Resource SV OU Great Cores

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Hosted by Foufakirby and AyushKr_PKMN. Previously hosted by slainey, Milo. Approval by SetsuSetsuna. Art by Gaboswampert.

Cores are a major fundamental aspect of teambuilding, that regularly become the determining factor for the success or failure of a team. The reliance on great cores for a thriving team comes from how cores act as the main basis for how a team gets progress in a match. What I mean by this is; a core is the utilization of a combination of 2 Pokemon to achieve a specific objective. This is not conjecture either, all teams at the top of competitive play have combinations of 2 to 3 Pokemon that lay the groundwork for how the team gains progress. This progress can be as simple as dealing great damage through the use of strong coverage between 2 Pokemon, or 2 bulky Pokemon whos typing's complement each other well. However, cores are complex and have more to their value than just the surface level combinations of type that fit well together. Offensive cores prime objective is to use a combination of offensive pressure through either utility moves, raw damage, or baits in order to break opposing team compositions. Defensive cores central game plan is to use longevity, raw bulk, and type resistance combinations in hopes of outliving the opponent and win long term with gradual damage. Cores are not set to be strictly offensive or defensive in their workings, generally any viable option to net progress in a match can be formed into a specific core (EX: Rain). Generally, cores are the foundation of all competitively viable teams and as such consciously forming great cores to net sufficient enough progress for victory is necessary for any team to make sufficient enough progress for victory.
great tusk icon.pngPosting Guidelines
  • Everyone is allowed to post a core in this thread, but be sure to put your core into it's specific category. The main 4 categories include: Offensive, Defensive, Balanced, Weather. Please be sure to include what category your core falls under, within your post.
  • Regardless of how obvious a core may work to you, other players may not understand why it works. When posting a core it is imperative to properly explain the functions of your core and other important details within that post. The explanation is not an essay, so long as the main idea of the core along with other details you deem important are conveyed and well explained it'll do. Here are some added guidelines that may help you better explain your core:

  • Offensive Core's: An example of a offensive core may be Zapdos + Cinderace, you could explain how they cooperate by checking each others counters while being able to safely go into one another on those counters through Volt Switch + U-Turn. You could mention other added details such as hazard control through Cinderace for Zapdos. Lastly you could mention the weaknesses the core faces and then suggest potential partner Pokemon that compliment the core well.
  • For a more direct example of what we value in a offensive core post, visit Cheryl's Post taken from the ORAS iteration
  • Defensive Core's: An example of a Defensive core may be Heatran + Amoonguss, you could explain how they cooperate by Countering each others weaknesses while being able to threaten status with burn and sleep in return. You could mention other added details such as Will-O-Wisp helping special defense Amoonguss survive more physical attacks. Lastly you could mention the weaknesses the core faces and then suggest potential partner Pokemon that compliment the core well.
  • For a more direct example of what we value in a defensive core post, visit Fly Casanova's Post taken from the SV Pre-Home iteration

  • This is self explanatory but be sure to include the sets in your core post, and any EV deviations from the usual 252/252 need direct explanations.
  • If you have replays utilizing the core in your post, we highly suggest including them into your post!
  • Please refrain from posting cores larger than 3 Pokemon, any core bigger than 3 leaves little room for any additional teambuilding.
  • Constructive criticism is allowed in this thread, however remaining respectful is above all else. If you disagree with a particular statement or the overall viability of a posted core and want to voice this opinion, do so without hostility.
corv icon.pngCore Selection Process

  • This thread is being run by Foufakirby. I'll be throughly reviewing the cores submitted, and discuss certain cores with the OU Moderation team as well as other contributing members. Once discussion is done we will decide on what cores to add to the great cores archive in this thread.
  • Understandably the process of selecting great cores can be subjective so in pursuit of further consistency regarding the submitted cores, we will be looking at more than just the Pokemon themselves. These other factors we'll be reviewing include the effectiveness of the core in the current metagame, the explanation given for the core, and much more for the sake of maintaining quality assurance.
  • When the submitted cores have been decided on for archive, we will publicly announce the cores that were chosen for the great cores archive. We will provide explanation for the reasons of the archived cores, as well as the reasons for why certain cores were rejected within this announcement. We are hoping this feedback can give posters a better idea of what we value in a core.
  • If a core was initially rejected from being added to the archive, we can give critique on how to better optimize your core to better meet the quality standards we look for in a core.
  • If you have any concerns with our post or the selected cores for archive, please let us know! However, we do rather simple question or problem be asked directly to us in a PM for convenience.
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Pelipper (M) @ Damp Rock
Ability: Drizzle
Shiny: Yes
Tera Type: Ground
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Def / 8 SpA
Bold Nature
- Hurricane
- U-turn
- Surf
- Roost

Slowbro-Galar @ Quick Claw
Ability: Quick Draw
Tera Type: Water
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SpA / 4 SpD
Quiet Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Nasty Plot
- Surf
- Psyshock
- Sludge Bomb

There is a longer explanation, but simply put, this takes surf to CRAZY levels. Not many things can wall it atp.
+2 252+ SpA Tera Water Slowbro-Galar Surf vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Kingambit in Rain: 462-544 (114.3 - 134.6%) -- guaranteed OHKO
+2 252+ SpA Tera Water Slowbro-Galar Surf vs. 248 HP / 252+ SpD Corviknight in Rain: 324-382 (81.2 - 95.7%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
Pelipper also provides pivoting for gbro, allowing it to get a safer NP.
A lot of rain's enemies are murdered by Gbro, such as amoonguss and clodsire. This works out really well in the end, and is also mad fun to play.
More here (not my explanation):
Offensive Core:

Iron Valiant @ Booster Energy
Ability: Quark Drive
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Tera Type: Dark
Jolly Nature
- Swords Dance
- Encore
- Knock Off
- Close Combat / Spirit Break

Baxcalibur @ Choice Band
Ability: Thermal Exchange
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Tera Type: Dragon
Jolly Nature
- Glaive Rush
- Icicle Crash / Icicle Spear
- Earthquake
- Ice Shard

You can mix and match Valiant and Baxcalibur variants; this core tends to have really strong synergy no matter the Valiant or Bax set since each can break for the other's sweep.

The idea here is relatively straightforward; Baxcalibur clicks buttons and breaks walls like nobody's business with its ludicrously strong Glaive Rush alongside amazing coverage in an Ice move and Earthquake to open up an Iron Valiant sweep against faster teams, while Iron Valiant can use Knock Off and Encore to cripple defensive or setup-reliant threats that Baxcalibur can use for easy entry and an opportunity to turn something into a vegetable with its Glaive Rush. Ice Shard Baxcalibur (like the Banded set listed here, but also Swords Dance variants) provides strong, dangerous priority to deal with opposing priority users or to deal with threats that are even faster than Iron Valiant (think +1 Roaring Moon), ensuring that this core maintains ways to deal with offensive teams on both ends of the spectrum as well.
Going to submit a few pretty basic, but very strong cores (that all feature new mons to home!) that I've seen being used a ton and have had tons of success with myself.

:zapdos: + :great_tusk:
One of the best things about this core is how customizable the sets are. There are many different spreads, moves, and teras you can run depending on team need. You can also run Rocky Helmet on Great Tusk and this core can actually run an offensive Zapdos to counter Samurott-H leads. The general idea of the core is Zapdos punishes spin attempts that Tusk can't by switching in and potentially getting a static on the spin, and being able to roost all damage. While tusk is able to make progress by getting rocks up or knocking constantly. This core is being spammed on many bulky offence/balance teams and is extremely strong, including Finch's sample team featuring these two. This core can fit on offensive and balance teams, so I'd put it as a balance core.

