Battle Tree Ranking Data
Battle Tree Encounter Data
The Battle Tree
The Battle Tree is a role-playing challenge that tests the challenger’s team-making skills as well as their battle prowess. It is suitable for players of all skill levels but requires Pokemon of Stage 3* or higher.
The building itself is a sprawling lattice of wooden platforms and pulleys built around a giant Sequoia tree. Each platform is large and sturdy enough to comfortably host a Pokemon battle. Squinting upwards, you count five distinct levels of platforms. If there are more floors above that you can’t be sure, since the apex of the massive tree is shrouded in stratospheric fog. Silently, you wonder what strength it would take to battle in the harsh, cold air of the upper floors, where even the mighty tree’s branches are bare and frail.
Player Details:
There aren’t any major rules for the player. Just don’t pass DQ and don’t insult the ref.
Battle Details:
If the challenger is challenging a Floor between 1-4, the challenger will ascend one floor before fighting Tree Boss Kukui (e.g. if the challenger challenged Floor 2, the Boss battle will take place on Floor 3). Tree Boss Kukui will use a team of Pokemon from the new Floor, randomly selected from two of the remaining Types. If moving from Floor 3 to Floor 4, Items will still be off. If moving from Floor 4 to Floor 5, Items, Z-Moves, and Mega Evolutions will be turned on, and the challenger may equip Items to their Pokemon before the ref creates the Tree Boss’ team.
If the challenger was already challenging Floor 5, Tree Boss Kukui will use two Arceus holding Plates randomly selected from the remaining Types.
Role-Playing Flow:
Unique Ability Modifications:
After completing each battle, your cumulative rewards grow. Note that the match you lose is still counted as being completed. After each battle, you get 2 RC and 2 TC.
If you win your second battle, both of your participating Pokemon are eligible to advance to Stage 4* when you claim your rewards.
In addition, if you lose to Tree Boss Kukui, then you will not only gain standard rewards for that battle, but you will also gain an additional 2 RC and 2 TC. A Tree run that reaches Tree Boss Kukui, and results in a loss, will hence be worth 10 RC and 10 TC.
A truly blessed Tree run that ends with the challenger managing to win against Tree Boss Kukui will earn an extra 4 RC and 4 TC for the match vs Tree Boss Kukui, for a total of 12 RC and 12 TC. Also, the participating Pokemon will be eligible to advance to Stage 5* when you claim your rewards.
A challenging Pokemon may not simultaneously evolve and advance its Stage. If a challenger earns the opportunity to advance their Pokemon's Stage, and they choose not to advance the Stage of one (1) of their challenging Pokemon, they gain an extra 4 RC. This bonus does not stack (e.g. there is no further bonus for declining Stage 4* and Stage 5* at once, and there is no further bonus for declining to advance both challenging Pokemon).
Referee Expectations:
Hall refs are expected to, in every match, play to end the run. All moves are fair game - from Perish Song to hax spam. Refs are expected to spend time on their calcs, abuse orders that opponents make, and be as ruthless as is possible.
Ref Payment:
For each battle, refs are paid 4 RC, 2 TC, and 3 JC (to be claimed cumulatively once the Tree challenge is over). Additionally, at the end of the Tree challenge, the ref who closed out the challenge is awarded 3 JC extra.
If a ref is DQed, they are paid 3 JC for each battle they complete from start to finish. They are not paid for battles they partially reffed and are not awarded any RC or TC.
(UPDATE 5/182020): Refs may only ref a maximum of two (2) challenges at a time. If there is a dispute over who gets to ref, refs with one ongoing Tree challenge should cede reffing opportunities to refs with no ongoing Tree challenges.
To sign up, fill out the below form. This link has a table that contains the lowest Floor any single Pokemon can challenge. You may only enter a Pokemon into its listed Floor or a higher one.
Refs: Priority to take halls is as follows:
If you wish to become a Tree ref, please talk to me on Discord or send me a conversation here on Smogon. Tree refs must be whitelisted in order to be considered for approval.
Battle Tree Encounter Data
The Battle Tree
The Battle Tree is a role-playing challenge that tests the challenger’s team-making skills as well as their battle prowess. It is suitable for players of all skill levels but requires Pokemon of Stage 3* or higher.
