Metagame SV OU Metagame Discussion v4

Not maybe on Roaring Moon, IMO. DD + BE in general is something that should be monitored much more closely. The combination of too many damage multipliers + speed is in itself troubling math.

As far as Koko not banning a huge number of mons, what do you consider huge? Because Moth and Valiant is already 2 maybes. Tera Blast alone could arguably break Koko in an OU setting. If Regileleki is unbanned because of Tera Blast being banned, this too would have been problematic under Koko. See, there are a lot of factors besides just Quark Drive.

Then there are potential Electric Seed abusers. Yes, we have Grassy Seed and that doesn't break most things. But Electric is also a better offensive and defensive typing to Tera into. Raging Bolt is great with Grassy Seed. Imagine it on E-terrain with further boosted STAB? What about the Latis and Cresselia, which have Levitate and access to Thunderbolt? What about Electric Seed Hoopa-U, which suddenly patches up the weak defense to complement the 130 sp. def. and a terrain boosted Thunderbolt? Or even something like Hawlucha, which could suddenly break past both Dozo and Corv with Electric TB now while already hitting Tusk and Zama with Flying STAB? What exactly in OU could switch into Tera Electric Hawlucha?
Wait, I thought Levitate cancelled out the terrain bonuses. Outside of the seed consumption.
Anyone else run exclusively Tickle Alomomola instead of Scald? :alomomola:

Alomomola @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Regenerator
Tera Type: Ghost
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Def / 252 SpD
Relaxed Nature
IVs: 0 Spe
- Tickle
- Wish
- Flip Turn
- Protect

If you forget what Tickle does, it lowers the enemy’s Attack and Defense by one stage each. TickleMola switches into all Dragon Dancers and undoes their Attack boosts while also lowering their Defense. This makes it a great partner for mons like Dragonite :dragonite: and Kingambit :kingambit: who will be able to use strong priority to finish the opponent off while weakened. Anti-Gouging Fire :gouging_fire:! Woger :ogerpon-wellspring: gets no free switch-in, just go into some other mon that can attack it. With Tera Ghost it’s good against Zaza :zamazenta: too.

Edit: potential :vileplume: RMT soon :eyes:
Anyone else run exclusively Tickle Alomomola instead of Scald? :alomomola:

Alomomola @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Regenerator
Tera Type: Ghost
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Def / 252 SpD
Relaxed Nature
IVs: 0 Spe
- Tickle
- Wish
- Flip Turn
- Protect

If you forget what Tickle does, it lowers the enemy’s Attack and Defense by one stage each. TickleMola switches into all Dragon Dancers and undoes their Attack boosts while also lowering their Defense. This makes it a great partner for mons like Dragonite :dragonite: and Kingambit :kingambit: who will be able to use strong priority to finish the opponent off while weakened. Anti-Gouging Fire :gouging_fire:! Woger :ogerpon-wellspring: gets no free switch-in, just go into some other mon that can attack it. With Tera Ghost it’s good against Zaza :zamazenta: too.

Edit: potential :vileplume: RMT soon :eyes:
tickle has some very good applications but until the magical mystical freeze machine is out of this tier i will keep running scald on everything that has access to it
Wow. This is way too much to address. I'll start with this. Although I don't play a ton of Nat Dex, you have to keep in mind the options in Nat dex to deal with it are greater both in mons and movepool. I don't think it's close to the same. Like, they banned Ghold in Nat Dex but not OU. In OU, hazards are sticky and we keep banning mons because teams are being stretched thin in the builder, among other things.

Another thing you might notice with OU is a general lack of fast Electric types. It is mostly Bolt and the occasional Zapdos. Jolteon is too weak to be more than very niche and Regieleki is banned. If Regieleki was ever unbanned, that would be another issue to consider with Koko.

What viable options does National Dex have (other than Ferrothorn) to deal with Koko that OU does not also? Even if this isn't the case now, for most of this gen, National Dex has a harder time dealing with builder issues... And throughout its entire run, Koko has never seriously been considered ban worthy, nor even suspect worthy. What is worth mentioning is that OU is a lot more reliant on Tusk than ND is, so Koko would really take advantage of that.

This may be a bit of a tangent, but I think one of the weakest counterarguments whenever a comparison to Natdex is raised is 'Natdex is a different metagame to OU'. Yes that is true, but there are still some similarities between both tiers that we can use to predict what would happen to our own metagame. So any direct comparison shouldn't be immediately handwaved, and if it should, there needs to be a concrete, explicit reason for it. For what it's worth, I don't think you have done this, but this is mainly a general complaint.

