Metagame SV OU Metagame Discussion v4

In my opinion, the best way to proceed with tiering right now is a Darkrai suspect test.

I am going to cover a few points in this post:
  • The lack of defensive counterplay to Darkrai and the mixed bag of offensive counterplay
  • Why we shouldn’t be scared or worried about a post-Darkrai metagame
  • Why the timing and fit of this suspect is appropriate
The first point is the easiest to address and perhaps the least contested: Darkrai lacks sufficient checks and counters in the metagame. There actually has not been a single post in this thread that genuinely tried to disprove this. Some posts have alluded to not wanting a suspect, but their reasoning has been:
  • Not wanting to risk removing Darkrai due to the chain reaction banning it may cause (see my second bullet and later part of this post)
  • Preferring other actions such as retests (Volcarona or Palafin) or even other suspect targets (various Pokemon, an item, and a move)
  • Wanting the tier to remain as is due to enjoying the status quo or wanting to give it more time to settle after the Volcarona ban
Anyone is entitled to feel this way of course, but I do think the impact Darkrai is having on our metagame is problematic enough to where we must consider superseeding these sentiments through acting on Darkrai. Looking at Darkrai, it can run a variety of different sets ranging from Choice Scarf revenge killers to breaking sets, which also have some range between AoA and NP variants. We even see Knock Off on Spikes teams or Will-o-Wisp to deter certain physical attackers on occasion. One thing that "holds back" Darkrai is that it can only run one set on any given team and it is oftentimes going to have overlap in counterplay among possibilities. The main issue is that this counterplay is so stretched-thin that any breaking set is going to cause a lot of issues to balance and even end up oftentimes leading offense into trade-wars.

Traditional "checks" or "counters" to Darkrai tend to be Blissey, Zamazenta and Clodsire while fringe Pokemon like Assault Vest Hoopa-Unbound, Tinkaton, or Iron Hands can do the trick, too. It gets a lot messier in practice though as Darkrai has ways to circumvent everything with different variations or Tera usage while various other Pokemon are able to check it with the right Tera or positioning of their own, too. Some examples would be Tera Poison Darkrai, which is easily most common, letting it survive Zamazenta or flip-the-script against Fairy types. On the other side, it is possible for slower Pokemon like Primarina to Tera Steel or Gholdengo to Tera Fairy and take out a chipped Darkrai. This type of exchange is pretty healthy and one of the most fundamental strategies to playing any metagame with Tera, but my issue is how small the pool of Pokemon that are secure against Darkrai overall actually is and how reliant counterplay is on getting single turns correct, especially when they frequently rely on exhausting your Tera and avoiding a flinch or freeze.

If you take a step back, you realize teams frequently will need multiple Pokemon faster than Darkrai or at least one Pokemon faster than it alongside strong priority just to be safe from a potential sweep. On top of this, many teams want to use a Tera type (or two to cover various positions) to cover it if you're on the back-foot. Some teams can get away from this if they commit to trading Ting Lu for leaving Darkrai very weak, going full offense with a commitment to tempo or trading, or going very bulky with defensive stalwarts like the aforementioned Blissey or Clodsire, but this is not really not enough counterplay. It leaves balanced teams in disarray (yes, so do some other things, but not to this degree), it makes bulky-offense very limited in personnel (again: other things contribute, but Darkrai stands out relatively speaking), and has a trickled-down impact that a lot of people do not even realize when we look at styles used, inflated usage, etc. Overall, Darkrai just does not have enough checks or counters, making it broken.

Pivoting to "Why we shouldn’t be scared or worried about a post-Darkrai metagame", I recognize that some people fear that if we remove Darkrai, Pokemon like Gliscor lose a key offensive check. I do not typically tier with this mindset and it is not really what we are supposed to do by design, but I think another part of my job is addressing the needs of my playerbase. Multiple council members have cited these concerns and others in the thread, too, so I figured it would be a good time to chime in.

If Darkrai is banned, which is no guarantee -- the goal of a suspect is to let people decide, not to ban always -- upon being tested, I do not think Gliscor becomes an issue. It is already very good of course, but a clear step below DLC1 and Darkrai is far from the only Pokemon holding it back. Since DLC1, the tier added Kyurem and Deoxys-Speed, two Pokemon that are faster with Ice moves. Serperior is also trending up now, which 1v1s all Gliscor and can outright abuse certain sets. In addition to this, Pokemon during DLC1 like Weavile (low usage, B/B+ on VR), Ice Fang Zamazenta (no notable DLC1 usage), and Sinistcha (barely viable in DLC1, but owns SD variants) are all used much more nowadays and not only for Gliscor. This is not all there is to it either as we have seen some fun Tera Ice lures recently such as Iron Moth, Zapdos, Landorus-T, Glimmora, and Cinderace -- I hesitate to include these as they are more fringe, but the point is people feel confident loading them at the very least.

Yes, Darkrai is very good and it is a fast Pokemon that can OHKO Gliscor with Ice Beam while not being OHKO'd by Gliscor. However, it is not able to take more than 1-2 attacks from Gliscor, Toxic can put it on a timer, and SD Tera Normal/Water/Fairy can flip the entire situation with an SD or attack on the swap. The point is that Darkrai is not singlehandedly holding back Gliscor from being broken, there are various other checks to it that were introduced, and Gliscor is able to do its thing regardless for the most part.

And finally if Gliscor truly is broken without Darkrai, we can just act on it like we did during DLC1, which is how tiering is intended to go. The funny part is people saying that then we will be stuck in Zapdos purgatory with Para and Confusion deciding games -- I think this is a stretch at this point (like people saying Alomomola would be a genuine problem without Ogerpon-Wellspring). Similar to the dynamic with Gliscor, we have a ton of different Zapdos answers around, too. Kyurem and Raging Bolt are now top Pokemon when they did not previously exist during late DLC1 when Zapdos surged. Garganacl is peaking, Knock Off usage is at a high point, and Slowking-Galar has been a top Pokemon.

The point is that refusing to act on Darkrai because of fear for Gliscor gets a bit silly when we look at the whole metagame. And worrying about the same fear surrounding Gliscor and something like Zapdos is also a bit silly. I really do not think this should stand in our way.