:samurott-hisui: + :dragapult:
A hyper offensive core based around lead Samu-H and Screens Pult to enable setup sweepers. Generally, sets are pretty customizable to personal preference based on what you believe enables your offence the best, but the idea is always the same. Get spikes up with Samurott, bring in Pult to spinblock and setup screens, then win the game with sweepers of your choice.

:rillaboom: + :sneasler:
An offensive core that has been gaining some bit of prevalence recently with it seeing usage in WCoP and ladder play. Sneasler appreciates grassy terrain support massively by removing ground weakness, activating unburden, and adding some bulk with grassy seed. Scarf Rillaboom provides some surprise speed control, while AV Rillaboom provides a check to some strong special attackers to catch opponents off guard.

:enamorus: + :kingambit:
Another strong offensive core that has seen usage on tons of bulky offence and hyper offence teams recently. The basic idea of the core is that Enamorus and Kingambit together provide excellent coverage offensively, but notably, also defensively. With Enamorus having a 4x resist to fighting, immunity to ground, Kingambit really appreciates having it in the back to preserve Kingambits health for the late game, while Enamorus can heavily dent opposing teams with special Scarf and Specs sets to allow Kingambit to sweep or clean lategame.

This is all I'll submit for now, but I'll make sure to post more when I have the motivation / ideas to do so as I think this is an excellent resource for new players.
Offensive Core:

Slither Wing @ Choice Band
Ability: Protosynthesis
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Tera Type: Bug
Adamant Nature
- First Impression
- U-turn / Leech Life
- Close Combat
- Flare Blitz / Earthquake

Slowking-Galar @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Regenerator
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
IVs: 0 Atk / 0 Spe
Tera Type: Flying
Relaxed Nature
- Future Sight
- Chilly Reception
- Slack Off
- Sludge Bomb

Basic Future Sight Core also featuring decent defensive synergy (:slither wing: covers :slowking-galar:’s ground and dark weaknesses while :slowking-galar: covers :slither wing:’s fairy weakness), making it easier to pivot directly into :slither wing: with or without chilly reception depending on the situation. Future sight’s resists are dark, steel, and psychic types all of which except :gholdengo: are hit at least neutrally by :slither wing:’s powerful STAB bug/fighting moves; :gholdengo: can be covered by flare blitz or earthquake, where my preference is flare blitz as it allows you to break through :corviknight: and balloon :gholdengo:.
Double defensive core : Zamazenta + Great Tusk

Zamazenta @ Lum Berry
Ability: Dauntless Shield
Tera Type: Electric
EVs: 240 Atk / 100 Def / 168 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Iron Defense
- Body Press
- Heavy Slam
- Crunch

Great Tusk @ Rocky Helmet
Ability: Protosynthesis
Tera Type: Steel
EVs: 220 HP / 252 Def / 36 Spe
Impish Nature
- Rapid Spin
- Earthquake
- Knock Off
- Stealth Rock
Shoutout to Srn for making this great Zama set

These two mons are well-known for their defensive abilities, one being top1 in usage since the beginning of SV OU and the other one has been suspected for its controversial role of taking strong physical hits while dealing damage with a decent speed tier.

Why would you run 2 defensive mons instead of one ?
Great tusk is mainly used to check pokemons like Kingambit and great tusk himself, which are very common in the meta and once your tusk is low HP you may struggle against others physical mons from your opponent such as Iron valiant, Baxcalibur, Roaring Moon. The tera steel can be used as a soft check (emergency situation) for these mons but it's not enough neither optimal to do so when you play an utility tusk without ice spinner and no Atk investment. :Rocky-Helmet: is appreciated when dealing with :Samurott-Hisui: or :Maushold: and in general against any contact moves.
Zamazenta will complete the defensive role of the team by beating these mons when necessary thanks to ID+Body Press, in addition Heavy Slam has a great chance to ohko valiant especially after SR (no sr 57% - w sr 88%) ,you can use the tera electric to take neutral damage from (fairy) spirit break while being immune to static from zapdos + resisting both flying+electric stabs. :Lum-berry: allows you to avoid a burn/sleep/poison or a para if you did not tera.
Offensive Core: 660+ Club

Zamazenta @ Leftovers
Ability: Dauntless Shield
EVs: 248 Atk / 80 Def / 44 SpD / 136 Spe
Tera Type: Fire / Electric / Steel
Jolly Nature
- Iron Defense
- Body Press
- Crunch
- Heavy Slam

Hoopa-Unbound @ Assualt Vest
Ability: Magician
EVs: 120 Atk / 252 SpA / 136 Spe
Tera Type: Fighting
Mild Nature
- Knock Off
- Drain Punch
- Psychic
- Thunderbolt

The idea behind this core is that Zamazenta really struggles against the many Physical Walls within the Tier. Toxapex, Amoongus, Dondozo, Corviknight, Slowking-G to name a few. Whether it be through typing or raw stats Zamazenta struggles to get past defensive cores. This is where Hoopa-U comes in. Hoopa-U is a fantastic wall breaker with insane 160 Atk / 170 SpA offensive stats, Hoopa-U eats many of Zamazenta's checks/counters. Also thanks to Assualt Vest Hoopa-U is able to take on the Special Attackers of the Tier that like to attack Zamazenta from it's weaker defense. In return Zamazenta loves coming in on the Dark Types of the tier which Hoopa-U struggles with, even with Drain Punch. Also Physical Attakers that would usually obliterate Hoopa-U with its abysmal Defense. Of course this core is flexible in what type of team style you want. You can pair it with Wish Support to increase both juggernauts longevity. You can pair it with VoltTurn cores to safely allow in Hoopa-U to wreak havoc on the opponents team. You can even mess with Zamazenta's set either making it bulkier or more offensive with Choice Band. Balance, Bulky Offense, Offense this core can fit in.

As far as my EV's go: 136 Speed with Jolly nature hits 380 Speed which allows it to go first against anything at or below 123 Base Speed. 44 SpD EV's allow Zamazenta to take one Moonblast from unboosted Enamorus, and likely KO in return with Heavy Slam. Rest are put into Attack and Defense to maximize damage output from non Body Press attacks. Though as I said Zamazenta is the more customizable of the two Legendries this is simply what I'm currently using.

For Hoopa-U 136 speed EVs allows Hoopa-U to hit 230 speed which speed creeps Great Tusks aiming for 229 speed to out speed Enamorus at +1.
120 Atk EVs simply increases the damage output of Hoopa-U's Knock Off and Drain Punch since really it doesn't need more speed, or bulk thanks to Assault Vest.
Future Sight Core

:sv/slowking-Galar: :sv/Baxcalibur:


Slowking-Galar @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Regenerator
Tera Type: Fairy
EVs: 248 HP / 8 SpA / 252 SpD
Sassy Nature
IVs: 0 Atk / 0 Spe
- Slack Off
- Chilly Reception
- Future Sight
- Sludge Bomb


Baxcalibur @ Choice Band
Ability: Thermal Exchange
Tera Type: Dragon
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Glaive Rush
- Icicle Crash
- Earthquake
- Ice Shard

