Resource SV OU Simple Questions, Simple Answers Thread

What is the Kokoloko tiering method

As I couldn't post in the other thread in time I figure I'll add some stuff since I was part of the original council.

To keep it short, when kokoloko was leading UU he decided in the transition to XY (when Megas became a thing) that it'd be worth it to take a more drastic approach to tiering and get rid of the biggest threats early on to get a balanced meta fast and then follow a strict schedule of retests starting from the highest priority (ie. mons that weren't as broken) to the lowest (ie. stupid sh*t such as Zygarde or Mega Gardevoir). While no stranger to controversy, particularly around Klefki, it did give us a fair few months of a pretty good metagame even if a bit stale.

Realistically the first rounds of bans weren't super different to the radars at the start of SV OU (except we got to be more liberal since we were retesting later), the biggest difference to what could've been done here is that at the time it was conducted all via council votes whereas now with Finch leading there's so much more community involvement so the retests would have to be through suspects but if something like that were to garner support in the future I definitely think it's worth exploring—moreso in OU than in lower tiers, in any case.

Hope this helped!

Edit: I went through the convos to search the first mons we banned lol, I'd voted on Diggersby, Gardevoirite, Staraptor, and Wobbuffet and abstained on Terrak (and only Raptor, Wobb, and Terrak were banned). Definitely not as "scorched earth" as some people called it.
Where would I find a thread that I would have experienced battlers help me make an OU team?
Was about to ask a similar question.

I made a team as a 1300-1400 and was wondering if the was a place to post teams, as a lower rated player, where they could get attention and help from higher rated players.

To address the post I replied to: YouTube has some great stuff. Pinkacross's channel is mostly focused on team building and PokeaimMD has videos where he makes teams and then plays with them. Not really what you asked for, but similar.
Where would I find a thread that I would have experienced battlers help me make an OU team?
Was about to ask a similar question.

I made a team as a 1300-1400 and was wondering if the was a place to post teams, as a lower rated player, where they could get attention and help from higher rated players.

To address the post I replied to: YouTube has some great stuff. Pinkacross's channel is mostly focused on team building and PokeaimMD has videos where he makes teams and then plays with them. Not really what you asked for, but similar.

There's a few good spots if you know where to look for.

First of all, there's the RMT Forum:

These are typically for finished teams, where users can ask for feedback on what to change on their teams. These do require some amount of writing to go alongside the team, as in a small description of what each member does. It also makes for a great place to find good teams to ladder with!

Another good spot is in the OverUsed Discord Server, which is a lot more active than the forum, there's a dedicated teambuilding chat where you can get some helpful input!
Is hydrapple very viable also in OU in a trick room team? What would be a good set for that?
Full HP and SpA, nasty plot and 3 attacks or better 4 attacks and assault vest?

Would also be interested if someone has ideas for good partners. I was thinking ursaluna, cresselia, hatterene, maybe hoopa
Is hydrapple very viable also in OU in a trick room team? What would be a good set for that?
Full HP and SpA, nasty plot and 3 attacks or better 4 attacks and assault vest?

Would also be interested if someone has ideas for good partners. I was thinking ursaluna, cresselia, hatterene, maybe hoopa
Hydrapple certainly has a niche, but it isnt the best. On TR, Ive tried Nasty Plot 3 Attack with Stellar, but I need to test with it more
I know Meowscarada got Triple Axel, but why is it that good on it and why should I use it over Thunder Punch?
In addition to what tinyranitar said, Ice makes for great coverage for a Grass-type specifically, as it allows it to hit not only Flying-types but also Dragon- and Grass-types super-effectively, including the likes of Zapdos, Dragonite and Amoonguss, which could previously check it (though Zapdos still kinda does due to Static). As tinyranitar mentioned, Gliscor is also a very important Pokemon to be able to OHKO, and Meowscarada still threatens Tera Water with Flower Trick as well.
Why is Volcarona running Fiery Dance so much more often this gen? In SS the consensus seemed to be “the BP of Flamethrower is more important, if you need more spatk you can just QD again,” but now this gen the sample sets don’t even mention Flamethrower.
Are there bots in the ladder on Showdown?

There are certain projects that have tried to have an algorithm ladder, however, they're:

A): Extremely uncommon

B): usually not very good

The Third Build has a super interesting video showcasing how an A.I would try to ladder, and what kind of setbacks exist for it

Realistically however, bots will probably constitute less than 1% of your games.
So jokes about Lando-T maintaining OU made me wonder: What in particular are the sets for it right now in OU? I figure with 10% usage it must have some legitimate niche/techs rather than clinging to one thing like Garchomp did.

Would knock off or hyperspace fury be better on Band Hoopa-U?
I think Knock Off is preferred. How many Dark Targets is Hoopa going to need 200 vs 165 BP over two turns for, given it's already a very "ride or die" mon with Band power? Knock Off in genral is hard to beat for forcing progress, and it's rare I find a Choice Mon gets more than two attacks out in a row unless you're already situated to win.