Finally, regarding "Why the timing and fit of this suspect is appropriate", this is a bit harder of a discussion as we all have different, justifiable timelines in mind. My main thought is Volcarona was banned 2 whole months ago now, we had the entire first round of WCoP go down, and the survey showed support, so it should be on the table for a suspect now. This is more than enough time with sufficient developents given historical trends and my personal opinion.

I hope we can discuss suspecting Darkrai and I personally feel it would be the best next step for SV OU.
how is this post allowed to stay up but mine is deleted? i gave you well-versed responses to all of your points. literally every single one and you deleted it because i disagreed with you on this matter? please respond with your own facts and evidence instead of deleting opinions contrary to your belief.

this is the OUTL we have in power guys. grow a fucking pair. they can kick me off council. i couldn't give a fuck. i'm here to speak for the people.

love you all.
how is this post allowed to stay up but mine is deleted? i gave you well-versed responses to all of your points. literally every single one and you deleted it because i disagreed with you on this matter? please respond with your own facts and evidence instead of deleting opinions contrary to your belief.

this is the OUTL we have in power guys. grow a fucking pair. they can kick me off council. i couldn't give a fuck. i'm here to speak for the people.

love you all.
your post was undeleted -- the only posts being deleted are the off-topic posts in response to it

your post should 100% stay up and i am literally responding to it rn
i'm telling you straight up i don't find this 'mon broken
This is fine, but then why are you going off about wanting to preserve Gliscor and not wanting any bans because you like the metagame? The discussion is about Darkrai and the current metagame, nothing more or less. You thinking Darkrai is balanced is fine with me even if I disagree -- that's what these discussions are for, not for hypotheticals about the next steps. I am happy to engage on this topic.
even now, the best you can do is fact check a small ice fang line and drop a haha react on my shit. address my points in bulk instead of nitpicking with this defeatist attitude.
Piece-by-piece arguments with a million sentence-by-sentence quotes and retorts are seldom productive, but since you ask, sure! I have nothing to hide or run from. I will go back-and-forth on any bit of this.
these outdated clefable-samurott-skarmory structures are not going to be suddenly viable, or even playable if we ban darkrai. kyurem, gouging fire kingambit, raging bolt, even roaring moon are bigger contributors as they have priority or ways to boost speed making revenge killing slim. similar to zamazenta you can find 10x more replays of these sweeping than darkrai.
Of these, Zama and Gambit are the only ones that actually make up more ground than Darkrai. Arguing Roaring Moon, which I think you can even agree is closer to Roaring Mid right now, or Kyurem sweeps more than Darkrai is silly and straight sweeps are hardly all there is to it. Darkrai is revenge killable, but the point is it forces so many KOs and compromised positions that it makes the tier revenge kill heavy rather than interactional and comprised of more decision making. Trade war offense mirrors should not be the prominent mode of play and this is alluded to when we look at clauses surrounding promoting competitive and varied gameplay.

No clue what you are getting at with the Clef-Samu-Skarm structures. Can you explain what you mean?
boots raging, slowking-g, grasspon, alomomola, zapdos, moltres, boots gouging, tera-skeledirge, kyurem, cinderace, clefable (stop pairing it with basic shit), tera-gholdengo, corviknight,... none of these 'mons on updated balances are letting you nasty plot for free without going for a big hit, thunder wave slowing it down for your breaker, or pivot move aforementioned zamazenta, dragapult, boots deoxys, even scarf val which bea is using to high ladder success. darkrai also suffers from longevity issues making priority options in kingambit, dragonite, and weavile solid later. it's the reason leftovers is seeing use but having that item prevents you from using darkrai most powerful aspect: bluffing sets. sure you can sweep some 2023 balances with np tera-poison lefties darkrai but so do 20 other 'mons in this tier with tera.
You are assuming everything is at full, the game state is clean, etc. -- Pokemon having the ability to live one hit and get a status move off or inflict good chip can happen to anything, but in the thick of it, preserving actual utility to outmaneuver Darkrai is rough. And if you have to let your Zapdos eat an Ice Beam or exhaust your Tera on something like Gholdengo or Skeledirge while Darkrai does not, then that is going to lead to other holes, which is not a winning formula necessarily.

I agree priority can be helpful, but having to exhaust multiple resources and potentially a fodder just to force something out is by no means healthy.
tinkaton isn't fringe and fits on more pro-active balance via pickpocket stealing boots. clodsire-gliscor cores are decent.
Since you and others are so big on statistics lately, Tinkaton is sitting below 2% usage in WCoP while being firmly UU. During SPL, it was at 1% usage as well. Tinkaton is the epitome of a fringe Pokemon. You and others have some cool builds that make it work and I love that adaptation in the tier, but it is not a mainstream Pokemon or something that we can assign much value to. Maybe one day it will get there, but I do not think it is currently.
and please bro i don't want to hear the word kyurem come out of your mouth. as if you haven't been vocal on banning it and how it's still broken
Something that received 58% ban votes a half a year ago which still requires teambuilding resources and has a ton of community support should be on the mind of a tier leader; it would be acting in bad faith to ignore discussion altogether. I do not think it is the most broken Pokemoin in the tier and I do not even know that I would ban it right now honestly, but you giving it a 1 and calling it awful is far more of an outlier than me here. It is fine for you to think that way of course, but I do not think I need to shut my mouth on the topic at all. I think it is all fair game.
The "variety" of counter-play and sequences you desire was explained in subsequent paragraphs that you conveniently glossed over (like you did my entire post).
So yea, I do not think we have sufficient variety and I disagree with your assessment on other counterplay, especially with regards to balanced pivots, who all need to be healthy and risk taking away resources needed in the bigger picture of games. I think that many other posts and games as well as the survey data backs up the thin counterplay to Darkrai, too.
ting-lu forces a high value trade where you die in exchange for keeping darkrai at a low amount of hp. there is another sequence you can try where if you get hazards up early one can whirlwind shuffle, keeping ting-lu at a serviceable amount of health and darkrai in a position where it can't nasty plot later. also clicking will-o-wisp is a sign of a broken threat? what's it gonna do? wisp then ice beam for 30% while you chip it down with ruination? wisp then nasty plot and suffer from only having 2 coverage moves? this is not a trap at all.
If you Wisp Ting Lu, then you can switch out and suddenly its ability to actually check Darkrai + teammates are limited. It is very good on special heavy offense. If you have to trade Ting Lu for 80% of Darkrai, then Darkrai can still come in later to RK something or force a lot of chip due to its speed tier. Suddenly something you rely on for common teammates is no longer in commission or able to while Darkrai is able to cripple/beat it without even sacrificing itself, so Ting Lu is nothing more than a soft, situational check. It is by no means a counter.
you are free to claim darkrai is broken, but i'm similarly free to say your arguments were trash and disingenuous.
Finally: Nothing about my post is disingenuous man. I am arguing my views on the metagame like you are. I have posted thousands of times about this tier becaus I love it and will continue to given my understanding. I play around the clock and will continue to. I do not think anything I said was out of line or evading the point.

