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Yeah, I don't think there's any way either Basculegion will stay out of Ubers if they have Last Respects. If they're not preemptively banned, they're almost certainly going to get quickbanned in mere days.
I maintain that the real candidate for Last Respects potentially remaining unbanned will be White-Striped Basculin, the pre-evolution. (Assuming Serebii is correct in saying it gets the move, anyway.)
It lacks Swift Swim, is much more fragile, and doesn't have Ghost STAB without Tera. It might still be Ubers-worthy(which would probably result in Last Respects being banned, yeah), but I can also imagine it remaining in OU or even briefly terrorizing UU before being banned to UUBL.
I actually doubt that Houndstone will be unbanned when the HOME update comes, as the move it has been banned for, Last Respects, is known by both forms of Basculegion, and the female form tends to have a stat spread leaning more towards the special, and I highly doubt that a Basculegion-F set will be using Last Respects
A move of 300 BP on a Pokémon with 92 in attack and Adaptability remains extremely destructive. Dracovish only had 90 booster attack, and also has an attack boost talent.
252+ Atk Choice Band Strong Jaw Dracovish Fishious Rend (170 BP) vs. 252 HP / 4 Def Tera Poison Ting-Lu: 438-516 (85.2 - 100.3%) -- 6.3% chance to OHKO
252+ Atk Adaptability Basculegion-F Last Respects (300 BP) vs. 252 HP / 4 Def Tera Poison Ting-Lu: 466-550 (90.6 - 107%) -- 43.8% chance to OHKO
252+ Atk Choice Band Adaptability Basculegion-F Last Respects (300 BP) vs. 252 HP / 4 Def Tera Poison Ting-Lu: 698-822 (135.7 - 159.9%) -- guaranteed OHKO
The whole Tera ghost basculin thing kinda throws a wrench into banning last respects. But even still it should be banned regardless of if it’s broken on a NFE mon.
Walking Wake is a prime example of a mon that’s just broken because of the limited dex we have. He completely alters what a sun team but we just currently don’t have any good offensive checks.
it’s frustratin cause I want a competitive and fun meta, but I’m not sure it’s possible with the Pokémon we have available currently.
Smeargle will return soon since its dex entry is in the game already, there is not way to justify banning Last respects since Smeargle won't be broken with it.
Smeargle will return soon since its dex entry is in the game already, there is not way to justify banning Last respects since Smeargle won't be broken with it.
First of all, for the love of god mark spoilers. (EDIT: Thanks)
Secondly, and more importantly, we make tiering action based on what's currently in the tier, not what's going to be in the tier in the future. If there are only two Pokemon in the tier with the move and they are both broken because of the move, it makes no sense to not get rid of the move just because a third Pokemon with it would be coming out in the future.
First of all, for the love of god mark spoilers. (EDIT: Thanks)
Secondly, and more importantly, we make tiering action based on what's currently in the tier, not what's going to be in the tier in the future. If there are only two Pokemon in the tier with the move and they are both broken because of the move, it makes no sense to not get rid of the move just because a third Pokemon with it would be coming out in the future.
Since we don't actually know when any of those mons will return then we can't have this discussion in the first place, both could return in the same time, the mon I mentioned could return first. Since we are discussing things we are not sure how will happen I'm pointing in something that is relevant for the disscussion.
IMO, Smeargle won't be broken with LR because Smeargle has low stats all around, and his general strats are gutted due to uncompetitiveness, of course if you get a sash/spore/Sticky Webs/LR cheese set and get to clean in end game then congrats
Besides, people like to play to the extremes to prove a point, see trapinch/diglet with arena trap, baton pass, and stuff like that, just ban the move, I know complex ban are a generally no no, but this is more practical at the end of the day, in my eyes at least
But honestly, let's just don't worry about it, fuck, Garganacl is still in the tier, we have another complex ban to discuss heavely in Shed Tail, people are getting out cheesed by Volcarona more than ever before and Suicune decided to return to monke, we can discuss LR later
I maintain that the real candidate for Last Respects potentially remaining unbanned will be White-Striped Basculin, the pre-evolution. (Assuming Serebii is correct in saying it gets the move, anyway.)
252+ Atk Adaptability Tera Ghost Basculin Last Respects vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Toxapex: 302-356 (99.3 - 117.1%) -- 93.8% chance to OHKO
252+ Atk Adaptability Tera Ghost Basculin Last Respects vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Dondozo: 372-438 (73.8 - 86.9%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252+ Atk Adaptability Tera Ghost Basculin Last Respects vs. 248 HP / 252+ Def Corviknight: 396-466 (99.2 - 116.7%) -- guaranteed OHKO after Stealth Rock
252+ Atk Adaptability Tera Ghost Basculin Last Respects vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Great Tusk: 338-398 (77.8 - 91.7%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
This is a Scarf set with an Adamant nature after using Tera Ghost, and it reaches 442 Speed which outspeeds any non-Scarf mon not named Regieleki in the tier. I strongly believe that this move is broken and uncompetitive no matter what.
