Project Team Bazaar


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Approved by Meri Berry | Art might come eventually | OP edited from Abejas original SSNU Team Bazaar

Hello and welcome everyone to the Scarlet and Violet Neverused Team Bazaar! Here you can post teams that you don't want to make a whole RMT for, or if you're unsure about a few things and want some constructive feedback on a mostly complete team. However, there are a few rules you should follow:

  1. You must have tested this team. If you post a team that has blatant, easily fixable flaws (such as running Ducklett or Choice Band Haunter) or is incomplete then it will be ignored. Learning the basics of teambuilding is an important step for players to develop on their own. Ideally you should post some supporting replays.
  2. Your team must have a description telling us your thoughts behind it as well as 6 sprites for easy rating.

Here is an example of what to post:

:virizion: :slowbro: :golbat: :steelix: :delphox: :drapion:
This is a team built in gen 7 during the Virizion and Slowbro metagame. Everything is really classic so pretty much self explanatory, z rock SD Virizion is the main win condition in most matchups, i added slowbro/golbat/steelix to have a solid defensive backbone that helps to keep in check the majority of the threats, Delphox is here as a way to threaten ice and grass type which are kinda annoying for Virizion even thought i already have Golbat for these grass type i did not feel like it was enough to allows Virizion to clean, it can act as a secondary win condition if Virizion can do much in certains matchups (really rare thought) or just overwhelm opponent's defensive backbone with Virizion to allows it to clean in lategame, I felt like my team was pretty slow at this point and had some troubles with ghost or psychic type, thats why Scarf Drapion is here, and i actually felt in love with him because of the huge amount of utility he can provide in one slot. Pangoro, Moltres, and opposing Virizion can all be very threatening so you need to play agressively against them.
Slowbro @ Leftovers
Ability: Regenerator
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpA
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Scald
- Psyshock
- Calm Mind
- Slack Off

Steelix @ Leftovers
Ability: Sturdy
EVs: 244 HP / 136 Atk / 128 SpD
Adamant Nature
- Heavy Slam
- Earthquake
- Toxic
- Stealth Rock

Virizion @ Rockium Z
Ability: Justified
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Close Combat
- Leaf Blade
- Stone Edge
- Swords Dance

Golbat @ Eviolite
Ability: Infiltrator
EVs: 248 HP / 8 Def / 252 SpD
Careful Nature
- Defog
- Roost
- Brave Bird
- Super Fang

Delphox @ Leftovers
Ability: Blaze
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Fire Blast
- Psyshock
- Grass Knot
- Calm Mind

Drapion @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Sniper
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Knock Off
- Pursuit
- Poison Jab
- Earthquake

As far as rating / receiving the rate goes:

  1. Please make sure know what you're doing before you suggest changes. Bad advice can be worse than no advice.
  2. Be open to constructive criticism, most of the changes that will be suggested will be to help your team improve so try them out before replying.

The second post in this thread will contain up to date teams that have been posted by users like you. Happy posting!
Im here to provide this

Its an offense team with a lot of set up, especially the Quiver Dance mons.

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First of we have Quaxwell. Hes the hazardremoval tool for this team and for the entire metagame if were being honest. He also provides afantastic match up against Sandaconda and help checking Rock types in general.

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Next up we have Venomoth. This Pokemon can be really scary under right circumstances. If you get rid of chansey and get a sleep of youprob just sweep the entire opposing team.

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This right here is another QD user and abuser. With its ability it can relieably switch into Venomoth and or opposing Oricorio. If it does switch into a speep powder on a predicted Sleep powder from Venomoth then it can use sleep talk to either set up or attack or even heal itself. Its teratype helps against the venomoth matchup by a tiny bit.

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Now we get to Hazard setter. It has some nice qualities which made it relieable even in the tier above. I know this set looks pretty unoptimized but it gets its job done. It also provides a nice match up against Hattrem and it candeal with potentiall good mons like Tinkatuff, Frosmoth etc.

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Lycanroc is the big offensive threat on this team to scare off and force kills instantly. With good doubleswitches you can get it in pretty easily and threaten just as much as its Dusk form in the tier above. Great coverage, an amazing priority, rly good speedtier and a good attacking stat makes this Pokemon such a menace.

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At last we have Passimian. Hes the revenge killer on this team and provides a lot of utility as well with the momentum gaining U-turn and the itemremoval of Knock Off. Its strong CC help a lot against the high amount of good steeltypes such as Copperajah, Perrserker, and potentially even Magneton. Overall a nice Pokemon to have.

This team is really unoptimized since this is the first day of this new meta but in the tours I played it worked pretty good and when I lost it defeetly was my fault when I got some predictions wrong or just played pretty bad around Chansey. I hope you give this team a try and if you have any interesting suggestions or optimasations then just tell me about it and lets discuss this Meta together. Thanks for reading and have a nice day ;
Day 1 team woooo
:crocalor: :chansey: :braviary: :spiritomb: :vaporeon: :perrserker:
Basic stall team I made to win the technical first NU room tour :3
Crocalor and Braviary are going to hold this entire tier together, beating the Quiver Dancers and Defogging reliably. Spiritomb is legit the only Medicham check in the tier (incoming Tera Fairy Medicham being broken) and with its own Tera Fairy, can Calm Mind stall most of the tier. Chansey gives Stealth Rocks so Perrserker can run AV, which is also a great counter-measure to general HO thanks to Fake Out and its decent bulk. Vaporeon I just threw on because its fat, but CM Vaporeon and Umbreon are going to be so broken lol.
Ig I might post my first team since it did surprisingly alright from what I've tested:

