The BW RNG Manipulation Guide


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[GP 1/2]

-The next checker must be familiar with RNG abuse and its terminology so things don't get messed up. I cannot stress this enough!
-DO NOT fix capitalization. Trust me, my corrections are right.


royal flush
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The following is an amateur gp check!

What is RNG Manipulation?

There are many seemingly random events in Pokemon: the IVs and natures of the Pokemon that you capture or breed, the number of steps an NPC walks before turning, or the odds that your newly hatched Oshawott is shiny. As it turns out, these events are all governed by the output of a class of mathematical formulas, which are known as pseudo random number generators. The word "pseudo", often used to paint things as "fraudulent" or "false," is very appropriate in this case. Even though the numbers output by these formulas may appear to be random, they are not. Each sequence begins with a single number, often referred to as a seed, and continues on in a predictable pattern.

Since the seed determines the sequence of numbers that will follow, it is important that it is different each and every time you play. If the same seed was chosen each time, the pattern of numbers and how they affect the game would be noticeable over time, breaking the illusion of randomness. To alleviate this potential problem, the game developers decided to create the seed by using something that should be different every time you play: the date and time on your Nintendo DS. By doing some light math on the individual components (year, month, hour, etc.) of the date and time, a "unique" seed is created each time you start the game.

There is an obvious flaw in this technique—we can change the date and time on our Nintendo DS systems before we start the game. With knowledge of how the date and time affect the seed, it is possible to choose a combination that yields a desirable result, allowing us to control the sequence of pseudo-random numbers that is generated. Coupled with the knowledge of how the game uses those numbers to create Pokemon, we become the creators, picking and choosing desirable traits, removing any remaining vestiges of randomness.

Credits and Thanks

OmegaDonut, Kaphotics, Bond697, chiizu, ToastPlusOne, mingot, Rusted Coil, XYZ Wing, hos1519, Guested, PokeDuck, xElite, musicmeister, mattj, Nexus, Sephirona, Tomxc, Blyde, MrFixIt, all of the RNG Reporter / PPRNG testers, and researchers and contributors from past generations.


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BW RNG Manipulation Guide Part 1 - Common Information for Breeding, Capturing, and Receiving Perfect Pokemon

Before attempting to hatch or capture that perfect Pokemon, it will be useful to learn about some of the concepts that are common to both endeavors. The information in this section should be used to build up your knowledge and vocabulary so that the individual sections that follow will be clear and easy to follow.

  • RNG Reporter
    • Note to Mac Users: This software works under Windows and Linux. PPRNG is the Mac equivalent of the 5th Generation RNG Reporter. Use it instead.
  • A clock with a clear Seconds reading.
  • DS or DS Lite
  • Pokemon Black or White
    • DSi series and 3DS are only able to abuse IVs with the C-Gear method.

Important Differences from Previous Generations

In the 4th Generation, all initial seeds are 32 bits long; however, in Black and White, they are twice as long, coming in at a grand total of 64 bits. All of the previous Methods in RNG Reporter are not useable in the 5th Generation for this reason.

When the game boots up, the upper half of the 64 bit initial seed is used to seed the Mersenne Twister RNG, which operates as a 32 bit look-up table. This table is used to generate the IVs for the Pokemon. We are able to re-seed this table by using the C-Gear; this will be covered later in this guide. This generation has no more relation of PID to IVs, meaning no IV combination is restricted from any nature / ability for any type of RNG.

One important change that we have is that the nature is no longer set by the PID that a Pokemon has; it is instead set at some other point in the RNG process when the Pokemon is generated by the game. Synchronization has no effect on the RNG, aside from changing the nature you would normally receive if the synchronization works.


These terms will be used frequently in the remainder of this guide, so it is very important that you understand what they mean.
Initial Seed

The initial seed is the number which is fed to the random number generator when the game starts. This number is created by a combination of the time and date the game started, your MAC Address, Keypress, and other Encryption Variables. Knowing the initial seed we start with allows us to predict the (no longer) random sequence of numbers that the game will produce and, in turn, how to proceed in order to catch the Pokemon or receive the Egg that we desire.

It is important to know that the initial seed is no longer dependent on delay, which makes hitting initial seeds incredibly easy.

Target Time

When resetting for the IVs of Eggs or captured Pokemon, you must hard reset (power cycle) to hit your target time. In the following sections, target time is defined as the date and time of your DS upon booting the game. Please note that this has nothing to do with the "TIME" value that is shown on the "Continue" screen, as that indicates the amount of time that you have played the game and does not represent the current date and time on the DS clock.

As opposed to the initial seeds in the 4th Generation, the initial seed in the 5th Generation is set once the game (re)boots; this makes it much easier to hit seeds as it only requires precision down to the second.

C-Gear Seeds vs. Standard Seeds (Non C-Gear)

This generation, a Mersenne Twister RNG is used to generate the IVs. In Generation 4, this same Mersenne Twister was used to create the Egg PIDs; however, this no longer is this the case in Generation 5. Standard seeds and C-Gear seeds determine the IVs of a Pokemon.

Now to explain these two different seed types:
  • Standard Seeds (Non C-Gear)
    • These are the most commonly used seeds, and are very easy to hit. They are unique to your DS and game version. Unfortunately, they can be hit only at one time and date, so you are unable to choose the dates that appear on your Pokemon. The upper half is used to seed the MTRNG the moment the game (re)boots.
  • C-Gear Seeds
    • These seeds are commonly used for Entralink abuse. They are almost exactly the same as the seeds last generation except they also incorporate the MAC address of the DS.
    • The seed is set the moment you turn on the C-Gear, or when you warp into the Entralink.
The main difference between the two seed types is that C-Gear seeds use delay in addition to date and time, while Standard seeds only require precision down to the target second. For the vast majority of this guide, the focus will be on Standard seeds.


The delay may be thought of as a fast counter that increases by one approximately 60 times per second. It starts when you launch (or soft reset) any of the Pokemon games. The delay is an important component of Entralink abuse, as a C-Gear seed must be used to hit your target IVs. Non C-Gear seeds do not use delay.

An important change from the 4th Generation is that delays will never be consistently odd or even, as the games do not support Slot-2 Game Pak interaction.


A listing of frames is the sequence of Pokemon who can be captured or of IVs that may be passed down to an Egg, given a particular initial seed. A frame number, or target frame, is what you want to land on to get the desired result. There are different methods for targeting a particular frame, depending on what you are doing or where you are in game. For instance, when collecting an Egg, the frame will advance based on the amount of time that you spend before taking an Egg due to the onscreen or offscreen NPCs moving. When in a quiet cave, the frame does not advance at all on its own, but can be advanced by in-game actions, such as walking, saving, or listening to your awesome Chatot(s).

Encounter Slot

An encounter slot is a value that determines what Pokemon will appear depending on the frame onin which you encounter a Wild Pokemon for the given encounter method.​

Before beginning your quest for perfect IVs and shiny Pokemon, it is mandatory that you find the Parameters for your DS and cartridge. These will vary from DS to DS, and the version of the game (in addition to language of the game). Collecting these Parameters will help you use Time Finder, a feature of RNG Reporter, in the most productive way possible.

Once you find your Parameters from Calibration, you can use it to hit spreads that you find in Time Finder without having to repeat the Calibration Phase.

Steps to Calibrate for RNG Abuse:
  • Find the MAC Address of your DS
  • Save your game in a location where you can easily and quickly catch a high level Pokemon, the best example is Kyurem.
    • Alternatively, you can utilize Pokecheck.
    • If you choose to do this instead of catching a stationary Pokemon, bring a Pokemon with the move Sweet Scent.
      • Play until you've gained access to the GTS. When prompted to by this guide, follow the directions on the website to view the IVs of the Pokemon you just caught.
  • Synchronize your DS clock with an external clock. Your external clock should have a seconds display or seconds hand. You do not necessarily have to synchronize the date of your DS to the actual date, but you need to know the date on your DS clock.
  • Open up RNG Reporter and select DS Parameters.

    1. From the DS main menu, select your game exactly when the clock reaches the next minute. You will want to note the exact time you hard reset the game.
    2. Encounter a Pokemon as quickly as possible without moving any steps. This can be done with the move Sweet Scent, or by talking to the Stationary Legend you saved in front of.
    3. Catch the encountered Pokemon, and find its IV range.
      • Using a Master Ball is fine. Once you are done Calibrating you can turn off your game without saving.
    4. Enter the date and time from Step 3 and the Pokemon's information from Step 5 into Parameters. Input the correct MAC address and range of Encryption Variables for your current DS and Version.
    5. Find your Parameters.

You will then be given the seed you hit, along with the Date and Time and your encryption variables. These encryption variables can be used in Time Finder to generate your spreads. Write down your Parameters somewhere safe, be it on your computer or on a sticky note.

Verifying that you hit your Target Seed

There is no method of verifying this generation, aside from receiving your intended Pokemon. However, with the ease of hitting Standard seeds, this downside is negligible. NPCs and Shaking Spots will behave the same way if you hit the same seed and do the same actions.


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BW RNG Manipulation Guide Part 2 - How to RNG a Perfect Pokemon

Now that you have successfully calibrated and have your Parameters for your version and DS, you now can predict what seeds your game will start with by using RNG Reporter.