The building itself is a sprawling lattice of wooden platforms and pulleys built around a giant Sequoia tree. Each platform is large and sturdy enough to comfortably host a Pokemon battle. Squinting upwards, you count five distinct levels of platforms. If there are more floors above that you can’t be sure, since the apex of the massive tree is shrouded in stratospheric fog. Silently, you wonder what strength it would take to battle in the harsh, cold air of the upper floors, where even the mighty tree’s branches are bare and frail.
Player Details:
There aren’t any major rules for the player. Just don’t pass DQ and don’t insult the ref.
Battle Details:
- The ref always sends out first.
- All field resources are available, all moves are permitted, and all weathers are permitted.
- Nature Power calls Tri Attack. Secret Power may cause Paralysis.
- At the start of the battle, the Ref may choose Hidden Power Types for each of their Pokemon that knows the move. If the ref does not give their Pokemon a Hidden Power Type at the start of the battle, it defaults to Normal-Type.
- The ref must always Mega Evolve immediately whenever possible.
- Each challenge will start with a table showing all 18 Types. From that list, the ref will randomly select two available Types. Then the ref will randomly select one Pokemon of each Type, and randomly select their Abilities. This will compose the ref’s team. Upon victory, the selected Types will be struck from the table, and a new team will be created once again from two of the remaining Types. If the challenger loses, their challenge will end.
- All ties are treated as a loss for the challenger.
- The challenge consists of four individual battles. The first three battles will be against randomly generated teams. The fourth and final battle will be against the Tree Boss. Defeating the Tree Boss counts as beating the Battle Tree challenge.
- Challenging the Battle Tree costs 12 JC. A trainer who enters will submit two Pokemon they own at Stage 3* or higher and will choose a Floor 1-5 to battle on. A trainer may not enter this challenge twice simultaneously. The challenge will NOT take up one of the slots of the three concurrent battle limit. This means a trainer can enter even if they are already in three battles.
- Inactivity for 2 days will result in a DQ. This counts as a loss and your challenge will end immediately, with you receiving nothing. Ref DQ will result in a subref taking over.
- When battling on Floors 1-3, items will be off. On Floor 4, it will be up to the challenger to decide on items being on or off, with Mega Evolution and Z-Moves being set to “Off”. On Floor 5, items will always be on, Mega Evolution will be set “On”, and Z-Moves will be enabled.
If the challenger is challenging a Floor between 1-4, the challenger will ascend one floor before fighting Tree Boss Kukui (e.g. if the challenger challenged Floor 2, the Boss battle will take place on Floor 3). Tree Boss Kukui will use a team of Pokemon from the new Floor, randomly selected from two of the remaining Types. If moving from Floor 3 to Floor 4, Items will still be off. If moving from Floor 4 to Floor 5, Items, Z-Moves, and Mega Evolutions will be turned on, and the challenger may equip Items to their Pokemon before the ref creates the Tree Boss’ team.
If the challenger was already challenging Floor 5, Tree Boss Kukui will use two Arceus holding Plates randomly selected from the remaining Types.
Role-Playing Flow:
- A player will post in the thread asking to participate in the Battle Tree challenge and choose which Floor to fight on.
- A ref will take your challenge if procedures are followed correctly.
- Claim your rewards in the Prize Claiming Thread as if it were a battle. If your Pokemon are eligible to increase their Stages, it should be done in the same post you claim your counters in.
- You may re-challenge the Battle Tree as soon as you like.
- Pokemon: 2v2 Singles
- Switch = OK
- DQ: 2 days for actions / 3 days for refs
- Abilities: One
- Items: Floors 1-3: No, Floor 4: Challenger’s Choice, Floor 5: Yes
- Megas: Floors 1-4: No, Floor 5: Yes (one per mon)
- Z-Moves: Floors 1-4: No, Floor 5: Yes (one per mon)
- 2 Recoveries / 5 Chills
- 3 Subs
- Ref always sends out first
- The Doom status deals 30hp fixed damage instead of fainting the Pokemon. This damage cannot be prevented by effects such as Magic Guard.
Unique Ability Modifications:
- Illusion has no effect.
After completing each battle, your cumulative rewards grow. Note that the match you lose is still counted as being completed. After each battle, you get 2 RC and 2 TC.
If you win your second battle, both of your participating Pokemon are eligible to advance to Stage 4* when you claim your rewards.
In addition, if you lose to Tree Boss Kukui, then you will not only gain standard rewards for that battle, but you will also gain an additional 2 RC and 2 TC. A Tree run that reaches Tree Boss Kukui, and results in a loss, will hence be worth 10 RC and 10 TC.
