Resource SS OU DLC2 Viability Ranking Thread [SEE: Page 105, Post 2618]

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Nominating Chansey :chansey: from UR to C.

Let's just be honest - this mon is just seen as a worse Blissey a lot of the time. And yeah, Blissey fits on a wider range of teams than its little sister. But despite that, I feel Chansey has clearly proven its niche in the tier, especially on Double Defog teams - from stall to balance to BO, though especially the former. Double Defog is not difficult to fit right now - just look at the amount of Lando/Torn teams or even Lando/Corv or Lando/Fini, etc etc. In many cases teams will already have double defog and in that case will pretty much always prefer Chansey to Blissey. This way, Chansey becomes a Blissey that has significantly better bulk meaning it can come in on mons like Dragapult's U-Turn's much more often than a Blissey can given good hazard control.

0- Atk Dragapult U-turn vs. 248 HP / 252+ Def Eviolite Chansey: 70-83 (9.9 - 11.8%)
0- Atk Dragapult U-turn vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Blissey: 96-114 (13.4 - 15.9%)
The difference between 10% and 14% is significant long-term.

It also completely negates the risk of a 2HKO from modest scarf or twistedspoon Tapu Lele: :tapu_lele:
252+ SpA Twisted Spoon Tapu Lele Psyshock vs. 248 HP / 252+ Def Eviolite Chansey in Psychic Terrain: 297-351 (42.2 - 49.9%) -- guaranteed 3HKO
252+ SpA Twisted Spoon Tapu Lele Psyshock vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Blissey in Psychic Terrain: 408-480 (57.1 - 67.2%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

As well as CC on specs Aegi: :aegislash:
0- Atk Aegislash-Blade Close Combat vs. 248 HP / 252+ Def Eviolite Chansey: 274-324 (38.9 - 46%) -- guaranteed 3HKO
0- Atk Aegislash-Blade Close Combat vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Blissey: 376-444 (52.6 - 62.1%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

And, as a nice bonus, doesn't give a useful item to Trick Blacephalon. :blacephalon:

It even matches up better against trapper Tran due to its better special bulk: :heatran:
0 SpA Heatran Magma Storm vs. 248 HP / 8 SpD Eviolite Chansey: 85-102 (12 - 14.5%) -- guaranteed 5HKO after trapping damage
0 SpA Heatran Magma Storm vs. 252 HP / 4 SpD Blissey: 103-123 (14.4 - 17.2%) -- 64.9% chance to 4HKO after trapping damage
^It can Seismic Toss an extra time in this example (though in practice this really depends on prior chip, tran EVs, misses, taunts/toxics etc.)

It also completely walls bulky Fiery Dance Volc (if people run that?): :volcarona:
+6 16 SpA Volcarona Fiery Dance vs. 248 HP / 8 SpD Eviolite Chansey: 288-339 (40.9 - 48.2%) -- guaranteed 3HKO

Anyways, calcs aside, the usage data on Chansey is extremely telling. Its viablity ceiling is 95, making it tied for the highest at 1825 elo in February's usage stats. Of course that doesn't make it an S rank automatically but it's like top 50 for sure, right? Its usage last month surpassed current-OU mons in :regieleki: Regieleki, :victini: Victini and :scizor: Scizor as well as high-ranked threats such as :arctozolt: Arctozolt, :hawlucha: Hawlucha, :nihilego: Nihilego and :slowking: Slowking (Johto). Since the VRs are in part a resource for new players unfamiliar with the tier I feel it's crazy to have such an impactful mon be completely absent from the rankings. Personally I don't even like using this mon or its boots-wearing counterpart but they are important mons to the tier and so should be ranked. I've suggested C tier but C+/B-, or at least C- as a minimum would be reasonable, too. I guess the fact that :xatu: Xatu is still ranked for a stall niche yet Chansey is not must be because of the spacing out of VR updates, because the data clearly shows the latter is significantly more impactful on the OU metagame than the funny green bird right now. Anyways. That's my ramble over. TL;DR pink blob good sometimes. Thanks for reading.
Nominating Chansey :chansey: from UR to C.