The team

just tried to build w threats and got something interesting out of it so that's that. Specs Goodra is just stupid hard to check, same goes for Mabostiff, even if scarfed, Tauros-Paldea is also a neat mon and Stone Edge is neat to hit quiver dancers which are very threatening but have a hard time setting up, Earthquake can be a thing for Toxicroak ig since that mon is always scary but w/e at least I rk it, and Tauros is lowkey a threat at +1 spe and atk. Otherwise the team is just a basic dual breaker team w Bulk Up Tauros and the support mons: Copper is a neat rocker and Whirlwind is nice for disallowing things to setup on you, and then you have your hazard control stuff that also handles like Medicham, Sandaconda, Vaporeon, and other shit. The spreads and tera types can probably use some work (especially Lurantis, Fairy is there cuz it allows me to check Goodra and Mabostiff when I tera it which is the same for Hattrem, Dazz on Hattrem can be Giga but w Lurantis I think I'd rather have a stronger move against Medi and Goodra.) Ig that covers it, enjoy
Click here or the sprites to check the team out!
:whiscash: :Vivillon: :Lycanroc: :Veluza: :Passimian: :Oricorio:
Day 1 Hyper Offense Team! Haven't really gone for #1 on the ladder but I've made a fun, 5-minute team I've made.
With newly gained access to both Stealth Rock and Spikes, Whiscash makes for an elite hazard lead. Oblivious further puts it up a notch, making it immune to Taunt without even needing items like Mental Herb. I threw in STAB moves to give it consistency as an attacker, though it still shouldn't be left outside the lead slot.
Originally slotted in Frosmoth for the extra Special bulk, but I've realized how valuable accurate Sleep Powder and 90% accurate Hurricanes are. I slotted in Sub to play mind games against status users like Sandaconda, but I could just as easily throw in something like Bug Buzz for secondary STAB.
Lycanroc provides some nice priority with Accelerock and is one of the fastest threats in the meta without relying on a Choice Scarf. 110 Speed is valuable, and a lot of Flying-type threats like Oriocorio formes and Braviary and sweepers like Frosmoth and Vivillon running amok, it's an ideal stop-gap to them.
The team's cleaner. Fillet Away is a good setup move, with +2 in both Attack and Speed making it not so easy to switch in. Adamant variants require 96 base Speed or higher for Scarfers to stop, and even then, it has decent enough bulk to start setting up and ravaging teams. While its movepool is quite shallow, it has just what it needs to become a fierce endgame sweeper.
One of the few blessed with Knock Off, Passimian is the team's Speed control, pivot, and utility Pokemon. Surprisingly, it hits harder than Lycanroc's Stone Edge with Close Combat. Also a good user of Defiant to discourage hazards from being removed. I also experimented with Earthquake or Gunk Shot, but Rock Slide hitting Flying-types was more important.
What better than to slot a second Quiver Dance user? No doubt, switching into Oricorio-E is risky, but it's an excellent Terastaliziation abuser that can essentially get rid of most of its weaknesses. I chose Water to not get revenge killed by Feluza, and most Electrics aren't too common outside of Jolteon and maybe Eelektross.

Hope you enjoyed my thoughts!
Day 1 Screens Team!

:morgrem: :venomoth: :spiritomb: :farigiraf: :zangoose: :gogoat:

I haven't really used it too much on the NU ladder (mostly because it's late where i am rn and i'm not gonna stay up all night : P) but i have been using it a lot in the room tours before ladder came out and I remember winning one of them so i guess that's good enough for me. Morgrem good setter, slotted the some good abusers like zangoose, venomoth, farigiraf (which im aware might seem like an odd abuser but most of my games fsr are just me sweeping with farigiraf and it being way better than i thought), etc.

Hope whoever uses it enjoys the team!
These will all be posted on YouTube in the next few days, but for the sake of sharing some early resources, here is what I used day 1!

:Spidops: :Venomoth: :Zangoose: :Sandaconda: :Wugtrio: :Jolteon: -- Dual Bug Sticky Webs

Obviously Wugtrio is lackluster and should be replaced for a more serious option, but Webs + Zangoose is absolutely brutal -- nothing switches in. Webs also help giving Venomoth a turn to Sleep Powder, which can lead to it either getting out of control or wearing out Pokemon for Jolteon to finish things up. Jolteon is the only Pokemon on this team that can be dependent on Tera more often than not, too, so it gives you a lot of alleys to claim free kills/damage if you time things up well. If you intend to seriously use this, please replace Wugtrio and maybe alter the Spidops set or EVs a bit.

:Morgrem: :Jumpluff: :Klawf: :Passimian: :Farigiraf: :Goodra: -- Eject Pack Goodra Screens

Farigiraf seemed like it would require too much support and too many free turns to me from afar, but it has been absolutely potent on this team for me on ladder thus far. It is kind of like Espathra-lite for those who have played OU -- once you get it going, it is a brutal ask to stop it. Eject Pack Goodra and screens is ideal support to me as you lure in walls with the ability to halve damage. From there, free turns can be parlayed into sweeps with the right circumstances. Klawf is also an underrated lead with the utility and damage output, but I am sure alternative options exist in this type of slot. Jumpluff's sleep is nice for free turns, but it also is very hard for offensive teams to stop if they lack specific measures, which can come in handy. Finally, Passimian is very good and I love taking advantage of Defog use or picking on the tier's general lack of Fighting counterplay.

