Monotype SV Monotype Cup I - Round 2

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Beautiful art by Swiffix
Round 2 co-hosted with ken

Welcome to the second Monotype Cup and the first official SV Cup! Whether you're a veteran with something to prove or a newbie looking for your breakout, I wish you the best of luck.

This is a single elimination tournament & bo3!

>>Monotype Cup Playoffs Tracker<<

Standard Rules and Clauses
  • Baton Pass Clause: Baton pass is banned​
  • Same Type Clause: Pokémon in a team must share a type.​
  • Sleep Clause Mod: Limit one foe put to sleep​
  • Species Clause: Limit one of each Pokémon​
  • OHKO Clause: OHKO moves are banned​
  • Moody Clause: Moody is banned​
  • Evasion Moves Clause: Evasion moves are banned​
  • Endless Battle Clause: Forcing endless battles is banned​
  • HP Percentage Mod: HP is shown in percentages​
  • Terastal Clause: Prevents Pokémon from Terastallizing​

  1. Identity: I expect many battles to be completed under alts. This can be bad for tournament security, and thus I will make this clear: If I hear any whispers of identity theft (battling as someone you are not) or proxy battling (helping someone else battle through pm) I will not be pleased and I will take severe actions.​
  2. Scouting: Next, I do not want to hear anything about counterteaming, at all. Do not complain about it. I also don't want to hear about any blatant scouting. There is a difference between "[user] is known for using Fire-type" and "let me follow [user] around all day to watch all his battles since I am his opponent". I expect a lot of the former and none of the latter. I give permission to all battlers to ask any person spectating their battle to leave if they do not want them watching. Everyone will have access to your replays from earlier rounds though.​
  3. Timer Clause: As for taking long between moves, if your opponent asks you to hurry up, please oblige. If you are doing a damage calc for a key turn that is one thing, but prolonging every move is suspicious and annoying. Don't do it. Furthermore, Battle Timeout is a rule for a reason. If you run out of time, you lose, simple as that. It does not matter what your opponent says. Do not battle if you think you will have to leave mid battle, and instead reschedule for a better time.​
  4. Disconnections: Finally, in the case of a disconnect, the decision is in the hands of the player who did not disconnect. The options are: redo the battle move for move, redo the battle with the same teams but different moves, or redo the battle with completely different teams. If the battle was without a doubt over, they may also take the win. Any suspicion that a disconnect was committed on purpose to redo a match may be appealed to me, and if I feel this happened there will be severe consequences, don't do it.​
That aside, feel free to get back to me in the Monotype discord server if you still have any questions regarding this tournament (or the Monotype Cup in general) after reading this post!