Future Sight Core, :slowking-Galar:+ :Baxcalibur: is a very strong combo that can annihilate stall, while :Baxcalibur: struggle against water/fairy type like :dondozo: + :Toxapex: tera fairy, Future Sight allow him to get a free kill. :Baxcalibur: powerful ice/dragon STAB allow him to hit the whole meta game except Steel type like :gholdengo: :heatran: and :Kingambit: that’s why I chose Earthquake as a last move. Ice Shard is a Powerful priority, against :Roaring-Moon: or :Dragapult: after SR.
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Balance Core
:leftovers: :ss/muk-alola: + :assault-vest: :ss/rillaboom:
Muk-Alola @ Leftovers
Ability: Poison Touch
Tera Type: Water
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 SpD
Careful Nature
- Knock Off
- Poison Jab
- Protect
- Drain Punch

Rillaboom @ Assault Vest
Ability: Grassy Surge
Tera Type: Grass
EVs: 248 HP / 104 Atk / 104 SpD / 52 Spe
Careful Nature
- Knock Off
- U-turn
- Wood Hammer
- Drain Punch

Muk-A's defensive typing is absolutely wonderful, providing numerous good resistances like Ghost and Dark while only having one weakness. That weakness, however, is the omnipresent Ground-type, found in common Pokemon like Great Tusk, Ting-Lu, Landorus-Therian, among others. Rillaboom's Grassy Terrain removes this weakness, making Muk-A in less of an awkward position against these threats. With Assault Vest and Special Defense investment, Rillaboom can check special attackers that Muk-A is less inclined to face such as Choice Specs Dragapult, Enamorus (which the given spread survives two Specs Mystical Fires from), Nasty Plot Hydreigon, Walking Wake, and others that would otherwise overwhelm Muk-A. The Speed investment outspeeds Jolly Kingambit and 0 Speed Landorus-T. In return for Rillaboom, Muk-A can stop Pokemon like Slowking-Galar, Zapdos, and Skeledirge that Rillaboom cannot check.​
Defensive Core:
:alomomola: + :ting-lu:

The synergy between these two is very natural and not super reliant on what sets you decide to put on the two.

Alomomola @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Regenerator
Tera Type: Flying
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Wish
- Protect
- Whirlpool
- Chilling Water

:alomomola: is a great physically defensive check in general, including threatening to trap-kill a number of bulky recoveryless physical attackers, such as most :great tusk: variants, :dragonite: lacking encore and roost, :samurott-hisui:, and :zamazenta: lacking substitute. Flying tera allows you to act as a dedicated knock off absorber since your worst case hazard damage is 25% and you have regenerator to alleviate that issue; additionally the only knock off users that threaten :alomomola: are mixed :hoopa-unbound:, mixed :iron valiant: (which normally doesn’t run knock off), and :muk-alola: because of poison touch, although if you need something to take a poison touch knock off :alomomola: is still among the better options. Unfortunately in exchange for being one of the best blanket physical checks in the tier, its relative passivity allows a number of special attackers to come into it, BUT you have the biggest wish pass possible in the whole generation to assist the rest of your team healthy, while having regenerator to allow yourself not to have to use wish on yourself nearly as much. One of the best beneficiaries of this wish is of course :Ting-Lu::

Ting-Lu @ Heavy-Duty Boots / Leftovers
Ability: Vessel of Ruin
Tera Type: Poison / Steel
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 SpD
Careful Nature
IVs: 29 Spe
- Spikes
- Whirlwind / Ruination
- Rest / Protect / Stealth Rock
- Earthquake

:ting-lu: is the titanically bulky nearly blanket special check we all know and love, providing spikes support, phazing complemented nicely by its obscene ability to take punishment, a defensive solution to future sight that will often live whatever attempt at a checkmate is thrown at it (if using protect you can guarantee this), and a volt switch blocker that will also take other attacks you can expect from volt switchers like :rotom-wash:, :zapdos:, and :sandy shocks: impressively well. This said its usual issue is that unless you run rest your bulk is non-renewable, while if you run rest it’s very hard to burn sleep turns without getting setup on since you no longer threaten whirlwind. This issue is demonstrably circumventable when you have wishes coming your way from :alomomola: that heal ~52% of your health every time, allowing you to weather more pressure, stack hazards more generously, and potentially avoid using a moveslot on rest. (29 Speed IVs is to always underspeed :corviknight: to eq it, tera poison is for fairy/fighting/bug weaknesses and to avoid toxic)
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The original post of the thread has been updated with all the chosen cores, after substantial discussion. Congratulations to those whose core's have been chosen for the archive!

If your core had not been chosen for the archive, please try again with revisions! There were quite a few good cores we eyed that had just barely met the mark, and whether it be due to slightly un-optimal sets or missing explanations on EV's revisions can still be made to further strengthen your submitted core. If you want to revise your core but are confused on why it was rejected from the archive, please DM me on Smogon or Pokemon Showdown (PS alias: slainey), I'd be happy to give you advice on your submitted cores to turn them from good to great!
Defensive Cores:
:dondozo: + :clodsire:

Dondozo @ Leftovers
Ability: Unaware
Tera Type: Grass / Fairy
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Impish Nature
- Liquidation
- Body Press
- Rest
- Curse
Dondozo is one of the most annoying pokemon to deal with in the current meta OU. It's ability Unaware blocks every set up mons. I has got a defense of 115 and a massive HP stat of 150 which is even more than defensive mons like Lugia. It is the strongest physical wall in the game. It beats almost all pokemons including the most used pokemon :great tusk:, physical :iron valiant:, :landorus-therian: etc. However lando in current meta uses Grass knot to hit dozo but we have got terra Grass for it and after a few curse, nothing can kill this mon. This pokemon however is weak to :meowscarda: but tera grass + body press counters it too.

Clodsire @ Leftovers
Ability: Unaware
Tera Type: Flying / Steel
EVs: 248 HP / 8 Def / 252 SpD
Careful Nature
- Toxic
- Stealth Rock
- Recover
- Earthquake
If we are talking about defense, let's talk about special defense too. Clodsire is the single best specially defensive mon in existance. It can toxic the game to hell, beat the unburden sweeper :sneasler: and what else do u want in a team. This mon loses to :great tusk: and :landorus-therian: but we have got dozo and how can we forget about tera flying. Tera flying gives it coverage over Ground moves and current top mons. Tera steel also helps much vs pokemon like :Hatterene: and magic bounce.

:rillaboom: + :sneasler: loses to tera steel clod + tera grass dozo
:kingambit: + :enamorus: Kingambit loses to dozo and enamorus loses to clod
:zamazenta: + :dragapult: Zama loses to dozo and draga (if specs) loses to clod. Draga also loses to dozo (if not specs)
:baxcalibur: + :iron valiant: Both lose to tera fairy dozo
This core can handle the entire meta and beats most offensive cores if we can utilize tera properly.

[Edit: There might be any mistake in explaination. If so, inform me]
Glowking + Band Zamazenta Core (Balanced Core)
click on the sprites for the importable
:Zamazenta: struggles to break through :Toxapex:, :Amoonguss:, :Dondozo: and :Clodsire:, as they resist its stab and are not weak to its coverage Attacks. With the Future Sight Support, :Zamazenta: can fire-off powerful Close Combat, as it's main Checks will be detroyed by Future Sight. The only Pokemon that can resist Close Combat + Future Sight is :Gholdengo:. Thanks to Chilly Reception, :Slowking-galar: can easily bring :Zamazenta: on the field, to helps it break through the opposing team. :Slowking-galar: also serve as a Specially Defensive Wall for :Zamazenta:, and can deal with Fairy-Types, while :Zamazenta: deals with Dark-Types that threaten :Slowking-galar: like :Kingambit:.
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I've always loved these threads and have started getting back into Pokémon. Here are some cores:

Offensive Core:
:sv/Samurott-Hisui: + :sv/Gholdengo:

It doesn't take the Lucasian Chair of Mathematics to know that best Spiker + best hazard preserver is a good combo. The synergy does not stop there. :Samurott-Hisui: and :Gholdengo: also have complementary typings as Gholdengo can switch into Fighting and Fairy attacks aimed at :Samurott-H: while :Samurott-Hisui: switches into Fire-type attacks. :Zapdos: is by far the best partner to this core as it handles :Great Tusk: and :Meowscarada:, can provide safe switch-in opportunities via Volt Switch/U-turn, and can (occasionally) spread Paralysis to faster mons. This core fits best on bulky offense and balance teams, which the type of team often dictates the sets.

