Stall until forever


Hey, Gennosuke Fujiki here, to give you another RMT. This will be my first Ubers RMT ever, as I've never really dedicated myself that much to the tier. Now, however, I've shifted my gaze upon this banlist and I found it quite amusing. Like any other player, I threw together shit like Specs Kyu-W and Power Herb Xern and it got me pretty high despite having little knowledge of damage calcs and whatnot. So, I figured, how about I make a stall team, which is stilll my favorite playstyle (despite the fact that I suck balls at making stall teams) This one particular stall team does not rely on hazards for damage, it does instead rely on status and continuous whittling through attacks.

Now, keep in mind that this team is lacking. It does need some tweaks, but I'll get to that part when I get to the specific sets that truly needs to be tweaked.
I will not dwell into making a teambuilding list, as I honestly have changed the entire team so-so-so much, only having Aegislash throughout the course.
With that said, let's head onto the team, yeah?


Giratina @ Leftovers
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 160 SDef / 248 HP / 100 Def
Impish Nature
IVs: 0 Attack
- Defog
- Roar
- Rest
- Sleep Talk

Good ol' Giratina, now playing a different role than he used to. My main reason of adding him was mainly Blaziken as well as hazards control through Defog, and he does both of those very well. He can also check E-killer. ...but that's mainly his only roles. After either of those are handled, I can use him to stall to an extent with the status from one of his teammates, but he generally is lacking in that part. I personally feel there's room for changing him for something better, but I am not sure as to what.

His EVs are designed to fully take hits from +2 Non-Life Orb E-killer and Blaziken, whilst still being able to switch in on even Specs Kyogre. I am a big fan of obscure EV spreads, so there's that. If there's any opinions for a better spread, I'll take it into account.
The moves are fairly simple, really. Defog for hazards control, Roar for shuffling, Rest and Sleep talk for recovery. I actually consider forgoing Sleep Talk, as it's not really that important on him I feel.


Aegislash @ Leftovers
Ability: Stance Change
EVs: 252 SDef / 252 HP / 4 Atk
Sassy Nature
IVs: 0 Spd
- Shadow Sneak
- King's Shield
- Toxic
- Gyro Ball

Aegislash is the prime Power Herb Xerneas counter. Xerneas really cannot do anything but obscure HP Fires to it, which is a 3HKO after leftovers recovery. Whereas Gyro Ball is an OHKO in return. It's too damn good at this specific job, and Xern is everywhere, that it is worthy to have this mon on the team. It also handles those odd Terrakions and Arceus-Fightings, so it has a fairly decent utility beyond being a Herb Xerneas counter.

The EVs are there for the purpose to truly manhandle Xerneas, by maximizing the special bulk. The moves are simple: Shadow Sneak to pick off a weakened foe, Gyro Ball for +2 Xerneas, Toxic to put a timer on a foe's pokemon and King Shield for the Attack drops and extra lefties recovery. It's a fairly solid mon that I personally feel is not open for changes.


Xerneas @ Leftovers
Ability: Fairy Aura
EVs: 248 HP / 8 SDef / 252 Def
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Attack
- Moonblast
- Aromatherapy
- Toxic
- Roar

Xerneas here is my cleric, and he is the cleric due to his speed and incredible typing in the Ubers metagame. He is also my number one switch in to Zekrom and Rayquaza, as neither has a foolproof way of beating it and he can simply hit them both with a Moonblast... uninvested Moonblast is an OHKO on both. So, he is my general switch-in to the physical dragons in the metagame... if only he had reliable recovery. I have considered running a RestTalk set with Moonblast and Aromatherapy too, but I'm not sure how well that will work out.

The EVs are to maximize physical bulk to truly manhandle the physical dragons in the tier, and the moves are once again simple. Moonblast for damage, Aromatherapy for, Toxic for residual damage and Roar for phazing out setup threats. He can also take a hit from E-killer if need be.


Arceus @ Leftovers
Ability: Multitype
EVs: 56 Spd / 252 HP / 200 Def
Impish Nature
- Will-O-Wisp
- Recover
- Return
- Perish Song

Now, I didn't know how amazing Wallceus was until I tried him. I always thought E-killer was his only "good" option, but it seems to be that Wallceus is infact E-killer's best check (I dare even say it's close to a counter). This is obviously an important fact, as E-killer still is the prime sweeper in Ubers... even after three generations. He can also take a hit from Mega Mewtwo X if need be, but considering M2X will simply attack from the special side makes him a... well, not exactly a good check. In any case, he is my other switch-in to any physical attacker in the whole... game. He is just too amazing.

The EVs are the standard Wallceus spread which grants him the ability to outspeed neutral base 95's such as the Kyurem forms and Rayquaza, while still retaining incredible physical bulk. This mon is too amazing. The moves are once again simple; will-o-wisp cripples the physical attackers as well as being residual damage, Recover grants him recovery, Return grants him a way to dish out damage and Perish Song works for pseudo-phazing and finishing off the last mon on the foes team (like CM Arceus forms that prefer to be alone).


