StreetPKMN+Mimic Glitch server live!

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And there still isn't a good reason why Gengar, Skarm, Scizor and Swampert are banned. And why Reshiram and Latios are still out there. :/
The server hasn't been down long at all...It simply changed names (just look for Mimic Glitch or MimicGlitch and I technically can't keep the same 100% name all the time because of PO's registry system) and the regulars play modded because it's so much better than gen 5 street.

I also haven't checked this topic in a LONG time. The server has people coming into it daily (including regulars I really like), there just was never any activity in this thread.
Captain, just saying the server has been down for a long time or i couldn't find it on my list or something which is odd.

Just wondering when you will be back.

Wait till the server gets up, and join it if you see streetpkmn or mimicglitch pkmn on your po list.
I could probably grab the download link for the DB when it gets back up.
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