Syclar - Part 2 - Typing Poll

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In the first thread of this pre-evolution process, we discussed some of the overall ideas that we need to focus on for Syclar, the pre-evolution of Syclant. At the end, I threw out some thoughts that are necessary to consider for the future of Syclar. Please read through that post you you understand where I'm coming from in the following threads. Thanks!

This is the stage where we vote for the typing of Syclar. Its evolution, Syclant is Ice / Bug type, which is an important point to note. We had a big, long discussion on its potential typing here, so I'd recommend reading through that topic adequately before developing an opinion and casting your vote. The sprite for Syclar can also be found below, so make sure to reference that when making your decision.

This is a single bold vote. Make sure that you bold your votes and nothing else! A typical vote might look like the following:
My Preferred Entry

Any comments that the voter has would go below the votes in non-bold text. Bold text is used to determine what the user's votes are, so none of the supplementary text should be in bold.
Please post only your votes in this thread. Do not respond to other posts, or your posts will be moderated and you warned. If you feel compelled to say something in your own vote, you may still do so, but don't try to ignite a discussion. Keep discussion to #cap. Thanks!

Here's the list of our two voting options:

Ice / Bug

This voting period will be open for 24 hours. Get to it!

What we have so far:

Name: Syclar
Type: ???


Banned deucer.
I already pointed out how there is no precedent on this planet for a primary typing to become secondary so i refuse to vote pure Bug

That in mind, Ice / Bug it is


Like ships in the night, you're passing me by
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Finally noticed this was up and running since it wasn't in the main CAP section xD. Can't imagine why this is even up for debate. Come on guys... let's not argue over obvious things xD. Save argument for things a little trickier than the typing on a prevo of an Ice/Bug that is both a bug and has ice in it's design. It's an

Ice / Bug

Gonna stick with this, I feel like Syclar doesn't need any huge changes from our original idea of him.
Ice / Bug

I just don't feel that it's bug-type-y. The design also has a little bit of ice on it so . . .
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