I have done everything in my power to give the best players a voice and will continue to even if it contradicts my own views of the tier. Look at the council right now: it is filled with a much better collection of visible competitors than SM or SS and this is not a coincidence. It also is more versatile and less aligned with me than ever. That is a good thing!!! We should not have an echo chamber, we should have diversity of opinions, and this is what makes us all improve. Calling me disingenuous is not really fair here. I quite literally argued to keep you on council after leaking the logs and going on a tirade in the OU room on an alt despite facing heat from staff. And I still want you on council as you are one of the best players and you are verbal. You are allowed to disagree with me and still remain on council of course -- there should be no fear of questioning authority. We need to all hold each other accountable and feel free to speak our mind.
literally every single one and you deleted it because i disagreed with you on this matter? please respond with your own facts and evidence instead of deleting opinions contrary to your belief.
I would never delete a post for simply disagreeing with me; I deleted the posts surrounding yours with 1 liners and people questioning your qualifications -- I disagree with you, CTC, etc. around the clock, but would never get in the way of you guys being able to use your platform. I even told CTC in his last thread I appreciated him using his platform appropriately.

There should never be a post deleted with a valid opinion and care about our metagame. It does not matter if I agree or mods agree or not. In this case, I deleted an entire page of post on phone instead of a select few -- the thread was restored 5-10 minutes later.
I apologize vert, I did disagree but I overreacted and you are a more experienced player than me despite disagreeing with your opinion.

That was disrespectful and toxic and I apologize for the harsh words because I admit that was not needed and quite disrespectful on my part, telling you to touch grass was overboard and lecturing you on usage not being equated to viability was not necessary either

I think I might try to go for Darkrai reqs if it ends up being the next suspect to try and vote no ban myself
your post was undeleted -- the only posts being deleted are the off-topic posts in response to it

your post should 100% stay up and i am literally responding to it rn

Like genuine question, i'm not trying to be difficult here, just get some understanding. When did those comments become off topic if you inquired about them yourself? I wouldn't have commented if you didn't make your post. The post you left up is literally just an example and continuation of what was discussed so i'm a bit confused why you've deleted others and kept some.

these are examples of the off-topic posts that are deleted, everything with content is still up...this is not rocket science

vert is a good player who is able to post his opinion; we do not need a page of the thread to qualify or disqualify him.

these are examples of the off-topic posts that are deleted, everything with content is still up...this is not rocket science

vert is a good player who is able to post his opinion; we do not need a page of the thread to qualify or disqualify him.
Yeah again I apologize for my actions, that was wrong of me to go that far. I retract that statement and I wish I didn't say that in hindsight

Disagreeing gives me no right to be toxic, that was wrong and I will make sure it will not happen again. I usually try to keep things respectful anyway but that time I did not and I apologize to both finch and vert for saying that because in hindsight I was being toxic and that was not okay.

I wasn't really thinking in the moment and thought Vert was less experienced and knowledgeable than he actually was, should have looked at his tournament icons but didn't for whatever reason.

I will strive to keep things respecful as always and not pull this type of crap again because I was definitely being stupid in the moment
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I have no clue what you mean. The whole interaction before was a user claiming that they were harassed and then I asked for them to let me know details as user safety is important. Then you made it all about haha reacts and it derailed. Then, Vert posted and thread became back on-topic with actual OU discussion. The only time I deleted posts were the shitposts in the aforementioned Vert responses.
I wish these Top Players would come in with some kind of Metagame Plan when they go on a rant about what should/shouldn't be suspect, and what is/isn't broken. Like is SV OU just perfect now? How many Mons, and which do we need to ban/unban before we get there? Really just ranting about how banning X mon would destabilize the tier, and saying "haven't we banned enough?" really just makes me think that these players just don't like their toys being taken away from them.
I have no clue what you mean. The whole interaction before was a user claiming that they were harassed and then I asked for them to let me know details as user safety is important. Then you made it all about haha reacts and it derailed. Then, Vert posted and thread became back on-topic with actual OU discussion. The only time I deleted posts were the shitposts in the aforementioned Vert responses.
There is literally a screenshot as an example of a deleted post that I am referring to in below post:
I am clearly not talking about Vert's quality posts, but tommy's initial claim of dogpiling, your response, and the responses below and then deciding to keep the final post up (maybe you just find it really funny???)

Someone deleted those posts including tommy's and yours which absolutely was relevant to the discussion as it mentioned the impact of darkrai on sleep. Look do what you want but i'm going to call things out if things don't add up.
I wish these Top Players would come in with some kind of Metagame Plan when they go on a rant about what should/shouldn't be suspect, and what is/isn't broken. Like is SV OU just perfect now? How many Mons, and which do we need to ban/unban before we get there? Really just ranting about how banning X mon would destabilize the tier, and saying "haven't we banned enough?" really just makes me think that these players just don't like their toys being taken away from them.

There was a dedicated survey for it. And it is perfectly fine from each of us to have different opinions of what is broken or unhealthy.