:Sandaconda: :Vespiquen: :Passimian: :Copperajah: :Vaporeon: :Goodra: -- Hazard stack balance

Removal is very limited, so stacking hazards is a great call right now. I tried to integrate some anti-metagame options like specially defensive Copperajah and Haze Vaporeon to give me a leg up on common ladder offensive cores while still being able to clean teams out with Passimian's Choice Scarf set. Vespiquen is a unique addition to the tier with access to hazards and I hope we see more of it, especially given how practical it can be defensively with the lack of Fighting resists and Ground immunities right now. Sandaconda elects to run Tera Electric for Omicorio-Pom-Pom, who is a very gnarly Pokemon to face for builds that do not generate constant pressure -- you may want to opt for some speed or SDef, but I stole this spread from Rubycandy in the NU room, who was kind enough to share some metagame insights with me before I began to ladder. Finally, Specs Goodra is absolutely ridiculous -- good luck swapping into it reliably.
Click here or the sprites to check the team out!
:whiscash: :Vivillon: :Lycanroc: :Veluza: :Passimian: :Oricorio:
Day 1 Hyper Offense Team! Haven't really gone for #1 on the ladder but I've made a fun, 5-minute team I've made.
With newly gained access to both Stealth Rock and Spikes, Whiscash makes for an elite hazard lead. Oblivious further puts it up a notch, making it immune to Taunt without even needing items like Mental Herb. I threw in STAB moves to give it consistency as an attacker, though it still shouldn't be left outside the lead slot.
Originally slotted in Frosmoth for the extra Special bulk, but I've realized how valuable accurate Sleep Powder and 90% accurate Hurricanes are. I slotted in Sub to play mind games against status users like Sandaconda, but I could just as easily throw in something like Bug Buzz for secondary STAB.
Lycanroc provides some nice priority with Accelerock and is one of the fastest threats in the meta without relying on a Choice Scarf. 110 Speed is valuable, and a lot of Flying-type threats like Oriocorio formes and Braviary and sweepers like Frosmoth and Vivillon running amok, it's an ideal stop-gap to them.
The team's cleaner. Fillet Away is a good setup move, with +2 in both Attack and Speed making it not so easy to switch in. Adamant variants require 96 base Speed or higher for Scarfers to stop, and even then, it has decent enough bulk to start setting up and ravaging teams. While its movepool is quite shallow, it has just what it needs to become a fierce endgame sweeper.
One of the few blessed with Knock Off, Passimian is the team's Speed control, pivot, and utility Pokemon. Surprisingly, it hits harder than Lycanroc's Stone Edge with Close Combat. Also a good user of Defiant to discourage hazards from being removed. I also experimented with Earthquake or Gunk Shot, but Rock Slide hitting Flying-types was more important.
What better than to slot a second Quiver Dance user? No doubt, switching into Oricorio-E is risky, but it's an excellent Terastaliziation abuser that can essentially get rid of most of its weaknesses. I chose Water to not get revenge killed by Feluza, and most Electrics aren't too common outside of Jolteon and maybe Eelektross.

Hope you enjoyed my thoughts!
Veluza's hp should be even.
The tier is a ton of fun so far, and there's a bunch of insane offensive options to abuse currently. I wanted to drop a pretty simple HO that I built that the goat outbackrabbit used to get to number 1 today.

:whiscash: :jumpluff: :venomoth: :bruxish: :lycanroc: :oricorio-pom-pom:

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The team itself is pretty straightforward. Lead Whiscash is a really solid way to force up hazards, Jumpluff sets up screens, and then you have 4 broken Pokemon to abuse. Alternatively, Jumpluff can run a SD Acro set instead of screens, or even Memento, but that's all up to the user. Enjoy!
Fun asf dragmag with NFE dudes: (new ver) (old)

Looks like a meme team, but I can assure you this squad always puts in the work, and is very fun and brainless to boot.

886.png Surprisingly enough, Drakloak is very threatening with unresisted STABs and ghost typing allowing you to punish choice-locked fightings and normals. Sub is crucial to outplay sucker eg with honchkrow
444.png Gabite has unresisted STABs in this meta, and has a pretty damn good speed tier. It gets SD now. Also, rough skin allows you to cheese physical attackers that get out of hand
706.png Physical scarf Goodra allows you to revenge-kill modest venomoth at +1, usually this is my tera user. Also a fat special sponge
430.pngReplaced Flapple with scarf Honchkrow, which gives a ground immunity, dark type (since I was losing to stored power shit) and is more reliable
082.png Magneton
958.png Rocker, bulky steel, knock utility + ignores Hattrem's magic bounce. Good midground

Replays: (Drakloak puts in work)


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:Spidops: :Scovillain: :Braviary: :Zoroark: :Squawkabilly-Yellow: :Misdreavus:
Sunny The Spidops brings the Sun!

This is a ridiculously fun team to use. It's probably not very good but I've been enjoying it a lot.

Misdreavus is the star of the show tbh, it takes a ridiculous amount of hits and Pain Split is funny. Manual sun with Squawkabilly works better than it has any right to, and the only thing that stops Scovillain is Crocalor. Even that can be got around if you Tera Ground though.
Fun asf dragmag with NFE dudes:
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Looks like a meme team, but I can assure you this squad always puts in the work, and is very fun and brainless to boot.

