PU Steelvally


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Silvally-Steel has a great movepool that includes a powerful STAB attack alongside good coverage as well as solid stats all-around, with base 95 Speed allowing it to outspeed a lot of the unboosted metagame. However, what really sets Silvally-Steel apart from other Silvally formes is its typing due to its resistances to STAB attacks from various common Pokemon like Ribombee, Galarian Articuno, and Whimsicott, allowing Silvally-Steel to more easily remove entry hazards, set up, or gain momentum. With its powerful physical STAB attack and great special coverage, Silvally-Steel can utilize Work Up to break through physical and special walls alike such as Quagsire, Ferroseed, and Gigalith. Its utility options like Defog and Parting Shot also make it a great glue option, being able to gain momentum and notably being the only Steel-type hazard remover. However. Silvally-Steel's inability to hold an item is a large hindrance, as it makes Silvally-Steel easier to wear down than other hazard removers like Eldegoss and Charizard and reduces its overall damage output. Finally, it is worth noting that while species clause can make for some mind games as to which Silvally forme you are using, is also somewhat limiting with the inability to use other viable Silvally formes like Silvally-Ghost and Silvally-Fairy.

name: Work Up
move 1: Work Up
move 2: Multi-Attack
move 3: Flamethrower
move 4: Grass Pledge
item: Steel Memory
ability: RKS System
nature: Naive
evs: 112 Atk / 144 SpA / 252 Spe

Work Up is Silvally-Steel's preferred setup move as its coverage pairs exceptionally well with its typing. Furthermore, it is preferred over Swords Dance due to its competition in Silvally-Ghost and Doublade having a better STAB typing and physical movepool, respectively. With 144 Special Attack EVs, Silvally-Steel's Grass Pledge 2HKOes Wishiwashi at +1 and has a chance to OHKO Quagsire, with the rest being put into Attack. Flamethrower rounds out the coverage, being able to hit Steel-types like Doublade and certain walls like Weezing. With Silvally-Steel's wide movepool, there are other options such as Rock Slide for taking out Charizard and Substitute for an easier time setting up and sweeping. As a sweeper, Silvally-Steel pairs well with wallbreakers like Vikavolt and Trevenant that can weaken defensive threats like Lanturn and Aggron, giving Silvally-Steel an easier time cleaning up the opposing team. On the other hand, Silvally-Steel can also act as a wallbreaker to open up opportunities for late-game cleaners like Ribombee and Sneasel. Entry hazards like Qwilfish's Spikes and Sandslash's Stealth Rock give Silvally-Steel an easier time sweeping and wallbreaking. Faster Pokemon like Charizard and Archeops can stop a weakened Silvally-Steel in its tracks, so checks and other means of crippling them like Gigalith and Sleep Powder Eldegoss can be helpful.

name: Utility
move 1: Multi-Attack
move 2: Parting Shot / U-turn
move 3: Defog / Toxic
move 4: Flamethrower / Toxic
item: Steel Memory
ability: RKS System
nature: Careful
evs: 252 HP / 196 SpD / 60 Spe

As an entry hazard remover, Silvally-Steel has the benefits of resisting Stealth Rock and being immune to Toxic Spikes. The given spread lets Silvally-Steel outspeed Timid Jellicent and Modest Magneton while furthering its ability to check special attackers like Ribombee and Whimsicott. While this set is often used for Defog alongside a better matchup against hazard setters like Ferroseed courtesy of Flamethrower, Toxic is another option for crippling threats like defensive Jellicent and Eldegoss. Parting Shot is able to keep momentum while also weakening the foe's attacks for your incoming Pokemon, although U-turn has the situational benefit of not triggering Galarian Articuno's Competitive, which already takes advantage of Defog. Other pivots like Wishiwashi and Vikavolt pair well with Silvally-Steel for maintaining momentum, with Wishiwashi and other walls such as Tangela and Audino forming a good defensive core. Audino is especially notable, since it can provide Silvally-Steel with some much-needed recovery with Wish and Heal Bell. Pokemon like Choice Specs Jellicent and Choice Band Sneasel appreciate Silvally-Steel's hazard removal and additional slow pivoting to give them free turns.