That explains why no Pokémon clearly emerged as totally banworthy even if Darkrai seems to be a good candidate.
There is literally a screenshot as an example of a deleted post that I am referring to in below post:

Someone deleted those posts including tommy's and yours which absolutely was relevant to the discussion as it mentioned the impact of darkrai on sleep. Look do what you want but i'm going to call things out if things don't add up.
As I said in my response to Vert, a whole page of posts was deleted by me — including my own post and his post — by accident because I selected all on phone rather than the posts I had selected. The thread has since been fixed.
As I said in my response to Vert, a whole page of posts was deleted by me — including my own post and his post — by accident because I selected all on phone rather than the posts I had selected. The thread has since been fixed.
No it hasn't, these posts attached aren't up? My point is you've left the final post of that topic (in my mind because it's enjoyable for you to see me get clowned on but that's just my opinion) and then deleted all the context leading up to that??


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No it hasn't, these posts attached aren't up? My point is you've left the final post of that topic (in my mind because it's enjoyable for you to see me get clowned on but that's just my opinion) and then deleted all the context leading up to that??
I undeleted all three — they went back on to the prior page when I deleted, so they were missed (as your screen shows, they were on top of this page prior to deletion)

Assigning an agenda to everything and throwing a hissy fit over haha reacts is kinda wild though man. I’m trying to respond to everything I can and maintain stuff while at work doing my full-time job. You went out of your way to claim I acted in bad faith because…getting haha bombed is harassment?… like this is getting silly.
I undeleted all three — they went back on to the prior page when I deleted, so they were missed (as your screen shows, they were on top of this page prior to deletion)

Assigning an agenda to everything and throwing a hissy fit over haha reacts is kinda wild though man. I’m trying to respond to everything I can and maintain stuff while at work doing my full-time job. You went out of your way to claim I acted in bad faith because…getting haha bombed is harassment?… like this is getting silly.
Differentiate between the two man and stop misrepresenting what i'm saying. A user actively haha every post I make regardless of content is in my mind harassment, if you don't agree with that then whatever. What happened to my post is dogpiling which you wanted to portray isn't happening but it has and it does. Please don't conflate the two, haha me in a post you don't agree with isn't harassment but dogpiling a post for a user's opinion absolutely exists.

Let's move on...

EDIT: Finchinator What are you doing now undeleting those posts, like you're actually straight up being manipulative at this point.
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This won't be the full post about my darkrai opinion but i would like to atleast discuss my stance on it.

But before i really get into why i think darkrai is alright, i would like to state that:
1. Having a set to beat all its counters respectively isnt a valid reason to ban a pokemon in this generation if your stance is pro tera, because i could name a zama,gambit, raging. bolt, and even a meowscarada set that defeats all its counters, there is no 1 darkrai set that covers ALL checks/counterplay.
2. It has a million sets (so people claim) so it magically has to have the right set to cripple your team.
3. Guessing and scouting sets have been a strategy since the gen came out, darkrai is not the only one.

Alright now onto my darkrai stance:

Lets break it down in every style since we have to cater for all playstyles:-

Stall: stall leads with a protect gliscor usually, has a blissey, and a clod, and has niche answers like rest ting lu sometimes, unaware clef with tera, play rough av spdef alo, if gliscor protects it auto scouts the darkrai set, the argument that it could be trick, is invalidated by the fact that other things could also trick and cripple stall, has to have knock off to stand a chance vs unaware clod or blissey and still it loses, and stall has fog talon, some stalls pack garganacl, which salt cure it and tera(because garg is tera dependent), then swap to the unaware mon, now its useless, galar weezing comes in on it and damn near kills it unless it teras, and when it teras, then tera burned, big drawback for the darkrai user.

Bulky offense: Primarina checks it, darkrai does not kill with sludge bomb, it has to essentially be in vs another mon thats weak to sludge bomb and click plot on the switch to deal with prim, and even then prim might tera and ohko with torrent surf. Primarina lives every other darkrai hit + unboosted sludge bomb. Raging bolt checks it with priority thunderclap, especially specs, which btw, darkrai also cant come in on. Dragonite tera normal espeed revenges it, forces tera into a usual gambit sucker revenge, scizor can bp it, rillaboom glides it. Oh and btw, glowking can cripple it with a twave or toxic, tera into living the second hit and chilly for free, or if its av itll sludge for a large chunk of hp, only for darkrai to be picked off. Sd tera gliscor checks it, scarf lando, garg salt cure + spdef dozo with curse, zamazenta owns it (has 30% usage) i state zama after all these so people could see the above counterplay and not think that zamazenta is the only counterplay, remember the argument that some of these cant switch in are invalidated by the fact that people miss: darkrai cannot switch into any of these either, and the game will go to who has the better positioning which is the better player in that particular game. ursaluna under trick room absolutely destroys darkrai, ive used multiple variants of trick room on the ladder recently and all have peaked #1, the biggest struggle was protect spam and gliscor, and ursaluna slams that anyway, darkrai was a non issue for every single variant of these trick room teams especially the eject pack hoopa variant. Niche picks: hisuian goodra which has tested really well on the ladder, walls multiple stuff like wake, enamorus, knocks gking, takes on wellspring if physdef, beats moth which is huge, beats glimmora, dtails out setup, alolan muk which is amazing in every matchup that doesnt have gliscor, but that is nullified by the fact we can pair it with a strong gliscor check like waterpon. And muk serves as a great tspike absorber + ghost resist with good matchup into gholdengo and valiant especially.

Balance: glowking again cripples it, darkrai cant switch into glowking without fear of being crippled, galar weezing, mirror coat spdef alomomola, tspikes, clef checks it or atleast chips it down to a very low hp, clod beats it, hazards are everywhere so its forced to run boots which doesnt hit as hard, zamazenta , if skarm is in vs it and ur skarm can take a pulse + roost on a mon it walls in the back that u need it for, like ting lu, skarm can press kill it or force tera, niche picks: alola muk and goodra hisui also, milotic with haze and scald and can click mirror coat if darkrai teras, which also beats dengo, primarina, and raging bolt/kyurem if u tera steel and click mirror coat, also takes on iron moth and cm valiant, blissey again, tera + cm cress beats it with only a +spdef nature and max hp, can still go max def with +spdef and wall its other setup fodder like tusk and zama, and clod if u tera. Hatterene checks it if ur in, and if its on semi trickroom, it wins alongside luna. Tinkaton is really good in this meta vs all HO, not just darkrai, its great vs BO aswell, and decent vs stall with the right set, so u cant say its an unusual mon to check a broken, flawed argument when its good vs a huge chunk of the metagame.