Finding the Standard Seeds for IV RNG Abuse

To find a Standard Seed that you need to hit, you will first have to open up RNG Reporter. Select Time Finder, and a new window will appear. The Capture tab will automatically be loaded and is the only one you need to worry about in order to RNG in Black and White.
Here's a slight predicament: There are actually two different RNGs. On one hand, you have the Mersenne Twister RNG, which determines IVs. The other, the PIDRNG, determines nature, ability, and shininess. The focus for this section of the guide is IVs, as we are still not very experienced this Generation. For right now we'll only care about IVs, leaving the nature to synchronization, which is a 50% chance.

The easiest way to start is to catch a stationary legendary. The members of the Musketeer Trio are prime candidates, even Kyurem!

In the IV section on the right, specify the criteria for your IV Spread that is desired for your target Pokemon. The larger the IV range you are accepting, the more results you will have to choose from.
  1. Select the IV Frame Range to search. For now, it is best to have a frame 1 spread. Anything larger than that will require frame advancement, which will be covered later in this section and is not suggested for your first abuse.
  2. Choose a month to search for seeds in.
  3. Select Method 5 (Standard Seed) as the Method.
  4. Select the encounter type for your Pokemon.
    • Wild Pokemon: Anything that can be captured in the wild that is not stationary.
      • For IV spreads via Standard Seed, leave encounter slot at (Any).
    • Stationary Pokemon: Non-moving Pokemon that you can interact with for a battle, and Starters.
    • Gift Pokemon: Eggs, gifts from NPCs, Fossils, NOT STARTERS.
    • Roaming Pokemon: Only for the roaming Genie.
    • You are unable to do Entralink Pokemon (DW) with this method. It is currently covered in the 5th Generation RNG Help Thread located in the Wi-Fi Sub-Forum.
  5. Click on the tab DS Parameters.
    • Make sure your parameters and version are correct.
    • Do not select Soft Reset.
    • Keypresses: More keypresses => More results => more time.
      • For a majority of people, having a keypress seed increases their calibrated timer0 by 1. If you want keypress seed, adjust your calibrated timer0 according to how your DS acts.
  6. Click back to the Capture tab.
  7. Press Generate. Depending on the amount of keypresses you allowed for, this may take awhile to complete.
    • You can stop the search by pressing cancel in the Time Finder Progress window that pops up when you press Generate.
    • All the currently found seeds will remain if you do so.
Preparations In-Game to hit your Seed

  • While the results are generating, it is best to prepare for your capture in-game.
    • If your target IV frame is 1, save in front of whatever you plan to catch. Bring no more than 5 Pokemon.
    • If your target IV frame is not 1, you need a certain number of Pokemon in your party.
  • Do not save in front of your legendary or at your location just yet if your target IV frame is not 1. The number of Pokemon you need in your party will vary depending on the frame you need to hit.
  • When you manipulate the RNG, your Pokemon's target IV spread will fall onto a certain numbered frame.
    • When you first start up the game, the first thing you will get is on frame 1.
    • If you want to catch a Pokemon that is on frame 4, for example, you need to bump up the frame count by 3. Follow this simple equation:

    (Target Frame) – (Initial Frame) – (Starting Frame) + 1 = Advances Required
  • Your Target Frame is the frame you are trying to hit. In RNG Reporter, it is listed under Frame.
  • The Initial Frame is the frame you start at when you have loaded up the game.
    • For IVs, it will always be 1.
  • Starting Frames for IVs are different for each encounter type.
    • Wild and Stationary Pokemon start on frame 1.
    • Roaming Pokemon start on frame 1.
    • Eggs and Gifts start on frame 8.
      • Starters are on frame 1.
  • Do the equation to find out how many advances you need to do to hit your target IV frame.

Methods to advance the IV frame:
  • Move 128 steps with # Pokemon in your party.
    • This will increase your frame by #. For example, if you have 5 Pokemon in your party, the frame will go up by 5 after moving 128 steps.
  • Move a Pokemon from the PC to your party.
    • This will increase your frame by 7.
  • Use Repels to keep track of your steps, and then count the last few ones.
    • Repel = 100 steps
    • Super Repel = 200 steps
    • Max Repel = 250 steps

Now that you have prepared so that you can hit your target IV frame, you are ready to hit your seed and encounter your Pokemon!

Hitting your Standard Seed and receiving the IV Abused Pokemon

Look at the Keypresses column for your seed. If you have a keypress combination in this column, take note of it: you need to hold these key(s) as you start the game until you get to the white Nintendo logo.
  1. Set your DS clock so that you are able to start the game at the time RNG Reporter tells you to.
    • When you calibrated, if you started the game at X seconds in the calibration phase and got X+Y seconds in Actual Seconds, you have an offset of Y seconds.
    • For almost everyone, the actual seconds offset it 1, so you would start your game one second earlier than your target time.
  2. Hit your target time, do your keypresses, and arrive at the continue screen.
  3. No rush, but do not be slow. Enter the game, and DO NOT TURN ON THE C-GEAR.

Now, catching something on the first frame is easy. Since you have hit your seed, just initiate the battle and catch or receive the target Pokemon once you have done your advances if necessary. Check its IVs to be sure you hit your seed and IV spread.

If you want a particular nature, using a Pokemon with the ability Synchronize will give it a 50% chance of having the nature of the Synchronizer. If you do not like the nature you get, you can repeat the seed hitting process. If you get the same exact Pokemon (nature), saving the game at least once should change what nature (and wild Pokemon) you receive.

Now that you are able to hit seeds and get excellent IVs on a Pokemon, there still remains another aspect of the RNG you have yet to control. The PIDRNG determines everything but IVs, and this is covered in the next section.


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BW RNG Manipulation Guide Part 3 - How to Capture Perfect and / or Shiny Pokemon by Controlling the PIDRNG

Note: If you do not want to abuse your IDs, it is suggested you do not try for perfect shiny Pokemon.

The previous section of the guide covered how to control the Mersenne Twister half of the RNG, which determined what IVs you gotreceived from a Pokemon you encountered. Now that you have an adequate grasp of how to control this RNG, we will now explain how to control the other half: the PIDRNG.

As you may know already, the PIDRNG determines everything except the IVs and acts completely separate from the Mersenne Twister RNG. Because of this, it is required that you approach things from a different angle.

Finding (Shiny) PIDRNG Seeds

Since you most likely haven't RNGed your Trainer ID for a specific spread ahead of time, you will have to use the "Shiny Only" checkbox within Time Finder's Capture tab to find seeds for shiny Pokemon. You most likely will have to compromise between a mix of a high target frames or less than perfect spreads. If you intend to abuse for a shiny Pokemon, it is required that you know your Secret ID.

If you do not want to RNG a shiny Pokemon, you may leave Shiny Only unchecked. This is highly suggested for first time PIDRNG abusers, as it will give more seeds to choose from for your IV and PIDRNG abuse.

Background Information about PIDRNG Seeds
  • Since you are hitting a specific frame, the frame always will or will not be synchronized.
    • If you generate the same seed with "Synchronize Frames Only" checked, only synchronizable frames will show up.
    • RNG Reporter shows if a frame is synchronizeable or not by bolding the nature.
    • This frame will always be synchronized only if you selected the correct encounter method when generating the seed.

RNG Reporter will also output the Encounter Slot of the Pokemon, given your encounter type. Encounter Slots range from 0 to 11, and are different for each area. You can specify a particular encounter slot to search for.

Encounter Slots for Black and White.

In the Capture Tab section of Time Finder, select Method 5 PIDRNG in addition to your Encounter Type. Just like the previous guide on Mersenne Twister RNG abuse, make sure the Parameters Tab is filled out correctly. Once everything is filled out to your liking, generate the seed list and select a PIDRNG Seed.
Hitting your PIDRNG Seed and Frame
  • Start off by generating your seed with the encounter method you are RNGing for.
    • Find your initial frame with the Calculate Initial PIDRNG button.
  • Just like earlier in this guide, determine how many advances you need to hit your target frame.

  • The first time you hit your seed, take note of the nature you hit. Go back to RNG Reporter's frame output search and look for that nature.
    • Depending on your initial PIDRNG Frame, it should be the first one, depending if any NPCs advanced the frame.
    • This frame is now your Shifted Starting Frame (SSF), and should now be considered your initial frame.
  • Next, hit your seed again and do the needed advancements to get to your target frame.
    • If you didn't get the frame you intended to hit, just re-hit your seed and try again, changing the amount of advancements you do.

For higher target frames, this same deal goes. You will just need to advance the frame on a larger scale. It is suggested that you use two Chatots to advance your frame twice as fast, flipping between both of them.

Methods of PIDRNG Frame Advancement

  • Saving the game increases the frame by 1.
  • If you have recorded a Chatter for any Chatot, the frame advances by 1 for every time you hear its cry on the status screen.
    • If you have 2 Chatot, you can just flip between them!
    • If you did RNG back in DPPt, this is essentially the same technique as journal flips.
  • Walking or turning in an area with wild Pokemon increases frame advances 2 per step.
    • Do note that there are step counters that can advance the PIDRNG, so walking or turning is not suggested. Use Chatots!
  • Wandering NPCs
    • NPCs that have no set movement path will advance the frame by their own irregular movements.
    • If you cannot predict a definite path of walking or even turning for an NPC, chances are, it is a Wandering NPC.
    • Therefore, if you walk and turn and run a different path each time, the NPCs may move a different way and thus the frame you hit will be different each time.
    • You want to be able to control which one you hit. So keep this in mind and move exactly the same way.

