Just wanna start with a s/o to
Karthik, who made this process much easier!
Here's a bunch of teams I've made since the DLC2 came out! The teams are in order of new to old, with the pokepaste links in the pics. Also here's a few "disclaimers":
- I mostly build balance, which applies to most of these teams that aren't built around weather/terrain/rooms (TR ain't the only room in here >:D)
- While I didn't include teams with banned mons, many of the older ones were built in their metas aka with said banned mons in mind.
- Some teams some mons might still have sleep-inducing moves, I removed the ones I noticed though.
- A large proportion of there are and/or contain memes.
- Most team descriptions are actually just about said memes, this post may or may not be an excuse to post some of my sets.
- April shifts are in a few days, and who knows how relevant these teams will be then.
---Post-March Shift---

Wanted to try out Tera Fire on Scyther specifically for Houndstone (but also hits stuff like Bronzong), and paired it with some SpikesStack since that's pretty good right now. Stuck a couple phazers on there that I hadn't used in a while, and DIPPLIN IS DECENT I SWEAR!!! The team is admittedly kinda slow at times, with Bruxish having originally been Scarf but I wanted the immediate power+priority of CB.

Yup, AV Bastiodon. With that out of the way, Farigiraf is there for Wish support for Bastiodon. I also considered here Dachsbun for its better type synergy, but I also wanted to try out Granbull again (Granbull being also on an earlier team, posted further down). Added some faster mons since the team was looking pretty slow, and finally some Spikes since I was having trouble finding an SR setter that didn't majorly overlap with Bastiodon.

Passimian can 2HKO that Palossand with base 120 Tera Grass Grass Knot. This meme-y lure fit well with one-attack Facade/SD/Copycat Grafaiai, which has proven to be an amazing set that I do legit recommend (inspired by a set by
Scarf Kricketune with DEdge>Facade!). Also added some Spikes into the mix, and you've got some fun HO. Also here's a replay of the Grafaiai set being broken:
Replays - Pokémon Showdown! (pokemonshowdown.com)
...until I misplayed at the end of what should have been a sweep by clicking Facade instead of Copycat. I was salty af (at myself), but
leoperi99 is really cool and let me play it out if I hadn't screwed up:
Replays - Pokémon Showdown! (pokemonshowdown.com)

As you'll see in later teams, I like Electro Ball. I usually run it on Jolteon, who kinda outclasses Alolachu these days, but while messing around came up with the idea of self-setting ETerrain, boosting Electro Ball both via Surge Surfer and the electric move boost. Also thought Reckless Supercell Slam Rhydon would be funny here, though DEdge is it's only other recoil move. Then came up with the healing item+Tera Normal Floatzel idea, for double the Double-Edge fun! Then added some uncommon hazard control mons+Decidueye in the back cuz it had a bunch of useful resists. Here's a fun replay of the Alolachu sweeping:
Replays - Pokémon Showdown! (pokemonshowdown.com)

"Oh hey, two viable mons' names start with 'Mag', I should build a team around them!"
With Salazzle recently banned, I had to find another way to Toxic stuff, enter Weezing and Trick+Toxic Orb Bronzong! Naturally, with two bulky mons without reliable recovery, Wishpasser Farigirag was slapped on. Then Magneton to trap Steel-types to make Toxic more spammable, and just two top-tier mons in the back that covered any remaining weaknesses/missing roles.

Was originally meant to center around having 3 water mons, but somewhere down the line it became 5 pivots on one team and I just went with it. Would've done 6 but I needed hazards/hazard removal so it couldn't really be done (tho giving Toedscruel Leaf Storm+EPack is always an option). btw Tera Bug Jolteon has a chance to OHKO Wo-Chien with Pin Missile (depending on your luck with how many times it hits).
Shell Smash EPack Magcargo+a Copycat was a fun strat I came up with earlier in the gen, it's prob in some of the teams I've posted on here before. But now we have Jolteon, our fastest Copycat user who can take advantage of the stat boosts via Stored Power and that Electro Ball I love so much! The Atk boost helps too, being able to KO Wo-Chien without the need for Tera Bug. The team can admittedly get a little too passive at times, majorly being built around support for chances to pull off the strat, like Memento Uxie and Aurora Veil Aboma. But if you can pull the strat off, it's all worth it.
With Grafaiai giving us another Unburden mon and Uxie doing stuff, Grassy Terrain has also risen in usage. The idea behind this team is to use Grookey as a suicide lead so you can save Thwackey in the back for later. Also put Imprison on Uxie cuz it stops doubledance Alcremie in its tracks, an otherwise threat to terrain teams.

