AG The Anything Goes Open - Round 3

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Garde Mystik
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Art by LifeisDANK

Welcome to the Anything Goes Open!

Tournament Rules:
  • General tournament rules and regulations can be found here.
  • OM Grand Slam IV information can be found here.
  • The banlist for this tournament is the same as the Anything Goes ladder of the Smogon University server of Pokemon Showdown, and can be found here.
  • Best of three, single elimination.
  • If metagame changes occur during the middle of a round, they will take effect in the subsequent round.
  • Battles must take place on Pokemon Showdown!.
  • US/UM cartridge win conditions are in place; there are no ties.
  • Replays are recommended to prevent disputes.
Round 3

Megazard vs Complexities
Aaronboyer vs lkapkd1
highlighter vs Freddy Kyogre
Chloe vs GL Volkner
Velvet Blood vs cielbakasan
Landkon2 vs Mysterious M
Fardin vs Legendoftsih
Silent Mobius vs Holy Break
nehtri vs Sir_JaKrispy
Arushi vs vivalospride
RaJ.Shoot vs sugarhigh
XxAwesomePlayzxX vs Jrdn
Shivam3299 vs GaleWingsOP
Stoward vs GRNBLN
Hijasu vs Plas
Sets vs skysolo14
GarbodorIsHot vs ImKoolKidz
P4ndaK1ng11 vs EternalSnowman
DanDaMan99 vs ice-master-523
Raftel Reshirams vs Hassin627
Drakus04 vs AnythingGoesLegend
Lithe Haze vs jfehrman2005
Node vs PurpleGatorade
LloydReedTheWhiteWolf vs DurzaOffTopic

Deadline is Sunday 02/03 11:59 PM UTC
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Well here are my predicitons and opinions that nobody asked for

Megazard vs Complexities - i mean come on
Aaronboyer vs lkapkd1
highlighter vs Freddy Kyogre
Chloe vs GL Volkner
Velvet Blood vs cielbakasan
Landkon2 vs Mysterious M
Fardin vs Legendoftsih - probably the best matchup we have here, and I honestly can't pick between the two
Silent Mobius vs Holy Break - highlight match number 2, and I'm a Mobius fan. this could easily go either way though
nehtri vs Sir_JaKrispy - go far, nehtri. you've got what it takes
Arushi vs vivalospride
RaJ.Shoot vs sugarhigh
XxAwesomePlayzxX vs Jrdn
Shivam3299 vs GaleWingsOP
Stoward vs (winner of GRNBLN vs GotCookies) - idk stoward but GRN is really solid and should win both matches
Hijasu vs Plas - idk either of these guys
Sets vs skysolo14 - you better go far if you knocked me out in round 2
GarbodorIsHot vs ImKoolKidz
P4ndaK1ng11 vs EternalSnowman - this could potentially go either way but p4ndak1ng is an actual AG player so he's the favorite here
DanDaMan99 vs ice-master-523 - the fact that he's still in frustrates me
Raftel Reshirams vs Hassin627
Drakus04 vs AnythingGoesLegend
Lithe Haze
vs jfehrman2005 - lithe could go really far in this tournament
Node vs PurpleGatorade
LloydReedTheWhiteWolf vs DurzaOffTopic - idk lloyd but durza's solid from what i remember

Good luck to all, and remember: Golduck isn't a bad mon.
Megazard vs Complexities - cant see any other result though im pretty sure complexities is good, 80:20
Aaronboyer vs lkapkd1
highlighter vs Freddy Kyogre
Chloe vs GL Volkner - hydreigons2018
Velvet Blood vs cielbakasan
Landkon2 vs Mysterious M
vs Legendoftsih - revengeofyouth getting some tough opponents but im going with fardin still
Silent Mobius vs Holy Break - betting on hb
nehtri vs Sir_JaKrispy - nehtri is really annoying to face and brings some crazy shit, legit gonna gonna pull up with x2 stakataka tr
Arushi vs vivalospride - idk enough info on viv and arushi is good
RaJ.Shoot vs sugarhigh
XxAwesomePlayzxX vs Jrdn
Shivam3299 vs GaleWingsOP - avenge bdov
Stoward vs GRNBLN (winner of GRNBLN vs GotCookies) - grn is good
Hijasu vs Plas
Sets vs skysolo14
GarbodorIsHot vs ImKoolKidz - ambitious
P4ndaK1ng11 vs EternalSnowman
DanDaMan99 vs ice-master-523
Raftel Reshirams
vs Hassin627
Drakus04 vs AnythingGoesLegend
Lithe Haze
vs jfehrman2005
Node vs PurpleGatorade
LloydReedTheWhiteWolf vs DurzaOffTopic
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