A truly blessed Tree run that ends with the challenger managing to win against Tree Boss Kukui will earn an extra 4 RC and 4 TC for the match vs Tree Boss Kukui, for a total of 12 RC and 12 TC. Also, the participating Pokemon will be eligible to advance to Stage 5* when you claim your rewards.
A challenging Pokemon may not simultaneously evolve and advance its Stage. If a challenger earns the opportunity to advance their Pokemon's Stage, and they choose not to advance the Stage of one (1) of their challenging Pokemon, they gain an extra 4 RC. This bonus does not stack (e.g. there is no further bonus for declining Stage 4* and Stage 5* at once, and there is no further bonus for declining to advance both challenging Pokemon).
Referee Expectations:
Hall refs are expected to, in every match, play to end the run. All moves are fair game - from Perish Song to hax spam. Refs are expected to spend time on their calcs, abuse orders that opponents make, and be as ruthless as is possible.
Ref Payment:
For each battle, refs are paid 4 RC, 2 TC, and 3 JC (to be claimed cumulatively once the Tree challenge is over). Additionally, at the end of the Tree challenge, the ref who closed out the challenge is awarded 3 JC extra.
If a ref is DQed, they are paid 3 JC for each battle they complete from start to finish. They are not paid for battles they partially reffed and are not awarded any RC or TC.
(UPDATE 5/182020): Refs may only ref a maximum of two (2) challenges at a time. If there is a dispute over who gets to ref, refs with one ongoing Tree challenge should cede reffing opportunities to refs with no ongoing Tree challenges.
To sign up, fill out the below form. This link has a table that contains the lowest Floor any single Pokemon can challenge. You may only enter a Pokemon into its listed Floor or a higher one.
[B]Challenge Thread (if any):[/B] Challenge Thread
[B]Floor:[/B] Floor you are challenging (1-5)
[B]Pokemon #1:[/B] Pokemon's name
[B]Pokemon Ability:[/B] Pokemon's ability
[B]Pokemon Item:[/B] Pokemon’s item/attachment (optional, depends on Floor)
[B]Pokemon Info:[/B] Pokemon's info in Hide tags
[B]Pokemon #2:[/B] Pokemon's name
[B]Pokemon Ability:[/B] Pokemon's ability
[B]Pokemon Item:[/B] Pokemon’s item/attachment (optional, depends on Floor)
[B]Pokemon Info:[/B] Pokemon's info in Hide tags
[B]Challenge Thread (if any):[/B] Challenge Thread
[B]Floor:[/B] Floor you are challenging (1-5)
[B]Pokemon #1:[/B] Pokemon's name
[B]Pokemon Ability:[/B] Pokemon's ability
[B]Pokemon Item:[/B] Pokemon’s item/attachment (optional, depends on Floor)
[B]Pokemon Info:[/B] Pokemon's info in Hide tags
[B]Pokemon #2:[/B] Pokemon's name
[B]Pokemon Ability:[/B] Pokemon's ability
[B]Pokemon Item:[/B] Pokemon’s item/attachment (optional, depends on Floor)
[B]Pokemon Info:[/B] Pokemon's info in Hide tags
Only users: <referee> and <challenger> should be posting in this thread.
<challenger> will be using <Pokemon> with <Ability> and <Item>, and <Pokemon> with <Ability> and <Item>:
<Pokemon Info>
<Pokemon Info>
<random Type>: <random Pokemon> with <random Ability>
<random Type (different)>: <random Pokemon> with <random Ability>
<Pokemon Info>
<Pokemon Info>
Sending out <Pokemon>. <Challenger> to order.
<challenger> will be using <Pokemon> with <Ability> and <Item>, and <Pokemon> with <Ability> and <Item>:
<Pokemon Info>
<Pokemon Info>
<random Type>: <random Pokemon> with <random Ability>
<random Type (different)>: <random Pokemon> with <random Ability>
<Pokemon Info>
<Pokemon Info>
Sending out <Pokemon>. <Challenger> to order.
Refs: Priority to take halls is as follows:
- Trees that require a subref, and is that user’s first Tree run.
- Users about to start their first Tree run
- Users in need of a subref
- All other runs.
If you wish to become a Tree ref, please talk to me on Discord or send me a conversation here on Smogon. Tree refs must be whitelisted in order to be considered for approval.
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