What are people thoughts on Hisuian Zororark? I get the impression that most think it's just a gimmick but imo it has a really legitimate niche. Illusion + 3 immunities adds another layer of mindgames on top of the one tera already creates, and more importantly it has the offensive tools to beat the Pokemon it's baiting with its disguise. I usually run this set:
Grass Knot obliterates a lot of physically defensive mons in the current meta, so disgusing Zoroark as physical attackers like Kingambit, Baxcalibur, Dragonite, among others can lure them in to just get destroyed by the move, here are some calcs:
252 SpA Life Orb Zoroark-Hisui Grass Knot (120 BP) vs. 252 HP / 4 SpD Great Tusk: 546-645 (125.8 - 148.6%) -- guaranteed OHKO
252 SpA Life Orb Zoroark-Hisui Grass Knot (120 BP) vs. 248 HP / 252+ SpD Assault Vest Great Tusk: 234-276 (54 - 63.7%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252 SpA Life Orb Zoroark-Hisui Grass Knot (120 BP) vs. 252 HP / 28 SpD Garganacl: 351-413 (86.8 - 102.2%) -- 93.8% chance to OHKO after Stealth Rock
252 SpA Life Orb Zoroark-Hisui Grass Knot (120 BP) vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Garganacl: 255-302 (63.1 - 74.7%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Stealth Rock and Leftovers recovery
252 SpA Life Orb Zoroark-Hisui Grass Knot (120 BP) vs. 252 HP / 4 SpD Dondozo: 468-551 (92.8 - 109.3%) -- 56.3% chance to OHKO
252 SpA Life Orb Zoroark-Hisui Grass Knot (120 BP) vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Dondozo: 312-369 (61.9 - 73.2%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
Illusion has other uses as well, the most obvious one being disguising yourself as a Pokemon with a Ghost or Fighting weakness to bait those moves and get a free turn. The best teammate for this imo is Kingambit, it is hard enough already to predict if its going to tera or not while also not knowing to which type its going to change to, now on top of that you have to take into account that it may be a Zoroark in disguise.
And surprisingly it also provides hazard control. If you disguise this as Hatterene against a Glimmora lead you put your opponent in a position where they can't use their hazards and lose the 1v1 against Zoroark. This also works the other way around, where you disguise Zoroark as a hazard setter like Garchomp to lure Hatterene in and kill it w/ Shadow Ball on the switch.
Illusion has its limitations ofc. A skilled player will pay attention to the Stealth Rock damage you take or to certain abilities activating and will be able to call your bluff immedeatly. There's also the fact that realistically you'll only fool your opponent once per game and after that Zoroark basically has no ability. But even without Illusion Zoroark is quite good, with its good speed, special attack and coverage it will provide at least some value most games even if you don't get to make use of Illusion.
So yeah, I'd say Zoroark is pretty good, I know this ain't the viability ranking thread but I'd say it's at least a B+ mon. Here are some replays:
What are people thoughts on Hisuian Zororark? I get the impression that most think it's just a gimmick but imo it has a really legitimate niche. Illusion + 3 immunities adds another layer of mindgames on top of the one tera already creates, and more importantly it has the offensive tools to beat the Pokemon it's baiting with its disguise. I usually run this set:
Grass Knot obliterates a lot of physically defensive mons in the current meta, so disgusing Zoroark as physical attackers like Kingambit, Baxcalibur, Dragonite, among others can lure them in to just get destroyed by the move, here are some calcs:
252 SpA Life Orb Zoroark-Hisui Grass Knot (120 BP) vs. 252 HP / 4 SpD Great Tusk: 546-645 (125.8 - 148.6%) -- guaranteed OHKO
252 SpA Life Orb Zoroark-Hisui Grass Knot (120 BP) vs. 248 HP / 252+ SpD Assault Vest Great Tusk: 234-276 (54 - 63.7%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252 SpA Life Orb Zoroark-Hisui Grass Knot (120 BP) vs. 252 HP / 28 SpD Garganacl: 351-413 (86.8 - 102.2%) -- 93.8% chance to OHKO after Stealth Rock
252 SpA Life Orb Zoroark-Hisui Grass Knot (120 BP) vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Garganacl: 255-302 (63.1 - 74.7%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Stealth Rock and Leftovers recovery
252 SpA Life Orb Zoroark-Hisui Grass Knot (120 BP) vs. 252 HP / 4 SpD Dondozo: 468-551 (92.8 - 109.3%) -- 56.3% chance to OHKO
252 SpA Life Orb Zoroark-Hisui Grass Knot (120 BP) vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Dondozo: 312-369 (61.9 - 73.2%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
Illusion has other uses as well, the most obvious one being disguising yourself as a Pokemon with a Ghost or Fighting weakness to bait those moves and get a free turn. The best teammate for this imo is Kingambit, it is hard enough already to predict if its going to tera or not while also not knowing to which type its going to change to, now on top of that you have to take into account that it may be a Zoroark in disguise.
