a (somehow lol) faster foe. Lastly, Crunch is mainly chosen for Doublade but Rock Blast can be used to break potential sashes.

Infestation Vileplume (a.k.a demonplume) is a support choice for the team, taking on Fighting-types such as Passimian and Machamp. Its trapping set is chosen to get rid of potential walls such as Mudsdale and Weezing that could be troublesome for Sandslash and Lycanrioc. Leech Seed and Infestation to trap and chip down foes, with Strength Sap for recovery and Sludge Bomb as the STAB of choice for a chance of poisoning foes.

To be honest I just slapped a blastoise on the team for a setup sweeper than take hits from Water-types lol. Not much to be said, just a standard Shell Smash set.

Choice Banded Escavalier was chosen as a secondary breaker that is not dependable on sand/setupping. Its Steel-type also makes it a secondary check to Indeedee-F. It is mostly a semi-defensive glue for the team.
what makes this sand better than other sands? Like this is the same as the teams I used in NUPL just two slot changes. Do they make such a significant impact that this should be sampled>other sand? Why is sand worthy of being sampled to begin w? It’s a B+(at the most) rank playstyle. Do the changes you made patch up defensive holes that other sand teams tend to have? Or add more offensive synergy to the team in comparison to (insert) mons? Feel like some more elaboration should be made before shitting out a ‘sample team’. If I’m being honest fam this looks like an RMT or a NU Bazaar post in comparison to a sample post. Not because the team is bad, but bc of the way it’s formatted.
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Wait, a team cannot be sampled cause it has some flaws or the playstyle isn't as popular as in "the right meta" teams? Which team in this thread is flawless?
It the team posted by Catalisador solid? It is. Can you get wins with it? Sure thing. I don't understand the restrictions you are trying to implement here.
Wait, a team cannot be sampled cause it has some flaws or the playstyle isn't as popular as in "the right meta" teams? Which team in this thread is flawless?
It the team posted by Catalisador solid? It is. Can you get wins with it? Sure thing. I don't understand the restrictions you are trying to implement here.
Sample teams are meant to be representative of the tier and to help newer players learn core structures, archetypes etc. There is nothing wrong with weather teams, we did have hail samples after all. The big difference is that sand and it’s abusers are very niche and are not popular or indicative of the metagame. The setter and abusers are not even NU by usage, which should say enough.
Wait, a team cannot be sampled cause it has some flaws or the playstyle isn't as popular as in "the right meta" teams? Which team in this thread is flawless?
It the team posted by Catalisador solid? It is. Can you get wins with it? Sure thing. I don't understand the restrictions you are trying to implement here.
No restrictions implemented at all in my line of questioning. I wanted clarification as to why this is sample worthy. If this makes it easier to read:
  • what makes this sand better than other sands?(This question if answered helps prove why the team is worth being sampled)
  • Do the two small changes cata has made make his team sample worthy over other sand?(add offensive pressure to make it better into meta threats or add defensive pieces to deal w standard sand’s weaknesses)
  • Is sand even worth sampling?(Is it a playstyle that is indicative of the meta as a whole, has it had such a profound impact that it should be used in scenarios that aren’t just scouting an opp’s weakness to it)

  • These questions might have seemed like an attack but they were just clarifying questions to help cata make a sample post that is worthbeing considered. A lot of times teams are posted in this thread with zero thought as to why they are worth being here. We want newcomers to the tier to have a real reflection of the tier and to also understand why certain teams should or should not be used to get them introduced into the meta. You can get wins with any team, doesnt mean they are worth being spammed by every non mainer.
as an fyi this hasn't been updated because NUPL has been ongoing and we've had two suspect tests (currently dealing with one), so don't read too far into why teams haven't been added to the list

a general note on how I view samples: in general yes, sample teams should be showcasing what you expect to see. however, SS NU is heavily centralized around Wish balance builds, and there's not a whole lot of "standard" deviation beyond that that you can't trivialize to "oh you just switched the Steel-type and the wallbreaker," which makes finding unique teams annoying. I'm frankly fine with adding a sand team because it's been shown a few times in tournaments over the months to be a viable offense archetype, and I like giving users more options to look at. meri mentioned it that we should organize the samples by archetype, and I agree that this change would be helpful and promote more additions that are not cleric + ground + steel + mowtom (lol) + wallbreaker + filler.

why is the aerodactyl sprite so big

DD Aero Spikes

Just a spike stack team I made that has Dragon Dance Aerodactyl. Couple things to note: Low Kick > Drain Punch on Toxicroak because at +2, Adamant Low Kick can nearly one shot Mudsdale, and with spikes it seals the deal easily. This opens Tauros and Aerodactyl as well as getting rid of a road block for Toxicroak. Tauros can fit Rock Slide over Iron Head here if you struggle vs Talonflame a bit too much. Decidueye can use Spirit Shackle to trap sacks and use them as set-up fodder. Other than that, it's a case of trying to wear down mons for a Pokemon to clean up in the end-game.
Dropping my good teams in here:

:salazzle: :snorlax: :stunfisk-galar: :vaporeon: :rotom-mow: :talonflame:
NP Salazzle + Curse Snorlax

Many common checks to Snorlax such as Vileplume and Weezing are complete fodder for Salazzle. Conversely Snorlax checks many Salazzle checks such as Vaporeon, Mantine, and Indeedee-F. Ninja has a team almost identical to this, but with Weezing as the Fight-resist over Talonflame, and I think both are fine but Talonflame brings some nice extra speed to the team. Originally I had Heat Crash and Seed Bomb on Snorlax, but just Seed Bomb is enough to hit Quagsire and Gastrodon into range of Salazzle.