Anyway, something else extremely important to Koko's viability is HP Ice. Boots Koko without HP Ice can't immediately threaten Lando-T, can't make any meaningful progress against Gliscor, and also has to run U-Turn over Volt Switch. I don't think Specs Koko would be as threatening as it used to be without HP Ice either. Bro has 95 base spatk, it really needs that terrain electric STAB or supereffective hits to do much damage.

And with a boosting item? That's the problem. Or one of them. Set diversity being another.

And before you say mixed sets can't work again, I'm calling cap on that. I see no reason why you can't carry Wild Charge, Thunderbolt, or maybe even Electroball (more debatable) on some sort of mixed set that has mostly moves from the other spectrum. If they don't already exist, I'm pretty sure one could be made.

You often don't need quite the same raw power on mixed because a lot of walls stray towards one or the other. It's also possible to sacrifice a bit of speed if you are focused on just wallbreaking. There are also set up moves like Agility and Calm Mind to make up for it. E-seed + CM could probably run something like Acro/Thunderbolt/Tera Blast. In one turn, you would be +1 in 3 stats and nobody would see it coming. Honestly, I would go on further if that was relevant to the tier. But the insinuation that mixed sets cannot work seems close minded at best.
I guarantee Electro Ball will be terrible. In general, people underestimate just how much faster you have to be than your target for Electro Ball to substantially outdamage Tbolt. I also guarantee Agility would be terrible. Koko has negative immediate power and Agility has literally never been good except for double dance cheese and extremely unique cases such as Magearna (who has Soul Heart).

I do think Mixed Sets might exist for Gking but Koko really doesn't have enough expendable EVs to be a threatening mixed attacker, especially since Z-Moves don't exist here.

And even if all of these sets were used, this wouldn't necessarily make Koko banworthy. Like none of this really changes Koko's counterplay at all.

Sure, but you resist BP and, if we are playing the counter set game, can run items like Choice Specs or Electric Seed. Zama isn't going to want to trade damage from Dazzling Gleam or maybe even Acrobatics without Tera Steel or something. And you certainly aren't going to want to do that before you are even set up. Zama can't come in on Koko and just set up very often.

This seems to assume Zama came in on something else and set up prior over the course of an entire game. All this really says is Koko isn't the best RKer for Zama. Not that Zama is going to stop it from doing its thing that much.
Agree, but no one ever said Zama is the Koko counter. It's just an example of something Koko doesn't beat as easily as it should.

I'll admit I glossed over this first part, but Koko is a pivot. Or at least tends to have pivoting moves. Teams with it are generally going to be very good at gaining momentum. These Quark Drive mons as counters to Tapu Koko would be anti-leading or attempting to RK most of the time. Almost none of them are going to want to risk coming in on an Electric move or U-turn into something that deals with them. I also feel like Koko could just straight up win the exchange against Valiant in a turn even if it was out sped, unless Valiant decided to Tera. Koko KOs and Valiant doesn't.

Thinking about the actual OU tier, mons like Valiant and Moth are already top tier without the benefit of E-Terrain. And it has already pointed out how some others could be good in OU.
Really don't think terrain Val or any of the other future mons would be broken. Val's counterplay doesn't really change - stuff like specs, scarf died out for other reasons. Not only that, you probably have to run terrain extender if you actually want to take advantage of E-terrain, so your Koko now has no item. I imagine it wouldn't be easy to actually position urself in a way such that u can safely bring in one of the quark mons with Koko too. Like Val doesn't beat Gliscor 1v1 for example.

Now I do think you might have a point with Moth. Booster Moth is a really annoying slot machine that thrives in this offensive metagame, but it wouldn't really change the fact that it can't do much against common balance cores without tera, or even with tera. Plus Moth doesn't get that many entry opportunities in the first place, so I'm a bit doubtful that Koko would make it broken.

Plus, having your boost run out mid sweep would also be quite annoying I think... Booster Energy would still be a lot more consistent.

As far as other sets, I don't know why you seem to think Specs is the only viable damage multiplier item to ever run on it. You could run Choice Band with U-turn, which goes off the same Attack stat as Gouging Fire by the way. You could run other damage multiplier items like Magnet, Expert Belt, and Life Orb. Something like Expert Belt with TB could be particularly devastating considering Ice is super effective to like every Electric resist. Even something gimmicky like Swagger/Mirror Herb is a potential option. Do Nat Dex players lack creativity or something these days? Not a snarky remark. I'm legitimately asking since I don't know.