Let's just be honest - this mon is just seen as a worse Blissey a lot of the time. And yeah, Blissey fits on a wider range of teams than its little sister. But despite that, I feel Chansey has clearly proven its niche in the tier, especially on Double Defog teams - from stall to balance to BO, though especially the former. Double Defog is not difficult to fit right now - just look at the amount of Lando/Torn teams or even Lando/Corv or Lando/Fini, etc etc. In many cases teams will already have double defog and in that case will pretty much always prefer Chansey to Blissey. This way, Chansey becomes a Blissey that has significantly better bulk meaning it can come in on mons like Dragapult's U-Turn's much more often than a Blissey can given good hazard control.

0- Atk Dragapult U-turn vs. 248 HP / 252+ Def Eviolite Chansey: 70-83 (9.9 - 11.8%)
0- Atk Dragapult U-turn vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Blissey: 96-114 (13.4 - 15.9%)
The difference between 10% and 14% is significant long-term.

It also completely negates the risk of a 2HKO from modest scarf or twistedspoon Tapu Lele: :tapu_lele:
252+ SpA Twisted Spoon Tapu Lele Psyshock vs. 248 HP / 252+ Def Eviolite Chansey in Psychic Terrain: 297-351 (42.2 - 49.9%) -- guaranteed 3HKO
252+ SpA Twisted Spoon Tapu Lele Psyshock vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Blissey in Psychic Terrain: 408-480 (57.1 - 67.2%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

As well as CC on specs Aegi: :aegislash:
0- Atk Aegislash-Blade Close Combat vs. 248 HP / 252+ Def Eviolite Chansey: 274-324 (38.9 - 46%) -- guaranteed 3HKO
0- Atk Aegislash-Blade Close Combat vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Blissey: 376-444 (52.6 - 62.1%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

And, as a nice bonus, doesn't give a useful item to Trick Blacephalon. :blacephalon:

It even matches up better against trapper Tran due to its better special bulk: :heatran:
0 SpA Heatran Magma Storm vs. 248 HP / 8 SpD Eviolite Chansey: 85-102 (12 - 14.5%) -- guaranteed 5HKO after trapping damage
0 SpA Heatran Magma Storm vs. 252 HP / 4 SpD Blissey: 103-123 (14.4 - 17.2%) -- 64.9% chance to 4HKO after trapping damage
^It can Seismic Toss an extra time in this example (though in practice this really depends on prior chip, tran EVs, misses, taunts/toxics etc.)

It also completely walls bulky Fiery Dance Volc (if people run that?): :volcarona:
+6 16 SpA Volcarona Fiery Dance vs. 248 HP / 8 SpD Eviolite Chansey: 288-339 (40.9 - 48.2%) -- guaranteed 3HKO

Anyways, calcs aside, the usage data on Chansey is extremely telling. Its viablity ceiling is 95, making it tied for the highest at 1825 elo in February's usage stats. Of course that doesn't make it an S rank automatically but it's like top 50 for sure, right? Its usage last month surpassed current-OU mons in :regieleki: Regieleki, :victini: Victini and :scizor: Scizor as well as high-ranked threats such as :arctozolt: Arctozolt, :hawlucha: Hawlucha, :nihilego: Nihilego and :slowking: Slowking (Johto). Since the VRs are in part a resource for new players unfamiliar with the tier I feel it's crazy to have such an impactful mon be completely absent from the rankings. Personally I don't even like using this mon or its boots-wearing counterpart but they are important mons to the tier and so should be ranked. I've suggested C tier but C+/B-, or at least C- as a minimum would be reasonable, too. I guess the fact that :xatu: Xatu is still ranked for a stall niche yet Chansey is not must be because of the spacing out of VR updates, because the data clearly shows the latter is significantly more impactful on the OU metagame than the funny green bird right now. Anyways. That's my ramble over. TL;DR pink blob good sometimes. Thanks for reading.
I agree with this nom although blissey just fits in better in MOST playstyles. But the fact that other niche pokemon who are much more case specific like tr are at a much better place just does not feel right. We should give this thing a chance.
(Note- double defog in general is a whole lot better than tr)
:tapu bulu: to B/B+ Tapu bulu has good defensive qualities owing to it's fairy typing. It is neutral to U-Turn and resists Fighting allowing it to be a solid check to Zerora and Urshifu-R. It's grassy surge also pairs well with EQ weak mons like heatran. SD bulu is a solid wallbreaker with Horn Leech, Stone Edge, Close Combat and Swords Dance. It can also lure certain mons with certain super effective damage reducing berries.