View attachment 488774 Surprisingly enough, Drakloak is very threatening with unresisted STABs and ghost typing allowing you to punish choice-locked fightings and normals. Sub is crucial to outplay sucker eg with honchkrow
View attachment 488775 Gabite has unresisted STABs in this meta, and has a pretty damn good speed tier. It gets SD now. Also, rough skin allows you to cheese physical attackers that get out of hand
View attachment 488776 Physical scarf Goodra allows you to revenge-kill modest venomoth at +1, usually this is my tera user. Also a fat special sponge
View attachment 488777 Flapple is either very disappointing or carries, depending on your luck. (replaced LO with scarf so goodra can be played more freely)
View attachment 488778 Magneton
View attachment 488779 Rocker, bulky steel, knock utility + ignores Hattrem's magic bounce. Good midground

Replays: (Drakloak puts in work)

Ok so i was using this team and found that it was like trying to play dragmag with no other steels to get rid of, and so i switched things up, hope you don't mind

(No clue how to add sprites so just imagine)

I liked how well tinkatuff, goodra, magneton and drakloak worked together but i wanted a physical wall breaker that didnt have to rely on hustle so incomes serene grace sawsbuck to out speed a whole bunch with a choice scarf. Quaxwell just as hazard control and a bit of sweeping potential. Other than that just moveset changes and its served me well so far
Finding small amount of success with this Sand Team:
(no calcs cause I'm lazy)

Sandstorm Lycanroc Double Eject HO (<-- Pokepaste here)


- STAB Stone Edge and Accelerock: Bread and Butter; breaks walls and kills squishies
- Close Combat: deals with Mabostiff, Copperajah, Klawf, TERA Steels and Perrserker
- Psychic Fangs: deals with Passimian, TERA Fight Oricorio-Sensu, Toxicroak and Medicham
- Be careful of opposing Lycanrocs that can reverse sweep you

- Double Eject Core
- Eject Button on Sandaconda + Sand Pit allows a free pivot to Lycanroc after conda gets hit.
- Conda can Glare on any set-up sweepers, before providing a pivot into any other mon as well
- Fairy TERA helps deal with other Lycanroc's CC when you're low to prevent the reverse sweep
- Draco Meteor + Eject Pack on Goodra hits hard while still maintaining momentum.
- Sap Sipper + Fire Blast Goodra makes a great grass counter that the team needs, while T-Bolt hits Flying types well.


- Best Hazard setter in the tier. Be careful of anti-lead Bullet Seeds
- Mud Shot gives speed control; Muddy Water can hax opponents with accuracy


- VoltTurn core that helps you gain momentum to Lycanroc, while double scarf allows for revenge killing after Lycanroc breaks walls
- Defiant on Passimiam makes it harder for opponents to defog
- TERA Flying on Magneton helps pick of Grass + Fighting types that the team has a hard time to take out, while providing immunity to Ground attacks

Mons to look out for would be:
- TERA Water Frosmoth
- Sand Rush Jolly Lycanrocs
- Mons that set up fully on Whiscash
Finding small amount of success with this Sand Team:
(no calcs cause I'm lazy)

Sandstorm Lycanroc Double Eject HO (<-- Pokepaste here)


- STAB Stone Edge and Accelerock: Bread and Butter; breaks walls and kills squishies
- Close Combat: deals with Mabostiff, Copperajah, Klawf, TERA Steels and Perrserker
- Psychic Fangs: deals with Passimian, TERA Fight Oricorio-Sensu, Toxicroak and Medicham
- Be careful of opposing Lycanrocs that can reverse sweep you

- Double Eject Core
- Eject Button on Sandaconda + Sand Pit allows a free pivot to Lycanroc after conda gets hit.
- Conda can Glare on any set-up sweepers, before providing a pivot into any other mon as well
- Fairy TERA helps deal with other Lycanroc's CC when you're low to prevent the reverse sweep
- Draco Meteor + Eject Pack on Goodra hits hard while still maintaining momentum.
- Sap Sipper + Fire Blast Goodra makes a great grass counter that the team needs, while T-Bolt hits Flying types well.


- Best Hazard setter in the tier. Be careful of anti-lead Bullet Seeds
- Mud Shot gives speed control; Muddy Water can hax opponents with accuracy


- VoltTurn core that helps you gain momentum to Lycanroc, while double scarf allows for revenge killing after Lycanroc breaks walls
- Defiant on Passimiam makes it harder for opponents to defog
- TERA Flying on Magneton helps pick of Grass + Fighting types that the team has a hard time to take out, while providing immunity to Ground attacks

Mons to look out for would be:
- TERA Water Frosmoth
- Sand Rush Jolly Lycanrocs
- Mons that set up fully on Whiscash
sick team
Built this team to try out the NU Tier and had great success. I'll break down the team a little bit for anyone interested in giving in a try.

Basic Team Summary
The primary goal of this team is to abuse quiver dance as fast as possible. The whole team is designed to bait out common threats in the tier and allow for free setup. This team was designed to be hyper-offense but can function as a balance team in the right matchup. In general, the team thrives on double switches and aggressive plays. Often the whole game can be turned on its head if you find a single free turn to setup.

Team Peak

Team Breakdown

Frosmoth @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Ice Scales
Tera Type: Water
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Bug Buzz
- Ice Beam
- Tera Blast
- Quiver Dance
Frosmoth functions as our last game sweeper. Ice scales allow it to come in on pretty much any unboosted (and some boosted :psysly: ) special attackers and setup in their face. Tera water grants even more setup opportunities to frosmoth. Often, all you need is a single quiver dance to crack a team beyond repair. Frosmoth frequently baits out scarfed Medicham, AV Goodra, Chansey, and Carkoal.


Medicham @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Pure Power
Tera Type: Fighting
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Close Combat
- Psycho Cut
- Ice Punch
- Trick
Medicham is an amazing cleaner in the tier because of its incredible attack stat. I gave medicham Psycho Cut over Zen Headbutt so it's 100% reliable. Scarf medicham rarely wants to click anything other than its stabs, so we are running trick instead of a fourth coverage move. The frequency of setup sweepers in this tier makes trick very valuable. Medicham is effective at baiting out ghost types when locked into close combat, dark types when locked into Psycho Cut, and after a KO, faster scarfers that threaten to revenge kill it. Intentionally sacking medicham in the face of a special scarfer gives frosmoth prime opportunity to quiver dance.


