Tera Type Index: SV OU
Original thread from Finchinator
With SV OU evolving into a metagame with seemingly infinite possibilities, teambuilding can be a daunting task while playing around some of the strongest Pokemon can be overwhelming. The goal of this thread is to index many of the commonly seen Terastallization ("Tera") types that Pokemon in SV OU use.
With usage stats now reflecting popular Tera types on each Pokemon, this thread will be repurposed to archive Tera types, but also why they are used and replays showing said usage. The process will be as follows:
Tera Type Index
Alomomola Flying, Ghost, Fairy
Cinderace Fire, Ghost
Darkrai Poison, Dark
Deoxys-Speed Dark, Ghost, Fighting, Psychic
Dragapult Ghost, Dragon, Fairy
Dragonite Normal, Fire, Ground
Garganacl Fairy, Water, Ghost
Gholdengo Flying, Fairy, Fighting, Steel
Glimmora Ghost
Gliscor Water, Dragon, Normal, Ghost
Great Tusk Fire, Steel, Water, Ground, Ice, Poison, Fairy
Iron Crown Fighting, Steel
Iron Moth Ground, Fairy, Grass, Water
Iron Treads Ghost
Iron Valiant Dark, Steel, Ghost, Ground
Kingambit Ghost, Dark, Fire, Fairy, Flying, Fighting
Kyurem Ice, Ground, Fairy, Fire, Electric
Landorus-Therian Water, Steel, Grass, Ground, Flying, Ice
Lokix Bug, Dark
Moltres Fairy, Grass
Ogerpon Grass (Can only Tera Grass)
Ogerpon-Cornerstone Rock (Can only Tera Rock)
Ogerpon-Wellspring Water (Can only Tera Water)
Pecharunt Ghost, Fairy
Primarina Steel, Grass, Ghost, Poison
Raging Bolt Fairy, Flying, Bug
Roaring Moon Ground, Flying, Dark, Steel, Fire
Samurott-Hisui Water, Ghost, Poison, Dark
Slowking-Galar Water, Grass
Tinkaton Water, Ghost
Ting-Lu Water, Poison, Ghost
Weavile Ice, Ghost
Zamazenta Steel, Fire, Dark, Fighting, Stellar, Fairy
Zapdos Grass
Amoonguss Steel, Fire, Flying, Water, Fairy, Dark, Normal, Grass, Psychic
Armarouge Psychic, Fighting
Articuno-Galar Fighting, Fairy, Water
Arcanine-Hisui Rock, Fire, Normal, Flying, Grass
Azelf Ghost, Steel, Water, Fighting
Azumarill Water, Fire, Fairy, Grass
Barraskewda Water, Ghost
Basculegion Ghost, Water
Basculegion-F Ghost, Water
Baxcalibur Dragon, Ground, Fairy, Steel, Ice, Ghost, Poison, Fire, Flying, Normal
Blissey Dark, Water, Fairy, Ghost, Steel, Poison
Breloom Fighting, Grass, Fire, Electric
Brute Bonnet Grass, Dark, Fire
Cinderace Fire, Poison, Flying
Ceruledge Bug, Grass, Water, Fairy, Normal, Fire, Ghost
Charizard Fire
Clodsire Water, Dark, Steel, Flying, Grass, Fairy
Cloyster Fire, Ice, Grass, Electric, Ghost
Corviknight Fighting, Fairy, Ghost, Ground, Water, Dragon, Dark, Normal, Flying, Fire, Grass
Cresselia Poison, Fairy, Fighting, Steel
Dondozo Fairy, Grass, Fighting, Ghost, Steel, Dark, Dragon, Electric
Dragapult Ghost, Dragon, Fire, Fairy, Dark, Normal
Dragonite Normal, Steel, Fire, Fighting, Water, Ground, Dragon, Flying
Enamorus Fairy, Ground, Fire, Steel
Enamorus-Therian Ground, Steel, Fire, Water, Fairy
Floatzel Water, Ghost
Garchomp Steel, Ghost, Fire, Dragon, Water, Fairy, Flying, Dark
Garganacl Water, Fairy, Flying, Grass, Steel, Dragon, Ghost, Ground, Poison
Gholdengo Flying, Water, Fairy, Ghost, Steel, Fire, Fighting, Normal, Dark
Glimmora Ghost, Steel, Grass, Fairy, Flying, Ground, Poison
Great Tusk Water, Steel, Ice, Fire, Fairy, Fighting, Ground, Electric, Flying, Ghost, Dark, Dragon
Greninja Water, Ghost, Dark
Grimmsnarl Ghost, Poison, Steel
Hatterene: Water, Fire, Flying, Steel, Normal, Dark
Heatran Grass, Water, Flying
Hoopa-Unbound Dark, Poison, Fairy, Fighting, Fire
Hydreigon Steel, Poison, Fire, Dragon, Dark, Ground, Fairy
Indeedee Fairy
