Suspect SV AAA Suspect #14: Zamazenta

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Reqs were a little rusty, ngl, i haven't played this tier that much since dnite has been banned due to lack of time.Imma say this tho: I don't really like zama.Ladder is full of prankster dbon pecha due to the fact that this tier is currently a ho hellhole, used screens a few matches and legit lost one time cuz someone ran brick break gambit.That's not normal to me.As other folks have mentioned, i think we should a look at light clay and even weakness policy if i'm being honest with y'all.

Used a bunch of teams from this thread, and i also built this one: (stolen lando set)
Screen Shot 2024-11-20 at 4.00.04 PM.png

Lost a few rough games near the end but we made it there eventually.

:ogerpon-hearthflame: :zapdos: :corviknight: :great tusk: :swampert: :scream tail:

Pretty normal balance with bulky pivots to get in strong wallbreakers, dual weather because it beats opposing weather into the ground, a catch-all zama check in fluffy tusk (that still loses to like, 3 zama sets), and scream tail because I can't stop using that mon, boomburst is an addiction.

Zama wasn't an issue in this climb because most people don't build it to counterplay the meta, but I'll tell you right now this team has checks to nearly every zama set and still pretty much instantly loses to soundproof ironpress if zapdos gets chipped at all. This thing gets to pick and choose its checks in a way I don't think is healthy. Voting Ban for sure.
24-2, used a team by racool i wont share but feel free to ask her instead if shes in a good mood

zama isnt broken but its still unhealthy, most teams can beat its sets but needing multiple mons or an all-encompassor like intim pecha is p dumb, its also simultaneously the 2nd fastest mon just behind deo-s which i have my own gripes on. saying the tier is a ho fest is wrong, theyre just cheese and reliant on a lack of set/mu knowledge - both teams i lost to were balance or bulky offense structures and i mustve played like 10 ho teams.

honestly tho the real issue is the immunity roulette this tier has like its getting ridiculous, it made this run significantly less enjoyable. 5/10 experience, at least its not an ou tier
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I have been a part of the OM community for a long while now, but I had never been interested in AAA by any amount to be honest.
I decided to give it a shot during this suspect. It was my first time playing AAA *ever* so that means I could use my main account to qualify for suspect lol.
The ladder was fun, though the team I was using was probably funniest. After a few loses learning the threats and ladder, and baring a few hax losses, the team was absolutely busted, it was a warcrime and it was the funniest HO team I have ever used. Obviously, a magnificent team could not come from no other than mr Ivar57 (thanks for giving me the team).

It is an understatement to say the team was busted, it is beyind busted, and while ivar gave me permision to make it public, I am deciding to not do so just so u are scared of his team.

Now, about the suspect. I might be crazy but I dont find zama that overwhelming. It is a good win condition but I very rarely see it autowin on preview. I had a zama on the team I was using and it very few times made a difference, rather making progress using other mons.
That said, I do see the point of it being broken, I would love some AAA sage to talk with me so I can make a more informed opinion.

AAA itself was kinda fun, quick paced ladder and it was generally fun. I will maybe continue playing on my own in the future.


Hey I know its a lotta loses, but to be fair it was my first time playing AAA. Also once I learnt I lost much less and I did much better vs high ladder rather than low ladder. Here is a previous screenshot.

Thanks for reading,
Have a nice day


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used this sick ass ho team by Glory lead minior is fucking awesome

i could go either way on zama tbh. just using it and playing against it myself, it did feel decently overwhelming into non-pecha structures, and imo fluffy tusk is kinda fake into idbp even if you're like bulk up. mons also super fast for its bulk, like this guy cannot be revenged by anyone bar like scarf ghold and deo, but there is pecha and that basically shuts down everything it can ever do. im prob ban leaning but i might change my mind later
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used this sick ass ho team by Glory lead minior is fucking awesome