Ursaring @ Eviolite
Ability: Guts
Tera Type: Ghost
EVs: 248 HP / 144 Atk / 108 Def / 8 SpD
Adamant Nature
- Body Slam
- Bulk Up
- Rest
- Sleep Talk
I'm not sure if this is intentional, but Ursaring can already use eviolite. Eviolite Ursaring is bonkers in NU. It is an amazing status absorber, physical wall, and win condition with this rest-talk set. Tera ghost is very useful to bulk up in the face of strong fighting type attackers in the tier like medicham, passimian, and Paldean Tauros. With only a few ghost types in the tier, Ursaring gets amazing value against teams with multiple physical attackers. Of the ghost types in the tier, nearly all of them are special attackers. Ursaring effectively baits in special ghost types that become setup fodder for Frosmoth or get outright walled by AV goodra.


Goodra @ Assault Vest
Ability: Sap Sipper
Tera Type: Ground
EVs: 248 HP / 204 Atk / 36 SpD / 20 Spe
Gentle Nature
- Earthquake
- Power Whip
- Flamethrower
- Draco Meteor
If I had to bet what pokemon gets banned from NU first, it's goodra. Goodra's outstanding special bulk coupled with an assault vest make it near impossible for the special threats of NU to get anything done. The mixed set we are running on this goodra catches a lot of players offguard. Tera ground earthquake stops volt-turn strats instantly and with sap sipper, there are few good answers to this goodra set. The insane special bulk and offensive pressure Goodra provides makes chipping opponent's walls much easier. In doing so, Goodra enables it's quiver dancing teammates to smash through common defensive cores such as Sanaconda-Chansey-Goodra. Due to the poor defenses of this slimey dragon, it realiably baits in physical attackers that don't appreciate taking a draco. Ursaring is a comfortable switch-in for most physical attackers, excluding fighting types (unless terastalized)


Venomoth @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Tinted Lens
Tera Type: Ghost
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Sludge Bomb
- Bug Buzz
- Substitute
- Quiver Dance
Venomoth is an amazing mid-game breaker with tinted lens and quiver dance. With just 1 quiver dance, Venomoth is capable of outspeed, overpowering, and OHKOing a majority of the tier. The hardest check to venomoth is opposing Goodra, but the chip from Venomoth allows for our other quiver dancer, Frosmoth, to clean up late game. Additionally, Venomoth is granted plenty of setup opportunities that Frosmoth couldn't take. For example, after sacking Ursaring to a CC from one of the tiers premier scarfed fighting types. Having a second quiver dancer that can force progress mid-game is incredibly beneficial for the team overall. Priority users are the biggest threat to venomoth offensively so be prepared for sucker punch mind games


Lycanroc @ Focus Sash
Ability: Sand Rush
Tera Type: Rock
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Accelerock
- Endeavor
- Taunt
- Stealth Rock
Lycanroc is the dedicated lead for this team. The classic lead set provides amazing utility to the team and threatens the many quiver dancers fluttering through NU. Sash + endeavor is incredible in a tier run by setup sweepers. Having taunt is great for denying opposing setup and hazards. Stealth rocks are always great, especially in a tier lacking reliable spinners. Lycanroc doesn't care what's in front of it as long as its sash is intact.

Video Showcase


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Ended up getting to top 40 on ladder with this team (and top 2 in the opening day of the metagame lol).

Day 1:
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Frosmoth @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Ice Scales
Tera Type: Water
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Quiver Dance
- Ice Beam
- Giga Drain
- Tera Blast

Acts as the main special attacker of the team with QD to ideally sweep through, or at the very least puncture holes, in the opponent's structure. The set itself should be relatively self-explanatory, with Ice Beam for a strong STAB and Giga Drain as the main coverage. Tera Blast is the most expendable option (3 moves usually suffices), but when Tera'd it can really help out against Copperajah. As for why the Tera type isn't ground, in that case, it's not only for the sake of resisting Copperajah's Iron Heads in case it can't OHKO, but to better hold out against stuff like Goodra's Fire Blast. Nature could easily be shifted to Timid to outspeed more Pokemon after a QD, I just preferred the extra oomph in practice.


Glimmet @ Focus Sash
Ability: Toxic Debris
Tera Type: Flying
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Spikes
- Stealth Rock
- Memento
- Power Gem

Prefacing this by saying how much I love Glimmet as a low tier hazard stacker - been experimenting with it in UU and RU as well during their alpha stages. Anyhow, its role is rather simple as dishing out the hazards and then fainting, either via Memento to prime stuff like Frosmoth QDs or Mabosstiff Stakeouts, or via a physical attack to at least get one Toxic Spike up. Power Gem in place to heavily chunk Pokemon like Oricorio, Carkoal, Spidops, etc. Max speed for some of the slower/non-speed invested threats (i.e. Carkoal again), but mainly to speed tie with other Glimmet. In practice, I have not Tera'd Glimmet once, but put it as Flying just in case ya want another ground immunity lol.


Oricorio-Sensu @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Dancer
Tera Type: Flying
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpA
Bold Nature
- Defog
- Roost
- U-turn
- Revelation Dance
Admittedly the most expendable of the team - I wouldn't argue it being replaced by Drifblim as they fill the same general role of Spinblocking Defoggers. Oricorio can bluff a double QD team, stronger flying coverage, and Dancer compared to Drifblim, but bluffing obviously isn't everything. With that note out of the way, I can move on to Oricorio themselves. They mainly act as a defensive pivot and Defogger in case Glimmet can't set up hazards or the opponent is also running hazard stack. Roost for reliable recovery, U-Turn for slow pivoting, and Revelation Dance for some form of attacking Pokemon such as Haunter, Copperajah, Medicham, etc. In practice, I haven't Tera'd it during a match, but flying could give an extra oomph against guys like Passimian if you'd want to do that.