DugZa  vs  Nnkd
Saydex26 [*DNP]  vs  A-drago destroyer
Lennart  vs  KrateKit
icedspectere  vs  Irene-2002
cedebi [*DNP]  vs  Finding_A_Username
Spooky77  vs  BBones
piitaa22  vs  goatdolphin
Timedout10  vs  Nunchuck
King Billu  vs  Failbor
Keahi  vs  angelthesaucegod
Sailorgreatest  vs  ReverseHavoc
Mongolo  vs  bortshrimpson
azog8  vs  Crinchley
Wtw_austin  vs  Toy Time King
MythicXD  vs  Booty
wkxkevin  vs  henguinie
LOL1015  vs  Draylink
Insector84  vs  MugiwaraLux
wlve tha goat  vs  TeeZwo
Kev  vs  DragoSams
dopejay  vs  Dj Breloominati♬
Frijoles  vs  pokemonking12345
Silveruby  vs  BigSpinach
SirSkit  vs  Sceptile1450
Ario1072004  vs  CremFresh
BidoofChad  vs  Letmeactuallyplay
Teclasate  vs  Sir santio
Angrypoppy  vs  yemyemyem
BananaBroSHSID  vs  HeithemSeptim
roxie  vs  P4bl00
tier  vs  DAHLI
LK Ka'ena 21  vs  jeza.p
Mihowk  vs  Mesif
SpectralThief  vs  Huargensy
King Choco  vs  cpt.kraken
Some Thug  vs  Duet
Jacataca37  vs  Tree69420
dapperkid  vs  Iranupagoat
black_note  vs  Quantum Tesseract
EpicMr.L  vs  RileyManny
Blueberryboss [*DNP]  vs  ThePeasent
TheSnickerMan [*DNP]  vs  killahaseo
Sae  vs  tMoi
hasbo  vs  MultiPokemon
M177013  vs  trainer m.tucker
Xsteven16  vs  divinereaper202
Salsathefirst  vs  IcyTheFox
Gochan  vs  giove97
SBAP  vs  Shokkking
Azluc On Top  vs  style.css
Just A Wind Spirit  vs  JT’s Idol
TandemTCG  vs  Arcanine1929
Pengairxan  vs  Pizzita
Pedri_n8  vs  RHcks
Fight3r m@n  vs  dunoks
hepland  vs  team tapus
GamingSkyZ  vs  XSTATIC COLD
MoonEevee  vs  DaMooster
TL The Legend  vs  Fragments
The1ULuv2H8  vs  Sayorus
Rinda  vs  yedla
maara024  vs  Staxi
ArkenCiel  vs  Indi01
Viocyber  vs  halaman95
Dorron  vs  ASKid679
Eulelp  vs  Thoutmoisis
Dorklyshuckle  vs  Xecrome
Meta  vs  OliveJuice25
MatLaTomate  vs  Super eevee
Iexsistlol  vs  wholeneww
GigaLucario37  vs  Reddo161
Xiri  vs  matrega
Mister McLovin  vs  sasha
Aixayah  vs  Neko
engn4  vs  TrappTea
ANI_XD  vs  spiritbind
Goro Yagami  vs  Plunder
velvet  vs  cdkw
TREEBARK101  vs  Indian weavile
diegoblu  vs  Ilpo
Pepelino  vs  DYA (Extension)
QuinnXD  vs  Cielau
Timtamtube  vs  Showl
GLH  vs  Fuhrh
Drifting  vs  Sificon
Ronman5  vs  Cyberan
cicepece11  vs  Spectrum_725
Sylveon used calm mind  vs  MNagi
Raúl.ibor  vs  RoronoaAries
bababoii  vs  Jojo8868
LuxTea226  vs  NotLindeza
KyszeK  [*DNP] vs  Plastic_hand
CatDude55  [*DNP] vs  YEETUS092
zIcarus  [*DNP] vs  TheMagikKarp
Starfox.  [*DNP] vs  spicyman
paolode99 [*DNP]  vs  garfmint
CalebbYessir  vs  Realblazing [*DNP]
Rex Slayer [*DNP]  vs  gohxty
UnfunnyValentine  [*DNP] vs  bilgurt
MZ  [*DNP] vs  Jung3
Captain Funk  [*DNP] vs  Ineedmoney
Corperate n [*DNP]  vs  White77779
Eldebosser  [*DNP] vs  DreamPrince
Eeveekid10  [*DNP] vs  txitxas
i like using ditto [*DNP]  vs  Cherbou
eyoadjklnboe  [*DNP] vs  Loki7278
Iranagsen  vs  you're a clod sire
zushika chas  [*DNP] vs  Sankoer23
big the cat_123 vs  jfarias84 [*DNP]
TDR  [*DNP] vs  Demi199
Sans45910  [*DNP] vs  Sytry
Twig1522  vs  AnotherMadell [*DNP]
Ara  vs  jackuzzler
jiminy biscuitt  [*DNP] vs  ordja
Chaitanya  vs  paopuu
No Luck No Life  [*DNP] vs  MrSlayr
neumann2  [*DNP] vs  Notsmogn
BuilderBe  vs  RoyalReloaded [*DNP]
