[Standard] Peace NOCed down Mafia - The Bribed Win!

hmph i should have done this in my last post...

DOCTOR OCTAGONAPUS BLAAAHG!!!! Raverist until further notice

@Spiffy Raverist claimed a power role and then denied it. then he said according to Finn's logic he is a power role. until raverist comes out and explains himself im sticking with my lynch vote now for new reasons.
Personally I think there's a little to much skepticism in this thread to be honest. Pretty much every post has been off hunches, and we don't know what agenda each person has. The only real thing I believe at this point is that Raverist sounds pretty fishy. He's claiming a bunch of things, then counterclaiming, and then saying he was what he said the first time, all the while asking for no lynch vote. Sounds odd to me. And lol at the reason for suspecting alchemator. You're kidding right? xD
Active lurkers do no good to the village in this type of game except for trolling. Not saying that we lynch him yet, but if the behavior remains, it's worth considering.

Also, people's attitudes are usually more telling than role related info most of the time. If you develop good reads D1, they are probably right in the end.

Every post is based off hunches because, aside from voting patterens and behavoir, that is all we can base our lynches on. And when did Raverist claim "a bunch of things"? I think it is obvious what role he is, and he has never lied about it in any way. However, I'll stay silent for now just in case the mafia still haven't figured it out yet.

Since he hasn't posted in the thread thus far, I'll lynch Afroninja22 until he says something contributional. No one bandwagon this either.

Edited because shuckles my hero hasn't been on in two days.
Geez just cause he's inactive doesnt mean we have to lynch him yet. Have you seen Veedrock post either? I havent. Lynching is a bit strong. @Aura: Prods for inactivity would be nice though. It's too soon for one but after 36 hours if no one has posted, prod them please and thanks.

hmph i should have done this in my last post...

DOCTOR OCTAGONAPUS BLAAAHG!!!! Raverist until further notice

@Spiffy Raverist claimed a power role and then denied it. then he said according to Finn's logic he is a power role. until raverist comes out and explains himself im sticking with my lynch vote now for new reasons.
Yeah, it's pretty obvious what role Raverist has (and yes, Raverist it is a kind of powerful role, especially in a game with only 7 village roles).
There are 14 villagers, 7 of whom have a power role. It's kinda obvious what Raverist is, based on how he thinks it isnt "powerful" yet it's considerred to be a power role. You can deduce what he is without actually knowing what he is.

In the mean time I really REALLY dont like the Role-fishing from J-man. It's unwarranted at this point. Yes Raverist is being suspicious, but that's Raverist (sadly). If it continues, then we can ask for his role, but in the mean time, he lives. J-man's attitude towards everything is sketchy and I dont like that.

Lynch J-man is the best option I can see at this point. Willing to reconsider, but in my mind it's the best option.
Hmm. I am very tempted to vote J-man as well, considering how he freaked out when a lynch vote was cast against him, and all he did to defend himself was randlynch the person who posted before him. However, I would like to see his retalliation before we just bandwagon the hell out of him.
Regardless of what people see my role as, I'll have to wait it out for a bit longer. For the meantime, I'll follow on to Finn and billy's advice concurrently and hold off on lynching J-man for the time being until he gives an explanation as to lynching me.

While it is true that I might be a bit panicky over the possibility of being lynchwagoned, which in turn makes my posting a bit erratic and conflicting, it is only fair that we give the attempted convict some breathing space. I also realise that mafia/wolf might ice me n1, but such is the risk.
Every post is based off hunches because, aside from voting patterens and behavoir, that is all we can base our lynches on. And when did Raverist claim "a bunch of things"? I think it is obvious what role he is, and he has never lied about it in any way. However, I'll stay silent for now just in case the mafia still haven't figured it out yet.

Since he hasn't posted in the thread thus far, I'll lynch Afroninja22 until he says something contributional. No one bandwagon this either.

Edited because shuckles my hero hasn't been on in two days.
Well, obviously. All I'm saying is that every reason for suspecting someone is completely based on a guess and no factual evidence. Just want to keep it real. And by a bunch of things, he said one thing, then completely said the opposite of what he started out saying, and now he is in favor of no lynch. I don't think that was confusing, but idk, sounded right in my head when I wrote it lol.
I don't think undisputed is wrong. Raverist did make a contradiction but by hinting at a specific role, he's put himself in a precarious position if he's lying, so imo he shouldn't be a target for now. J-man on the other hand has consistently done some odd options, which although not concrete factual evidence, is the strongest hunch we have. guess we wait until he shows up to defend himself before any voting gets done. oh, and currently by my count (from the current bolded votes):
1 vote for spiff
3 votes for TPM
1 vote for Raverist
1 vote for Afroninja
2 votes for J-Man
and one OFFICIAL vote for No Lynch (but considering those who have not voted at all, bumps this up to 12 for no lynch)
the last bit is just for general reference, but it does point out that TPM does have the most amount of official votes when he was just joking around, which might be better use elsewhere
the thing is, i'm not sure IF we'll get anything out of j-man. he wasn't too willing to defend himself the first time (which in fairness was a your random mafia guess) but i think he'll quote voting raverist for the same reasons others aren't trusting him right now
I agree with the rest of the gang, I want j-man (for once) to open his mouth. TPM can wait, for now Billy, since If nothing else I want to get a mafia today, and TPM's wagon isnt rolling yet.
I really dont think TPM is mafia. I still dont really see it. J-man needs to be lynched and Raverist needs to use the cardflip pretty early on. I'd rather know how people are acting early game.
first off, i got kicked off the internet yesterday... Good night, i thought i made it obvious...
i voted Raverist because he claimed a power role (something like inspector, ya know what, he claimed inspector. Unless im missing something, it's not hard to deduce and it was a dumb error that Raverist wouldn't do imo.) he then denies it, as if no one saw it (not true). and then everyone goes around saying he's a power role again. Raverist hasn't explained this. Frankly that's grounds for suspicion. The worst case scenario is that we lynch an inspector who'd be worth 1 night, as the bg can't protect him while the other remains protected by him staying anonymous.

@Finn remember what happened when Thunda got lynched in lockdown II? he trolled but turned out very important...
thats a warning...

edit: my bad, i missed village card flip when reading the rules. i never knew we had one... i'll back down now considering hes worth a little bit more to the village as now i get it... i really need to get my head, ive been making too many mental mistakes lately... in this case not reading the rules...
retract vote...
how is it that i do something haphazard in every mafia game? everytime i remind myself to stay calm but i end up doing it again...
To J-man: I think that we (me/Raverist and you) are using the term "power roles" in two different meanings. You are using it as any villager who has recieved a role PM from Aura Guardian and is not just your basic vanillager. Raverist is seeing it as still having received a PM from A_G, but his role doesn't necassarily impact the game too much, which he is claiming is not a "power role". For instance, the mayor obviously got a role PM, but I wouldn't consider it to be a "power role", because it's not that great of an ability.

In regards to the J-man lynch, he has recently retracted his vote on Raverist and, as it seems to me, playing dumb. His only viable defense was how suspicious Raverist was, and now he has thrown it away. This leaves him just where he started. There is no defense, so there is no reason not to lynch him. My vote stands.
The worst case scenario is that we lynch an inspector who'd be worth 1 night, as the bg can't protect him while the other remains protected by him staying anonymous.
even though you realized that he meant cardflip instead of inspector, trying to get everyone to vote for one of two possible people who can guaruntee a person's alliance is really suspicious

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