Mabosstiff @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Stakeout
Tera Type: Fairy
EVs: 40 HP / 252 Atk / 216 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Crunch
- Play Rough
- Psychic Fangs
- Fire Fang
The main form of speed control on the team, along with additional offense. Its EVs and Nature are tailored to just outrun other Scarfers like Medicham and Passimian. Crunch for a reliable stab with the other moves generally filling out its coverage. Tera is Fairy for defensive coverage to resist stuff like Fighting attacks. I generally feel it's more of an assisting attacker, weakening the opposition or forcing other Pokemon out to take advantage of Stakeout. The main physical attacker, on the other hand...


Basculin-Blue-Striped @ Choice Band
Ability: Adaptability
Tera Type: Water
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Aqua Jet
- Liquidation
- Head Smash
- Crunch
Adaptability and Tera Water leads to absolute terrifying power. At the same time, having enough health to break through several Pokemon was a priority, hence why I chose Liquidation instead of Wave Crash. However, given that Crunch is basically a filler move basically just for avoiding damage on Head Smash against resists like Bruxish, you're more than free to use triple water STAB. Alternatively, Crunch can be replaced with Final Gambit - though not used in practice I feel that could be a decent option. Head Smash is a useful auxiliary option for Oricorio and Vaporeon, but generally stick with Liquidation for general attacking and Aqua Jet to outspeed scarfers and QDers. Perhaps Rock Head or Reckless could be better in practice, but Adaptability has worked wonders so far.


Goodra @ Assault Vest
Ability: Sap Sipper
Tera Type: Fairy
EVs: 248 HP / 252 SpA / 8 SpD
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Draco Meteor
- Thunderbolt
- Fire Blast
- Sludge Bomb

Last but not least is Goodra, who is the general special wall of the team with AV - though Ice Scales on Frosmoth does help greatly in that regard. However, Frosmoth definitely doesn't have the additional special coverage of Goodra, with Draco Meteor for (once again) strong STAB and the other moves acting as strong, reliable coverage. Sap Sipper is mainly to block Sleep Powders and Stun Spores, though Gooey could have its merits to allow Basculin to outspeed Scarfers. Tera Fairy is once again used for its defensive merits.

I hope you all enjoy this team :D
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:sv/spiritomb: :sv/oricorio-pom-pom: :sv/passimian: :sv/lurantis: :sv/klawf: :sv/bruxish:
(click me)

decent-ish balance-ish team that relies on two brokens to beat almost everything. sets are mostly fine but can be further optimized (tera types are derived from trial and error and any spread that isn't 252/252 is based on gut feeling, not optimized for anything in particular).

:spiritomb: - crotomb is goated, beats so many ladder teams on team preview and also every dudunsparce i've encountered (apparently ppl use fairy tera dudunsparce but i can't say i fought a single one over 50-ish games). fully investing in defense might be a good move to help it fend off strong attackers like medicham better. snarl has been mostly great for me but dark pulse should be fine too if you find yourself particularly struggling against mons with defiant like passimian or braviary. haven't found the optimal tera type for it yet (maybe steel?).

:oricorio-pom-pom: - no need to elaborate on how broken pompom is in general, but *mirror herb* and ghost tera on bulky pompom is straight up insane. aside from being the easiest switch-in to basically every other oricorio, this thing is really hard to stop once you accumulate two boosts or more. in addition to copying double quiver dance boosts from any other qd user who dares to try and set up on it, you can also initiate the double boost yourself against opposing oricorios. ghost tera invalidates fake out and also prevents lycanroc from ending your sweep with accelerock. ghost revelation dance is also really great for neutral coverage along with hurricane.

:passimian: - your standard scarfer that tries to generate momentum and revenge kill stuff. poison tera + gunk shot are nice for rking most fairy tera users that will stand in your way.

:lurantis: - nice defogger that isn't a flying type. great for breaking stuff like vaporeon and sandaconda that this team can otherwise struggle with a bit. fire tera is probably not optimal, fighting might be better (rip superpower you will always be remembered).

:klawf: - nice combo of rocker and phys wall with regenerator allowing it to switch into battle multiple times. probably one of the best defensive answers to braviary. protect is mostly there to scout passimian for cc/uturn on lead.

:bruxish: - band bruxish can break stuff and rk the occasional scarfer/booster with aqua jet. fighting tera is there bc you're otherwise useless against dark tera vaporeon/toxicroak, but fairy tera is probably just as good or even better.
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Easily the most consistent team I've built in the first week of NU. Initially put together because I wanted to play with this gens new Unfair Bear™. An absolute juggernaut with eviolite, it quickly becomes oppressive after using Bulk Up. I put all my eggs into the Play Rough+Fairy basket as it felt the most consistent to me, but I can see Shadow Claw+Ghost also being nice. A lot of these mons are pretty self explanatory and featured heavily in others builds. Particular callouts that I feel are necessary are to the featuring of double yellow magic on this team- frankly speaking para-bs decides way too many games this gen with the loss of clerical options. Rock Slide on Tink was initially for getting some decent damage on various the various Ori you'll see on ladder but as bulkier sets are becoming a bit more popular, it's becoming more for Vivillion/Frosmoth. You can make the choice of subbing that out or not.
so i was on one of my acc where i test teams ive built, and ive somehow ended up at rank 44 (1386) LMAO. But ima share the two teams i used the most, i have a third which is still being tested, but ima drop the first two now and ill drop the third once it is done if you guys show love to this post.