- Written by: [[UberSkitty, 355061]]
- Quality checked by: [[asa, 400292], [Heracross2.0, 414072]]
- Grammar checked by: [[Lumari, 232216]]
Last edited:
Silvally-Steel has a great movepool that includes a powerful STAB (mention its good coverage here.) and has solid stats all around, with 95 base Speed allowing it to outspeed a lot of the unboosted metagame. But Silvally-Steel's typing sets it apart from other Silvally forms due to its resistances to various common Pokemon like Ribombee, Galarian Articuno and Whimsicott, making Silvally-Steel able to perform well as a setup or support move user. (could probably reword this last part to say that steelvally's resistances give it increased freedom to set up, defog, or pivot.) Silvally-Steel's utility options like Defog and Parting Shot make it a great glue option, being able to gain momentum and notably being the only Steel-type hazard remover. Work Up is the chosen setup move on Silvally-Steel to take full advantage of its special coverage, with Swords Dance being preferred on Silvally-Ghost and Doublade due to them having a better STAB typing and physical movepool, respectively. (this sentence is less of an overview sentence and more of a set comments sentence + you sort of repeat it in a little. you could definitely add something about work up in place of it and maybe how the move + steelvally's coverage allow it to break through stuff steels normally struggle with, but it should probably go before the sentence about steelvally's utility options.) Silvally-Steel's inability to hold an item makes it immune to Switcheroo and Trick and weakens Knock Off, but is overall a large setback. Lack of an item makes Silvally-Steel very easy to wear down and lessen its damage output without access to items such as Heavy-Duty Boots, Leftovers, and Life Orb. This furthers its competition as a hazard remover, with others like Eldegoss and Charizard being able to hold Heavy-Duty Boots. (could probably cut down on words by saying like "lacking an item makes steelvally easier to wear down than removers like w and x and steels like y and z on top of limiting its damage output.") It is also disadvantageous compared to other Steel-types with items like Doublade's Eviolite, Togedemaru's Choice Scarf, and Aggron's Leftovers. Finally, it is notable that only one Silvally form is allowed on a team, which can be somewhat limiting. (elaborate some on this point.)

name: Work Up
move 1: Work Up
move 2: Multi-Attack
move 3: Flamethrower
move 4: Grass Pledge
item: Steel Memory
ability: RKS System
nature: Naive
evs: 112 Atk / 144 SpA / 252 Spe

Work Up is used over Swords Dance as Silvally-Steel's special coverage pairs better with its typing. With 144 Special Attack EVs, Silvally-Steel's Grass Pledge 2HKOes Wishiwashi at +1 and has a chance to OHKO Quagsire, with the rest being put into Attack. Flamethrower rounds out the coverage, being able to hit Steel-types like Doublade and certain walls like Weezing. With Silvally-Steel's wide movepool, there are other options such as Rock Slide for Charizard and Substitute for an easier time setting up and sweeping. As a sweeper, Silvally-Steel pairs well with wallbreakers like Vikavolt and Trevenant. who give it an easier time cleaning up the match. On the contrary, Silvally-Steel can also act as a wallbreaker to open up opportunities for late-game cleaners like Ribombee and Sneasel. Hazards like Qwilfish's Spikes and Sandslash's Stealth Rock give Silvally-Steel an easier time sweeping, notably raising the previously mentioned chance to OHKO Quagsire. Faster Pokemon like Charizard and Archeops can stop a weakened Silvally-Steel in its tracks, so their checks and other means of crippling like Gigalith, Knock Off Shiftry, (the other two are fine, but this one doesn't necessarily stop zard/arch from picking you off if you're weakened.) and Sleep Powder Eldegoss can be helpful.

name: Utility
move 1: Multi-Attack
move 2: Parting Shot / U-turn
move 3: Defog / Toxic
move 4: Flamethrower / Toxic
item: Steel Memory
ability: RKS System
nature: Careful
evs: 252 HP / 196 SpD / 60 Spe

The given spread lets Silvally-Steel outspeed Timid Jellicent and Modest Magneton while furthering its ability to check Special Attackers like Ribombee and Whimsicott. While this set is often used for Defog alongside Flamethrower providing a better matchup against hazard setters like Ferroseed, Toxic is another option for crippling threats. Parting Shot is able to keep momentum while also weakening the foe's attacks for your incoming Pokemon, although U-turn has the situational benefit of not triggering Galarian Articuno's Competitive, which already abuses Defog. Other pivots like Wishiwashi and Vikavolt pair well with Silvally-Steel for maintaining momentum, with Wishiwashi and other walls such as Tangela and Audino forming a good defensive core. Audino is especially notable since it can provide Silvally-Steel some much-needed recovery with Wish and Heal Bell. As a hazard remover, Silvally-Steel has the benefits of resisting Stealth Rock and being immune to Toxic Spikes. (a sentence like this either belongs in the overview or at the beginning of this section.) Pokemon like Choice Specs Jellicent and Choice Band Sneasel appreciate Silvally-Steel's hazard removal and additional slow pivoting to minimize damage taken.