This seems really silly.

Boots attackers aren't THAT strong? Then don't run boots. Run hazard control and an item for damage. Problem solved. Treads is even a Quark Drive mon and Koko can pop Air Balloon Ghold for it.

Screens are just an alternative to D-speed? You mean with Electric Terrain support? Isn't that entirely different? If you are talking about Koko as an enabler, isn't this something that should be considered? Screens + Electric Terrain on Koko is arguably bigger than Screens + Snow from A-tails is for Cetitan considering all the Quark Drive mons.

What is a support gonna do? I don't know, maybe run some moves like Taunt, Defog, T-wave, Toxic, and/or U-turn? I don't know if Koko would get Defog in S/V, but it has it in Nat Dex. And you keep trying to use Nat Dex as an example for OU.

The problem with versatility is that it can require different things. If you are worried about specs and get band, you might be losing a mon. If you are worried about offensive Koko and get screens, maybe it sets up 1 or 2 screen and U-turns into some Quark Drive mon your team can't deal with as well. And if you are worried about different coverages, expecting one set can get you blindsided by another.

Even if you think everything is good yet not too much, the emergence of even one set being so could make all that versatility far more problematic. But in Koko's case, that doesn't just go for it but any mon it potentially enables.
Don't think the Tera Blast arguments work at this point. Could be said about literally any offensive threat ever.

Life orb is not an item that exists and for good reason.

Swagger/Mirror Herb is just reaching at this point and you know it. People usually just list every possible combination of moves/items they can think of when trying to make a mon sound as broken as possible.

It's not that easy to say 'then don't run boots.' As you said earlier, this is a hazard spam metagame... None of our hazard removal has even passable longevity imo (tusk is worn down way too quickly, it just makes up for it by being a massive threat).

Screens Koko would be a set but then you're picking between clay and terrain extender.

'if you are worried about specs and get band, you might be losing a mon' - How? Seriously give me an example that's not gking switching in on wild charge. Not only that, band is very likely completely unviable. Screens Koko might also be the most telegraphed thing ever + it usually gets screens regardless of what you do so that's not really an argument.

Finally, there's no way Koko gets Toxic or Defog. Even if it got Defog, that wouldn't make it broken but rather more healthy lol.
The vast majority of high-ladder and tournament players don't find Roaring Moon broken anymore.

I really doubt Iron Moth would be broken with Koko around. Even right now, there are often times when it thuds into some match-ups 'cause it didn't get the Fiery Dance Special Attack boost. Allowing it to run HDB would make it a bit more consistent, but it'd mainly be the Specs set that is more effective with Koko around, and you still need to predict well to really make it work. I'll give that Iron Valiant might be unhealthy if it can get the Quark Drive boost multiple times, but other Paradoxes also get that same advantage, allowing them to revenge kill/force out Valiant or force out Valiant by coming out on the same turn as it. I give that Tapu Koko would be better in SV OU than it is in NatDex since NatDex has more fat Grass-type options (Ferrothorn in particular) as well Megas Latias and Latios, but I'm not convinced it will tear OU apart given we have stuff like Ting-Lu (eats Tera Ice Tera Blast), Slowking-Galar, Iron Crown, Garganacl, Clodsire (eats Tera Ice Tera Blast), and Iron Treads as well niche options like Fezandipiti and Venusaur in Sun. Regieleki without Tera Blast would also be meh and probably wouldn't even be OU, much like in Gen 8.

Yeah, Raging Bolt would be a big beneficiary of Electric Seed if one were to opt to use that set, but that set still gets walled by specially bulky Ground-type Pokemon since it won't have the power to break stuff like Clodsire and Ting-Lu while pure Electric as a Tera Type would be lackluster for it since it keeps the Ground weakness while not gaining much in returning aside from shaving off the Dragon and Fairy weaknesses and losing the Dragon typing's useful defensive profile. While I can see some more than niche use for Hoopa-Unbound with Electric Seed since it'd make it harder to revenge kill, I believe Hoopa-U would prefer something that provides more consistent value since Electric Seed is only a one-time boost. Dondozo actually beats Tera Electric Tera Blast Hawlucha in Electric Terrain without popping Tera itself and can Curse up on it given Hawlucha's 92 Base Attack.