Yveltal @ Leftovers
Ability: Dark Aura
EVs: 252 SDef / 248 HP / 8 Def
Calm Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Taunt
- Foul Play
- Roost
- Toxic

Yveltal, now running the Stallbreaker set, to manhandle opposing stall teams. But his utility goes beyond that; he is actually one of the few counters to M2X. Yes, Ice Beam does only max 42%, whereas Foul Play does have a chance at OHKOing back even if the foe runs Timid. If the opponent runs a physical M2X, well Drain Punch does max 44%. So, I would go as far as to say that Stallbreaker Yveltal is a counter to M2X. He does lose to regular Mewtwo, whereas M2Y will most likely also lose to Yveltal.

The EVs maximizes his special bulk so that he can truly handle aforementioned threats, and the IVs plus nature means that he won't take any damage from opposing Foul Play users at all. Taunt shuts down opposing stall, Toxic whittles them down, Roost for recovery and Foul Play for offense.


Chansey (F) @ Eviolite
Ability: Natural Cure
EVs: 4 Def / 252 HP / 252 SDef
Calm Nature
IVs: 0 Attack
- Soft-Boiled
- Stealth Rock
- Toxic
- Seismic Toss

Finally, we have Chansey, which is my stealth rocker as well as switch-in to Kyogre. There's really not much to say about this one. It can switch in on Kyu-W, +2 Xerneas... basically any special attacker. It's an incredibly reliable special wall.

The EVs maximizes it special bulk, the moves are pretty standard. Soft-boiled for recovery, Stealth Rock for some residual damage whilst punishing opposing switches, Toxic for residual damage and Seismic Toss so that the blob isn't a Taunt bait deluxe.

And that is the team. The two mons I'm questioning the most is Xerneas and Giratina, but the whole team in general needs a go-through. Any opinions would be greatly appreciated.

Here's the importable.
Giratina @ Leftovers
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 100 Def / 248 HP / 160 SDef
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Defog
- Roar
- Rest
- Sleep Talk

Aegislash @ Leftovers
Ability: Stance Change
EVs: 252 SDef / 252 HP / 4 Atk
Sassy Nature
IVs: 0 Spd
- Shadow Sneak
- King's Shield
- Toxic
- Gyro Ball

Xerneas @ Leftovers
Ability: Fairy Aura
EVs: 8 SDef / 248 HP / 252 Def
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Moonblast
- Aromatherapy
- Toxic
- Roar

Arceus @ Leftovers
Ability: Multitype
EVs: 56 Spd / 252 HP / 200 Def
Impish Nature
- Will-O-Wisp
- Recover
- Return
- Perish Song

Yveltal @ Leftovers
Ability: Dark Aura
EVs: 252 SDef / 248 HP / 8 Def
Calm Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Taunt
- Foul Play
- Roost
- Toxic

Chansey (F) @ Eviolite
Ability: Natural Cure
EVs: 4 Def / 252 HP / 252 SDef
Calm Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Soft-Boiled
- Stealth Rock
- Toxic
- Seismic Toss
This is a pretty good stall team, however I can see a few changes that would improve it. Forst, Giratina and Aegislashs roles can be combined into 1 Pokemon, mega Scizor. This leaves you with a slot you can do almost anything with, your choice, but I would recommend focusing on type synergy at this point rather then pure bulk. Running a fully defensive set allows you to continualy check PH Xerneas, and use Defog. If you plan on using a defensive Xerneas, you're better off with Arceus-Fairy due to its higher defenses and Speed, as well as access to Recover.

Hope I helped.
On surface you seemed to have done a thorough process in building this team, but there are some inherent flaws that I will attempt to address with this post. As your team looks now it's clearly not easy to see any singular big threat to the team that pops into your head when you think Uber viable mons, but there are unfortunately quite a few singular mons that can give this team a lot of trouble without much support. This is the first issue any stall team will have to solve- do my team fare well against the common threats in the metagame? After that has been addressed, we must go into different combinations of mons that the team has trouble with, and solving combination weaknesses is obviously a lot harder than singular ones. Since I feel there are a lot of singular threats to the team, I won't really go into combinations that are trouble this team- feel free to ask and I'll answer though. Anyway, having outlined what I will attempt to cover in this post, here are some singular threats to the team:

Ho-oh- Even though you have toxic lures and a Giratina, it gets way too many free turns to compensate for the way this team checks it. Forcing Giratina to Rest often will buy Ho-oh's teammates, whatever those are, turns to put pressure on your core.

Zekrom- Scarf Zekrom easily rips through most of the team- it builds momentum very easily with Volt Switch too. You can't really hand any variant of Zekrom without massive prediction (switching in Giratina on a predicted Bolt Strike is not a reliable way to handle it safely).

Mega-Gengar- Will absolutely dominate and rip up your core. I understand stall generally has trouble vs this mon but this is pushing it. It gets free switch ins on 4 mons in the team, can Dbond down your Yveltal is needed and effortlessly remove Wallceus and Chansey from the game. A Shadow Sneak from your Aegislash won't KO, and while Giratina can at least switch out- Gengar can easily predict switches to Yveltal and Sludge Bomb. A Perish Trap set is even more scary, thankfully it is rarer.