- Written by: [[UberSkitty, 355061]]
- Quality checked by: [[UberSkitty, 355061], [UberSkitty, 355061]] asa, 400292
- Grammar checked by: [[UberSkitty, 355061]]
qc 1/2 :)
Comments in bold

Silvally-Steel has a great movepool that includes a powerful STAB alongside good coverage and has solid stats all around, with 95 base Speed allowing it to outspeed a lot of the unboosted metagame (like?). But Silvally-Steel's typing sets it apart from other Silvally forms due to its resistances to various common Pokemon like Ribombee, Galarian Articuno and Whimsicott, allowing Silvally-Steel to more easily remove hazards, set up, or gain momentum. With its powerful physical STAB and great special coverage, Silvally-Steel can utilize Work Up to break through both physical and special walls like Quagsire, Ferroseed, and Gigalith. Its utility options like Defog and Parting Shot make it a great glue option, being able to gain momentum and notably being the only Steel-type hazard remover. Silvally-Steel's inability to hold an item is a large hinderance as it makes Silvally-Steel easier to wear down than other hazard removers like Eldegoss and Charizard and have less damage output overall. Finally, it is notable that only one Silvally form is allowed on a team, which can supply some mind-games as to which form it is, but is also somewhat limiting with the inability to use other viable Silvally forms like Silvally-Ghost and Silvally-Fairy.

name: Work Up
move 1: Work Up
move 2: Multi-Attack
move 3: Flamethrower
move 4: Grass Pledge
item: Steel Memory
ability: RKS System
nature: Naive
evs: 112 Atk / 144 SpA / 252 Spe

Work Up is Silvally-Steel's preferred setup move as its coverage pairs exceptionally well with its typing. Furthermore, it is preferred over Swords Dance due to competition in Silvally-Ghost and Doublade due to them having a better STAB typing and physical movepool, respectively. With 144 Special Attack EVs, Silvally-Steel's Grass Pledge 2HKOes Wishiwashi at +1 and has a chance to OHKO Quagsire, with the rest being put into Attack. Flamethrower rounds out the coverage, being able to hit Steel-types like Doublade and certain walls like Weezing. With Silvally-Steel's wide movepool, there are other options such as Rock Slide for Charizard and Substitute for an easier time setting up and sweeping. As a sweeper, Silvally-Steel pairs well with wallbreakers like Vikavolt and Trevenant. who give it an easier time cleaning up the match (what exactly do Vikavolt and Trevenant break that can help Steelvally sweep?). On the contrary, Silvally-Steel can also act as a wallbreaker to open up opportunities for late-game cleaners like Ribombee and Sneasel. Hazards like Qwilfish's Spikes and Sandslash's Stealth Rock give Silvally-Steel an easier time sweeping, notably raising the previously mentioned chance to OHKO Quagsire (Quagsire commonly runs Boots so either specify Knock Off support or choose a mon that doesn't run Boots that Steelvally can OHKO at +1 after Rocks, like Gigalith). Faster Pokemon like Charizard and Archeops can stop a weakened Silvally-Steel in its tracks, so their checks and other means of crippling like Gigalith and Sleep Powder Eldegoss can be helpful.

name: Utility
move 1: Multi-Attack
move 2: Parting Shot / U-turn
move 3: Defog / Toxic
move 4: Flamethrower / Toxic
item: Steel Memory
ability: RKS System
nature: Careful
evs: 252 HP / 196 SpD / 60 Spe (move 4 HP EVs to SpD)

As a hazard remover, Silvally-Steel has the benefits of resisting Stealth Rock and being immune to Toxic Spikes. The given spread lets Silvally-Steel outspeed Timid Jellicent and Modest Magneton while furthering its ability to check Special Attackers like Ribombee and Whimsicott. While this set is often used for Defog alongside Flamethrower providing a better matchup against hazard setters like Ferroseed, Toxic is another option for crippling threats (like?). Parting Shot is able to keep momentum while also weakening the foe's attacks for your incoming Pokemon, although U-turn has the situational benefit of not triggering Galarian Articuno's Competitive, which already abuses Defog. Other pivots like Wishiwashi and Vikavolt pair well with Silvally-Steel for maintaining momentum, with Wishiwashi and other walls such as Tangela and Audino forming a good defensive core. Audino is especially notable since it can provide Silvally-Steel some much-needed recovery with Wish and Heal Bell. Pokemon like Choice Specs Jellicent and Choice Band Sneasel appreciate Silvally-Steel's hazard removal and additional slow pivoting to minimize damage taken (change this to "give them free turns").

