I see where you're coming from, but don't think myself that it would be worth implementing: not only do pastebin/notepad (and even more convenient things like piratepad) exist, but you can make pseudo-notes by pm-ing them to yourself (/w yourname, message)A Notes Tab
All three of these questions prompted me to suggest this.
- Have you ever been in a battle, and you lost because of something that you forgot?
- Has there ever been that moment where there's something that'd you like to jot down? Perhaps you're fighting a team with Zoroark, and you want to jot down its gender and item to remember if it's Zoroark.
- Have you ever wanted to remember a specific calc mid-battle for future battles / later on in the battle?
Here's how it works:
Pros & Cons:
- You can press a button mid-battle OR in your teambuilder to store notes. You'll have the ability to save your notes, which would be stored in your cookies as your teams are. If you do not save them, the notes will disappear after you leave a battle (and it expires!) or close your tab / window.
- You'd be able to type a maximum of 500 characters, since notes shouldn't be essays.
- Whenever you press the appropriate button for notes, it will load the all saved notes (they'd be clickable, so you can load them as fast your Internet wants you to) and your current one.
- Opponents and spectators cannot see your notes, of course (unless you copy/paste them for some reason lol).
- If you delete your cookies / clear your history, your notes will be gone because that's where they're stored!
Pros -
Cons -
- A quick, easy way to store notes about a team or game.
- It's user friendly, and unless PS! fucks up somehow, you're safe to have your notes stored.
- You can remember things easily.
About the whole "Notepad exists!..." thing, it's built in to Showdown, so it's a bit more convenient than having to go to a completely separate tab or window.
- If you clear your history or whatever, your notes are long gone!
- There are existing things like this (Notepad, Pastebin, etc.); it's just that this would be built in to PS!.
why does this sound like some commercial or ad lmao
Considering how many queries I see about deleted teams, I'd trust things like pastebin/ppad more for important things (these services also aren't restricted to a certain device, while PS notes would be), and don't see how PM-ing yourself and/or piratepad don't solve the convenience problem.
I get how this could be more user friendly than pm-ing yourself, but unless the button obnoxiously jumped out at you it probably would still be missed by many, and the deleted teams/cookies concerns and that-device restriction hamper the user-friendliness of such an idea further.