Wonder Room is the one that swaps the mons' Def and SpDef. In theory, Hoopa can boost its SpDef high af with CM and just turn it into PhysDef if a (slower) physical mon tries to rk it. Also got some fun stuff like mixed Blizzard Tauros and double trapping move+Binding Band Sandaconda!

Posted a personal VR on Discord, with those first three in C-rank. I hadn't really seen or used them in the current meta, and assumed they were just outclassed/niche. But some peeps stood up for them, saying they were still decent and deserved at least mid. So naturally I decided to try them out, ignoring the horrible type synergy with that triple fire weakness. Then while I was at it, I decided to add a couple other mons/sets I felt I hadn't used. And that's where the title comes from.

Noticing Lapras has Shell Armor, I immediately looked into making some
annoying bulky doubledance set. It gets Curse, but sadly no Amnesia or anything to boost SpDef, so I had to get creative, with Apicot being the pinch SpDef boost berry. Went with Sub to help trigger the berry, while also taking advantage of Lapras's naturally high HP, with the defense boosts making it even harder to break. With only one attack and the rise of Water Absorb mons, I added Bruxish and Typhlosion to wear them down/take them out before bringing out Lapras. Also Eject Button+Switcheroo Whimsicott can be a funny one-time phaze with priority. Here's a replay of Lapras slaying and EButton Whimsicott coming in clutch:
Replays - Pokémon Showdown! (pokemonshowdown.com)

It was indeed my 666th team, so naturally I had to do something to celebrate. That's where this Dudunsparce set came in. The main idea of the set is that its moves allow it to para, confuse, and flinch mons for maximum hax. It was also funnily enough a mon that couldn't afford to have any stats lowered so I could actually run a neutral nature! Other than that, I naturally had to find a way to fit Vivillon on the team, with it being #666 in the pokedex. Sadly this was post-Sleep ban so I had to go with some weird bulky doubledance stuff. Either way, here's a replay with an earlier rendition of the Dudunsparce set torturing someone (also a different team, not included here cuz Salazzle):
Replays - Pokémon Showdown! (pokemonshowdown.com)

Glastrier is underrated AF right now. Also some fun sets like status Shiftry, Accupressure Qwilfish-H (see title), and my personal fav, Copycat+Tera Ground Mud Slap Jolteon. I thought I had a funny replay with Jolteon Copycating a Tera Ground Floatzel's Wave Crash for the win, but ig I didn't save it. But here's a fun long replay with
Replays - Pokémon Showdown! (pokemonshowdown.com)

For those of you who didn't know, I like Duosion. This Future Sight set is based on one that was running around in USUM, as fun as doubledance may be. Also Scarf Poliwrath is legit solid, while sadly slower than max Timid Jolteon by 1 point, it's still decent speed control that offers the same unique set of resistances as usual. Also surprise factor stuff.

Did you know Shore Up recovers more HP under Sand? Houndstone is prob still better in that slot tho. Anyway here's a replay of Lycanroc being borken:
Replays - Pokémon Showdown! (pokemonshowdown.com)

People seem to really like Electivire (relative to past metas) so I thought I'd give it a go with Trailblaze BU. Got some meme sets on there too ofc, with PerishTrap Missy and 100% Crit Grafaiai (Lansat Berry is the pinch Focus Energy one). Also more Scarf Poliwrath.

Good movie. Questionable team.