:blaziken: to B Blaziken is an underated wall breaker in the current meta. It appreciates lando dropping Defense Evs and going Specially Defensive, which is the reason for it's nomination.
A -> A+

The fact that this is one of the most reliable breakers for stall/balance teams (being Specs or CM) speaks for itself. People looking for a solid answer to Tapu Lele (specifically modest specs set) don't have a ton of options. Heatran, Ferrothorn, and even AV Melmetal have to worry about a possible set with Focus Blast, and normal SpDef walls like Blissey and Slowking-Galar get destroyed by Psyshock. Lele sets can even run Thunderbolt to answer mons such as Corviknight.

When teambuilding myself, I've found that the only reliable checks to Tapu Lele involve Reuniclus (AV or CM), Aegislash, and Jirachi (who I have been seeing on stall/balance teams, presumably only as a Tapu Lele answer), which can be seen as niche and possibly not worth a slot depending on the team. Everything else gets AT LEAST 2HKO'd assuming the Lele user predicts correctly.

Overall, in my opinion, Tapu Lele is one of the most threatening wallbreakers in the game and is something that everyone must think about when building their teams.


Some calcs:

252 SpA Choice Specs Tapu Lele Focus Blast vs. 128 HP / 252+ SpD Assault Vest Melmetal: 248-292 (55.9 - 65.9%) -- guaranteed 2HKO


252 SpA Choice Specs Tapu Lele Focus Blast vs. 252 HP / 4+ SpD Ferrothorn: 314-370 (89.2 - 105.1%) -- 31.3% chance to OHKO

252 SpA Choice Specs Tapu Lele Psychic vs. 252 HP / 4 SpD Ferrothorn in Psychic Terrain: 126-148 (35.7 - 42%) -- 89.6% chance to 3HKO after Leftovers recovery

If the Ferrothorn has a SpD set, Focus Blast still 2HKO's:

252 SpA Choice Specs Tapu Lele Focus Blast vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Ferrothorn: 254-300 (72.1 - 85.2%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery

252 SpA Choice Specs Tapu Lele Focus Blast vs. 252 HP / 136+ SpD Heatran: 298-352 (77.2 - 91.1%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery

252 SpA Choice Specs Tapu Lele Psyshock vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Heatran in Psychic Terrain: 121-143 (31.3 - 37%) -- guaranteed 4HKO after Leftovers recovery

252 SpA Choice Specs Tapu Lele Psyshock vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Blissey in Psychic Terrain: 462-544 (64.7 - 76.1%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

252 SpA Choice Specs Tapu Lele Psyshock vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Slowking-Galar in Psychic Terrain: 306-361 (77.6 - 91.6%) -- guaranteed 2HKO


Obviously, besides these calcs, Lele OHKO's many viable mons in the OU tier with Specs/CM in the Psychic Terrain using Psychic, Psyshock, and Moonblast.

Thanks for reading!
I second this. One trend that’s been occurring for a while is bulky steels being physically defensive more frequently than specially defensive. This is especially helpful for Scarf Lele, which appreciates its checks having less bulk to switch into stray Psychics and Moonblasts. Lele also compliments the ever-threatening Weavile, which appreciates having a partner to wear down steels. Another helpful trend is the decreasing use of Slowking and Galarian Slowking.

There’s not much to say here in general. The meta is more favorable to Lele brainlessly clicking its STABs than it was a few months ago and Lele is one of the tier’s premier breakers. Raising it to A+ is warranted.
:Jirachi: to C+ : Jirachi struggles to find a niche in the tier currently as it has a terrible MU vs the top mons of the tier. Heatran, Landorus-Therian, Dragapult, Blacephalon etc all completely ruin it. However, it has a niche of switching into Specs Lele and doing wish passing. Lately, Volcanion and Nidoking have risen in usage. They both completely destroy Jirachi, which I believe warrants dropping it to C+.

:nidoking: to A- : Nidoking's usage has been surging lately. Sheer Force +Life Orb gives it great breaking power. Its immense movepool lets it threaten common defensive cores like Landorus-Therian + Corviknight, Landorus-Therian + Ferrothorn, Buzzwole+Galarian Slowking etc. It can be an immense threat to teams not prepared for it.
What makes Tapu Koko good right now? He is not great against the most common/best mons (Lando, Ferro, Heatran) and cant really break any of the bulky non water Mons (Clef, Melmetal, even Tornadus can do well enough to criple it). Then the slower offensive mons like Kartana, Lele and Weavile can take a hit and OHKO back.

