(3 subs of mine really... i swear if its just my subs winning the slate that will feel bullshit, go sub smoe more subs Pls)
Fighting/Fairy Type (+Play Rough) + 20 Def
(gave play rough but it has raging bull lmao) ok but the bulk on it is huge with 75/125/70 it can take physical hits with ease and it has an awesome typing taking hits such as kingmabut sucker punch easily, taking on roaring moon, baxcalibur, dragonite, zamazenta, tyranitar, etc. Bulk up is a set i see big potential in since after a bulk up boost nothing really wants to take its attack and it can also use trailblaze last slot for the funny speed boost
+ Knock Off
(Alo was C-tier btw g-luke) so what does this do? well Whirlpool + Knock off now can force a decent amount of progress. Rotom-w trying to switch in? well its gonna have to deal with no item and later in the game Whirlpool Chip, Do you want to bring in zapdos? well good luck losing ur boots. I liked alo because of the fact it can be a big wall on balance and allow big wishes to be passed to teammates allowing pokemon such as zap, ting lui, great tusk having better recovery. It sounds nice
Grass/Steel Type (+Meteor Mash) + 15 HP
Offensive ferro huh.... well it is an interesting thing esp with spore it can pose a huge threat to enemies since smth like amoonguss cant really beat it 1v1 due to not being able to deal damage to it and brute bonnet being able to just meteor mash through it and eventually spore smth on the enemies, it can also use crunch to deal with gholdengo to make sure u have a good time clicking buttons on them.
Synthesis also makes its longetivity pretty good as it can take a few hits and recover 50% from things such as baxcalibur, dragonite, enamorus, and also being able to spore offensive pokemon to use to its advanatage
Ice/Ground Type (+Bone Rush)
Pretty powerful sub, behind screens this is a deadly stab combination that is very hard to be resisted (only by rotom-w) and anything that can take icicle spear usually doesnt want to eat a bone rush like heatran, kingambit, gholdengo, toxapex, volcanion, tyranitar, delphox, tinkaton, etc.
252+ Atk Cloyster Bone Rush (5 hits) vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Kingambit: 330-390 (96.7 - 114.3%) -- approx. 56.3% chance to OHKO
252+ Atk Cloyster Bone Rush (5 hits) vs. 252 HP / 4 Def Tyranitar: 330-400 (81.6 - 99%) -- approx. 2HKO
+2 252+ Atk Cloyster Bone Rush (5 hits) vs. 252 HP / 4 Def Azumarill: 435-515 (107.6 - 127.4%) -- guaranteed OHKO
and behind screens it has free setup on many mons esp with tera, i see this being a powerful edition in the meta
Water/Steel Type (+Liquidation) + 20 Sp.Def
it's a copy paste from last gen.... unfortunately its not exactly a copy cuz it lost heat crash, power whip, stone edge, and a couple more tools making it so its walled by water types and cant really pressure smth like rotom-w, amoonguss, dondodozo, tera water garganacl. While its still prob a good edition and viable to some extent (idk how well it can recreate the stuff it did from last gen) it will prob see good enough use still to hopefully be a worthwhile edition
Tauros > Cloyster > brute bonnet > copper > alomomola