As far as Tera Blast goes, if it's agreed that it's not broken then it shouldn't be brought up as a serious topic for ban discussion.
This is literally untrue, things can be banned because they are a) uncompetitive b) broken c) unhealthy. What tera blast ban people are trying to argue, is that it is unhealthy/uncompetitive, which is perfectly reasonable.
You can do all the mental gymnastics in the world to show how it's tangibly different from Tera itself but if the focus of your argument is that it's unhealthy because of the interactions it causes then it just falls short as Tera at it's core creates the same issues.
Tera blast is VERY different from Tera. I love Tera and am heavy anti-ban, but Pro Tera Blast Ban. The difference between Tera Blast and Tera, is that Tera Blast has none of the upsides of Tera, you cannot use Tera Blast defensively. It is a purely offensive tool pokemon use to blast past checks of the pokemon that usually wall them.
We also have never banned things just because they have elements of being unhealthy, there is a ton of stuff in this game that fits that criteria. Onus is on the status quo for proving it to be unhealthy enough to warrant tiering action and as per the tiering policy regarding things being unhealthy:
Assumptions in Tiering Policy:
I.) We play, to the best of our simulator's capabilities, with the mechanics given to us on the cartridge.
- Some exceptions exist, such Sleep Clause and Freeze Clause (RBY / GSC), but they are to be avoided as much as possible.
- Suggestions to "remove critical hits" or "make Baton Pass fail in battle" are not valid tiering proposals.
II.) We cater to both ladder players (the higher end of the ladder) and tournament players.
- For actions to be taken in tiering policy, it is important to show how that action affects BOTH the...
Do you actually want to look at the Tiering policy? Or just spurt things that simply are untrue. Nevermind, you took a specific part of Tiering policy, to frame it a certain way.
Here's the full part for unhealthy:
- These are elements that may not limit either team building or battling skill enough individually but combine to cause an effect that is undesirable for the metagame.
- This can also be a state of the metagame. If the metagame has too much diversity wherein team building ability is greatly hampered and battling skill is drastically reduced, we may seek to reduce the number of good-to-great threats. This can also work in reverse; if the metagame is too centralized around a particular set of Pokemon, none of which are broken on their own, we may seek to add Pokemon to increase diversity.
- This is the most controversial and subjective one and will therefore be used the most sparingly. The Tiering Councils will only use this amidst drastic community outcry and a conviction that the move will noticeably result in the better player winning over the lesser player.
- When trying to argue a particular element's suspect status, please avoid this category unless absolutely necessary. This is a last-ditch, subjective catch-all, and tiering arguments should focus on uncompetitive or broken first. We are coming to a point in the generations where the number of threats is close to overwhelming, so we may touch upon this more often, but please try to focus on uncompetitive and broken first.
The seoncd point is literally what a Tera Blast ban would help with, there is too much threat diversity in the tier and banning Tera Blast helps nerf a lot of pokemon. Kyurem, Kingambit, Dragapult, D-nite, Moth, Iron Valiant, Roaring Moon (and others like Tera Blast Raging Bolt, yes, Raging Bolt can run Tera Blast Ghost) would all be nerfed and reduce there set diversity, meaning you can now answer them a lot easier.
II.) Uncompetitive - elements that reduce the effect of player choice / interaction on the end result to an extreme degree, such that "more skillful play" is almost always rendered irrelevant.
- This can be matchup related; think the determination that Baton Pass took the battling skill aspect out of the player's hands and made it overwhelmingly a team matchup issue, where even the best moves made each time by a standard team often were not enough.
- This can be external factors; think Endless Battle Clause, where the determining factor became internet connection over playing skill.
- This can be probability management issues; think OHKOs, evasion, or Moody, all of which turned the battle from emphasizing battling skill to emphasizing the result of the RNG more often than not.
Uncompetitive is something that isn't as easy to argue, but I would say the first point for matchup related is the closest.
Does it look like we have a community outcry for this?
If its getting onto the survey, then yes, I would say it is. And the responses have ranged from 2-5 for tera blast, so I would say the community does want action on it (in particular top players want action on it).
Also you yourself stated that Loaded Dice DD kyurem sets are too strong, yet a tera blast ban literally nerfs that set into obscurity since it now struggles to get through steel types (and before someone exclaims earth power, at that point run mixed dd, which gets countered by volcarona, which would most likely drop into the tier). I fail to see your logic on completely dismissing a Tera Blast Ban, yet saying that Kyurem's DD sets are too problematic.