Project Tera Type Index

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Tera Type Index: SV OU
Original thread from Finchinator

With SV OU evolving into a metagame with seemingly infinite possibilities, teambuilding can be a daunting task while playing around some of the strongest Pokemon can be overwhelming. The goal of this thread is to index many of the commonly seen Terastallization ("Tera") types that Pokemon in SV OU use.

With usage stats now reflecting popular Tera types on each Pokemon, this thread will be repurposed to archive Tera types, but also why they are used and replays showing said usage. The process will be as follows:
  1. Each week a different Pokemon will be chosen.
  2. Users can pick one of the listed Tera types and post an explanation of its use and a replay in a game where it fulfills said use.
  3. Non listed Teras can chosen, and the host will decide if its worth adding them to the archive.
  4. You may choose at most 1 Tera per week.
  5. Please do NOT discuss about other Pokemon in a week they are not the topic of.
Have fun!

Tera Type Index

:Alomomola: Alomomola Flying, Ghost, Fairy
:Cinderace: Cinderace Fire, Ghost
:Darkrai: Darkrai Poison, Dark
:Deoxys-Speed: Deoxys-Speed Dark, Ghost, Fighting, Psychic
:Dragapult: Dragapult Ghost, Dragon, Fairy
:Dragonite: Dragonite Normal, Fire, Ground
:Garganacl: Garganacl Fairy, Water, Ghost
:Gholdengo: Gholdengo Flying, Fairy, Fighting, Steel
:Glimmora: Glimmora Ghost
:Gliscor: Gliscor Water, Dragon, Normal, Ghost
:Great Tusk: Great Tusk Fire, Steel, Water, Ground, Ice, Poison, Fairy
:Iron Crown: Iron Crown Fighting, Steel
:Iron Moth: Iron Moth Ground, Fairy, Grass, Water
:Iron Treads: Iron Treads Ghost
:Iron Valiant: Iron Valiant Dark, Steel, Ghost, Ground
:Kingambit: Kingambit Ghost, Dark, Fire, Fairy, Flying, Fighting
:Kyurem: Kyurem Ice, Ground, Fairy, Fire, Electric
:Landorus-Therian: Landorus-Therian Water, Steel, Grass, Ground, Flying, Ice
:Lokix: Lokix Bug, Dark
:Moltres: Moltres Fairy, Grass
:Ogerpon: Ogerpon Grass (Can only Tera Grass)
:Ogerpon-Cornerstone: Ogerpon-Cornerstone Rock (Can only Tera Rock)
:Ogerpon-Wellspring: Ogerpon-Wellspring Water (Can only Tera Water)
:Pecharunt: Pecharunt Ghost, Fairy
:Primarina: Primarina Steel, Grass, Ghost, Poison
:Raging Bolt: Raging Bolt Fairy, Flying, Bug
:Roaring Moon: Roaring Moon Ground, Flying, Dark, Steel, Fire
:Samurott-Hisui: Samurott-Hisui Water, Ghost, Poison, Dark
:Slowking-Galar: Slowking-Galar Water, Grass
:Tinkaton: Tinkaton Water, Ghost
:Ting-Lu: Ting-Lu Water, Poison, Ghost
:Weavile: Weavile Ice, Ghost
:Zamazenta: Zamazenta Steel, Fire, Dark, Fighting, Stellar, Fairy
:Zapdos: Zapdos Grass