252+ Atk Tera Electric Hawlucha Tera Blast (80 BP) vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Dondozo in Electric Terrain: 194-230 (38.4 - 45.6%) -- guaranteed 3HKO

I see your point that Koko being around would increase the volatility of the tier given the number of threats it enables, but I'm not convinced that there would be more than one ban (Iron Valiant if even) from its presence.

This is a lot to cover. We can agree to disagree on a lot of threats. But I do think the scope of what E-terrain impacts would be quite wide. I also have an opinion on Roaring Moon, but I won't get too into that as to not further clog the thread. As for some other points, I'll briefly go over a few.

Iron Moth could potentially be used on a hybrid Sun team. The combination Quark Drive + Specs (or even LO) + Sun Boosted Fire moves would have insane breaking power. A bit specific, but I do think that specific set would be broken. Moth on more regular e-terrain teams is more debatable, but still probably very strong. It's already solidly A rank.

I'm also wary of Iron Boulder because its biggest problem is power. And you can't sacrifice BE speed for power or it also loses its potential niche. But this goes away with E-terrain, allowing you to use a damage booster item. It has a STAB move that goes through protect.

It is likely TB could break several of the E-terrain mons, potentially including Koko itself. Regieleki was brought up because it would be an alternative of if TB is banned. Slight oversimplification coming, but all you would have to do is build a team that destroys Ground types (and maybe Ring Target shenanigans) and you would be cooking with triple damage multiplier Electric moves at 200 base speed. Yeah, I could see that being an issue.

Raging Bolt with E-seed would like run Body Press for Ting-Lu. I ran a Tera Fighting BP set on Grassy Terrain and it was filthy.

I made a mistake with Dozo not factoring out the SD cancelation. That is my bad. Hawlucha would still tear through teams that can't fit Dozo, by my estimation.


Wait, I thought Levitate cancelled out the terrain bonuses. Outside of the seed consumption.

You are correct. I was focused on the E-seed activation and forgot the extra Thunderbolt damage would not proc for Levitate mons. This was my mistake. Tera Electric could still work defensively, but carrying Thunderbolt wouldn't be any better.

What viable options does National Dex have (other than Ferrothorn) to deal with Koko that OU does not also?

Mega Swampert, Charizard X, Mega Lati twins, Mega Venusaur, Archaludon, and Volcarona. Alolan Marowak is also a thing, though that is RU.

Anyway, something else extremely important to Koko's viability is HP Ice. Boots Koko without HP Ice can't immediately threaten Lando-T, can't make any meaningful progress against Gliscor, and also has to run U-Turn over Volt Switch. I don't think Specs Koko would be as threatening as it used to be without HP Ice either. Bro has 95 base spatk, it really needs that terrain electric STAB or supereffective hits to do much damage.

Tera Blast Ice is stronger? Lando-T also gets warn down over time, so you can chip it with a non-Electric move and/or pivot off it with U-turn if you don't have immediate KO. Gliscor would be a bigger issue without Ice coverage because it has sustain. So I'm not even sure why T was the example here.

You are also assuming a special set, which is not necesarrily a safe assumption even though Wild Charge has a lot of drawback.

I guarantee Electro Ball will be terrible. In general, people underestimate just how much faster you have to be than your target for Electro Ball to substantially outdamage Tbolt. I also guarantee Agility would be terrible. Koko has negative immediate power and Agility has literally never been good except for double dance cheese and extremely unique cases such as Magearna (who has Soul Heart).

I do think Mixed Sets might exist for Gking but Koko really doesn't have enough expendable EVs to be a threatening mixed attacker, especially since Z-Moves don't exist here.

D-speed can use a mixed attacking set despite having only base 95 in both attacking stats. Why? Because, aside from its coverage and high BP moves, it doesn't need to invest in speed. It can save most of its EVs for both attacking stats. Koko could potentially do just this if it had Agility. You can also run a damage boosting item to get more power.

It couldn't do this if it was looking to use Electroball, though, because it wouldn't have speed to spare. So it would have an awkward split of EVs. I'm not entirely sure myself if Electroball would be good, so I'll leave it at this. Maybe it's a stretch.

And even if all of these sets were used, this wouldn't necessarily make Koko banworthy. Like none of this really changes Koko's counterplay at all.

Says the one who just admitted people could run mixed sets for Glowking. I just don't believe this line. There are too many one sides walls to exploit.

Agree, but no one ever said Zama is the Koko counter. It's just an example of something Koko doesn't beat as easily as it should.