Congratulations! You have successfully abused both the Mersenne Twister RNG as well as the PIDRNG!


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BW RNG Manipulation Guide Part 4 - How to Abuse your IDs

Now that you can control both RNGs, the remainder of this guide will be watered down, as it is expected that you know the basics of searching, making sure everything is filled out right, and methods of advancement. For those who are feeling adventurous and want particular shiny spreads, starters, or a specific Trainer ID, this portion of the guide will explain how.
If you want a shiny starter or a particular shiny spread, it is required that you have the seed that you will RNG with for the target spread. What will happen is that we will make a particular PID that occurs on this seed shiny by getting specific IDs. If this is what you intend to do, have your seed at hand. Select the Seed check box, enter the seed and enter the frame you want shiny with the particular method.

If you just want a novelty trainerTrainer ID, select TID and enter the Trainer ID you want.

Make sure the Parameters are correct for your setup, and then press the Find ID Seeds button. The output will tell you the Initial Frame and Frame on which the ID / SID spread occurs, in addition to the Time and Keypress. If it says True, that means a gift Pokemon will be shiny in addition to any Pokemon you encounter on that seed / frame. If you chose to make a particular seed's frame shiny, go back and verify it in RNG Reporter's main window, using the encounter method you intended. If it is not shiny (an adjacent frame is instead), adjust your Frame that you enter into Pandora's Box.

Follow this formula to determine how many frames you need to advance to get the target IDs.

(Target Frame) - (Initial Frame) = Advances Required

To advance your frame, when Juniper asks "Is your name XXX", say no. The RNG will be advanced by 1 each time you do this.
Now delete the previously existing save file, hit your seed, and do your advancements. If done correctly, you should have your intended ID / SID!


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BW RNG Manipulation Guide Part 5 - How to Hatch Shiny (and Perfect) Pokemon

In the 5th Generation, the game generates the entire Egg at once, instead of letting you lock into a nature / ability / PID like Generation 4 allowed for. Due to this, everything is generated in one fell swoop, so the entire process only requires you to hit one seed for the entire process.

Finding Seeds for Breeding
  • Use the 4th / 5th Gen Shiny Egg Tab in Time Finder
  • Select BW as the Breeding Type
    • If you have the option to breed internationally, by all means do so. It increases the amount of shiny frames you can hit six fold! Select BW (International) if this is the case.
  • If you want to use an Everstone to pass a nature, select the nature of the Pokemon you will have holding the Everstone.
  • If you are using a Ditto, select the Ditto Parent checkbox.
    • Ditto acts as the opposite gender of the other parent, or Female if the other Pokemon is Genderless.
  • Set frame 60 as the minimum PID frame.
  • If you want to breed hidden ability offspring, the mother must have the ability and either parent must not be Ditto.
  • Specify your other desired results, fill out everything.
    • Parent IVs not required, but are beneficial.
From the results RNG Reporter outputs, you will see three definitive IVs, and three inherited IVs (Fe/Ma). The Egg you receive on that frame will get the respective stat from the parent indicated.

In-Game Setup
  • Do not have any Power Items attached to either Pokemon, and make sure that the right parent is holding the Everstone.
  • Save in front of the Daycare Man when he has an Egg to give you.

Hitting your Seed and Target Frame

  • Once you have a target seed, determine how many advances you need to hit that target frame by using the Calculate Initial PIDRNG button.
  • Since you are hitting a specific PID, the possible frames you can hit can be manipulated by your setup.
    • Toy around with your inputs to change around the results.
    • This is achieved with a Ditto and Everstone.
      • If you use a Ditto, you can not get Hidden Ability offspring.
  • Find a specific frame, find your initial, and hit it.

(Target Frame) – (Initial Frame) = Advances Required

If you are unable to hit the correct frame, find which one you actually are hitting. This is caused by the Wandering NPCs on the route where the Day Care is. You will need to adjust how many advances you do to hit your target frame because of them.

When you receive your Egg, the only way to verify that you gotreceived exactly what you want is by hatching it and verifying it with the IV Man located in the Battle Subway, or the characteristic, ability, and nature (and shiny appearance).


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BW RNG Manipulation Guide Part 6 - Receiving Perfect Wondercard Pokemon

To RNG Wondercard Pokemon, one must utilize Wondercard seeds as opposed to Standard seeds. Wondercard seeds are similar to Standard seeds, except the IVs are based off of the PIDRNG frame. The Standard seeds you had before will not be useable, but the abuse in itself is very easy once you find a seed. Regular Wondercards cannot be shiny.

Save at a Pokemon Center in which there are no moving NPCs; the Pokemon Center at the Elite Four is suggested.

Finding Wondercard Seeds
  • Obtain your target Wondercard seed from RNG Reporter by searching Wondercards (5th Gen) with a Minimum Frame above 55 in Time Finder.
  • Take note of the date, time, and keypress needed.
  • Once you have this Wondercard seed, you will have to hit the seed just like you would for a Standard Seed.
Hitting your Wondercard Seed and Frame
  • Hit your seed once and find the IVs you find which is the initial frame.
    • In most cases, it will be the first frame, after you calculate the initial PIDRNG frame.
  • In RNG Reporter, enter your seed and select Wondercard (5th Gen) to see the possible IV spreads.
  • Calculate the amount of advances you need to do to hit the target frame with the following formula:

    (Target Frame) – (Initial Frame) = Advances Required
  • Hit your seed again, do the required advances, and verify your Pokemon.
    • Adjust accordingly.

Shiny Wondercards are a bit more complex, because they are different from regular Wondercards. They will always be shiny, and require a few tricks to RNG to your desire.

Finding Shiny Wondercard Seeds
  1. Search for Wondercard seeds with the frame range 60-100, with any nature selected.
    • Wondercard IVs and PID / Nature are based off the PIDRNG completely. No Mersenne Twister RNG is used.
  2. Once you have a vast array of seeds, test each one out to see if you are able to hit that frame due to the initial offset of the game.
    • This is done by pressing the Calculate Initial Frame Button.
    • All possible target frames must be at least 2 frames after the initial frame.
  3. Now look at your target frame, and second frame directly after your target. Is your desired nature on this frame?
    • If no, throw away that seed.
    • If yes, keep that seed as a potential target.
  4. Once you have narrowed down your seeds from RNG Reporter to one(s) that have your target nature frame and seed, find out how many advances you need to do.

    (Target Frame) - (Initial Frame) - 3 = Advances Required

Detailed Information on Shiny Wondercards:
  • It takes more than the usual amount of frames to calculate a Shiny PID.
  • Since the lastest RNG Reporter update (9.81) was created before we had knowledge of the Shiny Wondercard method, you will have to take a little bit more time to abuse.
  • The game generates a Shiny PID with the "Current Seed" and Card IDs.
    • Since the game generates the IVs before PID, the IVs are predictable.
    • However, the game generates nature after the PID.
    • The trick of this is that the subsequent frame will have the nature.


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BW RNG Manipulation Guide Part 7 - Catching Perfect Roaming Pokemon

Manipulating the roamer you get is hands down the hardest RNG type when using Standard Seeds. This is because the ambient weather advances the RNG, and you are unable to prevent this advancement. This results in an unpredictable starting frame, so it will require a good deal of attempts to hone in on your target.

In order to abuse the Roamer, you must not have released it previously. There is no reliable way to RNG the Roamer whenonce it respawns after beating the Elite Four.

Finding Roaming Pokemon

When looking for a usable seed in Time Finder's Capture Tab, select Method 5 (Standard Seed) and select the Roaming Pokemon as your encounter method. Set your min / max frame to 1 so that you'll only need to do PIDRNG advances. If you're looking for a shiny, set max shiny frame to 1000, because you will need to find a frame at or above 650. Enter in your IVs and generate the results.
If you intend to RNG a shiny roamer, consider ID / SID abuse if you can't easily find a usable shiny seed. This requires you to have a Roaming PID frame that you want to make shiny. You will need to RNG your IDs with Pandora's Box, while making sure that the frame you chose will give you shiny IDs.

The rain that the roamer summons advances the PIDRNG frame at a rate of approximately 60 frames per second. Snow advances it more slowly, but it still advances your PIDRNG frame. There are also Wandering NPCs on Route 7, so the advancement is pretty erratic. Before saving in the house, check if there's weather outside on that date. Summer (February, June, October) doesn't have any weather, so you might want to search for those months. It is recommended to find a seed with a target frame of 650 or above. Encounter any season change screen before you reach the house, otherwise this will mess with the consistency of your results.

Now that you are ready, save inside the house.

To find what frame you are initially on, hit your seed and go outside, mashing A. Once you regain control of your character, you can stop mashing.

Go and catch the roamer, verify the IVs and find the Nature. If you are able to find the characteristic of your roamer (via RNG Reporter or the PID%6 method), it should help narrow down the possible frames you hit.

If you have not yet found what frame you start on, hit your seed again and do 10 Chatot calls, and see what you get. Repeat this step, adding Chatot calls in increments of 10 so that you can find your Shifted Starting Frame.

Depending on the season and if there is weather already present, you will have different Shifted Starting Frames.
  • No Weather Present: 550-750
  • Rain Present: 1500-1900
  • Snow Present (Winter Only): 260-300

You may need to check outside of these ranges, however these are the most common.

Since you have found your Shifted Starting Frame, you can now determine how many advances you need to hit your Target Frame. Hit your seed and do your advances. Catch the roamer and adjust your advances as necessary.