He is pretty good against Fini and Pex, both who are great so that helps, but if your are not facing one of those, i feel that Koko is dead weight.

Maybe thats just, me, any thoughts?
What makes Tapu Koko good right now? He is not great against the most common/best mons (Lando, Ferro, Heatran) and cant really break any of the bulky non water Mons (Clef, Melmetal, even Tornadus can do well enough to criple it). Then the slower offensive mons like Kartana, Lele and Weavile can take a hit and OHKO back.

He is pretty good against Fini and Pex, both who are great so that helps, but if your are not facing one of those, i feel that Koko is dead weight.

Maybe thats just, me, any thoughts?
Overall a great pivot with acces to both u-turn and voltswitch, 130 base speed is phenomenal even with zeraora and dragapult in the tier, fairy typing is pretty valuable defensively, and is one of screen setters in the tier while still being able to run offensive sets like specs.
Overall a great pivot with acces to both u-turn and voltswitch, 130 base speed is phenomenal even with zeraora and dragapult in the tier, fairy typing is pretty valuable defensively, and is one of screen setters in the tier while still being able to run offensive sets like specs.

Hey, thanks for the answer. Thing is, he is a pivot that does 3% chip when clicking U-turn agaisnt the most used mons (That can switch in to Koko without fear) and because Lando you cant really run Voltswitch and click it just like that, he dosnt really have and offensive presence, so U-turning is pretty much all he can do agaisnt balance/stall. On top of that, fast U-turn against balance is not great cause you would give your oponent an slower U-turn. Correct me if im wrong but Balance/Bulky offense is the best/most used style now, so, i know im probably missing something but i dont see why Koko is "good/A+" tier.
Hey, thanks for the answer. Thing is, he is a pivot that does 3% chip when clicking U-turn agaisnt the most used mons (That can switch in to Koko without fear) and because Lando you cant really run Voltswitch and click it just like that, he dosnt really have and offensive presence, so U-turning is pretty much all he can do agaisnt balance/stall. On top of that, fast U-turn against balance is not great cause you would give your oponent an slower U-turn. Correct me if im wrong but Balance/Bulky offense is the best/most used style now, so, i know im probably missing something but i dont see why Koko is "good/A+" tier.
I’d be happy to elaborate a little further then! While in general slow pivoting moves are better, on an offensive Pokémon like tapu koko can make great use of a fast pivot because they’re not forced to hard switch on a check/counter like Lando. Lando also doesn’t appreciate switching into moves like dazzling gleam repeatedly due to his lack of recovery outside of leftovers. Another great thing about koko pivoting around in a match is that electric terrain disrupts other terrains easily, which makes it harder for teams that utilize the other terrain types to take advantage of them. It can also pair quite well with zeraora, creating a fast volt turn core while powering up its already strong plasma fists. And screens give it a lot of appreciated utility, being the second fastest setter besides regieleki, while not being quite as predictable and easy to counter.

tl;dr there are plenty of reasons to use tapu koko both by it’s self and in conjunction with the other electric Pokémon of the tier, due to its flexibility and offensive presence. It also helps that the two main ground types really don’t like it’s secondary stab move
Hey, thanks for the answer. Thing is, he is a pivot that does 3% chip when clicking U-turn agaisnt the most used mons (That can switch in to Koko without fear) and because Lando you cant really run Voltswitch and click it just like that, he dosnt really have and offensive presence, so U-turning is pretty much all he can do agaisnt balance/stall. On top of that, fast U-turn against balance is not great cause you would give your oponent an slower U-turn. Correct me if im wrong but Balance/Bulky offense is the best/most used style now, so, i know im probably missing something but i dont see why Koko is "good/A+" tier.
Also while it is true that slow U-turn beats fast U-turn, fast U-turn beats hard switch in your Ground. It's the Regieleki effect, minus the risk. And much like Regieleki, once your Ground with 0 reliable recovery goes down, Koko can just style on you for fun with its massive speed and powerful Electric moves.
Basically, it's Regieleki that can actually wear down Grounds itself and isn't reliant on prediction and double switches to put those Grounds into bad situations while being extremely useful waiting for Grounds to go down.
Worth noting Koko's bags of utility outside just pivoting too. Taunt is amazing as ever if you can find a slot for it, fast Roost lets it check many threats and have amazing longevity for an offensive pivot, and as noted above on HO it can act as a screen setter with pivoting or occasionally a Calm Mind sweeper, which gives it some room for misdirection on Team Preview. Finally, as also noted above, just setting Terrain and getting out is enough in some situations either to disrupt your opponent's strategy or to boost the Electric coverage of many dangerous OU threats. Blocking sleep is a cool bonus too VS Spore/Rest users.
What makes Tapu Koko good right now? He is not great against the most common/best mons (Lando, Ferro, Heatran) and cant really break any of the bulky non water Mons (Clef, Melmetal, even Tornadus can do well enough to criple it). Then the slower offensive mons like Kartana, Lele and Weavile can take a hit and OHKO back.