Iron Hands Electric, Fighting, Flying, Fire, Fairy, Dark
Iron Moth Grass, Psychic, Ground, Fairy, Electric, Fire, Flying, Rock, Poison
Iron Treads Ghost, Flying, Steel, Dragon, Ground, Fire, Dark
Iron Valiant Fairy, Dark, Steel, Ghost, Water, Electric, Flying, Fighting, Psychic, Rock, Normal, Fire
Kingambit Flying, Dark, Fairy, Fighting, Ghost, Fire, Grass, Steel
Landorus-Therian Water, Flying, Ground, Ice
Lilligant-Hisui Fire, Ghost
Masquerain Ghost, Steel
Meowscarada Grass, Ghost, Fairy, Fire, Dark, Electric
Mew Ghost, Steel, Fairy, Poison
Moltres Fairy, Water, Ground, Flying
Moltres-Galar Dark, Flying, Steel, Fairy, Fighting, Fire, Ground
Overqwil Dark, Water, Poison
Pawmot Fighting, Electric, Grass, Fairy
Pelipper Ground, Flying, Water, Grass
Polteageist Fairy, Fighting
Quaquaval Steel, Water, Fairy, Fighting, Dark, Normal, Fire
Rillaboom Fire, Grass
Roaring Moon Flying, Dark, Steel, Fairy, Ground, Fire, Dragon, Bug
Rotom-Wash Steel, Ghost, Fairy, Water, Dark, Normal, Electric
Sandy Shocks Fairy, Flying, Ice, Ground, Electric
Samurott-Hisui Ghost, Water, Dark, Poison, Flying
Scizor Steel, Fire, Electric, Flying, Normal
Skeledirge Fairy, Water, Dark, Fire, Normal
Slither Wing Bug, Fighting, Fire, Ground
Slowbro Fairy, Water, Dark, Grass, Flying
Slowking Fairy, Water, Fire, Steel, Flying
Slowking-Galar Water, Grass, Flying, Fairy, Poison
Sneasler Flying, Ground, Dark, Ghost, Fighting, Fire, Electric, Psychic
Tauros-Paldea-Aqua Fire, Flying, Fairy, Steel, Poison
Tauros-Paldea-Blaze Flying, Fairy, Grass, Dragon, Poison
Thundurus-Therian Flying, Water
Ting-Lu Steel, Ghost, Water, Poison, Ground, Fairy
Toedscruel Ghost, Ground, Fire
Tornadus-Therian Flying, Water, Ground, Fairy, Ice
Torkoal Flying, Steel, Fairy, Ghost
Toxapex Steel, Grass, Water, Fairy, Dark, Flying
Tyranitar Steel, Ghost, Flying, Rock, Dark, Ground, Fairy
Ursaluna Ground, Normal, Ghost, Water, Fairy
Volcanion Fairy, Water, Ground, Fire, Grass
Walking Wake Water, Dragon, Fairy, Fire, Steel, Ground
Zamazenta-Hero Fighting, Dark, Fire, Electric, Fairy
Zapdos Steel, Water, Fairy, Ice, Flying, Electric, Fighting
Zapdos-Galar Flying, Fighting, Ice, Fire
Zoroark-Hisui Normal, Ghost, Fighting, Fairy
Please remember this is just a rough list that is intended to be a resources to our players. Feel free to ask about anything in the SQSA, but this thread will remain locked for the time being.
Original thread from Finchinator
With SV OU evolving into a metagame with seemingly infinite possibilities, teambuilding can be a daunting task while playing around some of the strongest Pokemon can be overwhelming. The goal of this thread is to index many of the commonly seen Terastallization ("Tera") types that Pokemon in SV OU use.
With usage stats now reflecting popular Tera types on each Pokemon, this thread will be repurposed to archive Tera types, but also why they are used and replays showing said usage. The process will be as follows:
- Each week a different Pokemon will be chosen.
- Users can pick one of the listed Tera types and post an explanation of its use and a replay in a game where it fulfills said use.
- Non listed Teras can chosen, and the host will decide if its worth adding them to the archive.
- You may choose at most 1 Tera per week.
- Please do NOT discuss about other Pokemon in a week they are not the topic of.
Tera Type Index

Please remember this is just a rough list that is intended to be a resources to our players. Feel free to ask about anything in the SQSA, but this thread will remain locked for the time being.
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