If you are trying to RNG your roamer shiny, it will appear shiny in your PokéDex only if you succeeded.


Remodeling Kitchens
is a Top Researcher Alumnusis a Top Contributor Alumnus
Solace's check implemented. Much appreciated!

Just checked the word count.. this whole guide is 6,000+ words :3


Remodeling Kitchens
is a Top Researcher Alumnusis a Top Contributor Alumnus
I will be doing all of the HTML.

<p><img src="/media/ingame/images/articlename_imgname.png" alt="" /></p>
Table of Contents
<ul class="toc">
<li><a href="bw_rng_intro">The BW RNG Manipulation Guide</a></li>
<li><a href="bw_rng_part1">BW RNG Manipulation Guide Part 1 - Common Information for Breeding, Capturing, and Receiving Perfect Pokemon</a></li> 
<li><a href="bw_rng_part2">BW RNG Manipulation Guide Part 2 - How to RNG a Perfect Pokemon</a></li>
<li><a href="bw_rng_part3">BW RNG Manipulation Guide Part 3 - How to Capture Perfect and / or Shiny Pokemon by Controlling the PIDRNG</a></li>
<li><a href="bw_rng_part4">BW RNG Manipulation Guide Part 4 - How to Abuse your IDs</a></li> 
<li><a href="bw_rng_part5">BW RNG Manipulation Guide Part 5 - How to Hatch Shiny (and Perfect) Pokemon</a></li> 
<li><a href="bw_rng_part6">BW RNG Manipulation Guide Part 6 - Receiving Perfect Wondercard Pokemon</a></li>
<li><a href="bw_rng_part7">BW RNG Manipulation Guide Part 7 - Capturing Perfect Roaming Pokemon</a></li> 


Remodeling Kitchens
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HTML: Intro

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The BW RNG Manipulation Guide
<meta name="description" content="Introduction to the BW RNG Manipulation Guide." />
<div class="author">By <a href="/forums/member.php?u=32572">Kaphotics</a>.</div>

<ul class="toc">
<li><a href="bw_rng_intro">The BW RNG Manipulation Guide</a>
<li><a href="#what">What is RNG Manipulation?</a></li>
<li><a href="#credits">Credits and Thanks</a></li>
<li><a href="bw_rng_part1">BW RNG Manipulation Guide Part 1 - Common Information for Breeding, Capturing, and Receiving Perfect Pokemon</a></li> 
<li><a href="bw_rng_part2">BW RNG Manipulation Guide Part 2 - How to RNG a Perfect Pokemon</a></li>
<li><a href="bw_rng_part3">BW RNG Manipulation Guide Part 3 - How to Capture Perfect and / or Shiny Pokemon by Controlling the PIDRNG</a></li>
<li><a href="bw_rng_part4">BW RNG Manipulation Guide Part 4 - How to Abuse your IDs</a></li> 
<li><a href="bw_rng_part5">BW RNG Manipulation Guide Part 5 - How to Hatch Shiny (and Perfect) Pokemon</a></li> 
<li><a href="bw_rng_part6">BW RNG Manipulation Guide Part 6 - Receiving Perfect Wondercard Pokemon</a></li>
<li><a href="bw_rng_part7">BW RNG Manipulation Guide Part 7 - Capturing Perfect Roaming Pokemon</a></li> 

<h2><a name="what">What is RNG Manipulation?</a></h2> 
<p>There are many seemingly random events in Pokemon: the IVs and natures of the Pokemon that you capture or breed, the number of steps an NPC walks before turning, or the odds that your newly hatched Oshawott is shiny. As it turns out, these events are all governed by the output of a class of mathematical formulas, which are known as pseudo random number generators. The word "pseudo", often used to paint things as "fraudulent" or "false," is very appropriate in this case. Even though the numbers output by these formulas may appear to be random, they are not. Each sequence begins with a single number, often referred to as a seed, and continues on in a predictable pattern.</p> 
<p>Since the seed determines the sequence of numbers that will follow, it is important that it is different each and every time you play. If the same seed was chosen each time, the pattern of numbers and how they affect the game would be noticeable over time, breaking the illusion of randomness. To alleviate this potential problem, the game developers decided to create the seed by using something that should be different every time you play: the date and time on your Nintendo DS. By doing some light math on the individual components (year, month, hour, etc.) of the date and time, a "unique" seed is created each time you start the game.</p>
<p>There is an obvious flaw in this technique-we can change the date and time on our Nintendo DS systems before we start the game. With knowledge of how the date and time affect the seed, it is possible to choose a combination that yields a desirable result, allowing us to control the sequence of pseudo-random numbers that is generated. Coupled with the knowledge of how the game uses those numbers to create Pokemon, we become the creators, picking and choosing desirable traits, removing any remaining vestiges of randomness.</p>
<h2><a name="credits">Credits and Thanks</a></h2> 
<p><a href="">OmegaDonut</a>, 
<a href="">Kaphotics</a>, 
<a href="">Bond697</a>, 
<a href="">chiizu</a>, 
<a href="">mingot</a>, 
Rusted Coil, XYZ Wing, hos1519, Guested, PokeDuck, 
<a href="">xElite</a>, 
<a href="">musicmeister</a>, 
<a href="">mattj</a>, 
<a href="">Nexus</a>, 
<a href="">Sephirona</a>, 
<a href="">Tomxc</a>, 
Blyde, MrFixIt, all of the RNG Reporter / PPRNG testers, and researchers and contributors from past generations.</p>


Remodeling Kitchens
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HTML: Part 1

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BW RNG Manipulation Guide Part 1 - Common Information for Breeding, Capturing, and Receiving Perfect Pokemon
<meta name="description" content="BW RNG Manipulation Guide Part 1 - Common Information for Breeding, Capturing, and Receiving Perfect Pokemon" />
<div class="author">By <a href="/forums/member.php?u=32572">Kaphotics</a>.</div>

<ul class="toc">
<li><a href="bw_rng_intro">The BW RNG Manipulation Guide</a></li>
<li><a href="bw_rng_part1">BW RNG Manipulation Guide Part 1 - Common Information for Breeding, Capturing, and Receiving Perfect Pokemon</a>
<li><a href="#prereq">Prerequisites</a></li>
<li><a href="#diff">Important Differences from Previous Generations</a></li>
<li><a href="#terms">Definitions</a></li>
<li><a href="#calibration">Calibration</a></li>
<li><a href="#verify">Verifying that you hit your Target Seed</a></li>
<li><a href="bw_rng_part2">BW RNG Manipulation Guide Part 2 - How to RNG a Perfect Pokemon</a></li>
<li><a href="bw_rng_part3">BW RNG Manipulation Guide Part 3 - How to Capture Perfect and / or Shiny Pokemon by Controlling the PIDRNG</a></li>
<li><a href="bw_rng_part4">BW RNG Manipulation Guide Part 4 - How to Abuse your IDs</a></li> 
<li><a href="bw_rng_part5">BW RNG Manipulation Guide Part 5 - How to Hatch Shiny (and Perfect) Pokemon</a></li> 
<li><a href="bw_rng_part6">BW RNG Manipulation Guide Part 6 - Receiving Perfect Wondercard Pokemon</a></li>
<li><a href="bw_rng_part7">BW RNG Manipulation Guide Part 7 - Capturing Perfect Roaming Pokemon</a></li> 

<p>Before attempting to hatch or capture that perfect Pokemon, it will be useful to learn about some of the concepts that are common to both endeavors. The information in this section should be used to build up your knowledge and vocabulary so that the individual sections that follow will be clear and easy to follow.</p>

<h2><a name="prereq">Prerequisites</a></h2>
<ul><li>RNG Reporter
<ul><li><strong>Note to Mac Users:</strong> This software works under Windows and Linux. PPRNG is the Mac equivalent of the 5th Generation RNG Reporter. Use it instead.</li>
<li>A clock with a clear Seconds reading.</li>
<li>DS or DS Lite</li>
<li>Pokemon Black or White
<ul><li>DSi series and 3DS are only able to abuse IVs with the C-Gear method.</li>

<h2><a name="diff">Important Differences from Previous Generations</a></h2>
<p>In the 4th Generation, all initial seeds are 32 bits long; however, in Black and White, they are twice as long, coming in at a grand total of 64 bits. All of the previous Methods in RNG Reporter are not useable in the 5th Generation for this reason.</p>
<p>When the game boots up, the upper half of the 64 bit initial seed is used to seed the <strong>Mersenne Twister RNG</strong>, which operates as a 32 bit look-up table. This table is used to generate the IVs for the Pokemon. We are able to re-seed this table by using the C-Gear; this will be covered later in this guide. This generation has no more relation of PID to IVs, meaning no IV combination is restricted from any nature / ability for any type of RNG.</p>
<p>One important change that we have is that the nature is no longer set by the PID that a Pokemon has; it is instead set at some other point in the RNG process when the Pokemon is generated by the game. Synchronization has no effect on the RNG, aside from changing the nature you would normally receive if the synchronization works.</p>