And surprisingly it also provides hazard control. If you disguise this as Hatterene against a Glimmora lead you put your opponent in a position where they can't use their hazards and lose the 1v1 against Zoroark. This also works the other way around, where you disguise Zoroark as a hazard setter like Garchomp to lure Hatterene in and kill it w/ Shadow Ball on the switch.
Illusion has its limitations ofc. A skilled player will pay attention to the Stealth Rock damage you take or to certain abilities activating and will be able to call your bluff immedeatly. There's also the fact that realistically you'll only fool your opponent once per game and after that Zoroark basically has no ability. But even without Illusion Zoroark is quite good, with its good speed, special attack and coverage it will provide at least some value most games even if you don't get to make use of Illusion.
So yeah, I'd say Zoroark is pretty good, I know this ain't the viability ranking thread but I'd say it's at least a B+ mon. Here are some replays:
I know that a walking wake suspect is beyond confirmed, but i would like to add that imo, in this meta, the most broken pokemon is 100% volcarona.
Once you actually see its "checks" and "counters" ALL of them can be easily 1v1'd. Clod and Garg? Sub. Toxapex? Tera Grass, ground or just run psychic. Once it gets 1 quiver dance its VERY HARD to revenge kill, since its so fat that it can easily get more than one. You really need Cinderace, Ceruledge or Dragonite to have an almost guarantee counter, because every other pokemon than them gets stalled, walled, subbed, set up on or just chipped slowly until it can't beat it.
it also invalidates certain team styles way too easily like sun.
1000% agree on this. Volc benefits from tera more than any other mon. It’s main draw back has always been it’s typing but having stab psychic or tera ground brings it to a whole new level. I find on teams I have to have one mon to scout and then another ready to kill it.
Yes we do, we can only have one suspect going on at any given time and it's clear Wake is getting suspected so should be focusing on that really (unless something like another Volcarona situation comes up where everyone started worrying about it during the Pao suspect)
You should always run Tera Fighting imo. Ghost + Fighting STAB gives you almost perfect neutral coverage (ironically only resisted by hisuian zoroark lmao) while also giving you the resistance to Sucker Punch. Running Tera Blast isn't that big of a burden because even if you don't tera it's an 80bp stab move. I can't think of any other tera types that give you as much value as Fighting.
The standard is that, if a move/ability is broken on a mon, ban the user if it's just the one mon (including if that's the only mon that has it), and ban the move/ability if it's broken across "enough" users, where "enough" can vary. Arena Trap was banned when people started using Diglett and Trapinch, show that it wasn't just Dugtrio that was a problem, while Fisheous Rend never faced a ban because it wasn't a problem on Arctovish. Baton Pass was widely problematic and got nuked.
In this generation, Last Respects was unique to Houndstone, and so the mon was banned, while Cyclizar was banned instead of Shed Tail, because the move wasn't deemed a problem on Orthworm.
In this generation, Last Respects was unique to Houndstone, and so the mon was banned, while Cyclizar was banned instead of Shed Tail, because the move wasn't deemed a problem on Orthworm.
i'd also like to note that both of these are subject to change soon. the tide's turning against shed tail as people see the full extent of how problematic it is even on orthworm, and last respects is catching an instant qb when home drops because basculegion also gets it
i'd also like to note that both of these are subject to change soon. the tide's turning against shed tail as people see the full extent of how problematic it is even on orthworm, and last respects is catching an instant qb when home drops because basculegion also gets it
Do you have any quotes on that? All ive seen is orthworm be kinda mediocre all around and often never getting to even proc a shed tail or forcing you to dance around to get it, and even with earth eater/recovery, it is very hard to give orth a chance to do it again, which means it can be a 5v6 if your switch isnt as good as you expect, if you dont get the payoff you want or if orth gets snuffed out sooner (not that hard)
Do you have any quotes on that? All ive seen is orthworm be kinda mediocre all around and often never getting to even proc a shed tail or forcing you to dance around to get it, and even with earth eater/recovery, it is very hard to give orth a chance to do it again, which means it can be a 5v6 if your switch isnt as good as you expect, if you dont get the payoff you want or if orth gets snuffed out sooner (not that hard)
This, even ""the new Espartha" a.k.a. Poltergeist prefers psyhich terrain support over shed tail even if theorically it just needs a free turn to sep up and win.
i'd also like to note that both of these are subject to change soon. the tide's turning against shed tail as people see the full extent of how problematic it is even on orthworm, and last respects is catching an instant qb when home drops because basculegion also gets it
Doesn't White Stripe Basculin ALSO get it? If it's not broken with it (it may very well be with Adaptability Tera Ghost, but let's just assume otherwise for now) wouldn't that be grounds to not ban Last Respects but to instead just kick Basculegion to Ubers with Houndstone?
I look forward to the monthly OU addition from GF that will keep putting off a feasible Garg Test until Home drops.
(Disclaimer, this is not a jab at the council, just hilarity given the timing of Walking Wake showing up just as Salt was potentially gaining action support)
nah, last respects is broken no matter what way you slice it. even without stab, a spammable 300-power move is just silly. i also can't assume white stripe basculin will be fine and dandy with it when it's faster than both basculegion and houndstone.