Hyper offense: moon checks it, lives beam easily, dnite espeeds it, gambit suckers, rillaboom glides, lucha owns it, zama owns it, booster valiant with cm owns it and even owns the scarf variant after a cm with vacuum wave , booster boulder owns it (cuz u have a good chance to live scarf darkpulse which is hilarious), booster raging bolt owns it, kyurem checks it, with specs, focus blast doesnt kill, dd sets also check it for this reason, dd gouging beats it, a terad wellspring owns it, pult heavily threatens it, gambit with tera also threatens it, any tera sweeper actually, niche picks: booster hands, booster scream tail or reg scream tail w tera, booster speed tusk etc.

You cannot use the argument that: Ye but most of these mons dont directly switch into a specific darkrai set, first of all, let me reiterate that this argument is invalid due to the sole fact that EVERY pokemon in this metagame, and EVERY breaker in past ou metagames, can tailor make its set to beat every single counter and check individually, as long as tera is a thing, there is no hard counter to any offensive breaker, whatever gets banned still breaks the game even without tera for example, ridiculous stuff like chi yu, chien pao, bax, bloodmoon etc, with the exception of volcarona, regieleki, and maybe espathra, nothing was banned solely due to tera. Also, im straying off topic, back to darkrai, so darkrai has to magically be the right set all the time to beat all of these, and it does not have fun coming in on these either, so yes, they may not be able switch into darkrai, but it cannot switch into them either, and theres not a huge amount of pokemon that give darkrai free entry, you cant name more than 15 common mons that give darkrai free entry.

And people like to say i dont vote ban on stuff, i was pro ban on chi yu, baxcalibur, bloodmoon, annihilape, archaludon(finch honestly u can go delete the post if u like cuz i trolled for the entire post and i didnt even vote on arch), i made TWO ban posts for gouging and was pro ban, it STILL stayed, and people adapted nicely, i voted ban on the most recent suspect, which was volcarona, its whatever breaks that ceiling of the game, theres conditions that need to be met, yes volc was broken , it wasnt the same as gouging, volc had everything gouging had, except volc was faster and had a MUCH better speed tier, had flame body, and its boosting move also boosted spdef.

I will follow up on my stances this gen in the "current state of SV OU" thread, and talk about a larger topic that needs to be addressed there, but this is my stance on darkrai, also guys like boltingblazie, srn or even you finch sometimes, i would usually disagree with some stances you take, but id never haha react it, if i didnt consider arguing your stances, i wouldnt be arguing any stance here, your stances are not ignored, i wont haha react you, or even quote you, just try to see it from my perspective: most bans an ou tier has ever had, almost none of them are defensive mons says alot, i will explain more in the post i will make in that other thread.

If anybody wants to discuss 1 on 1, heres my discord: stormzone
Add me there.

Thats about all i have to say, pce.
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Differentiate between the two man and stop misrepresenting what i'm saying. A user actively haha every post I make regardless of content is in my mind harassment, if you don't agree with that then whatever. What happened to my post is dogpiling which you wanted to portray isn't happening but it has and it does. Please don't conflate the two, haha me in a post you don't agree with isn't harassment but dogpiling a post for a user's opinion absolutely exists.

Let's move on...

Been skimming the thread but more often than not someone "haha" reacting to the point of cringe usually says more about them than it does you. The semi-toxic users who react that way without even reading your posts half the time are just part of the forum and you really shouldn't put any significance on it. When I was calling for Zama to be banned a year ago I was getting those reacts from players who are now crying it should be banned. Just make intelligent, well-informed, on-topic posts and if the same ppl are giving disingenuous reacts we all see that and take note that the reactor is a bad-faith user.

This won't be the full post about my darkrai opinion but i would like to atleast discuss my stance on it.

But before i really get into why i think darkrai is alright, i would like to state that:
1. Having a set to beat all its counters respectively isnt a valid reason to ban a pokemon in this generation if your stance is pro tera, because i could name a zama,gambit, raging. bolt, and even a meowscarada set that defeats all its counters, there is no 1 darkrai set that covers ALL checks/counterplay.
2. It has a million sets (so people claim) so it magically has to have the right set to cripple your team.
3. Guessing and scouting sets have been a strategy since the gen came out, darkrai is not the only one.

Alright now onto my darkrai stance:

Lets break it down in every style since we have to cater for all playstyles:-

Stall: stall leads with a protect gliscor usually, has a blissey, and a clod, and has niche answers like rest ting lu sometimes, unaware clef with tera, mirror coat spdef alo, if gliscor protects it auto scouts the darkrai set, the argument that it could be trick, is invalidated by the fact that other things could also trick and cripple stall, has to have knock off to stand a chance vs unaware clod or blissey and still it loses, and stall has fog talon, some stalls pack garganacl, which salt cure it and tera(because garg is tera dependent), then swap to the unaware mon, now its useless, galar weezing comes in on it and damn near kills it unless it teras, and when it teras, then tera burned, big drawback for the darkrai user.