<h2><a name="terms">Definitions</a></h2>
<p>These terms will be used frequently in the remainder of this guide, so it is very important that you understand what they mean.</p>
<dt>Initial Seed</dt>
<dd>The <em>initial seed</em> is the number which is fed to the random number generator when the game starts. This number is created by a combination of the <em>time and date the game started</em>, your <em>MAC Address</em>, <em>Keypress</em>, and other <em>Encryption Variables</em>. Knowing the initial seed we start with allows us to predict the (no longer) random sequence of numbers that the game will produce and, in turn, how to proceed in order to catch the Pokemon or receive the Egg that we desire.</dd>
<dd>It is important to know that the initial seed is no longer dependent on delay, which makes hitting initial seeds incredibly easy.</dd>
<dt>Target Time</dt>
<dd>When resetting for the IVs of Eggs or captured Pokemon, you must hard reset (power cycle) to hit your target time. In the following sections, target time is defined as the date and time of your DS upon booting the game. Please note that this has nothing to do with the "TIME" value that is shown on the "Continue" screen, as that indicates the amount of time that you have played the game and does not represent the current date and time on the DS clock.</dd>
<dd>As opposed to the initial seeds in the 4th Generation, the initial seed in the 5th Generation is set once the game (re)boots; this makes it much easier to hit seeds as it only requires precision down to the second.</dd>
<dt>C-Gear Seeds vs. Standard Seeds (Non C-Gear)</dt>
<dd>This generation, a Mersenne Twister RNG is used to generate the IVs. In Generation 4, this same Mersenne Twister was used to create the Egg PIDs; however, this no longer is this the case in Generation 5. Standard seeds and C-Gear seeds determine the IVs of a Pokemon.</dd>
<dd>Now to explain these two different seed types: </dd></dl>
<li><strong>Standard Seeds (Non C-Gear)</strong>
<ul><li>These are the most commonly used seeds, and are very easy to hit. They are unique to your DS and game version. Unfortunately, they can be hit only at one time and date, so you are unable to choose the dates that     appear on your Pokemon. The upper half is used to seed the MTRNG the moment the game (re)boots.</li>
<li><strong>C-Gear Seeds</strong>
<ul><li>These seeds are commonly used for Entralink abuse. They are almost exactly the same as the seeds last generation except they also incorporate the MAC address of the DS.</li>
<li>The seed is set the moment you turn on the C-Gear, or when you warp into the Entralink.</li></ul>
<p>The main difference between the two seed types is that C-Gear seeds use delay in addition to date and time, while Standard seeds only require precision down to the target second. For the vast majority of this guide, the focus will be on Standard seeds.</p>
<dd>The <strong>delay</strong> may be thought of as a fast counter that increases by one approximately 60 times per second. It starts when you launch (or soft reset) any of the Pokemon games. The <strong>delay</strong> is an important component of Entralink abuse, as a C-Gear seed must be used to hit your target IVs. Non C-Gear seeds do not use delay.</dd>
<dd>An important change from the 4th Generation is that delays will <span style="text-decoration: underline;">never</span> be consistently odd or even, as the games do not support Slot-2 Game Pak interaction.</dd>
<dd>A listing of <strong>frames</strong> is the sequence of Pokemon who can be captured or of IVs that may be passed down to an Egg, given a particular <strong>initial seed</strong>. A <strong>frame number</strong>, or <strong>target frame</strong>, is what you want to land on to get the desired result. There are different methods for targeting a particular frame, depending on what you are doing or where you are in game. For instance, when collecting an Egg, the frame will advance based on the amount of time that you spend before taking an Egg due to the onscreen or offscreen NPCs moving. When in a quiet cave, the frame does not advance at all on its own, but can be advanced by in-game actions, such as walking, saving, or listening to your awesome Chatot(s).</dd>
<dt>Encounter Slot</dt>
<dd>An encounter slot is a value that determines what Pokemon will appear depending on the frame on which you encounter a Wild Pokemon for the given encounter method.</dd></dl>

<h2><a name="calibration">Calibration</a></h2>
<p>Before beginning your quest for perfect IVs and shiny Pokemon, it is mandatory that you find the <strong>Parameters</strong> for your DS and cartridge. These will vary from DS to DS, and the version of the game (in addition to language of the game). Collecting these <strong>Parameters</strong> will help you use Time Finder, a feature of RNG Reporter, in the most productive way possible.</p>
<p>Once you find your <strong>Parameters</strong> from Calibration, you can use it to hit spreads that you find in Time Finder without having to repeat the Calibration Phase.</p>
<p><strong>Steps to Calibrate for RNG Abuse:</strong></p>
<ul><li>Find the MAC Address of your DS</li></ul>
<p><img src="/media/bwrng/fmac.png" alt="" /></p>
<li>Save your game in a location where you can easily and quickly catch a high level Pokemon, the best example is Kyurem.
<li>Alternatively, you can utilize <a href="">Pokecheck</a>.</li>
<li>If you choose to do this instead of catching a stationary Pokemon, bring a Pokemon with the move Sweet Scent.
<li>Play until you've gained access to the GTS. When prompted to by this guide, follow the directions on the Pokecheck website to view the IVs of the Pokemon you just caught.</li>
<li>Synchronize your DS clock with an external clock. Your external clock should have a seconds display or seconds hand. You do not necessarily have to synchronize the date of your DS to the actual date, but you need to know the date on your DS clock.</li>
<li>Open up RNG Reporter and select DS Parameters.</li></ul>
<p><img src="/media/bwrng/dsparam.png" alt="" /></p>
<ol style="list-style-type: decimal"><li>From the DS main menu, select your game exactly when the clock reaches the next minute. You will want to note the exact time you hard reset the game.</li>
<li>Encounter a Pokemon as quickly as possible without moving any steps. This can be done with the move Sweet Scent, or by talking to the Stationary Legend you saved in front of.</li>
<li>Catch the encountered Pokemon, and find its IV range.
<ul><li>Using a Master Ball is fine. Once you are done Calibrating you can turn off your game without saving.</li>
<li>Enter the date and time from Step 3 and the Pokemon's information from Step 5 into Parameters. Input the correct MAC address and range of Encryption Variables for your current DS and Version.</li>
<li>Find your Parameters.</li>

<p><img src="/media/bwrng/dspsamp.png" alt="" /></p>
<p>You will then be given the seed you hit, along with the Date and Time and your encryption variables. These encryption variables can be used in Time Finder to generate your spreads. Write down your Parameters somewhere safe, be it on your computer or on a sticky note.</p>

<h2><a name="verify">Verifying that you hit your Target Seed</a></h2>
<p>There is no method of verifying this generation, aside from receiving your intended Pokemon. However, with the ease of hitting Standard seeds, this downside is negligible. NPCs and Shaking Spots will behave the same way if you hit the same seed and do the same actions.</p>


Remodeling Kitchens
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HTML: Part 2

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BW RNG Manipulation Guide Part 2 - How to RNG a Perfect Pokemon
<meta name="description" content="BW RNG Manipulation Guide Part 2 - How to RNG a Perfect Pokemon" />
<div class="author">By <a href="/forums/member.php?u=32572">Kaphotics</a>.</div>

<ul class="toc">
<li><a href="bw_rng_intro">The BW RNG Manipulation Guide</a></li>
<li><a href="bw_rng_part1">BW RNG Manipulation Guide Part 1 - Common Information for Breeding, Capturing, and Receiving Perfect Pokemon</a></li>
<li><a href="bw_rng_part2">BW RNG Manipulation Guide Part 2 - How to RNG a Perfect Pokemon</a>
<li><a href="#find">Finding the Standard Seeds for IV RNG Abuse</a></li>
<li><a href="#prep">Preparations In Game to hit your Seed</a></li>
<li><a href="#adv">Methods to advance the IV Frame</a></li>
<li><a href="#hitting">Hitting your Standard Seed and receiving the IV Abused Pokemon</a></li>
<li><a href="bw_rng_part3">BW RNG Manipulation Guide Part 3 - How to Capture Perfect and / or Shiny Pokemon by Controlling the PIDRNG</a></li>
<li><a href="bw_rng_part4">BW RNG Manipulation Guide Part 4 - How to Abuse your IDs</a></li> 
<li><a href="bw_rng_part5">BW RNG Manipulation Guide Part 5 - How to Hatch Shiny (and Perfect) Pokemon</a></li> 
<li><a href="bw_rng_part6">BW RNG Manipulation Guide Part 6 - Receiving Perfect Wondercard Pokemon</a></li>
<li><a href="bw_rng_part7">BW RNG Manipulation Guide Part 7 - Capturing Perfect Roaming Pokemon</a></li> 

<p>Now that you have successfully calibrated and have your Parameters for your version and DS, you now can predict what seeds your game will start with by using RNG Reporter.</p>