:decidueye: :xatu: :gastrodon: :tauros: :stakataka: :sneasel:
CB Sneasel Physical Offense

Choice Band Sneasel paves amazing paths for Choice Scarf Tauros and SD Decidueye to sweep any team. Gastrodon and Stakataka form a great compressed defensive core with Xatu. Xatu has Dazzling Gleam for an otherwise rough Scrafty matchup, and it doesn't really need Night Shade on such an offensive team. Iron Defense Stakataka allows you to effectively beat or weaken opposing Mudsdale or Escavalier. This team has also gotten lots of tournament and ladder success.

:stakataka: :indeedee-f: :heliolisk: :weezing: :vaporeon: :tsareena:
CM Indeedee-F + Magnet Heliolisk

Gave this to mncmt for NUPL and also used this in homefield or something and passed it to friends for side tours (shoutouts TheKingKarp). Team has no Scarfer but has the defensive answers for every fast Pokemon.
So hey my first time submitting for a sample, hope you like it.

:Garbodor: :Jellicent: :Tsareena: :Indeedee-F: :Copperajah: :Silvally-Ground:
So, this is not your eeveelution+ steel + muds balance team nor is it volturn. But we have a mon that dominates the former; :Jellicent:, while the latter really doesn't have much counterplay.

The team is pretty simple on the first look :Garbodor: sets spikes :Jellicent: blocks spin and :Tsareena: spins. :Copperajah: sets up rocks and is a soft check to :Blastoise: alongside colbur jelli. And :Indeedee-F: and :Silvally-Ground: make the offensive core.

Teambuiling Process

Garbodor was my go-to spiker as :Frosslass: is for ho and :Ferroseed: overlaps with the spinners our tier could provide in conjunction with jelli as we would have :Dhelmise: and :Starmie: and ofc :Tsareena:. So Garbo and Colbur jelli make a core which makes it very difficult for fighting types to break past it and :Machamp: is kinda broken so nice. I needed a spinner and i chose Tsareena as an excellent option which can provide momentum knock and something for vapo in one fell swoop. Indeedee was my Choise scarfer of choice? As i can't really use scarf mowtom and Tsareena would feel weird to me and passimian isn't very good to me. Alongside groundvally it forms an amazing offensive core as ever while Copperajah provides rocks and a psychic and dragon resist.

Things you Should look out for.
1. :Exeggutor-Alola:
2. :Blastoise:
3. :Duraludon:

These are quiet threatening Pokemon but if played correctly and mindfully it would be no problem defeating them.
Bye, hope you like the team.
CB Scrafty Balance
:scrafty: :rotom-mow: :aerodactyl: :mudsdale: :silvally-steel: :sylveon:
(click on sprites for paste)

The recents ban of Machamp and Sirfetch'd made Scrafty even better.This team showcase uncommon but very effective set (OP?) on current metagame : Choice Band . Even before fighters bans,he had a niche on balances teams as bulky wallbreaker checking indeedee and having a lot of opportunities to switch on threats like Silvally-Ground,Tyrantrum,Snorlax,Copperajah,Heliolisk,Blastoise,Starmie,passimian thanks to Intimidate and decent mixed bulk . The only reliable switch-in to Scrafty STABs is Sylveon so Iron Head is the preferred last slot to kill it on switch without be reliant on teammates.
Scrafty can naturally switch and take hits but always like pivots to bring it safely and tank powerful moves from full.Rotom-Mow pivots and provides defog support.Expert belt boosted Foul Play OHKO Decidueye and has a chance to kill Calm Vaporeon from full :
252 SpA Expert Belt Rotom-Mow Leaf Storm vs. 252 HP / 40+ SpD Vaporeon: 403-475 (86.8 - 102.3%) -- 12.5% chance to OHKO
Silvally-Steel also pivots,provides a second Indeedee check to avoid be bullied by Calm Mind+Dazzling Gleam variants and give better speed control with Thunder Wave since team has no scarfs.It also improves band passimian match-up.(176 speed Evs let it outspeed tsareena and Modest Indeedee).
Classic Mudsdale set,Sitrus berry let it check poltergeist users after consuming berry.With Stamina boosts,it also act as emergency Groundvally check.
Remaining NU fightings types are well handled by Mudsdale+Sylveon .Sylveon heal the defensive core with wish+heal bell.
Aerodactyl is here so the team doesn't lose vs salazzle,sd talonflame and fast waters (on the long run).

vs Finchinator (Homefield)
vs False (Swiss)
vs Eifo (Swiss)
vs Togkey (Swiss) Cosmic Power Xatu might 6-0,Poison Fang>Thunder Wave on Vally solves this issue
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Enough procrastinating, here's the HO samples post I been meaning to make for a while now. I've been using versions of these teams for a while now and have had tour success with all three. HO is not as simple to play as people make it out to be and is not the best way to be introduced to the tier, but I think having a diverse pool of sample teams available is better for the tier. HO also helps players develop better sequencing and game planning, which are skills they can apply when using other teams. The replays are from ladder, forum tours, test games, and room tours.

:silvally: :snorlax: :scrafty: :xatu: :kingdra: :aerodactyl: - Balance cteam bulky HO
:silvally: :exeggutor-alola: :omastar: :aerodactyl: :xatu: :snorlax: - Texan HO
:pincurchin: :raichu-alola: :kingdra: :uxie: :gallade: :silvally: - Semi-ETerrain HO
:Indeedee-f: :espeon: :stakataka: :starmie: :diancie: :heliolisk: - PTerrain HO

okay quick question why do all the samples suck (hehehehaw)

probably a question for the main nu chat (dead) but does anyone have updated teams?
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