So what? My initial point was about Koko's speed tier. Also, how the unboosted 3 mons that are faster aren't all as good into it as you might want. Zama not stopping Koko means you can take advantage of its speed against more teams. That's a pretty big difference.

Don't think the Tera Blast arguments work at this point. Could be said about literally any offensive threat ever.

The point is complimentary STAB coverage. Bolt/Beam is a thing, you know. Earlier, you made a paragraph on how Koko needed HP Ice. But Tera Ice is more powerful and fills a similar role. Mons like Iron Valiant can get TB, too. Both Ghost/Fighting and Dark/Fairy are great STAB combinations and Valiant can get both with TB. But on E-terrain, it becomes even better when it doesn't have to choose between speed and power.

Yes, it can be applied to every mon. But not every mon abuses it equally well. E-terrain introduces a whole new set of factors to consider with TB.

Life orb is not an item that exists and for good reason.

You sound like someone who never played mixed attacking D-speed. LO Dragonite is also a thing. If you have the hazard support, or really just removing rocks, you only need 1 DD to do damage you'd normally need 2 for. LO is a good item for certain case. Mixed attackers will often want LO, too.

Swagger/Mirror Herb is just reaching at this point and you know it. People usually just list every possible combination of moves/items they can think of when trying to make a mon sound as broken as possible.

The point was set variety and this is a thing Koko could run. Is it niche? Yes. But it is a way to boost the attack while confusing a wall such as Glowking.

It's not that easy to say 'then don't run boots.' As you said earlier, this is a hazard spam metagame... None of our hazard removal has even passable longevity imo (tusk is worn down way too quickly, it just makes up for it by being a massive threat).

First of all, Treads is likely the e-terrain spin mon. Not Tusk. Second, I disagree with boots spam on a fundamental level and build all my teams accordingly. Third, the anti-hazard options this gen are actually pretty good. You can almost guarantee hazard don't stick in most games by having a primary remover and a secondary option. Or you can use niche options like Geezing. You can also build teams to counter some of the hazard leads and/or be less hazard weak in the first place.

If I don't want to run boots on Koko, I won't. And especially if you aren't a full E-terrain abusing team, you could have one or two mons that take advantage of it and not necesarrily need to switch in Koko so many times per game.

Screens Koko would be a set but then you're picking between clay and terrain extender.

First world problems. This is still enough to set up with a Quark Drive mon. Or Hawlucha. Or Bolt. Depending on what you are doing, Light Clay might be better if you were activating E-seed. If not, Terrain Extender might be better. Either way, it's good.

Seriously give me an example that's not gking switching in on wild charge. Not only that, band is very likely completely unviable.

Blissey switches in on a Wild Charge. Or Zama switches in on a Tera Flying Brave Bird. Ting-Lu switches in on TB Ice and gets 2HKO'd? Gliscor gets 1HKO'd. I also don't think CB is unviable in a tier without Ferrothorn to severely punish Koko's recoil moves.

Finally, there's no way Koko gets Toxic or Defog. Even if it got Defog, that wouldn't make it broken but rather more healthy lol.

While this is likely, we don't know for sure. T-wave and Taunt could still be decent support, especially if you have a Hex abuser. I do agree that Defog would be healthy, but it would also add to set variety.
This is a lot to cover. We can agree to disagree on a lot of threats. But I do think the scope of what E-terrain impacts would be quite wide. I also have an opinion on Roaring Moon, but I won't get too into that as to not further clog the thread. As for some other points, I'll briefly go over a few.

Iron Moth could potentially be used on a hybrid Sun team. The combination Quark Drive + Specs (or even LO) + Sun Boosted Fire moves would have insane breaking power. A bit specific, but I do think that specific set would be broken. Moth on more regular e-terrain teams is more debatable, but still probably very strong. It's already solidly A rank.

I'm also wary of Iron Boulder because its biggest problem is power. And you can't sacrifice BE speed for power or it also loses its potential niche. But this goes away with E-terrain, allowing you to use a damage booster item. It has a STAB move that goes through protect.

It is likely TB could break several of the E-terrain mons, potentially including Koko itself. Regieleki was brought up because it would be an alternative of if TB is banned. Slight oversimplification coming, but all you would have to do is build a team that destroys Ground types (and maybe Ring Target shenanigans) and you would be cooking with triple damage multiplier Electric moves at 200 base speed. Yeah, I could see that being an issue.