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*proof of peak*

Team 1: zoroark + mabo dark spam offense (click team for paste)
:sv/Zoroark: :sv/Braviary: :sv/Whiscash: :sv/Passimian: :sv/Mabosstiff: :sv/Venomoth:
im going to try to be brief here. this team was built around nasty plot tera fairy zoroark. you always wanna disguise it as one of the last 3 mons. when disguised as passimian or venomoth, you wanna bait psychic moves to get zoroark in for free. if the opponent's team looks like there are no mons that would click a psychic move, then just disguise as mabo as they share the same typing. braviary is the defogger, while whiscash is here to set up dual hazards. whiscash spdef is to not get 2hko'd by oricorio's hurricane. braviary spdef is to not get 2hko'd by +1 venomoth's bug buzz. speed on zoroark outspeeds up to dedenne which i've only seen once but yea.

Team 2: ori sensu bulky offense (click team for paste)
:sv/Oricorio-Sensu: :sv/Passimian: :sv/Vaporeon: :sv/Goodra: :sv/Frosmoth: :sv/Copperajah:
so i let someone in chat convince me that ghost ori is better then electric. after using it i dont think thats true but its still pretty good. basic set with tera fighting. The speed is to outspeed stuff like scarf passimian and medicham after 1 quiver dance. it also ohkos them both with air slash when +1. we got a basic scarf passimian which i think is very strong and can help break normals that ori may struggle with. now let me tell you ab the team's real mvp. VAPOREON, this shit is suicune, i promise. cm + sleeptalk. this mon is insane, i've swept so many with that mon. AV goodra is here, mainly just wanna drop dracos and dragon tail set up sweepers. support frosmoth with defog, its decent. the speed is for things like uninvested braviary. then we got copperajah with rocks + whirlwind. you might have to tera that guy a lot if vs strong fighting types like medicham and passimian. vaporeon does help wit them tho as it is max def.

hope yall enjoy <3
Accidentally swiped back after typing for an hour and lost it all, so here's the short version.

Bulky Frosmoth good. Just enough SpAtk and Spe to outspeed and OHKO Sandaconda before QD, enough to outspeed and OHKO Bruxish after one QD. Sets up for free on most Goodra. 3HKO'd by Jolly Banded Water Tera Bruxish Aqua Jet before Tera, 2HKO'd after. 3HKO'd by Jolly Banded Steel Tera Medicham Bullet Punch after Tera. Basically none of the relevant priority moves stop the sweep or force a switch unless you Tera bad.

Cacturne > Weather Teams. They seemed like a thing when I first started watching NU stuff, but they're not as common as I thought. Late-game cleaner, great bait for Venomoth and Frosmoth trying to revenge kill w/ surprise Tera Fire + Water Absorb. Almost completely walls Bruxish, Veluza, Basculin, Vaporeon, Golduck (Rain) and Beartic (Rain and Snow). Others maybe but if I haven't seen them yet they probably don't matter. Shockingly strong- I used it as a meme initially but it's actually really good.

Sandaconda is a bulky pivot with rocks and speed control. Send tweet.

Banette is incredible actually. Relaxed 0 Spe investment still outruns and checkmates Chansey w/ Taunt and Ghost typing. Outruns Spidops with Taunt, ignores Circle Throw. Colbur Berry lets it cripple Passimian, Mabosstiff, Bruxish, etc for free. Knock Off good. Dazzling Gleam somehow manages to 2HKO after some burn damage. 5HKO'd by Accelerock, immune to Endeavor and CC, don't care about Taunt, just gonna KO you.

Jumpluff baits Goodra. You thought I was gonna use Sleep Powder, but it was me, U-Turn into wincon-chan Frosmoth! Besides that, it's generally good at stealing momentum. Leech Seed nets some passive recovery for the team to more or less ignore entry hazards. Encore checkmates slow boost sweepers like Farigiraf, Dudunsparce, and Coil Sandaconda. Didn't max Spe EVs because anything faster than 341 is Scarfed, already boosted, or Electrode or something- I wasn't gonna outrun it anyway, so I just made sure it was faster than Zoroark at least, which is like, the next Spe tier down.

Muk is nuts actually. It tanks much harder than I thought it would, and Haze is great against Oricorio and such. I stole the EV spread- nothing specific or weird has come up surrounding it yet, so I haven't bothered to do calcs around it or change it. "If it ain't broke," amirite? Also he eats Toxic Spikes. I haven't run into them yet (weird) but when I do, I'll be prepared!

That's it. Tear it up.


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Started playing this tier a few days ago and just felt like sharing a team that has been getting some success for me on the ladder.

- Eelektross is a bit of an underrated mon in the metagame at the moment, but provides excellent utility for the team. With AV it can sponge repeated Draco Meteors from Goodra and can pivot easily into other teammates such as Honchkrow to allow it to get easier access on the field with a slow Volt Switch. Giga Drain is a great coverage move on it and can occasionally form as a decent recovery option. Thunderbolt provides stronger stab compared to Volt Switch which can allow it to heavily chip frailer pokemon before going down. As for Flamethrower, it's a nice coverage move which can be used for taking down Frosmoth, which isn't able to do much back due to the AV(however I will say Close Combat may be a better option overall). It just overall provides a fair bit of utility.
- Despite it's obvious defensive flaws, the big boss is a brutal wallbreaker and can even sweep in some situations. It's ability to snowball into a win is crazy. Brave Bird does a lot of damage even without a boost and while the recoil is a lot, it can punch massive holes into the opposing team for others to clean up. With the Black Glasses, Sucker Punch is incredibly strong and with tera dark threatens to OHKO alot of the tier. Taunt is a move I don't see often but is really good for reducing the mind games I need to make with Sucker Punch and kind of shuts down defensive pokemon like Crocalor and even Sandaconda if it doesn't carry a rock move. U-turn is again good for providing utility and gets Honchkrow off the field if it is threatened to be OHKOed.