i could go either way on zama tbh. just using it and playing against it myself, it did feel decently overwhelming into non-pecha structures, and imo fluffy tusk is kinda fake into idbp even if you're like bulk up. mons also super fast for its bulk, like this guy cannot be revenged by anyone bar like scarf ghold and deo, but there is pecha and that basically shuts down everything it can ever do. im prob ban leaning but i might change my mind later
You're the person I almost reported omg I'm still SO sorry for misreading your name
Very new to the format.
Every game I played was with the same team and I didn't really struggle with Zamazenta at all, granted I was using a Pecharunt + Corviknight (and Zapdos) core. I didn't really find him any close to broken but I accidentaly had a very good line up against him. I am not confident in this evaluation as I am obviously not too well versed, but looking at the VR and some common team structures I understand where the problem may lie. I will go with DO NOT BAN, but I don't really know.

New to joining suspect tests, but I hope this is valid (idk what command lets me see the stats yall are using lol).
Anyways, what da dog doin.

I fought quite a few of them, but all of them choiced and thus just bouncing off the corviknight. Well, doing 30 to 40 is hardly bouncing off but its close enough. Fluffy can likely handle it better, but that also has its problems.

But in general, I dislike it in the tier for a few reasons. 1. it's very fast for how bulky and strong it is. 2. if you want to reliably beat it you need to run specific cores that are pretty exploitable in the teambuilder. For instance the classic Scream Tail, Fluffy Corv and Pecharunt leaves you with 3 defensive mons that can't handle strong spechial attackers. This is fixable by adding a regen vest mon but now you're getting awfully close to playing semi stall just to not have your team instantly fall apart against the Dog. Even if you have an intimidate corv into sor scarf you can still get chipped into range fairly easily. (example rocks up and catching u-turn with a iron barbs rocky helment mon) This seems rather techy but can win games against many matchups on ladder, esp since corv u-turn is prob the most clicked move on ladder atm.

I vote ban.

Though maybe this will bring rise to a lot more ho teams, due to zamazenta sor scarf being one of their biggest obstacles.

As for my team, it started as a joke of trying to use my gen 8 aaa team in gen 9. After some slight changing (due to double regen being banned) I had this, and it put in good work. The Hero with no cape here is very much counter swampert. It's not flashy and maybe a little cheesy but it saved my ass a bunch of times.
New to joining suspect tests, but I hope this is valid (idk what command lets me see the stats yall are using lol).
The original post in the thread tells you all the requirements, and it has a link to the list of valid suspect voters. Since you're not on the list, that means your account had AAA games before the suspect test was posted. Unfortunately, that means you'll need to redo your reqs on another account. For reference, here are the requirements (you can read the first post in this thread to find them):
Create a new account on PS. You do not have to follow any specific naming convention, but your suspect account must have never played a game in Almost Any Ability before this suspect test went up or you will not receive valid requirements (resetting W/L does not count for this - the account you use must never have played Almost Any Ability before the test, full stop.)
At any point on your new account, use the command /linksmogon on Pokemon Showdown! You will receive instructions on what to do once you run this command.

Double check that you're listed as a voter! If you aren't listed as a voter despite having valid reqs, please contact KaenSoul, Giagantic, Isaiah or a member of staff. If you have any questions about this new process, feel free to PM me or post here!

The requirement to vote in this suspect test is a COIL value of 2850. The deadline for getting requirements will be Sunday, November 24th @ 11:59 GMT -5.
Still unsure on what to vote but leaning towards No Ban for now because the checks zama forces into your teambuilder are just good pokemon and you don't mind having them on your team regardless of zama.
However this suspect goes, there's a certain Fire type who should definitely be next
Not sure if we have to post reqs but here:

Screenshot 2024-11-21 211715.png

Personally voting for ban, just dont like spamming corv or pecha on every team, dont think the mon is too tough on teambuilding but the metagame would be healther with it gone. However I would like to see a suspect of a certain dancing fire bug next
Vote: DNB
This was my first time ever laddering for AAA and honestly I don't see why Zama should be banned. I ran into more screen + volc than anything else. In fact, my only 2 losses were from screens + volc on the EARLY LADDER. I used 2 different Zama teams and still had to pull out every stop to shut down screens. BAN SCREENS/CLAY
Screenshot 2024-11-22 at 1.18.36 AM.png
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Re-Posting despite having already posted to say that I have changed from Ban to Do Not Ban. I just realized that in spite of it's speed Zamazenta's power isn't especially great, most teams will remain relatively unchanged in spite of it leaving. Frankly in terms of power, there are many fighting types / physical orientated mons with better stats to deal flat damage with band sets whilst having better coverage options (Iron Hands, Slither Wing, etc...). The ID press set whilst scary has been coped with more then reasonable enough and it is unable to break / is hard pressed to break many things in the meta without sacrificing coverage to hit another, meaning it can never actually hit all it's checks regardless of set.

Fundamentally I just found my teams had all been reasonably prepped for it, able to cycle either of Zamazenta's sets. It is scary, but so are many things in the meta and that isn't really enough justification for me to ban it. So, yeah, DNB now.

PS blame Glory for my change of heart.
Re-Posting despite having already posted to say that I have changed from Do Not Ban to Ban. I just realized that thanks to it's speed Zamazenta's power is backed up by a great speed tier, most teams will heavily change due to it leaving. Frankly in terms of power, there are,'t many fighting types / physical orientated mons with better stats to deal flat damage that have a better speed which makes it have a very strong niche. This also adds up with the ability to make impossible tocounter it by physical counteroffensives. The ID press set is very scary and has been coped with more then reasonable enough and it is unable to break / is hard pressed to break many things in the meta without sacrificing coverage to hit another, meaning it can control its checks and counters and forces players to run several checks at the same time, reducing teambuilding freedom.

Fundamentally I just found my teams had all been reasonably prepped for it, able to cycle either of Zamazenta's sets. That is probably because it is such a fundamental and strong mon that I have developed the habbit to add 3 checks at the very least, making it not feel as scary as it is. There is really enough justification for me to ban it. So, yeah, Ban now.

PS blame Ivar57 and Betticus IV for my change of heart.

Not the greatest run, cycled through various random teams because I was too lazy to cteam ladder but what works, works. My thoughts on Zama are outlined in detail in my post in the main thread which I hope you'd give a read but that's unlikely so I'll take some excerpts to summarise why I'll most likely be voting Do Not Ban on Zamazenta because I am lazy and it is late!

> A Zama ban would really entail would be to serve as a catalyst for further bans, its speed and defensive utility is important in maintaining the offensive pace of the meta, checking dangerous threats like Chien-Pao and Roaring Moon.

> It's my view that a core cause to this to the general sense of stagnation in structures is not primarily due to the pressure from the offensive mons (like Zamazenta) present but due to the limitations of the dex we are given and that even if we ban these offensive mons that structures will still remain mostly stagnant (people will still use the top mons Corv, Tusk, Ghold, Regenvests, etc* a lot and the niche gimmicky sets a little bit around these core mons as the meta optimises over time and we'll just get bored again).

> "De-offensing" the meta by banning all the "fast, strong guys" (Zama -> Pao -> RMoon) will not even lower the offensive floor as it simply opens the door for many other slower threats (Pons, other Fighting types, Ghosts, etc*)

> Fluffy and Pecharunt are two very big things that already check Zama quite well but I've never had the experience that "I'm forced" into those archetypes either to deal with Zama, sure Intimidate Corv or some fat Tusk is weaker but it's still more than do-able with those mons and just a decent Fighting resist/immunity (Scream-Tail, defensive Moltres, Gholdengo, Ceruledge, etc*), and loading 2 soft checks to something sometimes when you want isn't any indication it's broken. If you want an example there's berry's w2 game utilising Intim Corv and some soft-checks (that were good anyway) and it was a clean sweep and a lot of these Intim Corv just leverage it and some other random resists, and Glory also has good examples with Regen Tusk. Also I'm mainly talking about CB/SoR variants because IDBP is ass.