Bulky offense: Primarina checks it, darkrai does not kill with sludge bomb, it has to essentially be in vs another mon thats weak to sludge bomb and click plot on the switch to deal with prim, and even then prim might tera and ohko with torrent surf. Primarina lives every other darkrai hit + unboosted sludge bomb. Raging bolt checks it with priority thunderclap, especially specs, which btw, darkrai also cant come in on. Dragonite tera normal espeed revenges it, forces tera into a usual gambit sucker revenge, scizor can bp it, rillaboom glides it. Oh and btw, glowking can cripple it with a twave or toxic, tera into living the second hit and chilly for free, or if its av itll sludge for a large chunk of hp, only for darkrai to be picked off. Sd tera gliscor checks it, scarf lando, garg salt cure + spdef dozo with curse, zamazenta owns it (has 30% usage) i state zamaafter all these so people could see the above counterplay and not think that zamazenta is the only counterplay, remember the argument that some of these cant switch in are invalidated by the fact that people miss: darkrai cannot switch into any of these either, and the game will go to who has the better positioning which is the better player in that particular game. ursaluna under trick room absolutely destroys darkrai, ive used multiple variants of trick room on the ladder recently and all have peaked #1, the biggest struggle was protect spam and gliscor, and ursaluna slams that anyway, darkrai was a non issue for every single variant of these trick room teams especially the eject pack hoopa variant. Niche picks: hisuian goodra which has tested really well on the ladder, walls multiple stuff like wake, enamorus, knocks gking, takes on wellspring if physdef, beats moth which is huge, beats glimmora, dtails out setup, alolan muk which is amazing in every matchup that doesnt have gliscor, but that is nullified by the fact we can pair it with a strong gliscor check like waterpon. And muk serves as a great tspike absorber + ghost resist with good matchup into gholdengo and valiant especially.

Balance: glowking again cripples it, darkrai cant switch into glowking without fear of being crippled, galar weezing, mirror coat spdef alomomola, tspikes, clef checks it or atleast chips it down to a very low hp, clod beats it, hazards are everywhere so its forced to run boots which doesnt hit as hard, zamazenta , if skarm is in vs it and ur skarm can take a pulse + roost on a mon it walls in the back that u need it for, like ting lu, skarm can press kill it or force tera, niche picks: alola muk and goodra hisui also, milotic with haze mirror coat, which also beats dengo, primarina, and raging bolt/kyurem if u tera steel and click mirror coat, also takes on iron moth and cm valiant, blissey again, tera + cm cress beats it with only a +spdef nature and max hp, can still go max def with +spdef and wall its other setup fodder like tusk and zama, and clod if u tera. Hatterene checks it if ur in, and if its on semi trickroom, it wins alongside luna. Tinkaton is really good in this meta vs all HO, not just darkrai, its great vs BO aswell, and decent vs stall with the right set, so u cant say its an unusual mon to check a broken, flawed argument when its good vs a huge chunk of the metagame.

Hyper offense: moon checks it, lives beam easily, dnite espeeds it, gambit suckers, rillaboom glides, lucha owns it, zama owns it, booster valiant with cm owns it and even owns the scarf variant after a cm with vacuum wave , booster boulder owns it (cuz u have a good chance to live scarf darkpulse which is hilarious), booster raging bolt owns it, kyurem checks it, with specs, focus blast doesnt kill, dd sets also check it for this reason, dd gouging beats it, a terad wellspring owns it, pult heavily threatens it, gambit with tera also threatens it, any tera sweeper actually, niche picks: booster hands, booster scream tail or reg scream tail w tera, booster speed tusk etc.

You cannot use the argument that: Ye but most of these mons dont directly switch into a specific darkrai set, first of all, let me reiterate that this argument is invalid due to the sole fact that EVERY pokemon in this metagame, and EVERY breaker in past ou metagames, can tailor make its set to beat every single counter and check individually, as long as tera is a thing, there is no hard counter to any offensive breaker, whatever gets banned still breaks the game even without tera for example, ridiculous stuff like chi yu, chien pao, bax, bloodmoon etc, with the exception of volcarona, regieleki, and maybe espathra, nothing was banned solely due to tera. Also, im straying off topic, back to darkrai, so darkrai has to magically be the right set all the time to beat all of these, and it does not have fun coming in on these either, so yes, they may not be able switch into darkrai, but it cannot switch into them either, and theres not a huge amount of pokemon that give darkrai free entry, you cant name more than 15 common mons that give darkrai free entry.

And people like to say i dont vote ban on stuff, i was pro ban on chi yu, baxcalibur, bloodmoon, annihilape, archaludon(finch honestly u can go delete the post if u like cuz i trolled for the entire post and i didnt even vote on arch), i made TWO ban posts for gouging and was pro ban, it STILL stayed, and people adapted nicely, i voted ban on the most recent suspect, which was volcarona, its whatever breaks that ceiling of the game, theres conditions that need to be met, yes volc was broken , it wasnt the same as gouging, volc had everything gouging had, except volc was faster and had a MUCH better speed tier, had flame body, and its boosting move also boosted spdef.

I will follow up on my stances this gen in the "current state of SV OU" thread, and talk about a larger topic that needs to be addressed there, but this is my stance on darkrai, also guys like boltingblazie, srn or even you finch sometimes, i would usually disagree with some stances you take, but id never haha react it, if i didnt consider arguing your stances, i wouldnt be arguing any stance here, your stances are not ignored, i wont haha react you, or even quote you, just try to see it from my perspective: most bans an ou tier has ever had, almost none of them are defensive mons says alot, i will explain more in the post i will make in that other thread.

If anybody wants to discuss 1 on 1, heres my discord: stormzone
Add me there.

Thats about all i have to say, pce.

Tbh just copy/paste this into the suspect thread when it goes up.
I don't think we need to be questioning the validity of this suspect, it's the only mon that got enough votes on the last survey that hasn't had a suspect yet (besides Oger-W but let's be serious). It was also dropped as an experiment basically and it's time to see if the hypothesis of, "Would Darkrai improve the meta?" was correct or not.

I don't think Darkrai is seriously on the table to be banned but the mods have to listen to the people. A large enough chunk of players want it at least suspected, the meta does need some sort of shake-up, and it doesn't really hurt anything if there's a worst-case scenario and the mon is banned; that's just our community being engaged in some democracy.

Any sort of rhetoric that this suspect was a poor decision doesn't really make sense. It's time for Darkrai to be put to the test, the sooner we can answer anyone who says it's broken by pointing out it passed a suspect the better, imo.
This is fine, but then why are you going off about wanting to preserve Gliscor and not wanting any bans because you like the metagame? The discussion is about Darkrai and the current metagame, nothing more or less. You thinking Darkrai is balanced is fine with me even if I disagree -- that's what these discussions are for, not for hypotheticals about the next steps. I am happy to engage on this topic.