- Goodra is an all around solid pokemon and being able to ignore hazards in a team with no spinners/defoggers is really helpful. Due to it's very impressive special bulk even without investment, you are able to fully invest in speed and sp.atk and fire off draco meteors which do a massive chunk to most pokemon who don't resist it. Fire Blast and Thunderbolt serve as great coverage options, and Acid Spray is really good for taking on mons like Oricorio Pom-Pom, Vaporeon and QD mons.
- This mon is so fat it's crazy. With max sp.def and HP this pokemon can stomach alot of neutral special hits and just Roost it off, even Goodra's Draco Meteor. It can then boost it's weaker defense with Coil along with it's attack and can potentially be unstoppable after a few boosts. Body Slam makes Coil even easier to get off and can slow the opponents down to let other mons on the team outspeed. With Tera Blast it cannot be walled by any ghost types and hit them back super effectively as well as immunise Dudunsparce from fighting moves.
- A very potent sr setter which can end up staying around for the whole game, as stated before para with Glare can allow other mons on the team to have a much easier time. Earthquake provides a strong stab move and rest with shed skin is a somewhat reliable form of recovery, and it walls a lot of physical mons who don't hit it super effectively and chips them with Rocky Helmet.
-Knock Off is a very valuable move which already makes it very useful especially with the large number of NFEs that are about, and Defiant is amazing in a tier with a lot of Defog users. U-turn can again provide lots of utility to the team on obvious switches and CC with Gunk Shot provides a very strong move combo that covers a lot (am also debating on changing this to tera poison).

Anyway that's the team, would appreciate some improvements I could make and general feedback.


After a bit playing the tier and noticing the lack of many good removal options, I thought toxic spikes would be fun to try. Made this team and got to the 1400s on ladder. It's honestly been a very fun team to use.


First of all we have skuntank. Honestly a super cool mon that I feel like people should use more. Having tspikes, sucker, and relatively fast taunt make it quite useful. Gunk shot is also a nice addition for it this generation that hits very hard and the nasty 30% poison chance is great. Aftermath is great for chipping the tiers physical attackers like medi, pass, and mabosstiff for a good chunk. I put sash on here to ensure a layer of tspikes. Also the combination of gunk + sucker then aftermath chip can take down a lot of things you wouldn't expect it to. Flying tera is chosen to become immune to ground and it's also potentially helpful for resisting fighting.

Pom Pom is proving to be an S tier mon for the tier and it has been a great mon on this team as well as QD allows Pom Pom to become a potent wincon. Max HP and def helps ori in coming in things and setting up easier in general. Electric/flying is a super nice typing, it allows pom pom to ignore glare/twaves and it hits most of the tier for neutral minus electrics. Tera fairy is chosen to help vs goodra and mabosstiff while maintaining a resistance to fighting. Fairy is also just a broken type in general, and it is appreciated offensively as well.

Lurantis is the defogger for the team. Hazard removal is somewhat limited, but Lurantis does a solid job at it. By virtrue of its grass typing and bulk with max hp and defense, it beats most stealth rockers pretty handily. Even rajah doesn't love fighting it due to leaf storm boosts and synthesis. In certain situations Lurantis can sweep also as it has solid bulk, recovery, and contrary leaf storm goes brr. Tera fairy is chosen to once again help vs the same threats as mentioned with oricorio, and for coverage with tera blast.

Specs Goodra is a nuke. With toxic spikes support, vaporeon/umbreon that can normally handle specs dracos become less reliable at checking it. This mon essentially gets a kill everytime it hits the field otherwise. Thunderbolt is more reliable damage into vaporeon, while flamethrower hits steels and steel tera mons. Sludge bomb is there for the tera fairy mons that tera to ignore goodra's dracos. Also the 30% poison chance is quite useful if you weren't able to get tspikes up or vs flying pokemon. Tera dragon is chosen to simply give you even more firepower on your devestating dracos.

Copperajah is the rocker and generally useful steel of the team. Max spdef is chosen to help vs goodra, venomoth, oricorio, and other special attackers. The rest is put in bulk with a little bit of attack. Whirlwind is useful for phazing out QD sweepers and getting hazard chip. Heavy slam normally does huge damage even with little investment due to heavy metal giving it 120 power most of the time along with rajahs natural high attack stat. Protect is great on this I think and feel like more should experiment with the move in general. It helps ease prediction vs choice users, and lets rajah accrue more lefties recovery as well. Tera fairy is once again chosen due to how useful the typing is in the tier right now.

Bruxish is the last member of the team. Wanted a scarfer for speed control, and I settled on bruxish. At base 92 speed it outpaces the entire unboosted metagame while also outspeeding the common scarf passimian/medicham, and venomoth at +1. Psychic fangs hits incredibly hard even without band or lo. Wave Crash is a nice secondary stab move that still hits quite hard. Crunch is a nice coverage move that is boosted by Strong Jaw. Ice fang is sort of a filler move because it doesn't really need anything else, and ice fang lets it hit the rare cacturne which would normally wall bruxish fully. Tera dark is chosen to remove bruxish's weakness to dark (notably sucker) and ghost while giving it a 3rd stab move in the already quite strong crunch.


Overall, I really had a lot of fun with this team! Scarf Bruxish was the MVP though, such a nice cleaner late game.