He is pretty good against Fini and Pex, both who are great so that helps, but if your are not facing one of those, i feel that Koko is dead weight.

Maybe thats just, me, any thoughts?
It’s also noteworthy that Koko baits in very specific mons (Lando, ferro, glowking, etc), which it can u-turn against to bring in breakers like Weavile and Urshifu. Doing this throughout the game can force pins that’s hard for the opponent to play around. On top of that, Koko has options to exploit lando, such as toxic and cm, allowing it to work together with teammates to overwhelm lando.
It’s also noteworthy that Koko baits in very specific mons (Lando, ferro, glowking, etc), which it can u-turn against to bring in breakers like Weavile and Urshifu. Doing this throughout the game can force pins that’s hard for the opponent to play around. On top of that, Koko has options to exploit lando, such as toxic and cm, allowing it to work together with teammates to overwhelm lando.

It's also worth mentioning that Tapu Koko's luring gives it room to use other moves such as Nature's Madness, Taunt, Discharge, and U-Turn alternative Volt Switch. Electro Ball, Grass Knot and Hyper Beam are very situational, but are still notable by extension. In addition to other non-conventional sets, the occasional Choice Scarf, Choice Band, and Sub-set have been seen, although they aren't as viable or consistent.
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To provoke some discussion, and out of my own curiosity, what has made Clefable an A+ rank pick in such an offensively inclined meta recently? Does its success realistically reflect its rank, or should it drop? If it does have the success to reflect its rank, why? What sets/teams have you seen?
In my opinion, Clef has gotten slightly worse since it went A+ due to hazard stack being less ubiquitous, but still deserves to stay A+ because it can be a great stealth rocker with trick + sticky barb or a great CM sweeper (thunder as coverage, LO as item) who is an amazing abuser of hazard stack for balance. it got its rank due to the dominance of hazard stack creating a very hospitable meta for it, and in spite of the lean toward HO and Weavile offense it remains effective.
Slowbro A-->A+

Everybody knows what this mon does. Teleport+regen+future sight etc etc. It's great for Trick Room teams as it can teleport there too, and it's good at holding colbur and going body press/ice beam/whatever as well. But with increased popularity of certain mons like buzzwole and nidoking, I find that sdef slowbro is becoming increasingly useful. Future Sight+physical breaker is still a very potent combo that forces stall to make weird adaptations like light screen toxapex or shedinja, and neither are that great at solving the problem. I think teams are getting a bit more fat, and slowbro is an incredibly good partner to many breakers like watershifu, weavile, buzzwole, ttar, bisharp by loading up a future sight and allowing them a safe switch-in. It has no problem eating weak knock offs, toxics, stoss, brave birds, u-turns etc and bringing in anybody else safely, and it totally limits the amount of chip damage that fat teams can do vs you. I believe slowbro's utility in providing future sight, teleport, and being a bulky water/psychic is on par with mons like fini, pex, torn, and koko.

Here's a good replay that showcases what slowbro can do vs fat teams:
Notice how I can easily bring slowbro in on the opposing slowking, corv, blissey with very little lasting damage. I can lay up a future sight vs slowking, teleport safely into my cb ttar, and safely click stone edge or crunch and claim a mon every time while the opposing future sight bounces off me. I don't have to risk scald burns, toxics, etc with any of my other pokemon. This kind of potent and extremely safe anti-fat core can only really be done thanks to slowbro's unique ability to get wallbreakers in safely with a future sight incoming.