Raging Bolt with E-seed would like run Body Press for Ting-Lu. I ran a Tera Fighting BP set on Grassy Terrain and it was filthy.

I made a mistake with Dozo not factoring out the SD cancelation. That is my bad. Hawlucha would still tear through teams that can't fit Dozo, by my estimation.

You are correct. I was focused on the E-seed activation and forgot the extra Thunderbolt damage would not proc for Levitate mons. This was my mistake. Tera Electric could still work defensively, but carrying Thunderbolt wouldn't be any better.

Mega Swampert, Charizard X, Mega Lati twins, Mega Venusaur, Archaludon, and Volcarona. Alolan Marowak is also a thing, though that is RU.

Tera Blast Ice is stronger? Lando-T also gets warn down over time, so you can chip it with a non-Electric move and/or pivot off it with U-turn if you don't have immediate KO. Gliscor would be a bigger issue without Ice coverage because it has sustain. So I'm not even sure why T was the example here.

You are also assuming a special set, which is not necesarrily a safe assumption even though Wild Charge has a lot of drawback.

D-speed can use a mixed attacking set despite having only base 95 in both attacking stats. Why? Because, aside from its coverage and high BP moves, it doesn't need to invest in speed. It can save most of its EVs for both attacking stats. Koko could potentially do just this if it had Agility. You can also run a damage boosting item to get more power.

It couldn't do this if it was looking to use Electroball, though, because it wouldn't have speed to spare. So it would have an awkward split of EVs. I'm not entirely sure myself if Electroball would be good, so I'll leave it at this. Maybe it's a stretch.

Says the one who just admitted people could run mixed sets for Glowking. I just don't believe this line. There are too many one sides walls to exploit.

So what? My initial point was about Koko's speed tier. Also, how the unboosted 3 mons that are faster aren't all as good into it as you might want. Zama not stopping Koko means you can take advantage of its speed against more teams. That's a pretty big difference.

The point is complimentary STAB coverage. Bolt/Beam is a thing, you know. Earlier, you made a paragraph on how Koko needed HP Ice. But Tera Ice is more powerful and fills a similar role. Mons like Iron Valiant can get TB, too. Both Ghost/Fighting and Dark/Fairy are great STAB combinations and Valiant can get both with TB. But on E-terrain, it becomes even better when it doesn't have to choose between speed and power.

Yes, it can be applied to every mon. But not every mon abuses it equally well. E-terrain introduces a whole new set of factors to consider with TB.

You sound like someone who never played mixed attacking D-speed. LO Dragonite is also a thing. If you have the hazard support, or really just removing rocks, you only need 1 DD to do damage you'd normally need 2 for. LO is a good item for certain case. Mixed attackers will often want LO, too.

The point was set variety and this is a thing Koko could run. Is it niche? Yes. But it is a way to boost the attack while confusing a wall such as Glowking.

First of all, Treads is likely the e-terrain spin mon. Not Tusk. Second, I disagree with boots spam on a fundamental level and build all my teams accordingly. Third, the anti-hazard options this gen are actually pretty good. You can almost guarantee hazard don't stick in most games by having a primary remover and a secondary option. Or you can use niche options like Geezing. You can also build teams to counter some of the hazard leads and/or be less hazard weak in the first place.

If I don't want to run boots on Koko, I won't. And especially if you aren't a full E-terrain abusing team, you could have one or two mons that take advantage of it and not necesarrily need to switch in Koko so many times per game.

First world problems. This is still enough to set up with a Quark Drive mon. Or Hawlucha. Or Bolt. Depending on what you are doing, Light Clay might be better if you were activating E-seed. If not, Terrain Extender might be better. Either way, it's good.

Blissey switches in on a Wild Charge. Or Zama switches in on a Tera Flying Brave Bird. Ting-Lu switches in on TB Ice and gets 2HKO'd? Gliscor gets 1HKO'd. I also don't think CB is unviable in a tier without Ferrothorn to severely punish Koko's recoil moves.

While this is likely, we don't know for sure. T-wave and Taunt could still be decent support, especially if you have a Hex abuser. I do agree that Defog would be healthy, but it would also add to set variety.

Mate you're just talking around people (and I sent you a message hoping to redirect this out of the thread so it won't clutter it with unrelated discussion, because I feel like this might be bugging some people). You're just throwing random things at the wall it feels like with things like "Swagger+Mirror Herb" which is proven bad in any tier that uses it. Generally.