Balanced/Defensive Core:
:sv/Great Tusk: + :sv/Ting-Lu:

This double Ground core takes advantage of :Great Tusk:'s and :Ting-Lu:'s insane natural bulk to wall most of the metagame. :Great Tusk: primarily handles Physical attackers while :Ting-Lu: can switch into most Special attackers. Doubling up the Ground types relieves team building pressure from :Kingambit: and :Gholdengo:. I recommend not running Stealth Rock on :Great Tusk: as :Ting-Lu: can easily fit double hazards (or just rocks), freeing :Great Tusk: to become more offensive. :Slowking-Galar: covers (nearly) every other Special attacker, but especially :iron valiant:. :Zapdos: aides the :Great Tusk: mirror while covering :Meowscarada:.

I have to drop someone off at the airport and I may add more detail later.
Offensive Core
Hisuian Special

Ursaluna @ Flame Orb
Ability: Guts
Tera Type: Ghost
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Atk / 8 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Swords Dance
- Facade
- Earthquake
- Crunch

Enamorus (F) @ Choice Specs/Choice Scarf
Ability: Contrary
Tera Type: Fairy
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Moonblast
- Earth Power
- Mystical Fire
- Healing Wish

Luna and Enam are two offensive powerhouses that break holes or in Scarf Enam’s case, clean up the teams Luna weakens. The most common switch-ins to Enam are Glowking and Amoonguss which Luna’s raw power can exploit.

Enam also offers Healing Wish support to bring Ursaluna back to full. The core also has its defensive benefit, with Luna’s Ghost immunity and Enam’s Dragon immunity make playing around Pult easier. As well as a fighting resist from Enam and an electric immunity from Luna.

Tera Ghost on Cocaine Bear to get cheeky kills off the fighting types looking to rkill it and also demolish ID + BP Zama/Corv. Tera Fairy on Enamorus cause Specs Tera Fairy Moonblast is an absolute nuke.

Both mons dislike hazards. Cinderace is a good choice to go with this core for hazard removal and also to bait in mons like Tusks, Garg, and more.
Let’s get some weather cores on the board then. These cores are relatively simple and I won’t be going overly in depth on them, however would be willing to in the case that it is necessary for me to do so.


Pelipper @ Damp Rock
Ability: Drizzle
Tera Type: Water
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Def / 8 SpD
Relaxed Nature
IVs: 0 Spe
- Hurricane
- Surf
- U-turn
- Roost

Basculegion (M) @ Choice Band
Ability: Swift Swim
Tera Type: Water
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Wave Crash
- Liquidation
- Aqua Jet
- Psychic Fangs

Greninja @ Life Orb
Ability: Battle Bond
Tera Type: Water
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Water Shuriken
- Hydro Pump / Surf
- Dark Pulse
- Grass Knot

You’ve seen it, you probably hate it, it’s rain.
Rain is one of the most destructive styles at the moment, thanks mostly to basculegion’s boosted stabs liquidation and wave crash - especially when under the effects of tera water - and greninja’s lo rain boosted water stab, especially after it grabs a +1 boost from battle bond.

The synergy between these mons goes further than just “funny tera water” though, as pelipper makes excellent use of a slow uturn to bring its teammates onto the field, especially helpful considering that they would much rather not be taking damage to enter the field as they share an enjoyment of the art of kamikaze. Outside of that it’s far more limited however as the mons’ shared weaknesses prove a defensive hinderance, when building one may want to keep this in mind.

I forgot to mention this when initially writing but in the case of bascu, moves other than liquidation and wave crash are just kinda fluff and actually just aren’t needed all too much. Aqua jet is used for convenient priority and psychic fangs are for pex/screens. They aren’t needed all too much though so if you want to be funny vs amoon you can drop both and run sleep talk as a 3rd move, leaving your 4th vacant for all I care.

:xy/torkoal::xy/walking wake:
Torkoal @ Heat Rock
Ability: Drought
Tera Type: Water
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Def / 8 SpA
Bold Nature
- Lava Plume
- Rapid Spin
- Stealth Rock
- Yawn

Walking Wake @ Choice Specs
Ability: Protosynthesis
Tera Type: Water
EVs: 12 HP / 244 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Hydro Steam
- Flamethrower
- Draco Meteor
- Dragon Pulse

Sun received many a buff coming into gen 9, however by far the greatest was the introduction of the walking wake raid, a mon which ripped teams to shreds until everyone decided to use slowking and water absorb clodsire to counter it. Walking wake under sun is a bit scary to switch into still, considering it’s power and speed - the ev spread given gives it a speed boost while protosynthesis is active, but you can change that in favour of more power if you see fit - and it has decent bulk for switching in, which is nice as torkoal is a bit easy to bully in the current metagame just because it doesn’t really do all too much other than set sun. Yawn is great though, as it lets you switch in your walking wake nearly for free. This core when supported by great tusk (because let’s face it, you’re using great tusk here) is still solid, offering great power and speed so long as you preserve your turtle.


Indeedee @ Terrain Extender
Ability: Psychic Surge
Tera Type: Fairy
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Psychic
- Dazzling Gleam
- Healing Wish
- Encore

Armarouge @ Focus Sash
Ability: Weak Armor
Tera Type: Psychic
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Armor Cannon
- Expanding Force
- Endure / Calm Mind
- Destiny Bond / Taunt

Hatterene (F) @ Eject Button
Ability: Magic Bounce
Tera Type: Steel / Water
EVs: 248 HP / 208 Def / 52 Spe
Bold Nature
- Dazzling Gleam
- Psyshock
- Nuzzle
- Healing Wish

Before I start, the 52 speed evs on hatt are to outspeed garganacl and toxapex. They’re relatively unimportant, but could matter at one point if you use this, especially considering that it also outdoes slowking.

Also it makes use of terrain close enough to weather that I consider it to be in the same vein, even if they are technically different, like eterrain teams (only those are ass).

Psyspam has fallen out of favour, as the addition of hisuian samurott proved to be brutal to the style’s viability, as it relies somewhat on focus sashes, but it’s remains solid in the current metagame, if a bit of a struggle vs that single mon.

Now actual psyspam has other mainstays than just these 3, but without them the style as a whole wouldn’t work anywhere close to as well as it does. Indeedee sets psychic terrain and switches into hatterene, which blocks hazards from going up and takes a hit which allows it to pivot into armarouge without it losing sash. Now if you’re confident that arm will never take any hazard or chip damage, and that it will only need to come out once, run cm and taunt as your last two moves, however I find endure and destiny bond to be far better options as they guarantee arm to do at least something. Tera psychic is used on arm over fire to make expanding force even more oppressively difficult to switch into (though heatran may be a bit of a struggle, run fb if you really want to).

Now I only listed those 3 mons, however psyspam will always run one of sash polteageist with shell smash, stored power, shadow ball, fighting tera blast and recommended showdown evs, or psychic seed sneasler with unburden, sd, cc, psychic tera blast, standard evs, and one of gunk shot, fire punch, or shadow claw as they can function as great backups to armarouge’s breaking by being good sweepers in their own right.

