252+ Atk Choice Band Sharpness Kleavor X-Scissor vs. 252 HP / 4 Def Ting-Lu: 546-644 (106.2 - 125.2%) -- guaranteed OHKOAnyways, I want to talk about
I think ting-Lu is one of the most OP Pokémon in OU. There is virtually nothing you can do to stop red card ting-Lu from getting 2 layers of hazards and a pile of chip through ruination and cycling. I find it to be wayyyy too effective at this job and prob a top3 restrictive Pokémon in the tier.
Too lazy to make a big post atm but ive used bulky slither wing to great effect in OU. setup is hard to use i agree. I use wisp, morning sun, cc and uturn. Gives zamazenta some grief, along with darkrai and gambit. Those matchups alone make it worth a look.There are 3 slight problems in this...
Along with Gambit, these 3 Pokemon decide what is viable and what is not. Losing to one of them can be excused, but losing to 3 is too much. Apart from that, Moltres, Iron Moth, Iron Valiant, Zapdos... lots of Mons wall such a set. I guess you can slap Flare Blitz to delete Gholdengo or Wild Charge to have a shot vs Dozo and Zapdos, but you can,t beat them all.
Really, Slither Wing has 2 niches:
1. Band Wallbreaker in Sun that can also RK stuff with First Impression.
2. Bulky pivot.
Its a good Mon and best looking legendary of the Generation, but if you want to set-up with it, you should go to UU.