800th post yay
With UU champs over, snake basically over, and several weeks of development in the post-Mienshao metagame, I feel it would be appropriate to give some nominations on some changes that could be made to the VR.
to A/A+: Swampert in A- is criminal. It has defined itself in UU as one of the best rockers in the tier, preventing entry hazard removers like excadrill, tentacruel, mandibuzz, and salamence from coming in because of earthquakes and toxic. Flip turn lets it enable frail breakers like chandelure and azelf, allowing it to be one of the go-to rockers for offensive teams. Its solid bulk and typing means it checks all sorts of threats like thundurus lacking grass knot, excadrill, moltres, starmie, nihilego, and the rotom forms. Its ability to further customize itself with either a physically defensive or specially defensive spread yields to its already top-notch versatility. Currently it is the 5th most used Pokemon in the UU snake draft, sporting 39 uses overall with a 61.54% win rate, though it could def be #4 since cumulative stats don’t have week 7 and semis. These results are very impressive and quite literally outdo all the Pokemon in the A rank. A clear metagame staple, Swampert should rise to A minimum and even could be argued to go to A+ based on its sheer dominance and role compression.
to A-: I’m not a fan of Hydreigon right now. Even though the metagame post Mienshao is slightly slower Hydreigon still sits at a very vulnerable speed tier that limits the effectiveness of non choice scarf sets. Zarude, salamence, cobalion, thundurus, nihilego, zydog, and azelf all limit the progress of Hydreigon’s wallbreaking power. Defensive switch-ins like celesteela, mandibuzz,and primarina also limit the effectiveness of Hydreigon. Throughout Snake Hydreigon has mostly been seen as a choice scarf revenge killer, which ends up being a U-turn bot all game while wearing itself down with rocks and being too afraid to click its STABs. It’s not the beast we expected it to be, dropping Hydreigon to A- reflects its viability far better.
to A-: Similarly, I’m not too impressed with Skarmory lately. It often feels like a liability being a steel that can’t take on prim, aegi, or salamence. Spikes haven’t been that effective lately, and Skarmory in general doesn’t match up well against top threats like celesteela, moltres forms, azelf, and slowking. It faces severe competition from Celesteela who sports much better mixed bulk and better matchups against the wider tier than Skarmory. This bird isn’t the word right now and should drop to A-
to A-/A: Little azelf finally made it to the big leagues. Often memed in early dlc 2, azelf has continued to improve in viability throughout the various metagame changes. It's the fastest UU mon, only really compared with Zygarde-19% in terms of common threats. Knock + U-turn is a stupidly good combo as always, allowing azelf to cripple answers like mandibuzz and support its team. Expert belt sets are also very prominent, having unique coverage like shadow ball or energy ball that can catch something like slowking or swampert by surprise. Continuously performing excellently in snake and keeping this performance up post-Mienshao, I think it’s time to rise Azelf into the A ranks at last. Call me crazy but this mon could arguably go further than A- and be A.
to B+/B: I’ve talked about this mon before in the discord but I’m really not a fan of rotom-w anymore. It fails to reliably check much of the higher ranks, only matching well against skarmory, celesteela, and moltres, though the latter can pivot out easily with U-turn. I find its vulnerability to threats like excadrill, zarude, and zydog very harmful, giving me less reason to use it over other waters like primarina, slowking, and swampert. Thundurus, even though it’s declined a bit, is still the far better electric pivot. Coupled with very minimal usage in UU snake, Rotom-W clearly isn’t part of the metagame right now and should reside in the B ranks.
to A+: I’m of the opinion that there isn’t a need for the S rank as of now. Don’t get me wrong, Aegislash and Thundurus are still very threatening Pokemon and in my top 5, but comparing their viability to other top threats like Amoonguss, Primarina, Excadrill, and Zarude, they can easily fit right into A+. Aegi suffers the same issues with speed and being a steel that can be exploited if lacking proper defensive investment. It’s very dangerous in the long term but it’s not insane. Thundurus meanwhile has had a fall from grace, no longer hearing many cries to ban it. With Mienshao gone, Thundurus lost its best partner and teams were easily able to slot in checks to thundurus now. Pokemon like zygarde-10%, swampert, mamoswine, nihilego, tapu bulu, azelf, cobalion, zarude, and more can limit thundurus’s progress. It’s also reliant on trading with many threats because volt switch can kinda be weak sometimes on the pivot set. Like I said earlier, both of these Pokemon are still very good but I believe they can fit in A+ nicely.
These next ones are much briefer
to B-: I am very much in support of ranking Salazzle on the VR, though it’s main viability stems from a boots set with toxic and knock off rather than choice specs. Salazzle is very tough to switch into, fire is an amazing offensive typing right now and knock + toxic cripples everything.. Its speed tier is very insane, getting the jump on cobalion, zarude, thundurus, and azelf. Very effective late-game cleaner and progress maker despite its poor bulk, I’m in favor of ranking it at B- since it’s far better than the C ranks. I’ve talked about it a fair bit on the discord so don’t want to rehash everything.
to A-: Suffers the same issues as always, prim being god gives it competition on teams and low speed and poor bulk means it doesn’t get to come in much and wallbreak. Building with it is quite awkward, common threats like zarude, thundurus, and amoonguss all hinder progress. Hasn’t gotten any meaningful use lately either, A- is much more indicative of its viability.
to A-: Very solid rocker that has come up lately, dicks zarude while outspeeding nihilego and thundurus. Walls amoonguss if something is slept and mono-dark mandibuzz too. Rocks + momentum is always great and pairs well with steela to make up for cobalion being a fake steel. It’s like #10 or something close to that in snake, which is very insane to me. A great option right now to exploit the slower tier and should be in the A ranks.
to A: Farms offense, very hard to switch into, takes advantage of all the teams using amoonguss as their main grass. Can get around checks like mandibuzz with toxic and zarude with superpower but needs to click at the right time and has very poor defensive utility. Still a dominant threat and should rise to A.
to C: Frankly Seismitoad is near unviable now and could lose its ranking in the not so distant future. Knock + water immunity is nice on the 5% of fat teams that like it but most of the time bulky offense and balance teams will use swampert over this because of the better bulk and momentum. I don’t know if Seismitoad’s merits will keep it from getting removed from the VR but it certainly should be in the C ranks for now.
to higher (B- for venusaur and torkoal and C+ for darmanitan): Should’ve risen last update but didn’t, sun is a solid playstyle right now. Venusaur steamrolls any unprepared team with a boost and darm has like 2 switch-ins under sun. Not much to say rise them up.
to UR: I personally believe none of these are viable enough to warrant a ranking. Rain is very bad with limited abusers and a tough time beating threats like slowking, amoonguss, and salamence, especially when these can be found on the same team. It hasn’t shown itself to really warrant a ranking with the tools it has. Metagross I’ve already ranted about but basically every UU steel + cobalion does anything it wants to do better. Crobat hits like a wet noodle and doesn’t really check much that can be checked elsewhere. Obstagoon has had no usage these past few months and is quite defensively lacking. It’s tough to build with and relies on RestTalk unless there’s a sleeper set I missed. The great stall matchup (I think?) doesn’t save it. Lastly screens have barely been used at all, only being brought once in snake if I remember correctly. A big fish and even though it's useable it doesn’t cross the viability threshold for me to keep it ranked.