All of the offensive mons I mentioned love psychic terrain being up, as it blocks moves such as baxcalibur’s ice shard and - more notably - kingambit’s sucker punch from koing them while on low / 1hp, and also provides boosts to their psychic moves that allow them to do disgusting damage with a boost - or even without in the case of armarouge.
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Meowscarada @ Choice Band / Heavy duty boots
Ability: Protean
Tera Type: Dark
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Knock Off
- Flower Trick
- U-turn
- Sucker Punch

Sandy Shocks @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Protosynthesis
Tera Type: Ice
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Volt Switch
- Earth Power
- Tera Blast
- Spikes

Slowking-Galar @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Regenerator
Tera Type: Water
EVs: 252 HP / 4 SpA / 252 SpD
Calm Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Sludge Bomb
- Future Sight
- Chilly Reception
- Slack Off

Sandy shocks is a really underrated pivot with his amazing coverage which can hit all the metagame for neutral damage and hit stab super effective moves against mons like garg,tusk,slowking-g,kingambit,enamorus and other top tier threat. Shocks also has a really decent bulk and speed tier so it can also provide good utility with spikes.
Meowscarada is here as a wallbreaker, being the fastest stab knock off in the metagame,his role is to knock off boots in order to make shocks' spikes meaningful. Meowscarada is also chosen in order to make some nice volt turn technique as they are both really fast.
Slowking-g is also a pivot. Slowking-g is a devensive pivot and will be the one to initiate pivoting strategies with Meowscarada and Shocks.
Future sight can used in order to make meowscarada's work more efficient.

Search replays - Pokémon Showdown ( a replay that show how effective a wallbreaking is this core
The original post of the thread has been updated with all the chosen cores, after substantial discussion. Congratulations to those whose core's have been chosen for the archive!

This was another great list of submissions everybody so thank you all for participating for this week. Some cores have been rejected from joining the Great Cores archive due to difficulty in dealing with the current metagame threats or was too nonspecific in sets or EV's. These core's can be improved upon and resubmitted for the Great Cores archive, and if needed anyone is able to privately message me regarding improvements on their core!
Lets include the triumvirate.
:corviknight: :Toxapex:(defensive) :Garganacl:(rocks)
Defensive core

This core makes up many fat balance teams. It is extremely solid. Corviknight is immune to ground moves the other two are weak too and has a ton of resistances, with roost and slows-turn for pivoting. Toxapex is also good for pivoting, especially defensive boots, and can status and check so many shit. It also increases the longevity of the core. Garganacl’s salt cure racks up passive damage and it also sets up rocks. Everything you want a defensive core to do.
Defensive Core

:sv/moltres: :sv/clodsire:

Moltres @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Flame Body
Tera Type: Fairy
EVs: 248 HP / 248 Def / 8 SpD
Bold Nature
- Flamethrower
- Hurricane / Will-O-Whisp / Air Slash / Brave Bird
- U-turn
- Roost
  • With its double type Fire Flying, :moltres: is immuned at the Ground moves like Earthquake from :great-tusk: or :landorus-therian: or the Earth Power from :enamorus:. It resists at the Fairy moves from :enamorus: or :iron-valiant:, the Fighting moves from :great-tusk:, :sneasler: or :iron-valiant: and the Steel moves from :kingambit:.
  • Also with its double resitance, :moltres: can placed itself relatively easily on the U-Turn and even punish them with its ability Flame Body.
  • With U-Turn, :moltres: can pivot to our sweeper / wallbreaker or :clodsire: depending of the opposing pokemon at a swicth-in.
  • Air-Slash is privilegeted if you use it in sun whereas Brave bird is chosen to take by surprise a pokémon specially defensive who switch into :moltres: to tank hits anticipating a special move.
  • Moreover, with Flame Body / Will-O-Whisp, :moltres: can punish the physical attackers like :great-tusk:, :kingambit:, :dragonite:, physical :iron-valiant: and physical :dragapult: who menace :clodsire:.

Clodsire @ Leftovers
Ability: Water Absorb
Tera Type: Fairy
EVs: 248 HP / 252 SpD / 8 Spe
Careful Nature
- Toxic
- Earthquake
- Stealth Rock / Spikes
- Recover
  • With Water Absorb, :clodsire: compensates the three weakness of :moltres: with its immunities Water and Electric and its resistance Rock.
  • So with its High stat of SpD, it counters the special attackers of the tier, more particulary :walking-wake: especially with the Tera Fairy.
  • Toxic to handicap the Special attackers like :enamorus: and :iron-valiant: or :baxcalibur: who aren't immunited.
  • Stealth Rock or Spikes to put some hazards and in this way to oblige :great-tusk: to do rapid spin. So we could switch into :moltres: to try to activate its talent, even if it does Knock Off.
  • Eventually, you can put 8 EVs in Speed to pass the opposing :clodsire: to Earthquake before it does.
Due to its EB set, :sandy-shocks: reach both :moltres: and :clodsire:. Most of the time, you must Tera your clodsire to hope to win the duel :
208 SpA Tera Ice Sandy Shocks Earth Power vs. 248 HP / 252+ SpD Clodsire: 198-234 (42.7 - 50.5%) -- guaranteed 3HKO after Leftovers recovery
208 SpA Tera Ice Sandy Shocks Earth Power vs. 248 HP / 252+ SpD Tera Fairy Clodsire: 99-117 (21.3 - 25.2%) -- possible 5HKO after Leftovers recovery
0 Atk Tera Fairy Clodsire Earthquake vs. 48 HP / 0 Def Tera Ice Sandy Shocks: 87-103 (26.9 - 31.8%) -- guaranteed 4HKO

It can be a bit tricky against its set :assault-vest: or :choice-band: because it has Ice spinner which OHKO :clodsire:. So, you must Tera moltres to win the duel or send an other pokemon.


:moltres: lose to all of its sets : :choice-band:, Dragon Dance or Sword Dance.
You can barely 2HKO its with hurricane if you have it, whereas :baxcalibur: will 2HKO you with Glaive Rush with :choice-band: / +1, can 2HkO with Icicle Crash with :choice-band: / +1, even if you tera Fairy.
Some calcs :
252 Atk Choice Band Baxcalibur Glaive Rush vs. 248 HP / 252+ Def Moltres: 246-291 (64.2 - 75.9%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252 Atk Choice Band Baxcalibur Icicle Crash vs. 248 HP / 252+ Def Tera Fairy Moltres: 175-207 (45.6 - 54%) -- 45.3% chance to 2HKO
+1 252 Atk Baxcalibur Glaive Rush vs. 248 HP / 252+ Def Moltres: 246-291 (64.2 - 75.9%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
+1 252 Atk Baxcalibur Icicle Crash vs. 248 HP / 252+ Def Tera Fairy Moltres: 175-207 (45.6 - 54%) -- 45.3% chance to 2HKO
0 SpA Moltres Hurricane vs. 0 HP / 4 SpD Baxcalibur: 162-192 (43.6 - 51.7%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

And no need to talk about its match up against :clodsire:.
Lets try to get some more defensive cores in the archive:
Core 1: Double Unaware Wall
:sv/dondozo: :sv/clodsire:

Clodsire (F) @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Unaware
Tera Type: Steel
EVs: 248 HP / 92 Def / 168 SpD
Calm Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Poison Jab / Toxic
- Spikes / Stealth Rocks
- Amnesia
- Recover

Dondozo (F) @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Unaware
Tera Type: Fighting
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Def / 8 SpD
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Body Press / Waterfall
- Curse
- Sleep Talk
- Rest