:Amoonguss: Amoonguss Steel, Fire, Flying, Water, Fairy, Dark, Normal, Grass, Psychic
:Armarouge: Armarouge Psychic, Fighting
:Articuno-Galar: Articuno-Galar Fighting, Fairy, Water
:Arcanine-Hisui: Arcanine-Hisui Rock, Fire, Normal, Flying, Grass
:Azelf: Azelf Ghost, Steel, Water, Fighting
:Azumarill: Azumarill Water, Fire, Fairy, Grass
:Barraskewda: Barraskewda Water, Ghost
:Basculegion: Basculegion Ghost, Water
:Basculegion-F: Basculegion-F Ghost, Water
:Baxcalibur: Baxcalibur Dragon, Ground, Fairy, Steel, Ice, Ghost, Poison, Fire, Flying, Normal
:Blissey: Blissey Dark, Water, Fairy, Ghost, Steel, Poison
:Breloom: Breloom Fighting, Grass, Fire, Electric
:Brute Bonnet: Brute Bonnet Grass, Dark, Fire
:Cinderace: Cinderace Fire, Poison, Flying
:Ceruledge: Ceruledge Bug, Grass, Water, Fairy, Normal, Fire, Ghost
:Charizard: Charizard Fire
:Clodsire: Clodsire Water, Dark, Steel, Flying, Grass, Fairy
:Cloyster: Cloyster Fire, Ice, Grass, Electric, Ghost
:Corviknight: Corviknight Fighting, Fairy, Ghost, Ground, Water, Dragon, Dark, Normal, Flying, Fire, Grass
:Cresselia: Cresselia Poison, Fairy, Fighting, Steel
:Dondozo: Dondozo Fairy, Grass, Fighting, Ghost, Steel, Dark, Dragon, Electric
:Dragapult: Dragapult Ghost, Dragon, Fire, Fairy, Dark, Normal
:Dragonite: Dragonite Normal, Steel, Fire, Fighting, Water, Ground, Dragon, Flying
:Enamorus: Enamorus Fairy, Ground, Fire, Steel
:Enamorus-Therian: Enamorus-Therian Ground, Steel, Fire, Water, Fairy
:Floatzel: Floatzel Water, Ghost
:Garchomp: Garchomp Steel, Ghost, Fire, Dragon, Water, Fairy, Flying, Dark
:Garganacl: Garganacl Water, Fairy, Flying, Grass, Steel, Dragon, Ghost, Ground, Poison
:Gholdengo: Gholdengo Flying, Water, Fairy, Ghost, Steel, Fire, Fighting, Normal, Dark
:Glimmora: Glimmora Ghost, Steel, Grass, Fairy, Flying, Ground, Poison
:Great Tusk: Great Tusk Water, Steel, Ice, Fire, Fairy, Fighting, Ground, Electric, Flying, Ghost, Dark, Dragon
:Greninja: Greninja Water, Ghost, Dark
:Grimmsnarl: Grimmsnarl Ghost, Poison, Steel
:Hatterene: Hatterene: Water, Fire, Flying, Steel, Normal, Dark
:Heatran: Heatran Grass, Water, Flying
:Hoopa-Unbound: Hoopa-Unbound Dark, Poison, Fairy, Fighting, Fire
:Hydreigon: Hydreigon Steel, Poison, Fire, Dragon, Dark, Ground, Fairy
:Indeedee:Indeedee Fairy
:Iron Hands: Iron Hands Electric, Fighting, Flying, Fire, Fairy, Dark
:Iron Moth: Iron Moth Grass, Psychic, Ground, Fairy, Electric, Fire, Flying, Rock, Poison
:Iron Treads: Iron Treads Ghost, Flying, Steel, Dragon, Ground, Fire, Dark
:Iron Valiant: Iron Valiant Fairy, Dark, Steel, Ghost, Water, Electric, Flying, Fighting, Psychic, Rock, Normal, Fire
:Kingambit: Kingambit Flying, Dark, Fairy, Fighting, Ghost, Fire, Grass, Steel
:Landorus-Therian: Landorus-Therian Water, Flying, Ground, Ice
:Lilligant-Hisui: Lilligant-Hisui Fire, Ghost
:Masquerain: Masquerain Ghost, Steel
:Meowscarada: Meowscarada Grass, Ghost, Fairy, Fire, Dark, Electric
:Mew: Mew Ghost, Steel, Fairy, Poison
:Moltres: Moltres Fairy, Water, Ground, Flying
:Moltres-Galar: Moltres-Galar Dark, Flying, Steel, Fairy, Fighting, Fire, Ground
:Overqwil: Overqwil Dark, Water, Poison
:Pawmot: Pawmot Fighting, Electric, Grass, Fairy
:Pelipper: Pelipper Ground, Flying, Water, Grass
:Polteageist: Polteageist Fairy, Fighting
:Quaquaval: Quaquaval Steel, Water, Fairy, Fighting, Dark, Normal, Fire
:Rillaboom: Rillaboom Fire, Grass
:Roaring Moon: Roaring Moon Flying, Dark, Steel, Fairy, Ground, Fire, Dragon, Bug
:Rotom-Wash: Rotom-Wash Steel, Ghost, Fairy, Water, Dark, Normal, Electric
:Sandy Shocks: Sandy Shocks Fairy, Flying, Ice, Ground, Electric
:Samurott-Hisui: Samurott-Hisui Ghost, Water, Dark, Poison, Flying
:Scizor: Scizor Steel, Fire, Electric, Flying, Normal
:Skeledirge: Skeledirge Fairy, Water, Dark, Fire, Normal
:Slither Wing: Slither Wing Bug, Fighting, Fire, Ground
:Slowbro: Slowbro Fairy, Water, Dark, Grass, Flying
:Slowking: Slowking Fairy, Water, Fire, Steel, Flying
:Slowking-Galar: Slowking-Galar Water, Grass, Flying, Fairy, Poison
:Sneasler: Sneasler Flying, Ground, Dark, Ghost, Fighting, Fire, Electric, Psychic
:Tauros-Paldea-Aqua: Tauros-Paldea-Aqua Fire, Flying, Fairy, Steel, Poison
:Tauros-Paldea-Blaze: Tauros-Paldea-Blaze Flying, Fairy, Grass, Dragon, Poison
:Thundurus-Therian: Thundurus-Therian Flying, Water
:Ting Lu: Ting-Lu Steel, Ghost, Water, Poison, Ground, Fairy
:Toedscruel: Toedscruel Ghost, Ground, Fire
:Tornadus-Therian: Tornadus-Therian Flying, Water, Ground, Fairy, Ice
:Torkoal: Torkoal Flying, Steel, Fairy, Ghost
:Toxapex: Toxapex Steel, Grass, Water, Fairy, Dark, Flying
:Tyranitar: Tyranitar Steel, Ghost, Flying, Rock, Dark, Ground, Fairy
:Ursaluna: Ursaluna Ground, Normal, Ghost, Water, Fairy
:Volcanion: Volcanion Fairy, Water, Ground, Fire, Grass
:Walking Wake: Walking Wake Water, Dragon, Fairy, Fire, Steel, Ground
:Zamazenta: Zamazenta-Hero Fighting, Dark, Fire, Electric, Fairy
:Zapdos: Zapdos Steel, Water, Fairy, Ice, Flying, Electric, Fighting
:Zapdos-Galar: Zapdos-Galar Flying, Fighting, Ice, Fire
:Zoroark-Hisui: Zoroark-Hisui Normal, Ghost, Fighting, Fairy