- Written by: [[UberSkitty, 355061]]
- Quality checked by: [[asa, 400292], [Heracross2.0, 414072]]
- Grammar checked by: [[UberSkitty, 355061]]

QC 2/2!

remove add / fix (comments); (AC=add comma; RC=remove comma; SC=semicolon)
GP 1/1
GP Team done
Silvally-Steel has a great movepool that includes a powerful STAB attack alongside good coverage and has as well as solid stats all-around, (AH) with base 95 base Speed allowing it to outspeed a lot of the unboosted metagame. But Silvally-Steel's typing However, what really sets it Silvally-Steel apart from other Silvally forms formes is its typing due to its resistances to STAB attacks from various common Pokemon like Ribombee, Galarian Articuno, (AC) and Whimsicott, allowing Silvally-Steel to more easily remove entry hazards, set up, or gain momentum. With its powerful physical STAB attack and great special coverage, Silvally-Steel can utilize Work Up to break through both physical and special walls like alike such as Quagsire, Ferroseed, and Gigalith. Its utility options like Defog and Parting Shot also make it a great glue option, being able to gain momentum and notably being the only Steel-type hazard remover. However, Silvally-Steel's inability to hold an item is a large hinderance hindrance, (AC) as it makes Silvally-Steel easier to wear down than other hazard removers like Eldegoss and Charizard and have less reduces its overall damage output overall. Finally, it is notable worth noting that only one Silvally form is allowed on a team, which while Species Clause can supply make for some mind games (AH) as to which form it is Silvally forme you are using, but is also somewhat limiting with the inability to use other viable Silvally forms formes like Silvally-Ghost and Silvally-Fairy.

name: Work Up
move 1: Work Up
move 2: Multi-Attack
move 3: Flamethrower
move 4: Grass Pledge
item: Steel Memory
ability: RKS System
nature: Naive
evs: 112 Atk / 144 SpA / 252 Spe

Work Up is Silvally-Steel's preferred setup move, (AC) as its coverage pairs exceptionally well with its typing. Furthermore, it is preferred over Swords Dance due to its competition in Silvally-Ghost and Doublade due to them having a better STAB typing and physical movepool, respectively. With 144 Special Attack EVs, Silvally-Steel's Grass Pledge 2HKOes Wishiwashi at +1 and has a chance to OHKO Quagsire, with the rest being put into Attack. Flamethrower rounds out the coverage, being able to hit Steel-types like Doublade and certain walls like Weezing. With Silvally-Steel's wide movepool, there are other options such as Rock Slide for taking out Charizard and Substitute for an easier time setting up and sweeping. As a sweeper, Silvally-Steel pairs well with wallbreakers like Vikavolt and Trevenant that can weaken defensive threats like Lanturn and Aggron, giving Silvally-Steel an easier time cleaning up the match opposing team. On the contrary other hand, Silvally-Steel can also act as a wallbreaker to open up opportunities for late-game cleaners like Ribombee and Sneasel. Entry hazards like Qwilfish's Spikes and Sandslash's Stealth Rock give Silvally-Steel an easier time sweeping and wallbreaking. Faster Pokemon like Charizard and Archeops can stop a weakened Silvally-Steel in its tracks, so their checks and other means of crippling them like Gigalith and Sleep Powder Eldegoss can be helpful.

name: Utility
move 1: Multi-Attack
move 2: Parting Shot / U-turn
move 3: Defog / Toxic
move 4: Flamethrower / Toxic
item: Steel Memory
ability: RKS System
nature: Careful
evs: 252 HP / 196 SpD / 60 Spe

As an entry hazard remover, Silvally-Steel has the benefits of resisting Stealth Rock and being immune to Toxic Spikes. The given spread lets Silvally-Steel outspeed Timid Jellicent and Modest Magneton while furthering its ability to check special attackers like Ribombee and Whimsicott. While this set is often used for Defog alongside Flamethrower providing a better matchup against hazard setters like Ferroseed courtesy of Flamethrower, Toxic is another option for crippling threats like defensive Jellicent and Eldegoss. Parting Shot is able to keep momentum while also weakening the foe's attacks for your incoming Pokemon, although U-turn has the situational benefit of not triggering Galarian Articuno's Competitive, which already abuses takes advantage of Defog. Other pivots like Wishiwashi and Vikavolt pair well with Silvally-Steel for maintaining momentum, with Wishiwashi and other walls such as Tangela and Audino forming a good defensive core. Audino is especially notable, (AC) since it can provide Silvally-Steel with some much-needed recovery with Wish and Heal Bell. Pokemon like Choice Specs Jellicent and Choice Band Sneasel appreciate Silvally-Steel's hazard removal and additional slow pivoting to give them free turns.

- Written by: [[UberSkitty, 355061]]
- Quality checked by: [[asa, 400292], [Heracross2.0, 414072]]
- Grammar checked by: [[UberSkitty, 355061]]