The first defensive core is a pair of unaware users in :dondozo: and :clodsire:. Both take advantage of this further by having their own defensive set up moves in amnesia and curse. This allows them to answer pretty much every set up user in the OU meta. They also play off each other very nicely as dondozo is a physical wall that can answer physical attackers, while clodsire is a special wall for special attackers. This allows them to play off of each other and answer threats that the other is unable too.
Dondozo is a great answer to physical sweepers. It is able to answer :kingambit:, :baxcalibur:, :Samurott-Hisui:, :zamazenta:, :Dragonite:, :Sneasler:, and :azumarill: to name a few. Curse lets it set up its defense to make it harder to ko you and allowing you to survive a crits by taking less damage on no crits so that when you do get crit you have extra HP to heal up. The damaging move can either be body press to take advantage of the great defensive stat or waterfall to take advantage of stab. Waterfall is run over liquidation as it has 8 more pp and the extra 5 power is not very relavent. Rest and sleep talk are necessary for its health recovery and to make it useful while asleep. The ev spread is pretty normal with dondozo have 248 HP evs instead of 252 so that burn, rocks, or any percentage damage rounds down. Tera fighting is used to provide a tera that resists dark but is not weak to any of :kingambit: moves.
Clodsire is a the great special wall here and is able to wall special set up threats like :gholdengo:, :enamorus:, :hatterene:, :Cresselia:, and any store power users as well as non set up special attackers like :moltres: and :zapdos:, and finally every set of :iron-valiant:. It takes advantage of amnesia and its unaware ability to increase its defensive stats while seeing opposing set up pokemon's original stats. It runs tera steel to resist psyshock from :iron-valiant: and :hatterene: while maintaining its fairy resist. You can either run poison jab toxic as its damaging move. Poison jab is run over other poison moves as it has a high PP count and a 30% to poison the defending pokemon. It also can run toxic if you prefer but it has less PP. Recover is needed to heal when necessary and then the last move lets clodsire be your hazard setter as well. If your team does not have a stealth rock user you can use that otherwise spikes is the way to go. Lastly it has weird EV as neither its has both defense and special defense EVs. This is necessary to make sure your clod can beat :iron-valiant:, which dondozo has trouble dealing with because of its moon blast as a special attacker. The defense evs allow you to survive 3 close combats from an iron valiant, or 2 close combats and a knock off (removing your item) 999 times out of 1000 (they need max damage on 2 close combats and a high roll on the knock off). Lastly again the HP evs are 248 for rounding down on burn, rocks, and other percentage based damage.

Core 2: The Regen Core
:Sv/cyclizar: :sv/toxapex:

Cyclizar (F) @ Assault Vest
Ability: Regenerator
Tera Type: Fairy
EVs: 88 HP / 168 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Rapid Spin
- Knock Off
- U-turn
- Overheat

Toxapex (F) @ Leftovers
Ability: Regenerator
Tera Type: Fairy
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpD
Calm Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Toxic
- Infestation
- Haze
- Recover

The :toxapex: and :cyclizar: core is a great way utilize the regenerator ability to recover health. Cyclizar is often run as a mini special wall holding assault vest while pex can act as both. :Toxapex: is often a great switch into from :cyclizar: since it resists 3 of cyclizar's 4 weaknesses (Ice, fairy, and fighting) and is neutral to its last one. This means that when cyclizar is being pressured you can switch into pex a lot of the time. Cyclizar can also be a great switch into when pex is pressured by electric types such as :zapdos:, :sandy-shocks:, and :rotom-wash:, as it resists electric attack which are one of pex's 2 weaknesses. The regen core also allows you to stall out salt cure PP from :garganacl: since it is unable to make progress as you keep healing with regenerator. One weakness of this dou is physical ground moves since cyclizar has a hard time taking physical hits and pex is weak to ground moves. This means a good addition to this team is a pokemon immune to ground moves such as :corviknight:, :cresselia:, or :Dragonite:.

:Cyclizar: is a great utility pokemon with a bunch of role compression. It gets knock off to remove annoying items such as covert cloak or leftovers as well as being able to clear hazards with rapid spin. U-turn also provides a good pivot move that lets you get a bit of extra damage before you switch out and heal with regenerator, since you are usually faster than the opposing pokemon. It is also great as it allows you to switch out when trapped such as from infestation, whirlpool, block, and magma storm. It last move is overheat to provide good damage against annoying steel types such as :corviknight:, :gholdengo:, and :kingambit: that pex can have trouble damaging. Holding an assault vest allows it to take on special attackers such as :slowking-galar:, :sandy-shocks:, :gholdengo:, :volcanion:, and :heatran:. It's tera fairy can allow it to blank a dragon move while also resisting both fighting and dark (for sucker punch from :kingambit:).It's utility combined with regenerator make it a great defensive pokemon even with it's slightly frail body. Cyclizar ev spread is a bit weird but they are for max speed to outspeed most pokes that are non item boosted in the meta except :dragapult:, :zamazenta: and :Greninja:. It's hp is a multiple of 3 to give maximum health recovery for each switch out with regenerator. It's spdef is a multiple of 2 to give max assault vest buff. Lastly, the ev spread also allows it to live 7/8 of the time through a :great-tusk: max offense (non booster energy) earthquake after rocks and it's spdef allows to to survive 7/8 of the time versus timid specs :gholdengo: make it rains and always live through 2 layer of spikes or stealth rocks gholdengo (non specs) focus blast.

Toxapex is a defensive menace with it's massive defense and special defense stats and typing. It is able to deal damage with toxic and trap opposing pokemon with infestation. It can also deny set up with haze, and lastly has recover as addition health recovery, so it is not solely reliant on regenerator for health recovery. Its EVs are pretty simple. With max health and special defense, with the rest in defense. Max special defense allows it to eat 2 thunderbolts and earth powers from threats like :iron-valiant: and :enamorus: that pressure :cyclizar: and respond with a toxic before switching out again. It also allows it to eat draco meteors from threats like :dragapult:, :walking-wake:, and :hydreigon:. It is also able to take on many physical attackers such as :cinderace:, :zamazenta:, :dondozo:, and :Azumarill:. It also has enough defense to take single earthquakes from :Dragonite:, :great-tusk:, :baxcalibur: and :Landorus-Therian: in order to get a toxic off on them. The tera here is fairy as well, as it is a great defensive type and allows you to maintain your resistance to fighting moves.

Acknowledgements: The idea of amnesia :clodsire: walling every set up special attacker was originally showcased by SupaGmoney.
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Offensive Core:

Offensive :landorus-therian: + :enamorus:/:maushold:

Landorus-Therian @ Leftovers
Ability: Intimidate
Tera Type: Water
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Smack Down
- Earthquake
- Swords Dance
- Substitute / Taunt / Grass Knot / U-turn

Enamorus (F) @ Heavy-Duty Boots / Leftovers / Life Orb
Ability: Cute Charm
Tera Type: Fairy / Steel
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Calm Mind / Agility
- Moonblast
- Earth Power
- Taunt / Mystical Fire / Substitute / Agility

Maushold-Four @ Wide Lens
Ability: Technician
Tera Type: Ghost
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Population Bomb
- Bite
- Tidy Up
- Encore

Maushold and Enamorus share many common enemies, most of which are flying types that run boots and have consistent recovery. This makes it very difficult to force damage on them since they are immune to hazards (and immune to all except rocks even if boots are lost), but Landorus-T can circumvent this via smack down.