Kyogre- A Choice Specs variant at full health easily sabotages your core if it gets in safely. With a Timid nature, it outruns Xerneas and Yveltal and proceeds to at least 2HKO every member on your team with SR up. In the end you might be able to handle it by weakening its Spout, but by that team your core will be open for other threats- with a Chansey gone you won't be able to get SR up to check Ho-oh, if Giratina falls E-killer will run right through you.

Some other threats I find quite troublesome are fast sweepers like for example MMY, MMX, Darkrai. I know you do have checks but the lack of a revenge killer (I know this is stall and all, but IMO every stall will mostly have to use a revenge killer this generation) can make these threats very troublesome to face in the long run. Lastly, as with most stall, fast Taunt users completely rip up your core- Yveltal comes to mind here as your switch in Xerneas cannot pressure its counters sufficiently with an uninvested Moonblast, so the Yveltal user will but its teammates a lot of free turns as well. If Xerneas goes down, you should be 6-0ed effortlessly by a fast stallbreaker Yveltal.

My suggestions to help solving these issues are:

Arceus-Rock w/ defog> current Arceus- this will help a lot against Ho-oh obviously. Slower E-killer are still checked with Will-o-wisp. Rockceus helps a lot vs Yveltal too, which is appreciated since Xernreas lacks recovery.

Palkia somewhere, could use scarf- helps with eating up specs spouts. Scarfkia isn't too easy for a Mega-Gengar to trap either so you probably won't lose it before weakened.

Groudon> Giratina- this choice is to prevent Zekrom from wrecking havoc. It also adds a nice SR setter to the team so Chansey will have a free moveslot for Heal Bell. Double ghosts makes this team a bit unnecessary Yveltal weak in my opinion. D tail Groudon+Wow Arceus Rock should handle E-killer fine most of the time too so no worries there.

After changing to Groudon, I'd suggest Heal Bell on Chansey which helps against stallbreaker Yveltal, Will-o-wisp Arceus etc.

Most of these changes also limits Gengar's ability to freely come in a vast majority of the team. However, Xerneas is still absolute 100 % Gengar bait. I won't be suggesting you to change Xerneas just yet though, it does after all check Blaziken who is very deadly to stall otherwise. There are some other tweaks I'd like to mention but start off with this to begin with. Good luck!
I'd have to say that I've not even taken MGar into account.
Yeah. Ho-oh's been a true annoyance to this team. I won't deny that. I'll try out Arc-Rock and see how well he fares.

I'll try out Groudon, but I kinda have to say that I only use Rocks once every tenth match in absolutely any team I ever make, so in that regard ye. But I'll try him out.

As for Palkia... Well, I'm really not sure how big fan I am of him. I agree he's a good switch in to Ogre, but it's not a safe switch to Specs Ogre. Ice Beam and Thunder from Specs Ogre 2HKOs Palkia, after all. I have considered running Gastro here instead, would that work?

Two clerics? Mkay.
Oh I didn't notice your Xerneas was a cleric too- you can opt for Wish on Chansey in that case. Wish+Softboiled on Chansey can be very flexible at times, so I'd recommended that. You should have rocks on every team, and especially on a stall team. If your opponent predicts your Palkia switch with Kyogre you have a good chance getting some Wish action with Chansey going or getting rocks up with Groudon. You can also take a respectable chunk out of Kyogre with Palkia- allowing your Chansey to handle it easily later. Speaking of Chansey- run 252 def instead of HP, this will vs support Groudon etc. Glgl
This is a pretty good stall team, however I can see a few changes that would improve it. Forst, Giratina and Aegislashs roles can be combined into 1 Pokemon, mega Scizor. This leaves you with a slot you can do almost anything with, your choice, but I would recommend focusing on type synergy at this point rather then pure bulk. Running a fully defensive set allows you to continualy check PH Xerneas, and use Defog. If you plan on using a defensive Xerneas, you're better off with Arceus-Fairy due to its higher defenses and Speed, as well as access to Recover.

Hope I helped.
Mega Scizor sadly only checks Xerneas, and after two Rocks switch-ins, my MZor get's KOd by +2 Focus Blast. I will also be unable to KO Xerneas back, even with max attack.

Oh I didn't notice your Xerneas was a cleric too- you can opt for Wish on Chansey in that case. Wish+Softboiled on Chansey can be very flexible at times, so I'd recommended that. You should have rocks on every team, and especially on a stall team. If your opponent predicts your Palkia switch with Kyogre you have a good chance getting some Wish action with Chansey going or getting rocks up with Groudon. You can also take a respectable chunk out of Kyogre with Palkia- allowing your Chansey to handle it easily later. Speaking of Chansey- run 252 def instead of HP, this will vs support Groudon etc. Glgl

Yeah, I chose Xern mainly for that reason and his typing.
That's an idea. WishBoiled.

Yeah, I do have rocks on all my teams. I just never actually use it. Unless I run SD Chomp with Rocks. I love that set.

Hm, fair enough. I'll give it the def.
saw this team used today. It basically has no way to damage heatran whatsoever. Heatran isnt lik super common but damn, a stray EQ might be useful? kinda shit when your whole is countered by one mon

oh lmao I was beaten to it nvm