More than that, I feel this REALLY doesn't fit with this thread which is meant to be about SV OU. So can we please move on to a more relevant topic (and if you want to discuss this still, I'm happy to discuss through PMs).
Mate you're just talking around people (and I sent you a message hoping to redirect this out of the thread so it won't clutter it with unrelated discussion, because I feel like this might be bugging some people). You're just throwing random things at the wall it feels like with things like "Swagger+Mirror Herb" which is proven bad in any tier that uses it. Generally.

More than that, I feel this REALLY doesn't fit with this thread which is meant to be about SV OU. So can we please move on to a more relevant topic (and if you want to discuss this still, I'm happy to discuss through PMs).

I came on and had a bunch of quotes to reply to. It wasn't just you and your PM. I finally finished addressing that one, but I did it after the comments here because there were 3 of them. If people want to stop talking about it after this, fine. If not, also fine. No one besides you has said they were bugged by it. Are you that bugged by it?

Your boiling down all my words, and everything I said, to things like "talking around people" and "Swagger + Mirror Herb" is fairly disingenuous. And I know even you don't entirely believe that or you wouldn't have left that very large essay in my PMs. I had a lot of words to go through and had to cut some of the fat. I addressed the points I felt were important to address. That's all. It took me hours to do this. This comment gives vibes as if it took you took maybe 5 minutes to read it.

Swagger + Mirror Herb was put in as a possible option as a footnote and not one of my more expounded upon set ideas. Like you could Swagger a Glowking. It's niche. I really don't know why it has become a point of emphases from two people now.

I don't mind talking about other topics, but we can relate some of this back to gen 9 OU from a game mechanics standpoint. Koko is irrelevant, but Quark Drive isn't. E-seed has comparability with G-seed. Electric Terrain doesn't work well without a viable setter. I don't believe the conversation is a total waste of time since many of the mechanics are relevant.
Does anyone have actionable tips for improvement in the current meta?

I was around 1800 last June but since DLC2 I’ve struggled to keep up with all the changes And have dropped like 300-400 point. I often use balance and it feels like it’s always a step behind with how many balance breakers have been allowed in the tier this gen.
Does anyone have actionable tips for improvement in the current meta?

I was around 1800 last June but since DLC2 I’ve struggled to keep up with all the changes And have dropped like 300-400 point. I often use balance and it feels like it’s always a step behind with how many balance breakers have been allowed in the tier this gen.
I would advise trying to use a variety of styles. This will help twofold: laddering at certain times against certain opponents can lead to disadvantaged matchups at points or advantaged at others just because there are only so many people laddering at any given time in any given range. This increases the chance for winnable games if you run into regular trouble with a particular team.

It also increases your understanding, letting you play against certain archetypes better once you have firsthand experience using them. The more varied you are as a player, the more varied your understanding and game planning can be.
tickle has some very good applications but until the magical mystical freeze machine is out of this tier i will keep running scald on everything that has access to it
I mean, since it’s Alomomola we’re talking about, the magical mystical freeze machine is probably just gonna 2HKO it outright with Freeze Dry.
I mean, since it’s Alomomola we’re talking about, the magical mystical freeze machine is probably just gonna 2HKO it outright with Freeze Dry.
true, but the fact that it's a 2hko means you can tank one in a pinch if you really need to for whatever reason, then switch out and regen. in those scenarios it's better to be able to guarantee that you can immediately act out of freeze, just in case you get frozen but also have to use your mola later in the match. also helps if you want to switch mola into a specs ice beam without getting fucked
I'm glad most top players don't find Zamazenta a problem. I maintain that Zama is the main reason (or one of them anyway) SV OU is playable. It would be a travesty to lose it given how much of the meta it checks without being broken itself since there are often multiple ways to beat it on every team in spite of it also being a big set-up threat like a lot of the meta.

Tera Blast getting a 3 on the survey is interesting. I did not expect it to score that high, and I'm still doubtful about it ever receiving enough support for tiering action given it didn't even get close to being banned in Ubers UU, where spamming Tera Blast is more frequent by the top threats of the meta.
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I'm glad most top players don't find Zamazenta a problem. I maintain that Zama is the main reason (or one of them anyway) SV OU is playable. It would be a travesty to lose it given how much of the meta it checks without being broken itself since there are often multiple ways to beat it on every team in spite of it also being a big set-up threat like a lot of the meta.