Please remember this is just a rough list that is intended to be a resources to our players. Feel free to ask about anything in the SQSA, but this thread will remain locked for the time being.
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With usage stats now reflecting popular Tera types for each Pokemon, this thread will be repurposed to archive Tera types, but also why they are used and replays showing said usage. The process will be as follows:
  1. Each week a different Pokemon will be chosen.
  2. Users can pick one of the listed Tera types and post an explanation of its use and a replay in a game where it fulfills said use.
  3. Non listed Teras can chosen, and the host will decide if its worth adding them to the archive.
  4. You may choose at most 1 Tera per week.
  5. Please do NOT discuss about other Pokemon in a week they are not the topic of.
Have fun!

Week 1: Kingambit!

:kingambit: Ghost, Dark, Fire, Fairy, Flying, Fighting

Deadline: Sunday December 22nd
I figured that I would do the first post, since I was the one who added Tera types to the usage stats.

Anyway, looking at the SCL replays, the most common Tera type for Kingambit is Ghost, which strongly benefits Kingambit's defensive profile. It turns Kingambit's weakness to Fire and Ground into neutralities and its quadruple weakness to Fighting into an immunity. Even turning a super effective attack into a neutral attack gives Kingambit extra turns to benefit from, as highlighted by this week 3 SCL IV battle between INSULT and myjava.

Tera Ghost Air Balloon Kingambit walls out Great Tusk's STAB combination, giving it extra turns to turn the matchup in Kingambit's favor. After eliminating the Great Tusk, myjava's Kingambit removes both Corviknight and Kyurem and forces Ting-Lu to Terastallize. This removes both of the Ogerpon-W checks and INSULT's ability to potentially maneuver their way back into the battle with Tera.

Another thing showcased in this replay is Tera Ghost's ability to turn Kingambit into an emergency spinblocker. Rapid Spin was used by Great Tusk to try and gain a read into a Kingambit force-out and remove Stealth Rock that would trouble the Galarian Slowking. Instead, the hazard stays up and Glowking is weakened into range of Waterpon with it.
Tera Fairy is one of the least common Gambit Tera types rn from what I am seeing so that is why I have chose it. It is the only one outside of very rare Tera Flying that uses Tera Blast so this probably contributes a lot to its usage but it can also be used as a defensive type w/o Tera Blast.

Terablast Fairy allows you to win vs standard Iron Head Kowtow Gambit, muscle through Zama, Ting, Tusk, Tera Dragon mons like the Molt in this replay, and just a good neutral move to click.

Defensively it can help against strong Dragon moves and Low Kick gambit/Zama. Also saves you from Kyurem's Ground moves and CC Tusk.

In this replay it beats Dragon Molt, Zama, and Tusk while being burnt because it can hit all of them Super Effectively so burn hardly matters.

I only could find one Fairyblast Gambit win out of all the SCL replays. But when you can afford a Terablast user getting past Zama Tusk and other threats faster is a very nice niche for this Tera type.
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