<h2><a name="find">Finding the Standard Seeds for IV RNG Abuse</a></h2>
<p>To find a Standard Seed that you need to hit, you will first have to open up <strong>RNG Reporter</strong>. Select <strong>Time Finder</strong>, and a new window will appear. The <strong>Capture</strong> tab will automatically be loaded and is the only one you need to worry about in order to RNG in Black and White.</p>
<p><img src="/media/bwrng/tf.png" alt="" /></p>
<p>Here's a slight predicament: There are actually <em><strong>two</strong></em> different RNGs. On one hand, you have the <strong>Mersenne Twister RNG</strong>, which determines IVs. The other, the PIDRNG, determines nature, ability, and shininess. The focus for this section of the guide is IVs, as we are still not very experienced this Generation. For right now we'll only care about IVs, leaving the nature to synchronization, which is a 50% chance.</p>
<p>The easiest way to start is to catch a stationary legendary. The members of the <em>Musketeer Trio</em> are prime candidates,  even Kyurem!</p>
<p>In the IV section on the right, specify the criteria for your IV Spread that is desired for your target Pokemon. The larger the IV range you are accepting, the more results you will have to choose from.</p>
<ol style="list-style-type: decimal">
<li>Select the IV Frame Range to search. For now, it is best to have a frame 1 spread. Anything larger than that will require frame advancement, which will be covered later in this section and is not suggested for your first abuse.</li>
<li>Choose a month to search for seeds in.</li>
<li>Select Method 5 (Standard Seed) as the Method.</li>
<li>Select the encounter type for your Pokemon.
<li>Wild Pokemon: Anything that can be captured in the wild that is not stationary.
<li>For IV spreads via Standard Seed, leave encounter slot at (Any).</li>
<li>Stationary Pokemon: Non-moving Pokemon that you can interact with for a battle, and Starters.</li>
<li>Gift Pokemon: Eggs, gifts from NPCs, Fossils, NOT STARTERS.</li>
<li>Roaming Pokemon: Only for the roaming Genie.</li>
<li>You are unable to do Entralink Pokemon (DW) with this method. It is currently covered in the 5th Generation RNG Help Thread located in the Wi-Fi Sub-Forum.</li>
<li>Click on the tab DS Parameters.
<li>Make sure your parameters and version are correct.</li>
<li>Do not select Soft Reset.</li>
<li>Keypresses: More keypresses => More results => more time.
<li>For the majority of people, having a keypress seed increases their calibrated timer0 by 1. If you want keypress seed, adjust your calibrated timer0 according to how your DS acts.</li>
<li>Click back to the Capture tab.</li>
<li>Press Generate. Depending on the amount of keypresses you allowed for, this may take awhile to complete.
<li>You can stop the search by pressing cancel in the Time Finder Progress window that pops up when you press Generate.</li> 
<li>All the currently found seeds will remain if you do so.</li>
<p><img src="/media/bwrng/tfres.png" alt="" /></p>

<h2><a name="prep">Preparations In Game to hit your Seed</a></h2>
<li>While the results are generating, it is best to prepare for your capture in game.
<li>If your target IV frame is 1, save in front of whatever you plan to catch. Bring no more than 5 Pokemon.</li>
<li>If your target IV frame is not 1, you need a certain number of Pokemon in your party.</li>
<li>Do not save in front of your legendary or at your location just yet if your target IV frame is not 1. The number of Pokemon you need in your party will vary depending on the frame you need to hit.</li>
<li>When you manipulate the RNG, your Pokemon's target IV spread will fall onto a certain numbered frame.
<li>When you first start up the game, the first thing you will get is on frame 1.</li>
<li>If you want to catch a Pokemon that is on frame 4, for example, you need to bump up the frame count by 3. Follow this simple equation:</li>
<h3>(Target Frame) - (Initial Frame) - (Starting Frame) + 1 = Advances Required</h3>
<li>Your Target Frame is the frame you are trying to hit. In RNG Reporter, it is listed under Frame.</li>
<li>The Initial Frame is the frame you start at when you have loaded up the game.
<li>For IVs, it will always be 1.</li>
<li>Starting Frames for IVs are different for each encounter type.
<ul><li>Wild and Stationary Pokemon start on frame 1.</li>
<li>Roaming Pokemon start on frame 1.</li>
<li>Eggs and Gifts start on frame 8.
<li>Starters are on frame 1.</li>
<li>Do the equation to find out how many advances you need to do to hit your target IV frame.</li></ul>

<h2><a name="adv">Methods to advance the IV Frame</a></h2>
<li>Move 128 steps with # Pokemon in your party.
<li>This will increase your frame by #. For example, if you have 5 Pokemon in your party, the frame will go up by 5 after moving 128 steps.</li>
<li>Move a Pokemon from the PC to your party.
<li>This will increase your frame by 7.</li>
<li>Use Repels to keep track of your steps, and then count the last few ones.
<ul><li>Repel = 100 steps</li>
<li>Super Repel = 200 steps</li>
<li>Max Repel = 250 steps</li>
<p>Now that you have prepared so that you can hit your target IV frame, you are ready to hit your seed and encounter your Pokemon!</p>

<h2><a name="hitting">Hitting your Standard Seed and receiving the IV Abused Pokemon</a></h2>
<p>Look at the Keypresses column for your seed. If you have a keypress combination in this column, take note of it: you need to hold these key(s) as you start the game until you get to the white Nintendo logo.</p>
<p><img src="/media/bwrng/ninlogo.png" alt="" /></p>
<ol style="list-style-type: decimal"><li>Set your DS clock so that you are able to start the game at the time RNG Reporter tells you to. 
<li>When you calibrated, if you started the game at X seconds in the calibration phase and got X+Y seconds in Actual Seconds, you have an offset of Y seconds.</li> 
<li>For almost everyone, the actual seconds offset it 1, so you would start your game one second earlier than your target time.</li>
<li>Hit your target time, do your keypresses, and arrive at the continue screen. </li>
<li>No rush, but do not be slow. Enter the game, and <strong><em>do not turn on the C-Gear</em></strong>.</li>
<p>Now, catching something on the first frame is easy. Since you have hit your seed, just initiate the battle and catch or receive the target Pokemon once you have done your advances if necessary. Check its IVs to be sure you hit your seed and IV spread.</p>
<p>If you want a particular nature, using a Pokemon with the ability Synchronize will give it a 50% chance of having the nature of the Synchronizer. If you do not like the nature you get, you can repeat the seed hitting process. If you get the same exact Pokemon (nature), saving the game at least once should change what nature (and wild Pokemon) you receive.</p>
<p>Now that you are able to hit seeds and get excellent IVs on a Pokemon, there still remains another aspect of the RNG you have yet to control. The PIDRNG determines everything but IVs, and this is covered in the next section.</p>


Remodeling Kitchens
is a Top Researcher Alumnusis a Top Contributor Alumnus
HTML: Part 3

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BW RNG Manipulation Guide Part 3 - How to Capture Perfect and / or Shiny Pokemon by Controlling the PIDRNG
<meta name="description" content="BW RNG Manipulation Guide Part 3 - How to Capture Perfect and / or Shiny Pokemon by Controlling the PIDRNG" />
<div class="author">By <a href="/forums/member.php?u=32572">Kaphotics</a>.</div>

<ul class="toc">
<li><a href="bw_rng_intro">The BW RNG Manipulation Guide</a></li>
<li><a href="bw_rng_part1">BW RNG Manipulation Guide Part 1 - Common Information for Breeding, Capturing, and Receiving Perfect Pokemon</a></li>
<li><a href="bw_rng_part2">BW RNG Manipulation Guide Part 2 - How to RNG a Perfect Pokemon</a></li>
<li><a href="bw_rng_part3">BW RNG Manipulation Guide Part 3 - How to Capture Perfect and / or Shiny Pokemon by Controlling the PIDRNG</a>
<li><a href="#find">Finding (Shiny) PIDRNG Seeds</a></li>
<li><a href="#info">Background Information about PIDRNG Seeds</a></li>
<li><a href="#adv">Methods to advance the PIDRNG Frame</a></li>
<li><a href="#hitting">Hitting your PIDRNG Seed and Frame</a></li>
<li><a href="bw_rng_part4">BW RNG Manipulation Guide Part 4 - How to Abuse your IDs</a></li> 
<li><a href="bw_rng_part5">BW RNG Manipulation Guide Part 5 - How to Hatch Shiny (and Perfect) Pokemon</a></li> 
<li><a href="bw_rng_part6">BW RNG Manipulation Guide Part 6 - Receiving Perfect Wondercard Pokemon</a></li>
<li><a href="bw_rng_part7">BW RNG Manipulation Guide Part 7 - Capturing Perfect Roaming Pokemon</a></li> 

<p><em>Note: If you do not want to abuse your IDs, it is suggested you do not try for perfect shiny Pokemon.</em></p>
<p>The previous section of the guide covered how to control the Mersenne Twister half of the RNG, which determined what IVs you received from a Pokemon you encountered. Now that you have an adequate grasp of how to control this RNG, we will now explain how to control the other half: the PIDRNG. As you may know already, the PIDRNG determines everything except the IVs and acts completely separate from the Mersenne Twister RNG. Because of this, it is required that you approach things from a different angle.</p>

<h2><a name="find">Finding (Shiny) PIDRNG Seeds</a></h2>
<p>Since you most likely haven't RNGed your Trainer ID for a specific spread ahead of time, you will have to use the "Shiny Only" checkbox within Time Finder's Capture tab to find seeds for shiny Pokemon. You most likely will have to compromise between a mix of a high target frames or less than perfect spreads. If you intend to abuse for a shiny Pokemon, it is required that you know your Secret ID.</p>
<p>If you do not want to RNG a shiny Pokemon, you may leave Shiny Only unchecked. This is highly suggested for first time PIDRNG abusers, as it will give more seeds to choose from for your IV and PIDRNG abuse.</p>