The Idea

The basic idea of this core is that the :enamorus:/:maushold: portion of the core generally really hates dealing with a few particular flying types, like :corviknight:, :zapdos:, and especially :moltres:, in :enamorus:’s case because her primary fairy/ground coverage is resisted only by ground immunities that resist fairy (a big part of why :enamorus: is so good is that no single type and thus no tera type offers a resistance to its giant moonblasts along with even neutrality to earth power, unless levitate/earth eater is involved, but I digress), and in :maushold:’s case because of the contact effects carried by :zapdos: and :moltres:, and sometimes :corviknight: (although :corviknight: doesn’t actually need helmet to 1v1:maushold:). Flying types are also notoriously difficult to force damage on, as many have consistent recovery and boots, meaning they can normally hold you to the damage of one hit they’re supposed to take and no more than that even if you make smart double switches or pivots (without getting ruined by contact effects in u-turn’s case).


:landorus-therian: does not answer this problem by default, but it does have a move that allows it to do so, perhaps better than the entire OU cast: smack down. With smack down, :landorus-therian: becomes very good at chipping flying types/levitators and shuffling them around as they look to force you out, and as compared to a move like stone edge, smack down allows you to click a much harder move to switch into afterwards in the form of a stab EQ off a base 145 atk stat. For teams with multiple ground immunities, that switch-in will likely be another ground immunity which you can begin forcing damage on, and since you are faster than :moltres:, :corviknight:, :rotom:, :cresselia:, and most :zapdos: sets, you can sacrifice some of your own health for chip or just straight up threaten kills on many of the meta’s ground immunities, only failing to outspeed :enamorus:, :hydreigon:, :thundurus-therian:, :tornadus-therian:, and some :zapdos: (and a few far less relevant mons). The shuffling this promotes also opens up many opportunities to put up a substitute which is greatly appreciated for ensuring that you can trade a smack down for a broken sub and have the threat of an eq to follow. I do consider substitute to be by far the best 4th move, followed by taunt, but grass knot is a known inclusion for its ability to deal heavy damage to :dondozo:, tera’d :garganacl:, and :great tusk: (+2 eq outdamages grass knot on offensive and max speed max hp :great tusk:, while grass knot wins out against defensive :great tusk:), and uturn is just another method of taking advantage of the switches you force and get more out of intimidate.


:maushold:, while actually pretty legit, is clearly the worse mon of the two suggested partners for :landorus-therian:, as well as the more straightforward one, so I’ll go over that partnership first. :maushold: is a dangerous sweeper and useful utility mon as a result of its access to a nuke in population bomb and a hazard-removing dragon dance. Encore allows it to take advantage of a variety of defensive mons to find chances to set up as well as smooth out sucker punch endgames, and while the only ghost in the tier slower than you to encore into a ghost move is…immune to encore…with tera you can encore enemies into now-immune fighting moves. Its biggest flaws are its frailty and its reliance on a 10-hit contact move (while being forced to run wide lens) meaning any adverse contact effects will cripple or straight up kill :maushold:. The most common enemies to :maushold: are thus :moltres:, :zapdos:, :garchomp:, and rocky helmet users such as :corviknight:, :landorus-therian:, :amoonguss:, :great tusk:, and :toxapex:. Of these, :landorus-therian: handles :moltres:, :zapdos:, :corviknight:, :great tusk: lacking ice spinner or in range of eq/grass knot if applicable, and :toxapex: excellently, :amoonguss: and most opposing :landorus-therian: reasonably well (:amoonguss: lacking foul play leads to substitute 50/50s on spore vs giga drain/grass knot which just barely always breaks sub, and many :landorus-therian: can’t really hit you with u-turn/eq being standard attacking coverage on it). :garchomp: and :amoonguss: certainly warrant further consideration in your team—although :amoonguss: only hard-wins with foul play and helmet, both are very much standard on :amoonguss:, and although :garchomp: is barely hanging onto a niche in the tier, :landorus-therian: would really appreciate having something else to take on its dracos. Spdef :moltres: is a very natural extension of this core as a result, being able to blank mixed :garchomp: while :landorus-therian: handles other sets fine, and beating :amoonguss: easily once something is asleep while also being a decent choice of sleep absorber thanks to flame body. Additionally :landorus-therian: can have difficulty switching into :moltres: due to wisp, a problem not shared by your own :moltres:.


:enamorus: is an established top-tier threat in OU that, in my opinion, will only get better with time as I feel it has more to gain from people exploiting its set variety than it has to lose from people getting better at building and playing around it. Regardless of what set you run though, unless you’re an absolute menace running cm rest talk on something as frail as :enamorus:, you’ll probably be making use of fairy/ground coverage as all of fairy’s resists in fire/poison/steel are ground weak. The only thing stopping this from being perfect coverage is that ground has immunities, all of which are either flying types or ability-based immunities. Most of the things that can switch into one of moonblast and earth power and outspeed you are still scared to switch in as they are frail enough to take massive damage or die to the other. This leaves bulky fairy resists either neutral to earth power or specially bulky enough to take as many as necessary anyway (:amoonguss:, :scizor:, :goodra-hisui:, :clodsire:, and AV/spdef :toxapex:), :blissey:, and a few flying types/levitators like :moltres: (potentially your biggest counter), defensive :zapdos:, :corviknight:, :cresselia:, and spdef :rotom-wash: (especially with tera) as relatively consistent switch-ins to you. Adding mystical fire to the list allows you to handle :scizor: and :amoonguss: IF you predict their switch in, and :corviknight: regardless although you’ll trade a lot of health for :corviknight: if you don’t predict the switch and thus have to take a brave bird (which does 53-63%). (Also note that spdef :corviknight: is a consistent swap in unless you’re specs, which I don’t recommend for this partnership anyway as clicking specs earth power may allow one of your counters in that :landorus-therian: worked so hard to bring into moonblast range, allowing them to roost; spdef :corviknight: loses even harder to :landorus-therian:, however.) Contrary superpower also allows you to beat :blissey: although you can’t fit it alongside any of your boosting options for obvious reasons. My personal favorite set for this core is the calm mind + taunt set as it is virtually impossible to check defensively (accomplishing with less prediction many of the same matchups that specs does with prediction, such as :clodsire: lacking poison jab), while also achieving specs power after one boost causing it to be extremely difficult to switch into especially if the initial switch-in is something that checks choiced variants but not taunt+cm variants. This set also can muscle past :moltres: from full if it calm minds as :moltres: switches in, managing a 2HKO with +2 moonblast on physdef sets and +3 moonblast on spdef sets while taking little in return due to the spdef boosts. Tera steel can be used in conjunction with taunt to muscle through :amoonguss: as well even if it has clear smog; substitute is the superior choice to taunt for this set. However, a variety of sets like sub-cm, double booster, cm+3 attacks, and contrary 4 attacks can slot in rather well for this core, as well as choiced sets if you’re comfortable playing prediction games (although my personal preference is non-choiced > specs > scarf for this core). :landorus-therian: helps you break past :moltres:, :zapdos:, :corviknight:, :rotom-wash: provided they switch into you (which is generally a reasonable switch to make, but not vs smack down sd), and :cresselia:, and obviously beats :blissey: and :clodsire: but cannot force damage on either as neither one is staying in or switching in on :landorus-therian: unless it’s sweeping, in which case the game is over anyway. Thus the rest of the team needs to handle :blissey: (who 1v1s through taunt with stoss), :scizor: (offensive :landorus-therian: sadly can’t 1v1 it), and :amoonguss:, which to me screams :gholdengo: with either psyshock or choiced trick for :blissey:.