With an increase in fat teams on ladder (that I've noticed anyway), I think it's safe to push slowbro up a notch for its ability to support wallbreakers.
Slowbro to A+
To provoke some discussion, and out of my own curiosity, what has made Clefable an A+ rank pick in such an offensively inclined meta recently? Does its success realistically reflect its rank, or should it drop? If it does have the success to reflect its rank, why? What sets/teams have you seen?
Trick and Calm Mind sets are very scary, many teams get dismantled by it, especially CM Thunder, as some of its best checks are very unpopular rn (Nidoking, Excadrill, Specs Zone, TP Slowking + choice band steel type). It forces players to run unoptimal sets like CM Glowking (not a bad set but AV is just better most of the time), Heavy Slam Heatran or Worry Seed / Twave + Iron Head Ferrothorn.

I think Tapu Lele could rise to A+. The fact that it can run Scarf, Specs and sometimes CM makes it very tough to play against. Specs can 2HKO the entire tier with the right coverage, and just one wrong turn can leave you without a psychic resist for the rest of the game. Scarf is a good cleaner and revenge killer and provides a ridiculously strong future sight for its teammates. Calm Mind is able to blow holes through defensive teams while not being prediction reliant but relies a bit more on Focus Blast hitting. Until the set is revealed, it's hard to guess which one it is, which can be abused by the Lele user to make it even more scary to face. One of Specs Lele's problem is that its bulk and speed tier means if it gets a kill, you can get revenge killed by lots of scary breakers like CB Weavile, Kartana, Dragapult, Urshifu, Blacephalon, Victini or Zapdos-G. Though except for Victini, those all have to be careful around the possibility of choice scarf if it hasn't been revealed. If you switch in your steel type on a psychic move and notice it's not specs and assume scarf, you could get blown away by a focus blast if it's CM. Until revealed, Lele's set is usually not obvious from team preview, and has to be carefully played around, but playing safe against a powerhouse like Lele could result in even more damage dealt.
Among its best answers, Corviknight, Slowking, Blissey and Scizor have dropped in usage, and standard Ferrothorn is now physdef, often with Rocky Helmet, making the spam of Moonblast and Psychic better than ever. The biggest issue Lele has is that it has no defensive utility outside of checking Buzzwole, being immune to Dragon and blocking priority moves, but I think it makes up for it in the teambuilder with the power it provides to the team. The only trend that is annoying to Lele is Weavile's very high usage, which means it has to be careful when locking itself on psychic type moves, but Moonblast is usually pretty spammable so it doesn't have to rely on psychic all the time. It can fit on any non-fat teams, more offensive teams will prefer Scarf to avoid sacking something after each kill, whereas teams with a bit of defensive backbone will be able to afford specs, cm fits on both. I think it's on the same level as Kartana, which has less defensive drawbacks but more offensive ones, and should join it in A+
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I think the high ranks are pretty great atm, but I can see a decent amount of movement the further down we go.

Celesteela, for instance, can be pretty dynamic with the Automize Meteor Beam set and I see it having enough niche to fit with other fringe Pokemon in B- rather than being ranked alongside things that barely ever see any usage in the C ranks.

On the flip side, those C ranks can probably see a demotion of Pokemon like Swampert and Grimmsnarl, which are old favorites that have steadily died off to the point of near extinction in the modern day.

I could also see a slight uptick from Regieleki, which makes the most of its limited niche, or drop in Rotom-H, which never really surged back in popularity.
On the flip side, those C ranks can probably see a demotion of Pokemon like Swampert and Grimmsnarl, which are old favorites that have steadily died off to the point of near extinction in the modern day.

:mandibuzz: c+ -> c/c- (ur if i could)

this thing is super outclassed by so much in the tier. even the shitter foggers like corv are better than it. its niche of being ghost/chomp check becomes pretty worthless after status or eating a knock (which ends up happening 80% of the games i see this in). its way to passive for the current metagame and doesnt even fit on passive playstyles like stall due to being outclassed and being beaten by common stallbreakers. dont get me started on that rocky helmet shit lol. this is more so a mon to excuse shitty teambuilding most of the time rather than actually being effective. it barely sees tour play for a reason, this thing is not on the level of half the stuff in c+ and even c.