A relatively normal team...sus af. Tho yeah this is around the time the drops happened, so I was just testing some stuff out. Made Alolan Eggy lvl 99 for opposing OTR Alolan Eggy, a strat from Gen 7, tho idt that ever came into play.
---Pre-March Shifts---

This was the Granbull team I mentioned earlier. Being made right before drops, notably Whimsicott, a lotta teams simply didn't have a Fairy resist. This was a great time for CB Granbull, especially alongside Magneton to trap and ko the common Steels and Lanturn to paralyze a bunch of stuff to make up for Granbull's low Speed.

Mostly a meme team, built around the idea of people expecting Snorlax and/or Hariyama to be running Thick Fat (neither of which are). And then the rest of the team being mons weak to Fire/Ice to further that expectation.

Just another instance of me wanting to try out some mons I hadn't used as much, ft. some less common stuff like CB Eel and SubToxic Muk.

I keep mixing them up, but to clarify, it's Magic Room, the one that disables items. The idea of Magic Room is to give all these Choiced/AV mons to set up while their items are disabled, and then sweeping once the items turn on again. Also helps Specs HElectrode, who otherwise really struggles if it picks the wrong move. Magic Room doesn't have the widest distribution (note that Uxie wasn't in the tier when I made this), hence Gothetelle sitting there.

Good times. Also had Oricorio-Sensu on there when it was first built, but replaced it when I realized I was missing Skunk (lucky too, considering Ori-Sensu is now banned).
---Pre-Feburary Shifts---

People seem to often forget this, but Mesprit's Atk is the same as its SpAtk (base 105). Also has a great physical movepool, s/o to Drain Punch which I wasn't able to fit on this set. Sub Hariyama is also cool, an overlooked move on BU sets, albeit makes sense with losing out on a coverage slot.

More fun with Shell Smash EPack Magcargo+Copycat, now featuring Mesprit!

Just some Grassy Terrain teams, centered around SpDef boosting mons that benefit from Grassy Seed (Missy+Moth/Ori). Moth originally had Sleep Powder, so I'm guessing I replaced it with Ori around the time that was banned. SR Lycanroc with EPack+CC is also cool on offensive, for momentum and an alternative lead to Thwackey.

Just a fun Toucannon set, with Scarf not there to serve as speed control as much as make up for its low Spe (at max Spe it's crept by base 115s, rn just creeps Lycanroc) and give it the surprise factor to hit fast/frail mons really hard with Brave Bird and Tera Normal Boomburst. It can also run Bullet Seed+Skill Link over Heat Wave.

If you watched the Sand team replay above, you know what Lycanroc can do. Paired it with CM Virizion to help with all those Ground mons and Sandaconda+Cramorant to help by spreading para for fast mons that might not care as much about Accelerock.

Pretty much just a handful of slow wallbreakers with para support from Dudunsparce.

Yes, Iron Ball Mesprit. Iron Ball not only made Mesprit slow enough to properly take advantage of TR, but also grounded it so the Psychic Terrain would boost its Expanding Force. Also stuck Fling on there for a nice 130BP physical move, which, looking at the current meta, still hits some random targets like Hoopa and Farigiraf. Other than that, standard TR.

This was built a little bit after Terrakion was banned (yes, that's how old we're getting), so I slapped a CB+Stone Edge on Virizion instead. Also got Encore Alcremie in the back, prob still a usable alternative to the current doubledance set.

A really fun moth set that nobody used cuz Quiver Dance. Moth has obv fallen off a lot with the ban of Sleep Powder (had to change it to Stun Spore while making this), but it still has a great utility movepool+U-turn to stop it from being a momentum drain like Weezing/Muk. Also Wonder Skin is funny.

Nothing much to say here, just standard, formulaic Rain: 2 setters, 3 sweepers, and 1 glue

Imagine a way to boost Frosmoth's Def to pair with its already high SpDef...
---Pre-January Shifts---

For the last team, a final weather team, Sand at that! This is obv completely outdated, but I like that it has Duosion+Leavanny cuz their abilities make them immune to sand damage. This would be from when Sandslash temporarily rose to NU, so Drilbur can just be
slashed replaced with that.
Gonna end off on that high note. While I've got even more "legal" teams, half the reason all the mons are legal is cuz they're from less powercrept metas, so are outdated anyway. Also
zoowi prob did some weird contribution stuff I forgot about.