<h2><a name="info">Background Information about PIDRNG Seeds</a></h2>
<li>Since you are hitting a specific frame, the frame always will or will not be synchronized.
<ul><li>If you generate the same seed with "Synchronize Frames Only" checked, only synchronizable frames will show up.</li>
<li>RNG Reporter shows if a frame is synchronizeable or not by <strong>bolding</strong> the nature.</li>
<li>This frame will always be synchronized only if you selected the correct encounter method when generating the seed.</li>
<p>RNG Reporter will also output the Encounter Slot of the Pokemon, given your encounter type. Encounter Slots range from 0 to 11, and are different for each area. You can specify a particular encounter slot to search for.</p>
<p>Encounter Slot tables are under the Tools tab of RNG Reporter. <a href="">Black</a> / <a href="">White</a>.</p>
<p>In the Capture Tab section of Time Finder, select Method 5 PIDRNG in addition to your Encounter Type. Just like the previous guide on Mersenne Twister RNG abuse, make sure the Parameters Tab is filled out correctly. Once everything is filled out to your liking, generate the seed list and select a PIDRNG Seed.</p>
<p><img src="/media/bwrng/cap.png" alt="" /></p>

<h2><a name="adv">Methods to advance the PIDRNG Frame</a></h2>
<li>Saving the game increases the frame by 1.</li>
<li>If you have recorded a Chatter for any Chatot, the frame advances by 1 for every time you hear its cry on the status screen.
<li>If you have 2 Chatot, you can just flip between them!</li>
<li>If you did RNG back in DPPt, this is essentially the same technique as journal flips.</li>
<li>Walking or turning in an area with wild Pokemon increases frame advances 2 per step.
<li>Do note that there are step counters that can advance the PIDRNG, so walking or turning is not suggested. Use Chatots!</li>
<li>Wandering NPCs
<li>NPCs that have no set movement path will advance the frame by their own irregular movements. </li>
<li>If you cannot predict a definite path of walking or even turning for an NPC, chances are, it is a Wandering NPC.</li>
<li>Therefore, if you walk and turn and run a different path each time, the NPCs may move a different way and thus the frame you hit will be different each time. </li>
<li>You want to be able to control which one you hit. So keep this in mind and move <em><strong>exactly the same way</strong></em>.</li>

<h2><a name="hitting">Hitting your PIDRNG Seed and Frame</a></h2>
<li>Start off by generating your seed with the encounter method you are RNGing for.
<li>Find your initial frame with the Calculate Initial PIDRNG button.</li>
<li>Just like earlier in this guide, determine how many advances you need to hit your target frame.</li>
<li>The first time you hit your seed, take note of the nature you hit. Go back to RNG Reporter's frame output search and look for that nature.
<li>Depending on your initial PIDRNG Frame, it should be the first one, depending if any NPCs advanced the frame.</li>
<li>This frame is now your Shifted Starting Frame (SSF), and should now be considered your initial frame.</li>
<li>Next, hit your seed again and do the needed advancements to get to your target frame.
<ul><li>If you didn't get the frame you intended to hit, just re-hit your seed and try again, changing the amount of advancements you do.</li>
<p>For higher target frames, this same deal goes. You will just need to advance the frame on a larger scale. It is suggested that you use two Chatots to advance your frame twice as fast, flipping between both of them.</p>

<p>Congratulations! You have successfully abused both the Mersenne Twister RNG as well as the PIDRNG!</p>


Remodeling Kitchens
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HTML: Part 4

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BW RNG Manipulation Guide Part 4 - How to Abuse your IDs
<meta name="description" content="BW RNG Manipulation Guide Part 4 - How to Abuse your IDs" />
<div class="author">By <a href="/forums/member.php?u=32572">Kaphotics</a>.</div>

<ul class="toc">
<li><a href="bw_rng_intro">The BW RNG Manipulation Guide</a></li>
<li><a href="bw_rng_part1">BW RNG Manipulation Guide Part 1 - Common Information for Breeding, Capturing, and Receiving Perfect Pokemon</a></li>
<li><a href="bw_rng_part2">BW RNG Manipulation Guide Part 2 - How to RNG a Perfect Pokemon</a></li>
<li><a href="bw_rng_part3">BW RNG Manipulation Guide Part 3 - How to Capture Perfect and / or Shiny Pokemon by Controlling the PIDRNG</a></li>
<li><a href="bw_rng_part4">BW RNG Manipulation Guide Part 4 - How to Abuse your IDs</a></li> 
<li><a href="bw_rng_part5">BW RNG Manipulation Guide Part 5 - How to Hatch Shiny (and Perfect) Pokemon</a></li> 
<li><a href="bw_rng_part6">BW RNG Manipulation Guide Part 6 - Receiving Perfect Wondercard Pokemon</a></li>
<li><a href="bw_rng_part7">BW RNG Manipulation Guide Part 7 - Capturing Perfect Roaming Pokemon</a></li> 

<p>Now that you can control both RNGs, the remainder of this guide will be watered down, as it is expected that you know the basics of searching, making sure everything is filled out right, and methods of advancement. For those who are feeling adventurous and want particular shiny spreads, starters, or a specific Trainer ID, this portion of the guide will explain how.</p>
<p><img src="/media/bwrng/pandora.png" alt="" /></p>
<p>If you want a shiny starter or a particular shiny spread, it is required that you have the seed that you will RNG with for the target spread. What will happen is that we will make a particular PID that occurs on this seed shiny by getting specific IDs. If this is what you intend to do, have your seed at hand. Select the Seed check box, enter the seed and enter the frame you want shiny with the particular method.</p>
<p>If you just want a novelty Trainer ID, select TID and enter the Trainer ID you want.</p>
<p>Make sure the Parameters are correct for your setup, and then press the Find ID Seeds button. The output will tell you the Initial Frame and Frame on which the ID / SID spread occurs, in addition to the Time and Keypress. If it says True, that means a gift Pokemon will be shiny in addition to any Pokemon you encounter on that seed / frame. If you chose to make a particular seed's frame shiny, go back and verify it in RNG Reporter's main window, using the encounter method you intended. If it is not shiny (an adjacent frame is instead), adjust your Frame that you enter into Pandora's Box.</p>
<p>Follow this formula to determine how many frames you need to advance to get the target IDs.</p>

<h3>(Target Frame) - (Initial Frame) = Advances Required</h3>

<p>To advance your frame, when Juniper asks "Is your name XXX", say no. The RNG will be advanced by 1 each time you do this.</p>
<p><img src="/media/bwrng/idname.png" alt="" /></p>
<p>Now delete the previously existing save file, hit your seed, and do your advancements. If done correctly, you should have your intended ID / SID!</p>


Remodeling Kitchens
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HTML: Part 5

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BW RNG Manipulation Guide Part 5 - How to Hatch Shiny (and Perfect) Pokemon
<meta name="description" content="BW RNG Manipulation Guide Part 5 - How to Hatch Shiny (and Perfect) Pokemon" />
<div class="author">By <a href="/forums/member.php?u=32572">Kaphotics</a>.</div>

<ul class="toc">
<li><a href="bw_rng_intro">The BW RNG Manipulation Guide</a></li>
<li><a href="bw_rng_part1">BW RNG Manipulation Guide Part 1 - Common Information for Breeding, Capturing, and Receiving Perfect Pokemon</a></li>
<li><a href="bw_rng_part2">BW RNG Manipulation Guide Part 2 - How to RNG a Perfect Pokemon</a></li>
<li><a href="bw_rng_part3">BW RNG Manipulation Guide Part 3 - How to Capture Perfect and / or Shiny Pokemon by Controlling the PIDRNG</a></li>
<li><a href="bw_rng_part4">BW RNG Manipulation Guide Part 4 - How to Abuse your IDs</a></li> 
<li><a href="bw_rng_part5">BW RNG Manipulation Guide Part 5 - How to Hatch Shiny (and Perfect) Pokemon</a>
<li><a href="#find">Finding Seeds for Breeding</a></li>
<li><a href="#prep">In Game Setup</a></li>
<li><a href="#hitting">Hitting your Seed and Target Frame</a></li>
<li><a href="bw_rng_part6">BW RNG Manipulation Guide Part 6 - Receiving Perfect Wondercard Pokemon</a></li>
<li><a href="bw_rng_part7">BW RNG Manipulation Guide Part 7 - Capturing Perfect Roaming Pokemon</a></li> 

<p>In the 5th Generation, the game generates the entire Egg at once, instead of letting you lock into a nature / ability / PID like Generation 4 allowed for. Due to this, everything is generated in one fell swoop, so the entire process only requires you to hit one seed for the entire process.</p>

<h2><a name="find">Finding Seeds for Breeding</a></h2>
<ul><li>Use the 4th / 5th Gen Shiny Egg Tab in Time Finder</li>
<li>Select BW as the Breeding Type
<ul><li>If you have the option to breed internationally, by all means do so. It increases the amount of shiny frames you can hit six fold! Select BW (International) if this is the case.</li>
<li>If you want to use an Everstone to pass a nature, select the nature of the Pokemon you will have holding the Everstone.</li>
<li>If you are using a Ditto, select the Ditto Parent checkbox. 
<ul><li>Ditto acts as the opposite gender of the other parent, or Female if the other Pokemon is Genderless.</li>
<li>Set frame 60 as the minimum PID frame.</li>
<li>If you want to breed hidden ability offspring, the mother must have the ability and either parent must not be Ditto.</li>
<li>Specify your other desired results, fill out everything.
<li>Parent IVs not required, but are beneficial.</li>

<p><img src="/media/bwrng/breed.png" alt="" /></p>

<p>From the results RNG Reporter outputs, you will see three definitive IVs, and three inherited IVs (Fe/Ma). The Egg you receive on that frame will get the respective stat from the parent indicated.</p>