Benny Voice  vs  mr.slimeking [*DNP]
Dragon Expert Soma  vs  kaipro
ikiarihS  vs  userawesome_
PikaCookiePlayz  vs  Giyu [*DNP]
Eveepokemon08  [*DNP] vs  Portobello
PrinceofUnderworld  [*DNP] vs  Quanxi_irl
MackDad456  [*DNP] vs  IronScraps
Criminal1202  [*DNP] vs  DMPenguin
Hooftx  vs  Scholar
omjithb  vs  lol_man1234512 [*DNP]
SpaceSpeakers  vs  WhiteQueen [*DNP]
crashy  vs  Darkmega5
Jackalope414  [*DNP] vs  I_Am_Wrenellen
Horodro  [*DNP] vs  Klopple
neymar X  vs  Prof.Otaku
Cristian Jimenez  vs  Roxanner
moomlight  vs  VibrantCheese
Spaintakula  vs  bigasschungusboi [*DNP]
Gal ABI  vs  maroon [*DNP]
MrSpeede  [*DNP] vs  Rabzzz
T0uma  [*DNP] vs  Zelda<3
Floss  vs  Felines
mr bulb  vs  gorex [*DNP]
whiteboiric  vs  TheRandomEnma [*DNP]
Trouser Snakes  vs  iGuyot
Torron70 [*DNP]  vs  jb291
AJ Time  vs  GotCookies [*DNP]
Seki  [*DNP] vs  Desty Westy
Ectoplasmick  vs  Abdul69420
juleocesar  [*DNP] vs  Bu11seye
Fraolain  vs  vitt98_
MrZero11111  vs  Dieu Amphibien [*DNP]
OhSlimee  vs  Yeoka
JorgeNanf  vs  Yveltyy [*DNP]
WhatTheOink  vs  Rasmuth [*DNP]
Tinkatooni  vs  Elyoss
rex79  vs  Dyldog101 [*DNP]
Mudkipz87 [*DNP]  vs  theluki0909
somebody says hi  [*DNP] vs  pas_touchao
Toadow  vs  TheSerotoninVibes
VeryKooked  [*DNP] vs  supernooper
Manan999  vs  CrossHeart
NinjaMeerkat  vs  TheArchitect_ [*DNP]
Azick  [*DNP] vs  Cute pink sheep
pro66iu  vs  Brimbordur [*DNP]
Soul390(SJF/FJS)  vs  DragonPhoenix333
Turtwigthe1  [*DNP] vs  HeyyoHex
kythr  vs  pipisfanclub
dmbros  vs  RIP Urshifu [*DNP]
BigFatMantis  [*DNP] vs  What should by name be?
Lesmurii  vs  luisin
Brammi  vs  Tarre25
Thijs12  [*DNP] vs  Pakiiipfc
YourPalAdam  [*DNP] vs  Cornflex42
Claumer  vs  Swiffix [*DNP]
KrisKiwii  vs  hater
Lady Salamence  [*DNP] vs  avezl1
cynthiasteamsolosu  [*DNP] vs  MathX021
khmerougegaming  [*DNP] vs  Treantomologist
pichus  vs  TTTech
sqrtof15 [*DNP]  vs  SharSlayer101
MOHAMEDALL  vs  KeldeoCrowned
TheWyvernKing  [*DNP] vs  Poluk
Leru  [*DNP] vs  Unovya
TogeSwepper  vs  PuddingConPasas
Leafium Z  vs  Pokémaniac13
Inder [*DNP]  vs  Central V
Alexander IV  vs  Elfuseon [*DNP]
Steven Stone 007  [*DNP] vs  yeet67349
gabeawesome08  [*DNP] vs  Uta The Clown
Pokemontrainer428  vs  AngelR87
JP_PN  [*DNP] vs  ur mom is gay.39/
empoleon621  vs  Scarlet Stars
Zerotti  vs  ItzYaBoiMikey999 [*DNP]

Updated for post #71
Replays are mandatory
Do not post if you lost
The Deadline for Round 1 will be on March 5th @ 10:00 PM GMT-5
Went to my opponents (dmbros) wall to schedule and it looks like they attempted to forfeit their last round, only for their previous opponent to also forfeit which gave them the win. I still contacted them and will of course play if they respond but if not please accept this post as me claiming the win. If they respond before deadline I will delete this.
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My opponent's account has been disabled, I think I saw a post and reply where someone had the same issue but I couldn't find it so I would just like to know what will happen since this is my first tournament. The user I was supposed to go against was Nunchuck.
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