meta ends in a week but felt getting some thoughts out there that are a bit more in-depth could be useful. general idea is that a lot of Pokemon are being very overrated currently on the VR
(small) hasn't been relevant for a very long time, rise of Alolan Persian and other Dark-types coupled with Decidueye being a vastly scarier wallbreaker has significantly diminished its niche
not suffering as much as Gourgeist-S but feels less great and deals with more or less the same issues, also doesn't help that Lanturn and Galarian Stunfisk are both quite common and give it a headache; yeah you can cripple them with Trick, but that isn't always the good play and can end up causing you more grief than it benefits you
(dragon) just feels like an "on paper" Pokemon now more than an "in practice" one. I still find myself using it quite frequently but never feel that I'm being rewarded for it. The defensive utility and sweeping potential it offers in the builder doesn't seem to show itself much in battles
this Pokemon has not been relevant in months
this Pokemon has not been relevant in months
yet again this Pokemon seems very enticing on paper but doesn't amount to much when actually using it from my experience, only really threatens slow teams that aren't very common right now
hasn't been a relevant wallbreaker in a very long time and generally struggles to threaten teams like it used to because the tier as a whole is much faster; it's still a problem to switch into yeah, but Decidueye is generally just a better Grass-type wallbreaker, and I don't think its niche as an Aurora Veil setter should keep it up
it wants to use Close Combat so badly and just can't because of how many common Pokemon resist or are immune to it; there's actually a ludicrous amount of room to be punished for locking into its STAB move right now, be it giving up turns to defensive Pokemon or just letting in problem wallbreakers like Decidueye
(water) this Pokemon has not been relevant in months
it's only ranked because it's a good lead on hyper offense; this is not B rank worthy
it's a fine enough offensive Defogger, but that's pretty much where it ends with this Pokemon; it can be annoying for non-Lanturn teams but... doesn't really do a whole lot other than that: be annoying. it doesn't really match up well into the common Stealth Rock setters because of how sad its bulk is either, which generally sucks for it
outclassed by the other Grass-type wallbreakers, Dragon Dance sets aren't really that potent and are difficult to find great setup chances with---overall a fine enough option but not very consistent or really rewarding to use
being a Dark-type that doesn't resist Ghost in the current meta sucks; being 4x weak to Bug in the current meta sucks
not good. Choice Scarf sets are dreadful to use, maybe Wish ones are the better option? overall there's just very little reason to actually use it outside of niche situations where you REALLY need its blend of speed and typing to check some weird selection of Pokemon
it's good for checking a pretty wide variety of physical attackers, so I understand if others wouldn't want to drop it; I just haven't seen it actually like, pick up in any meaningful way? like, this one feels a bit less strictly an on paper Pokemon that some others, but it still really feels like something that mostly just seems like a good pick until you actually use it
too niche of a niche to justify being in the B ranks
it's confirmed to be just a bad Miltank
it actually just has no niche at this point. it's an awful sweeper, and there really isn't any reason to try defensive sets with it that I can see
why would I use this over anything else. I actually just don't see why.
in theory it got a bit better when Silvally-Steel left; in practice it didn't. still suffers like it used to from not being a great wallbreaker and offering very little else because of poor bulk and speed
rozes mon, must be bad
doesn't actually threaten reverse sweeps effectively
there are some other Pokemon that I'm slightly more torn on whether they should drop or not (Eldegoss, Ferroseed, Gurdurr, Magneton, Rotom-S being a few), so I left them out. I definitely don't think Accelgor is worth a rise---it is 100000% an on paper Pokemon that offers a lot of potentially interesting things that actually contribute nothing at the end of the day---but could maaaaaybe see a Ninjask rise to B+? still not sold on it just looking underrated right now because of how much is overrated, though.

there are some other Pokemon that I'm slightly more torn on whether they should drop or not (Eldegoss, Ferroseed, Gurdurr, Magneton, Rotom-S being a few), so I left them out. I definitely don't think Accelgor is worth a rise---it is 100000% an on paper Pokemon that offers a lot of potentially interesting things that actually contribute nothing at the end of the day---but could maaaaaybe see a Ninjask rise to B+? still not sold on it just looking underrated right now because of how much is overrated, though.