Piece-by-piece arguments with a million sentence-by-sentence quotes and retorts are seldom productive, but since you ask, sure! I have nothing to hide or run from. I will go back-and-forth on any bit of this.

Of these, Zama and Gambit are the only ones that actually make up more ground than Darkrai. Arguing Roaring Moon, which I think you can even agree is closer to Roaring Mid right now, or Kyurem sweeps more than Darkrai is silly and straight sweeps are hardly all there is to it. Darkrai is revenge killable, but the point is it forces so many KOs and compromised positions that it makes the tier revenge kill heavy rather than interactional and comprised of more decision making. Trade war offense mirrors should not be the prominent mode of play and this is alluded to when we look at clauses surrounding promoting competitive and varied gameplay.

No clue what you are getting at with the Clef-Samu-Skarm structures. Can you explain what you mean?

You are assuming everything is at full, the game state is clean, etc. -- Pokemon having the ability to live one hit and get a status move off or inflict good chip can happen to anything, but in the thick of it, preserving actual utility to outmaneuver Darkrai is rough. And if you have to let your Zapdos eat an Ice Beam or exhaust your Tera on something like Gholdengo or Skeledirge while Darkrai does not, then that is going to lead to other holes, which is not a winning formula necessarily.

I agree priority can be helpful, but having to exhaust multiple resources and potentially a fodder just to force something out is by no means healthy.

Since you and others are so big on statistics lately, Tinkaton is sitting below 2% usage in WCoP while being firmly UU. During SPL, it was at 1% usage as well. Tinkaton is the epitome of a fringe Pokemon. You and others have some cool builds that make it work and I love that adaptation in the tier, but it is not a mainstream Pokemon or something that we can assign much value to. Maybe one day it will get there, but I do not think it is currently.

Something that received 58% ban votes a half a year ago which still requires teambuilding resources and has a ton of community support should be on the mind of a tier leader; it would be acting in bad faith to ignore discussion altogether. I do not think it is the most broken Pokemoin in the tier and I do not even know that I would ban it right now honestly, but you giving it a 1 and calling it awful is far more of an outlier than me here. It is fine for you to think that way of course, but I do not think I need to shut my mouth on the topic at all. I think it is all fair game.

So yea, I do not think we have sufficient variety and I disagree with your assessment on other counterplay, especially with regards to balanced pivots, who all need to be healthy and risk taking away resources needed in the bigger picture of games. I think that many other posts and games as well as the survey data backs up the thin counterplay to Darkrai, too.

If you Wisp Ting Lu, then you can switch out and suddenly its ability to actually check Darkrai + teammates are limited. It is very good on special heavy offense. If you have to trade Ting Lu for 80% of Darkrai, then Darkrai can still come in later to RK something or force a lot of chip due to its speed tier. Suddenly something you rely on for common teammates is no longer in commission or able to while Darkrai is able to cripple/beat it without even sacrificing itself, so Ting Lu is nothing more than a soft, situational check. It is by no means a counter.

Finally: Nothing about my post is disingenuous man. I am arguing my views on the metagame like you are. I have posted thousands of times about this tier becaus I love it and will continue to given my understanding. I play around the clock and will continue to. I do not think anything I said was out of line or evading the point.

I have done everything in my power to give the best players a voice and will continue to even if it contradicts my own views of the tier. Look at the council right now: it is filled with a much better collection of visible competitors than SM or SS and this is not a coincidence. It also is more versatile and less aligned with me than ever. That is a good thing!!! We should not have an echo chamber, we should have diversity of opinions, and this is what makes us all improve. Calling me disingenuous is not really fair here. I quite literally argued to keep you on council after leaking the logs and going on a tirade in the OU room on an alt despite facing heat from staff. And I still want you on council as you are one of the best players and you are verbal. You are allowed to disagree with me and still remain on council of course -- there should be no fear of questioning authority. We need to all hold each other accountable and feel free to speak our mind.

I would never delete a post for simply disagreeing with me; I deleted the posts surrounding yours with 1 liners and people questioning your qualifications -- I disagree with you, CTC, etc. around the clock, but would never get in the way of you guys being able to use your platform. I even told CTC in his last thread I appreciated him using his platform appropriately.

There should never be a post deleted with a valid opinion and care about our metagame. It does not matter if I agree or mods agree or not. In this case, I deleted an entire page of post on phone instead of a select few -- the thread was restored 5-10 minutes later.
there is no such thing as a clean game-state no matter the threat. you mention how trading health is uninteractive but i personally don't find that the case. on the same topic, shit like slowking-g and alomomola are even less interactive to me with slow pivoting x regenerator, wish-pass, and rewarding misplays by bringing back momentum in the player's favor. that's the beauty of this at the end of the day. it's subjective and you're free to find those sequences of trading ting-lu zapdos health into darkrai just as skill-less as i find alomomola slowking-g spamming flip turn chilly reception.

regarding the balances i said are outdated dogshit, here are some tournament replays of what i'm talking about (1 / 2). no shots at the players here but going forward these playstyles will be neither viable nor usable even if darkrai is banned. there is a combination of threats that contribute to this and darkrai is not at the top of said list. in my initial response and as an extension of xavgb's post, i explained how going forward balance will need a more pro-active approach. was laddering DCT and there were some balances using boots raging bolt for instance. what's not to love about a 'mon with 410 special draco meteor and volt switch? combine this with having status / pivoting on your other 'mons and non-passive stationary brokens such as garganacl, aforementioned ting-lu, and tera-gliscor, you can still net a positive darkrai match-up using balance without exhausting too many resources or direct counter-play. 'mons do not exist in a vacuum after all; if you take a look at my walking wake suspect post, 90% of the shit listed doesn't exist anymore yet it'd be foolish to ask for a walking wake ban right now.

laddering DCT i dealt with about 20 broken gouging fire moments, 10 a piece for zamazenta kingambit, and 3 for miscellaneous threats such as garganacl, raging bolt, and off-meta cheese strategies like dd kyurem veils. darkrai however? zero. watching world cup the interactions we're discussing rarely pan out this way, especially considering how often it uses more honest utility sets like trick choice scarf, will-o-wisp, and knock off. take a look at most world cup replays featuring darkrai. the only broken aspect of this 'mon to me is the rogue secondary effects-- flinch, poison, freeze. that alone is not enough to kick it, in my personal opinion.

i am against a suspect test and ban for this reason. the metagame will inevitably adapt as it did breaking swipe gouging fire, wellspring when it was at the center of ban discussions, and new zamazenta sets incorporating tera-dark and/or rest. re: hypotheticals, i went into this because the 2nd half of your initial post is essentially that. we can stop discussing it though per your request. appreciate the detailed response this time, giving me the platform to freely speak, and best of luck when our teams face off in world cup this weekend.
Damn. What happened to this thread?

