Metagame SV OU Metagame Discussion

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Fair enough, I'd be open to vote for a shed tail ban instead, but Orthworm doesn't really seem to be a problem currently. Running Orthworm has a much higher opportunity cost than cyclizar, as you can realiably shed tail twice, assuming you take no hits.

This is true but if Cyclizar was banned I’m sure some people would use worm anyways as a bad replacement, and the fact remains that the move itself is not competitive so it should just get banned entirely as the concept of passing a substitute has already been determined not ok and nothing should be allowed to do it unless we are open to unbanning Baton Pass with restrictions too (we shouldn’t)
oh my god! i never even noticed

wow maybe now that guys entire point is completely disproved idk im just a noob
i cannot tell if you're being sarcastic or not please i have the brain cells of a goldfish (not chi-yu that thing seems pretty smart, a regular goldfish) tell me
Oh wow. Only 4-5 votes off. Razor thin margins. Like it or not we’re stuck with Tera until home at the earliest (assuming no god tech that invalidates everything comes out of nowhere)

From here, we just go ahead with the elephant (goldfish) in the room and whatever other test might seem necessary.

personally I wanted some kind of restriction, but due to working retail and the holiday season I didn’t have the time to ladder enough. (Made alot of money though). No restrictions is perfectly fine for right now though, but I feel like we’re gonna have to reevaluate Tera multiple times this year as more Pokémon releaase. Like it’s gonna be a totally different meta in 2 months when we get almost a whole Tiers worth of OU viable mons dropped on us.
This is true but if Cyclizar was banned I’m sure some people would use worm anyways as a bad replacement, and the fact remains that the move itself is not competitive so it should just get banned entirely as the concept of passing a substitute has already been determined not ok and nothing should be allowed to do it unless we are open to unbanning Baton Pass with restrictions too (we shouldn’t)

I think short term solution is to get the bike out of here, but in the long term yeah banning shed tail is the right move.
This is true but if Cyclizar was banned I’m sure some people would use worm anyways as a bad replacement, and the fact remains that the move itself is not competitive so it should just get banned entirely as the concept of passing a substitute has already been determined not ok and nothing should be allowed to do it unless we are open to unbanning Baton Pass with restrictions too (we shouldn’t)
Just because it can replace it doesn’t mean it’s broken. The worm only recovery it’s leftovers and switching into a ground type move so it can only do it once on average while the bike is fast and has regen for easy passes.
they responded to my posts with "haha"s. they replied and attempted to pick apart my earnest entreaties for the soul of the metagame. but at the end of the day, it's me. i'm the guy that won. i got what i wanted. lmao. feelingschads will never lose
psure the bazzar has a couple, but i do have a bad team built around specs dragon alge defo needs improvements but it has cinderace and it has one of my favorite mons to use, specs dragalge clicks draco and any non fairy is getting 2hkoed at minimum basically
i tera it liberally to secure KOs i really shouldn't but you don't have to do this
edit: forgot to mention! dragon alge evs are to outspeed corv so you don't get roosted on and actually 2hko it after rocks :)
i know this ain't no RMT but great tusk seems like a better stealth rocker for the team than ting-lu. outside of that, it's surprisingly a pretty solid team
Imma vote ban on the fish and the ape and the bicycle prob
and another thing as well. haha. what will it be?!?!?!?! guess you will have to see.

On a more serious note:

We appreciate your thoughts and opinions, but rest assured this process was very thought through. There has been great discussion about how each stance on Terastallization's level of strength and facets of the mechanic's power should be handled in the metagame can be recognized in the voting process. This suspect was extremely unconventional to account for that, and took great effort to put together. Be sure to also remember that this turnout is not even close to final and that it's likely that we will be re-evaluating sometime following Pokemon HOME. We understand your frustrations, but this process has been vetted heavily by tiering administration and has been fleshed out heavily, and even this turnout isn't final.

For those of you voicing your thoughts, please do not harass other users and the thankless volunteers who have invested hours into making sure this suspect was possible in the way that it was.
I can wait to see anyone cry bc Kartana and friends destroy everything on sight when Home drops bc of Terastalization but you wont gonna Ban Terra bc is the gen gimmick and is F U N

dude Basically EVERYONE here has admitted it’s probably gonna be tested at least two more times. We’re getting Mew(who I’m honestly kinda scared of with Tera) , Mag, urshifui, hoopa in like 2 months relax
I can wait to see anyone cry bc Kartana and friends destroy everything on sight when Home drops bc of Terastalization but you wont gonna Ban Terra bc is the gen gimmick and is F U N
by the time kartana returns, terrastallization will be retested for sure. but we need to focus on the present rather than the future
I’ve never even commented on this site before but this whole thread is too funny to pass by. Why is a supermajority suddenly an issue now when it hasn’t been for previous suspect tests? Seems like people are just upset about the result and are blaming everything but the voters.
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