Now permanently gone. Blaz and deoxys, goodbye forever more.
What still plagues this tier, however, are all the OP megas that haven't gone up. Kan, pinsir, luc, gengar are all only stoppable in their mega by dedicated counters and outspeeding. And even that is shaky. Aerilate pinisr has a 1.8x bonus on return and then calcs that into his 155 BST. He also gets EQ, CC, and all the bug moves and at +2, the only way to stop him is to be faster. Lucario falls under much the same. Dedicated counters needed, stopped only by water/flying or water/psychic types with recovery and who get in before he starts boosting. 2x bonus to anything STAB and swords dances generally make him an unstoppable monster. Gengar just has shadow tag and can take out teams because you can't switch out. There are NO counters to him, because you can't bring in one. And of course mega kan who double hits through sashes that could technically counter the other two, doesn't have the greatest attack but has a natural choice band second attack and can swords dance while attacking with PuP.
Of course genesect, Kyurem-B and the genie incarnates are here. Some of the genies won't go back until later. Genesect better go back immediately. Right now, it's ladder with genesect or you aren't laddering. (Unfortunately, the only teams working on ladder are HO if that gives you any idea of how many OP ubers have dropped down. Stall is CRUSHED by all this.) Anything slightly slower loses. And we consider this fair? It's frustrating enough that they're in OU, even more so now that we know they don't go back because we can't start banning until the official pokebank opens up. Basically, the game is unplayable unless you run HO.
Kyurem specifically is annoying. In case you didn't know, he now has a 140 BP ice physical move. Sure it takes a turn to charge up, but this is coupled with his huge 170 attack (how does that get in OU?) and the only for-sure counter is a 4x resist, specifically heatran. Because the next turn it can run into an outrage it the target isn't heatran. And even if it isn't, carry earth power and all heatrans die. It's time to let go of that one, his stats are way too much even if his movepool is slightly limited. Let me ask you, what switches into a neutral hit and OHKOs back?
Of course genesect being here... Someone forgot what the first half of OU5th gen looked like. Anyone remember the usage stat before he was banned? He was the ONLY pokemon in 5th gen and probably gens before that (only challenged by salamence) that reached 30% usage. Meaning that he was basically on EVERY THIRD TEAM. Out of the 50+ pokemon in OU, this one was used 1/18. And that's how it is currently. Unstoppable monster gaining a +1 boost SOMEWHERE on every in.