Anyways, my two cents on Darkrai is I think we should suspect it. Whether we ban it or not, suspects tend to be good for the meta since they bring more engagement around pokemon in question. Since Rai has a lot of sets, I think more scrutiny on it would be a good thing. It's not a particularly big deal to me personally if it is ultimately banned or not.

One point I majorly disagree with that I have seen is that Darkrai somehow gatekeeping a potential Gliscor suspect. Like, no. Not at all. First of all, the DLC 1 ban was as much a red herring for spikes as it was anything else. Second, Darkrai is nowhere near the only thing we have to beat Gliscor. We have plenty of faster threats that can hit it hard supereffectively like D-Speed, Weavile, Meowscarada, Barraskewda and some other threats on rain, Wellspring, Wake, and A-tails on some screen teams. Other grass types such as Cornerstone and Rillaboom can also be good against it sometimes. Special attackers like Enamorus, Serperior, Kyurem, Iron Crown, and variants of Iron Valiant and Pult (with Hex) can all chunk Gliscor for big damage while moving first.

Furthermore, mons like Gren and the Lati twins may also see more OU usage if Darkrai wasn't in it. Psychic Noise is huge for countering Gliscor as well.

This isn't a ban Darkrai argument, by the way. I just think tying it to Gliscor is ludicrous. It's especially strange to me seeing top players making this point when you'd expect they would have the ability to adapt pretty well given the offensive options we have available to us for teambuilding. Like, I don't know... Figure it out?
there is no such thing as a clean game-state no matter the threat. you mention how trading health is uninteractive but i personally don't find that the case. on the same topic, shit like slowking-g and alomomola are even less interactive to me with slow pivoting x regenerator, wish-pass, and rewarding misplays by bringing back momentum in the player's favor. that's the beauty of this at the end of the day. it's subjective and you're free to find those sequences of trading ting-lu zapdos health into darkrai just as skill-less as i find alomomola slowking-g spamming flip turn chilly reception.

regarding the balances i said are outdated dogshit, here are some tournament replays of what i'm talking about (1 / 2). no shots at the players here but going forward these playstyles will be neither viable nor usable even if darkrai is banned. there is a combination of threats that contribute to this and darkrai is not at the top of said list. in my initial response and as an extension of xavgb's post, i explained how going forward balance will need a more pro-active approach. was laddering DCT and there were some balances using boots raging bolt for instance. what's not to love about a 'mon with 410 special draco meteor and volt switch? combine this with having status / pivoting on your other 'mons and non-passive stationary brokens such as garganacl, aforementioned ting-lu, and tera-gliscor, you can still net a positive darkrai match-up using balance without exhausting too many resources or direct counter-play. 'mons do not exist in a vacuum after all; if you take a look at my walking wake suspect post, 90% of the shit listed doesn't exist anymore yet it'd be foolish to ask for a walking wake ban right now.

laddering DCT i dealt with about 20 broken gouging fire moments, 10 a piece for zamazenta kingambit, and 3 for miscellaneous threats such as garganacl, raging bolt, and off-meta cheese strategies like dd kyurem veils. darkrai however? zero. watching world cup the interactions we're discussing rarely pan out this way, especially considering how often it uses more honest utility sets like trick choice scarf, will-o-wisp, and knock off. take a look at most world cup replays featuring darkrai. the only broken aspect of this 'mon to me is the rogue secondary effects-- flinch, poison, freeze. that alone is not enough to kick it, in my personal opinion.

i am against a suspect test and ban for this reason. the metagame will inevitably adapt as it did breaking swipe gouging fire, wellspring when it was at the center of ban discussions, and new zamazenta sets incorporating tera-dark and/or rest. re: hypotheticals, i went into this because the 2nd half of your initial post is essentially that. we can stop discussing it though per your request. appreciate the detailed response this time, giving me the platform to freely speak, and best of luck when our teams face off in world cup this weekend.

I don't want anything banned either, but I have a legit question for you. Like honestly, because you're someone who knows the tour scene more and has some good takes, builds dope af teams and like me is clearly passionate about fixing this tier: What is your order of bans, or more so, what does the perfect SV OU tier look like to you?

You mention BS Gouging moments but the mon literally just had a suspect, do you want to have another one or am I reading too much into that line about stupid ladder moments. Same with Zama. Is it just to highlight we have a BS ladder and that Darkrai's bullshit isn't as bad in comparison? Again, legit curious.

If you were OU dictator what mons/items/moves are QB, suspected, restricted, etc.?
I ask because there is forsure something a little off about the meta- it seems like there's some things that could be changed but personally I don't know where to start.
I think a suspect is a good choice for similar reasons as other players have mentioned. Vocal critics like CTC and Vert are active, and we've seen firsthand how this can affect a suspect test. Say what you will about it, but CTC did at least START, if not pilot the no ban side's rise. Two weeks will be plenty of time to explore sets, ladder, and discuss to great ends of your opinion, and you can always vote ban. Obviously suspect reqs can be annoying but the highest skilled players should get em EZ. I wouldn't call "no suspect" fearmongering, but even if you personally tier with the future metagame in mind, you have your full right to vote in your interests. Shutting down the idea of a suspect seems a little silly as, yes, an initial ban wave sentiment will almost certainly follow as they tend to, but we've seen plenty of DNBs this generation and there's little reason to think vocal critics won't continue to be vocal critics about their stances.

Edit: But also I agree with the person saying wait a week for FFXIV expansion hype to die down we will be in the mines