Anyway, apologies for the sheer length of this write-up, but if you’ve made it this far, thanks for reading, and I hope you find the same success with the aforementioned partnerships as I do!
(Defensive core)
Dondozo :dondozo: and Moltres :moltres: form a phenomenal defensive core that checks a majority of the biggest offensive threats in the game. Generally this core works best together if Moltres is Sp. Def and Dondozo is Phys. Def.

What they counter:

The most important counter these two provide is to Kingambit :kingambit:. Dondozo might be the best Kingambit counter in the game right now. It can switch in safely on Kingambit at any point in the game and Body Press it. Moltres is also great into gambit. It doesn’t take very many speed EV’s to outspeed Jolly Gambit (just 12!). That means you can get a guaranteed Will-O-Wisp off on it unless it’s Tera Fire. These two combine to take on Gambit as well as possible, and neutralizing the best Pokemon in the metagame is a huge plus.

:great tusk:
They both also do well into Great Tusk :great tusk:. Dozo can wall Bulk Up sets, and Moltres can switch in to get a potential Flame Body burn and threaten with a Hurricane (if it isn’t running Head Smash).
DozoTres does well into the two best and most common Pokemon in the game, which is definitely worth something.

:iron valiant:
Speaking of the most common Pokémon in the game, here’s #3: Iron Valiant :iron valiant:. Moltres deals beautifully with all Valiant sets. It can switch in on its most common moves, Moonblast, Close Combat, and Knock Off, and potentially get burns on the latter two. Additionally, even Calm Mind sets get dealt with. Here is the most damage Valiant can do after one Calm Mind against Sp. Def Moltres:
+1 252 SpA Iron Valiant Thunderbolt vs. 248 HP / 248+ SpD Moltres: 224-264 (58.4 - 68.9%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
Moltres will also kill Valiant after 1 CM almost always:
0 SpA Moltres Hurricane vs. +1 4 HP / 0 SpD Iron Valiant: 288-342 (99.3 - 117.9%) -- 93.8% chance to OHKO
Moltres is probably the best Iron Valiant counter in the game right now, making DozoTres now great against the three most common Pokémon in the metagame.

Baxcalibur :baxcalibur: is another huge threat in the metagame currently. Luckily, Dondozo is a great counter to it. Dozo neutralizes any setup Bax might go for, and can deal big damage with Body Press in return. The only way Bax can be scary to Dozo is with Tera Dragon Glaive Rush, which is a clean 2HKO. If you have a Fairy on your team, though, that will dissuade your opponent from locking into Glaive Rush. Plus, Banded Bax isn’t super common, so it’s not too much to worry about.

Moltres is also the best counter in the game to another Fairy type: Enamorus :enamorus:. Enamorus does not have a move to hit Moltres with. Moonblast, Earth Power, and Mystical Fire are all resisted by Moltres, and Psychic doesn’t do enough damage to make Moltres worry (around 35% from Specs). Calm Mind can be a little worrisome, but as long as you hit your Hurricanes, Moltres should be able to beat that variant.

There are so many Pokémon in OU that DozoTres walls that I probably can’t give them each a dedicated section like those above, so I’ll just quickly go over the rest. Cinderace :cinderace: is solidly walled by both, and Libero U-Turn has a chance to burn on Moltres. Ting-Lu :ting-lu: sets up hazards on both, but gets Body Pressed hard and has to Ruination Moltres, while it could get burned by Will-O-Wisp. Landorus :landorus-therian: could be annoying for this core depending on the set. Grass Knot deals with Dondozo, and Stone Edge deals with Moltres. However, Lando is most likely only running one of these since its other three slots are pretty much locked into EQ, U-Turn, and Rocks, so one of Dozo or Moltres should deal with Lando. Sneasler :sneasler: doesn’t do too much damage to Dondozo and can get burned by Moltres. Dozo can also Sleep Talk if it gets slept by Dire Claw or Rest to heal off a poison or paralysis. Dragonite :dragonite: gets pretty solidly walled by Dondozo as long as you run Avalanche. Moltres can also burn it, which is a solid backup if Dozo dies. Zamazenta :zamazenta: is dealt with easily by Dondozo since it can just ignore Zama’s defense boosts. Moltres can also switch in on Body Press and try to burn it, and it can go for Hurricane if the Zamazenta doesn’t have Stone Edge. Amoonguss :amoonguss: can be dealt with by Moltres as long as something else gets Spored. Otherwise, if Moltres is sleeping, things could get dicey. Moltres switches into Corviknight :corviknight: every time, and it gets easy burns on it. Often times Moltres will force a hard switch from a Corviknight to prevent a burn. Greninja :greninja: can be tricky for this core if it’s Battle Bond, but Tera Fighting Dozo can take it out since Gren is most likely clicking dark pulse vs. you. Dozo also deals with other rain sweepers :floatzel: :basculegion:, but it could be difficult for it to deal with both Greninja and a Swift Swimmer.

What it’s weak to:

:zapdos: :sandy shocks: :rotom-wash:
These Electric types can all give this core big trouble. A ground type is essentially required to run with this duo, but seeing as there are 7 ground types in OU and how good this core is outside of that matchup, I’d say it doesn’t matter too much.

:walking wake: :dragapult:
These two Draco Meteor users can give this core big trouble. Neither Dozo nor Moltres can take a Draco well at all, so a fairy type is good to pair with them.

Salt Cure is 4x against Moltres and does 25% each turn to Dondozo, so Graganacl can be really annoying for this duo to deal with, especially if it Teras to get rid of its weakness to Body Press.

:Dondozo: :Moltres: DozoTres is a high upside high downside defensive core. It has some pretty notable weaknesses, the biggest being Electric types, but I would argue that its ability to check much of the metagame, including the top 3 Pokémon, far outweighs its downsides. Those downsides can be pretty easily fixed with the other 4 slots of the team, making those upsides shine even brighter.

Here are some example sets:
Moltres @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Flame Body
Tera Type: Ground
EVs: 244 HP / 252 SpD / 12 Spe
Calm Nature
- Roost
- U-turn
- Will-O-Wisp
- Hurricane
I’ve found Hurricane to be superior to Flamethrower in that last slot. Being able to hit Iron Valiant :iron valiant: and Zamazenta :zamazenta: super effectively is big, but Flamethrower could also be used for Kingambit :kingambit: and Gholdengo :gholdengo: (although mainly Gholdengo since Dondozo deals with Kingambit).
Tera Ground is mainly to become immune to Electric moves (which this core is really weak to). You could run a different Tera type depending on what your team looks like, but I’ve found that I haven’t needed to Terastalize Moltres very often.

Dondozo @ Leftovers
Ability: Unaware
Tera Type: Fighting
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 Def
Impish Nature
- Rest
- Avalanche
- Body Press
- Sleep Talk
Avalanche is superior to a Water move in my opinion. Being able to reliably deal with Dragonite :dragonite: whether it Terastalizes Normal or stays Dragon/Flying typing is so huge.
Tera Fighting is mostly Kingambit :kingambit: insurance for if your Dozo gets chipped or your opponent is threatening with Black Glasses, Tera Dark, and 5 Dead. STAB Body Press is also nice at times.
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Landorus :landorus-therian: could be annoying for this core depending on the set. Grass Knot deals with Dondozo, and Stone Edge deals with Moltres. However, Lando is most likely only running one of these since its other three slots are pretty much locked into EQ, U-Turn, and Rocks
Lefties with Substitute, Smack Down, EQ, Grass Knot is a pretty popular set right now that definitely belongs in the “weak to” section, otherwise very nice core/write-up!
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