[16:56:19] baloor: if you run mandi youre a fucking racist [
16:58:28] Srn: baloor i have mandibuzz in my builder rn
[16:58:32] Srn: say it to my face and get muted
[16:58:44] baloor: im telling smogon super mods youre a racist Srn
[16:58:51] baloor: prep to get perma'd and globally demoted
[16:59:12] baloor: you have been kachowed
:mandibuzz: c+ -> c/c- (ur if i could)

this thing is super outclassed by so much in the tier. even the shitter foggers like corv are better than it. its niche of being ghost/chomp check becomes pretty worthless after status or eating a knock (which ends up happening 80% of the games i see this in). its way to passive for the current metagame and doesnt even fit on passive playstyles like stall due to being outclassed and being beaten by common stallbreakers. dont get me started on that rocky helmet shit lol. this is more so a mon to excuse shitty teambuilding most of the time rather than actually being effective. it barely sees tour play for a reason, this thing is not on the level of half the stuff in c+ and even c.

[16:56:19] baloor: if you run mandi youre a fucking racist [
16:58:28] Srn: baloor i have mandibuzz in my builder rn
[16:58:32] Srn: say it to my face and get muted
[16:58:44] baloor: im telling smogon super mods youre a racist Srn
[16:58:51] baloor: prep to get perma'd and globally demoted
[16:59:12] baloor: you have been kachowed
bo3 me this weekend. Mandibuzz is on all of my teams. You broke basement weirdos say this continuously like some weird cult yet consistently lose to it and use the absolute worse sets. So I’m also going to ask. Who told you this? What sets have you run across?

Lastly lol you a weird dude to try and pull the mandibuzz racist card against Srn. But even moreso lol please try and pull that against me, Omari P. PLEASE TRY IT
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In light of recent metagame developments, we had an impromptu OU VR Council vote. SThis vote was on the single most pressing shift in SS OU history, sweeping the modern metagame with some of the most foul play, knocking off prior metagame staples and laying a firm overcoat on the tombstones of every convention of yesteryear.

Moreover, through a unanimous vote that included the entirety of OU VR Council, we have voted for the following:
  • :Mandibuzz: from C+ to S: In a hyper competitive landscape filled with the most skilled players that have ever graced the arena of competitive Pocket Monsters, we, the players and spectators of the Sword and Shield Overused metagame, have firsthand witnessed a hostile takeover of the format we once comfortably understood. A singular buzzard has taken the tier by storm, dragging any and all victims with its sharp claws in the face of harsh tailwinds. Particularly big pecks have been a defining feature of this nastily plotting bird's ascent to its brave status atop the hierarchy of the metagame that was once defined by a far less intimidating frequent flyer, which has since been grounded in fear of what is to come in a Mandibuzz ran metagame. Really would love it if you steamed As It Was by Harry Styles, which was just made accessible on every streaming platform. I must say that be it through pivoting from being an almighty defensive behemoth with unmatched walling capabilities that cause for pages of complaining about bulk and stall taking over the metagame or through dominating its surroundings as a versatile offensive threat from the skies, Mandibuzz's status as a complete top-threat in a metagame now void of alternatives is justified. Lacking Mandibuzz is a substantial disadvantage for any team in the metagame, oftentimes outright void of prospects for victory. Foolishly thinking you can answer Mandibuzz is mistake number one. Opposing Mandibuzz is the primary counter to Mandibuzz and absolutely nothing else while Mandibuzz is seen as a universal counter to the entirety of the metagame, even shrugging off the most potent of foes without weakening its armor one bit. One could say that Mandibuzz may warrant suspect attention due to how effective it is at virtually every aspect, but its sudden removal could set the metagame into a tragic spiral. Leveling the playing field for non-Mandibuzz may seem appealing, but there would be so many adverse effects to losing a top option for walling, breaking, sweeping, and so much more that the tier would simply be empty. So it seems that we must accept Mandibuzz as the supreme overlord of SS OU for the remainder of the generation.
I have to say, I am thoroughly shocked in light of these recent mandibuzz related events. What do you mean that it cannot be suspected? I haven't even won a game against this pokemon in the past 13 years, and I am starting a public movement torwards the immediate removal of mandibuzz from the SS OU metagame. There is just no counterplay. As a wise man once said, " The environment we fostered has trapped us all like this in a vicious cycle, and escaping it requires acceptance of the harshest reality we all scramble to explain away, that none of the countless straining efforts we put ourselves through here will ever amount to one single shining glimmer of significance. " With this, I will call my fellow mandibuzz oppressed players to action. Fight for the removal of mandibuzz, the most oppressive mon in any generation of OU.
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