The Art Gallery x Smogfight - Submissions

attack on kb80531
edit: i left a layer off by mistake so fixed version
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HELLO HELLO; Week 1 attack points are here! The following points are the point achieved in week 1 BY INDIVIDUALS. Team points will be posted later. Congratulations to everyone who's worked hard so far in this fantastic first stretch. Special mentions will also be added:
The following players are individually top 10:

WEEK 1: TOP 10
J0hn St0ne41 + 38 + 46 + 52 + 45 + 53 = 275
wailing_wailord17 x 1.5 (First Blood) + 32 + 32 + 39 + 72 + 56 = 257
Eryc33+ 32+ 41 +29 + 43 +39 = 217
DaWolfKid28 + 30 + 26 + 35 + 37 + 35 = 191
IMakeNoSense40 + 52 + 44 +55 + 40 = 187
CyberDuck38 + 46 + 39 + 58 = 181
Pissog26 + 33 + 28 + 34 + 47 = 168
klawp47 + 60 + 60 = 167
Divine10(?)38 + 25 + 26 + 19 + 34 + 24 = 166
Ilovewater(?)38 + 43 + 37 + 41 = 159

Following this is:
Winkyno: 38 + 20 + 43 + 32 = 133
MapleWozapi: 58 + 64 = 122
Erfder: 53 + 36 + 33 = 122
Chicxy's Madness: 36 + 33 + 34 =103
lampthegloomyone: 35 + 42 + 24 = 101
Bka Onon: 58 + 34 = 92
Fishy: 48 + 43 = 91
angrymonkeybird: 44 + 44 = 88
Ocho578: 25 + 24 + 39 =88
HealthGage: 31 + 45 = 76
Imbion: 26 + 49 = 75
bro_torterra: 40 + 31 = 71
JimmyWings: 26 + 38 = 64
Kaiju Bunny: 63
Lizziander: 33 + 30 = 63
Guavian: 19 + 35 = 54
Felilou: 29 + 25 = 54
SapphireStarz II: 54
Megan!um: 28 + 25 = 53
Arnav Chawla: 12 + 19 + 21 = 52
Gravity Monkey: 50
Audiino: 49
Softsandbee: 48
EeveeGirl1380: 42
Wolfenite: 41
Strawberry: 40
Vualpix: 19 + 21 = 40
Zatqer: 39
Charmy2000: 39
Fusion Flare: 35
kb80531: 31
UnknownToasted: 30
Runo: 27
Zpenqwin: 24
Falcon6447: 16
Again, well done everyone. Special mentions to Gravity Monkey for achieving a top score. If you feel as though I've missed one of your pieces, hmu on discord and I'll fix it!
Team scores will be going up later, but you can probably figure out what your team is on as well
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