Tera Blast getting a 3 on the survey is interesting. I did not expect it to score that high, and I'm still doubtful about it ever receiving enough support for tiering action given it didn't even get close to being banned in Ubers UU, where spamming Tera Blast is used more frequently by the top threats of the meta.
i just don't see a tera blast suspect happening because what song would we even use for it
I would advise trying to use a variety of styles. This will help twofold: laddering at certain times against certain opponents can lead to disadvantaged matchups at points or advantaged at others just because there are only so many people laddering at any given time in any given range. This increases the chance for winnable games if you run into regular trouble with a particular team.

It also increases your understanding, letting you play against certain archetypes better once you have firsthand experience using them. The more varied you are as a player, the more varied your understanding and game planning can be.
Thanks, I’ve started doing this and am losing a lot lol. Hopefully it’s just a learning curve.
Thanks, I’ve started doing this and am losing a lot lol. Hopefully it’s just a learning curve.
When you shift your playstyle from what you've established and are comfortable with, into the foreign territory of other archetypes, losses are inevitable at first, unless you have a natural flair for it.

My old high-school physics teacher constantly banded around the phrase "repetition is the mother of skill" and honestly, it's true for a lot of things, and entirely appropriate here.

It will take some time, and a fair amount of breaking in, but once you settle in, the results will inevitably come, so just stick with it :)
ubers uu and ou are different environments with different circumstances and power levels, tera blast was only seen as a problem up there with Necrozma Dawn wings was the only one that made it feel unhealthy in a high power level like that, tera blast is used a lot more for matchup fishing down in OU to my understanding as a lot of things in ubers uu or ubers don’t need tera blast or even use it as much because the power level is so high even compared to OU
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I just don't see a tera blast suspect happening because what song would we even use for it

Won't lie, this is one of those question I feel as though I should have an answer for, but I don't. I was going to attach Marine's 'Dead Ma'ams Chest', but the only thing that has to do with Tera Blast is another 'run the jewels' joke.

Anyway, as to make this post 'meta related', I've spent a day laddering main OU (only around 1300 atm, might come back to it later idk), and my response to Gouging Fire is a resounding... eh?

I need to make it clear first that I'm not strictly upset to see it go if and when it does (might even migrate to Nat Dex tbh), but my main thought when playing is that 'this tier has so much bullshit that I'm curious why we're going after symptoms of this meta's proverbial illness and not the cause' (and that is assuming there even is one). Yet for some reason, Defensive Teras in general and Gfire were not at the forefront of my list in that regard. Again, this isn't a 'don't ban it' post, this is a 'all sins are equal in this meta' post (Salt Cure, I'm looking squarely in your general direction...).

I will confess I did get jumpscared by a Tera Fairy one setting up in my face, but this is why I had Sub on Wake and just... didn't click it for some reason. That is on me - and as someone who was around 1600 in USUM OU (before dropping because I was dicking around with other teams and also ELO decay (iirc that's a thing? Or am I tripping?) - and before mods say 'unrelated tiers', I'm going somewhere with this, bare with me here...), I'm curious how much of a distinction there is between 1250-1600 or so players when there's such a bloat of players stuck in ELO hell like this (I should know, I'm basically one of them).
Won't lie, this is one of those question I feel as though I should have an answer for, but I don't. I was going to attach Marine's 'Dead Ma'ams Chest', but the only thing that has to do with Tera Blast is another 'run the jewels' joke.
actually, that's got me thinking. if we consider which pokemon terastallization comes from in-universe, and the tera type associated with it, would "stellar stellar" be an appropriate song recommendation?
ubers uu and ou are different environments with different circumstances and power levels, tera blast was only seen as a problem up there with Necrozma Dawn wings was the only one that made it feel unhealthy in a high power level like that, tera blast is used a lot more for matchup fishing down in OU to my understanding as a lot of things in ubers uu or ubers don’t need tera blast or even use it as much because the power level is so high even compared to OU

Top threats such as Zacian and Chien-Pao also regularly abused Tera Blast in Ubers UU, so it was not just a Necrozma-Dawn Wings problem. There was a lot of fishing in general with Tera Blast in Ubers UU.

I'm surprised the Ubers UU Council decided to quickban Necrozma-Dusk Mane when it only got a 5 on the survey when Mewtwo got a 7 on the survey.

Tera Blast did get a high score on the Ubers UU survey, a score OU will probably never see to the point that it warrants a Tera Blast suspect in our tier given the much lower support for a Tera Blast suspect.