> On IDBP I don't believe that IDBP is meaningfully awful as a fish. I went through my own memory and can't find a single tournament win, with the 4 (or 5) examples when it was brought ALL being losses. Here's Binacle Pinnacle vs Kinetic and QT vs Kinetic (for some reason people like using IDBP against Kinetic lmao). These uses were in OMPL and AAAPL respectfully, before when this craze was going on so you can hardly say people are "hard prepping" for it, there's also DFM vs O1 and Nashrock vs Glory. I find it a bit absurd people keep on bringing up Soundproof Zama even though the set is awful and no one actually has ever used the thing. Wow you beat STail. That's basically it. You don't even beat Pecha since it beats you not by PShotting but by clicking the damaging move. You can always fish in theory with some moveset and ability but the relevance is questionable.
Hi I was originally gonna make a rly big diatribe of a post, and get reqs but I don't have time for either, so here's a small one on why I'm DNB.
(I tried to get reqs last week with some random uu teams and I wasn't good enough sorry. Also also if turned out I made a big diatribe anyways forgive me)

The jist of it is I think it's a pretty healthy because band sets are the only good ones and idbp sets suck

idbp are mufish nonsense, but not the good kind. It's way worse in practice. Can't come in early game at all lest you get knocked/chipped/info reveal. Desperately is trying to fit multiple abilities and like 6 different moves, and different ev spreads. All the while the techs you do go for don't necessarily save you vs the mons that check you, and there's a good amount of mons that just win regardless. Scarf Scream/Lati/Azelf/Deos/Ghold, lower tier random fight resists like lando/primarina/cress etc, and pecharunt all own you regardless. Trust me, very little gets past pech in practice and this goes for all sets, but idbp is less useful in other situations. It's not like you suddenly beat Zapdos just because you have stone edge (also needs max attack invest). This is not effective mu fish, unlike ghold/volcarona/rmoon sets. <- seriously use these guys they are way better and more evil

Band is easily the best set, and the only rly good one. Stab band CC has always been a presence in aaa, but ppl have forgotten to prep for it until recent. Technically every other fighting is better at pure progress bcz of their second stab. This set is genuinely good, but not broken idt. It's mainly good vs offense, but gets worse into the fatter balances. So much so that its somewhat fallen off a bit. It's mainly an anti offense Mon, and good for adding a viable alternative option to offensively check some other demons in the tier, without overlapping in niche (and thus getting overshadowed by,) tusk unlike all the other fighters. Offense isn't screwed either though, as ones packing fluffy tusk or pecharunt are super chill into it, and offenses also often pack deo/ceruledge/scream etc. The balances with corv/tusk/ghold/Zapdos/Moltres/scream all on the same team put this Mon in hell, and you rly need to earn your progress vs those. It's main function in those mu's is endgame cleaning, putting pressure for double switch's, and primarily it's role is to check and scare out the the chien pao/meow/whatever on said balance team. Obligatory pecharunt mention, puts band in hell. Crunch doesn't even crack 50 vs the prankster Mon and it's hard to effectively double switch vs pecharunt. Pech is the most consistent defense Mon in the tier imo and sees crazy usage bcuz of it.

Howl 3a sets are cool, but mostly fall in the realm of scouting, and trying to catch a certain trend. They have their own issues and still fundamentally giving up one of 4 attacks you do need. Only band can actually fit the moves it needs. These are pretty cool though as they can switch into knock much better than band or idbp.

This Mon isn't even very impressive on screens, which is what pushes stuff like volcarona over the edge. Alot of the mons still beat it behind screens lol.

This is just a trending mon rn, and I'd rather ban like chien pao (fuck this guy) or something. I think its better vs offense which is a good thing. Mons rly rly good don't get me wrong but I think it's mostly as a strong button + speed control + statstick, rather than as it's function of a progress maker. However i sympathize with anyone who wants things banned.
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Not everyone has voted yet, but the result won't change. (voting will stay open until the deadline)

Zamazenta will remain legal in Almost Any Ability!

Thank you to all participants. If you have 10 tiering votes across multiple tiers and qualify for the Tiering Contributor badge as a result, you may PM me or another Tier Leader with the links to all of your votes.
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