Tatertot's Bizzare Bazaar: CLOSED until further notice

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Sure thing. Did you have a preferred ability on Drowzee? Forewarn/Inner Focus seem dreadfully inferior to Insomnia, imo, but you never know.
Insomnia would be wonderful, thanks.

Also, I just realized something: most of the egg moves I breed onto my Pokemon are on the males, so my female Charmander has only Dragon Pulse and Dragon Dance. Do you think you'll need Crunch and Ancient Power, or are those two (plus Fire Fang from Bagon) enough?
Insomnia would be wonderful, thanks.

Also, I just realized something: most of the egg moves I breed onto my Pokemon are on the males, so my female Charmander has only Dragon Pulse and Dragon Dance. Do you think you'll need Crunch and Ancient Power, or are those two (plus Fire Fang from Bagon) enough?
Shouldn't be an issue
I'd like your
Ability: Natural Cure
IVs: 31/xx/31/31/31/31
Egg Moves: Seismic Toss, Aromatherapy

and ill give you a Shiny
Flash Fire
learned all its moves as growlithe, with crunch and close combat.
(yes its kalos born)
I'd like your
Ability: Natural Cure
IVs: 31/xx/31/31/31/31
Egg Moves: Seismic Toss, Aromatherapy

and ill give you a Shiny
Flash Fire
learned all its moves as growlithe, with crunch and close combat.
(yes its kalos born)
Can I get the OT and ID # of that Arcanine? Also what level is it? We'll probably have a deal though :)
Hi again Mr. Tatertot!

CMT for a female slowpoke, aerodactyl, elekid, and druddigon please!
Hmm, how about females of Barboach, Taillow, Cyndaquil, and Chinchou? :)
Oops, sorry.
Could I please get:
Quiet slowpoke
Adamant aerodactyl
Adamant Elekid
Jolly Druddigon

Thanks! Do you have any requests for the natures of the ones you requested from me?
The ones you breed with are fine :) Calm on Chinchou though, instead of Bold please
I am on the market for a Timid Cyndaquil like yours. Would you be interested in a Klefki, Bold, Prankster, 5/6 IV's, with all egg moves? Or I also have a Mawile, Adamant, Intimidate, 5/6 IV's, Fire and Ice punch? Or when I bread for Mawile I got lucky and have a 0 speed IV Adamant, not Brave but can be used for breeding a trick roomer. Or a Gible, Jolly, Rough Skin, 5/6 IV's, with Iron Head?
I am on the market for a Timid Cyndaquil like yours. Would you be interested in a Klefki, Bold, Prankster, 5/6 IV's, with all egg moves? Or I also have a Mawile, Adamant, Intimidate, 5/6 IV's, Fire and Ice punch? Or when I bread for Mawile I got lucky and have a 0 speed IV Adamant, not Brave but can be used for breeding a trick roomer. Or a Gible, Jolly, Rough Skin, 5/6 IV's, with Iron Head?
Sorry, I already have all that you're offering, thanks for the offer though!
Hello! I like your shiny bulbasaur. I offer a kb shiny ev trained 252spa 252 spd 31/31/31/31/31/31 timid compoundeyes joltik in a repeat ball, full redis. Interested?
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