This might be a hot take but i think that Landorus Incarnate should be tested in OU.
The thing with lando is that is stupidly strong with the life orb sheer force set. It destroys balance and has all the coverage it wants, not to mention it can tera now.
However i think that its fearly easy to check lando in many ways.
First: its not fast at all. 101 base speed is simply mid in gen 9. Sure you outspeed common mons like kyurem, tusk and gholdengo, but you are not doing anything in a more offensive enviroment. It has lost rock polish this gen so sweeping with it its not an option and there is a plethora of pokemon that easily outspeed lando and force it to switch or tera at the risk or getting koed: enamorus, wogerpon, moth, valiant, serperior, cinderace, meow, darkrai, weavile, zama and pult; all of them can outspeed lando easily and threaten it with a ko or big damage. So yeah, offensively lando is very easily checked and honestly it can fell like death weight against many HO playstyles.
Its also very difficult to get any defensive utility out lando. It can take a neutral hit but this thing is not healing and with rocks its put in range really quickly. Even against defensive teams it cant switch into anything since mons like garg or gliscor which seem like same safe points of entry can cripple lando really hard with salt cure and knock or toxic.
On the deffensive side is a bit more complicated since this thing gets nasty plot now and it can be completily nuclear, however there are many mons that can switch into lando. Gliscor is the main one since now lando cant hp ice it, but there is also corv, moltres, lando-t, blissey, ting-lu and skarmory. None of them are truly counters but they can cripple lando with status or pivot to another faster mon that threaten lando. There is also no knock off for landorus this gen so progress is not guaranted when facing some of the mons above, lando has to have the right coverage to deal with its check or its simply walled.
Many can argue that lando would put too much preassure when facing balance, but there is already mons that do that like darkrai and wogerpon wich are already controversial and thats because they are too strong and versatile for how fast they are and almost nothing can switch into them safely. Lando doesnt have this, its speed isnt good enough if it wants to be a consistent threat and its coverage is good, but not perfect.
I think there is enought arguments for a lando test in OU, and i think it would help against certain mons that are quite difficult to deal with like garga, gking or raging bolt.