<h2><a name="prep">In Game Setup</a></h2>
<ul><li>Do not have any Power Items attached to either Pokemon, and make sure that the right parent is holding the Everstone.</li>
<li>Save in front of the Daycare Man when he has an Egg to give you.</li></ul>

<h2><a name="hitting">Hitting your Seed and Target Frame</a></h2>
<ul><li>Once you have a target seed, determine how many advances you need to hit that target frame by using the Calculate Initial PIDRNG button.</li>
<li>Since you are hitting a specific PID, the possible frames you can hit can be manipulated by your setup.
<li>Toy around with your inputs to change around the results.</li>
<li>This is achieved with a Ditto and Everstone.
<li>If you use a Ditto, you can not get Hidden Ability offspring.</li>
<li>Find a specific frame, find your initial, and hit it.</li></ul>

<h3>(Target Frame) - (Initial Frame) = Advances Required</h3>

<p>If you are unable to hit the correct frame, find which one you actually are hitting. This is caused by the Wandering NPCs on the route where the Day Care is. You will need to adjust how many advances you do to hit your target frame because of them.</p>
<p>When you receive your Egg, the only way to verify that you received exactly what you want is by hatching it and verifying it with the IV Man located in the Battle Subway, or the characteristic, ability, and nature (and shiny appearance).</p>


Remodeling Kitchens
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HTML: Part 6

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BW RNG Manipulation Guide Part 6 - Receiving Perfect Wondercard Pokemon
<meta name="description" content="BW RNG Manipulation Guide Part 6 - Receiving Perfect Wondercard Pokemon" />
<div class="author">By <a href="/forums/member.php?u=32572">Kaphotics</a>.</div>

<ul class="toc">
<li><a href="bw_rng_intro">The BW RNG Manipulation Guide</a></li>
<li><a href="bw_rng_part1">BW RNG Manipulation Guide Part 1 - Common Information for Breeding, Capturing, and Receiving Perfect Pokemon</a></li>
<li><a href="bw_rng_part2">BW RNG Manipulation Guide Part 2 - How to RNG a Perfect Pokemon</a></li>
<li><a href="bw_rng_part3">BW RNG Manipulation Guide Part 3 - How to Capture Perfect and / or Shiny Pokemon by Controlling the PIDRNG</a></li>
<li><a href="bw_rng_part4">BW RNG Manipulation Guide Part 4 - How to Abuse your IDs</a></li> 
<li><a href="bw_rng_part5">BW RNG Manipulation Guide Part 5 - How to Hatch Shiny (and Perfect) Pokemon</a></li>
<li><a href="bw_rng_part6">BW RNG Manipulation Guide Part 6 - Receiving Perfect Wondercard Pokemon</a>
<li><a href="#findr">Finding Wondercard Seeds</a></li>
<li><a href="#hittingr">Hitting your Wondercard Seed and Frame</a></li>
<li><a href="#finds">Finding Shiny Wondercard Seeds</a></li>
<li><a href="bw_rng_part7">BW RNG Manipulation Guide Part 7 - Capturing Perfect Roaming Pokemon</a></li> 

<p>To RNG Wondercard Pokemon, one must utilize Wondercard seeds as opposed to Standard seeds. Wondercard seeds are similar to Standard seeds, except the IVs are based off of the PIDRNG frame. The Standard seeds you had before will not be useable, but the abuse is very easy once you find a seed. Regular Wondercards cannot be shiny.</p>
<p>Save at a Pokemon Center in which there are no moving NPCs; the Pokemon Center at the Elite Four is suggested.</p>

<h2><a name="findr">Finding Wondercard Seeds</a></h2>
<li>Obtain your target Wondercard seed from RNG Reporter by searching Wondercards (5th Gen) with a Minimum Frame above 55 in Time Finder.</li>
<li>Take note of the date, time, and keypress needed. </li>
<li>Once you have this Wondercard seed, you will have to hit the seed just like you would for a Standard Seed.</li>
<p><img src="/media/bwrng/tfwcr.png" alt="" /></p>

<h2><a name="hittingr">Hitting your Wondercard Seed and Frame</a></h2>
<ul><li>Hit your seed once and find the IVs you find which is the initial frame.
<ul><li>In most cases, it will be the first frame, after you calculate the initial PIDRNG frame.</li>
<li>In RNG Reporter, enter your seed and select Wondercard (5th Gen) to see the possible IV spreads.</li>
<li>Calculate the amount of advances you need to do to hit the target frame with the following formula:</li></ul>

<h3>(Target Frame) - (Initial Frame) = Advances Required</h3>

<li>Hit your seed again, do the required advances, and verify your Pokemon.
<li>Adjust accordingly.</li>

<p>Shiny Wondercards are a bit more complex, because they are different from regular Wondercards. They will always be shiny, and require a few tricks to RNG to your desire.</p>

<h2><a name="finds">Finding Shiny Wondercard Seeds</a></h2>
<ol style="list-style-type: decimal"><li>Search for Wondercard seeds with the frame range 60-100, with <strong>any</strong> nature selected.
<ul><li>Wondercard IVs and PID / Nature are based off the PIDRNG completely. No Mersenne Twister RNG is used.</li>
<li>Once you have a vast array of seeds, test each one out to see if you are able to hit that frame due to the initial offset of the game.
<ul><li>This is done by pressing the Calculate Initial Frame Button.</li>
<li>All possible target frames must be at least 2 frames after the initial frame.</li>
<li>Now look at your target frame, and second frame directly after your target. Is your desired nature on this frame?
<ul><li>If no, throw away that seed.</li>
<li>If yes, keep that seed as a potential target.</li>
<li>Once you have narrowed down your seeds from RNG Reporter to one(s) that have your target nature frame and seed, find out how many advances you need to do.</li>

<h3>(Target Frame) - (Initial Frame) - 3 = Advances Required</h3>

<p><strong>Detailed Information on Shiny Wondercards</strong>:</p>
<ul><li>It takes more than the usual amount of frames to calculate a Shiny PID.</li>
<li>Since the lastest RNG Reporter update (9.81) was published before we had knowledge of the Shiny Wondercard method, you will have to take a little bit more time to abuse.</li>
<li>The game generates a Shiny PID with the "Current Seed" and Card IDs.
<ul><li>Since the game generates the IVs before PID, the IVs are predictable.</li>
<li>However, the game generates nature <strong>after</strong> the PID.</li>
<li>The trick of this is that the subsequent frame will have the nature.</li>


Remodeling Kitchens
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HTML: Part 7

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BW RNG Manipulation Guide Part 7 - Catching Perfect Roaming Pokemon
<meta name="description" content="Catching Perfect Roaming Pokemon" />
<div class="author">By <a href="/forums/member.php?u=32572">Kaphotics</a>.</div>

<ul class="toc">
<li><a href="bw_rng_intro">The BW RNG Manipulation Guide</a></li>
<li><a href="bw_rng_part1">BW RNG Manipulation Guide Part 1 - Common Information for Breeding, Capturing, and Receiving Perfect Pokemon</a></li> 
<li><a href="bw_rng_part2">BW RNG Manipulation Guide Part 2 - How to RNG a Perfect Pokemon</a></li>
<li><a href="bw_rng_part3">BW RNG Manipulation Guide Part 3 - How to Capture Perfect and / or Shiny Pokemon by Controlling the PIDRNG</a></li>
<li><a href="bw_rng_part4">BW RNG Manipulation Guide Part 4 - How to Abuse your IDs</a></li> 
<li><a href="bw_rng_part5">BW RNG Manipulation Guide Part 5 - How to Hatch Shiny (and Perfect) Pokemon</a></li> 
<li><a href="bw_rng_part6">BW RNG Manipulation Guide Part 6 - Receiving Perfect Wondercard Pokemon</a></li>
<li><a href="bw_rng_part7">BW RNG Manipulation Guide Part 7 - Catching Perfect Roaming Pokemon</a> 
<li><a href="#finding">Finding Roaming Pokemon Seeds</a></li>
<li><a href="#getting">Getting your Desired Roamer</a></li>

<p>Manipulating the roamer you get is hands down the most difficult type of Standard Seed abuse. This is because the ambient weather advances the PIDRNG, and you are unable to prevent this advancement. This results in an unpredictable starting frame, so it will require a fair amount of attempts to hone in on your target. There is no reliable way to abuse the Roamer that you revive by beating the Elite Four; therefore you must not have released it previously.</p>

<h2><a name="finding">Finding Roaming Pokemon Seeds</a></h2> 
<p>When looking for a usable seed in Time Finder's Capture Tab, select Method 5 (Standard Seed) and select the Roaming Pokemon as your encounter method. Set your min / max frame to 1 so that you'll only need to do PIDRNG advances. If you're looking for a shiny, set max shiny frame to 1000, because you will need to find a frame at or above 650. Enter your desired IVs and generate results.</p>
<p><img src="/media/bwrng/tfroam.png" alt="" /></p>
<p>If you intend to RNG a shiny roamer, consider ID / SID abuse if you can't easily find a usable shiny seed. This requires you to have a Roaming PID frame that you want to make shiny. You will need to RNG your IDs with Pandora's Box, while making sure that the frame you chose will give you shiny IDs.</p>
<p>The rain that the roamer summons advances the PIDRNG frame at a rate of approximately 60 frames per second. Snow advances it more slowly, but it still advances your PIDRNG frame. There are also Wandering NPCs on Route 7, so the advancement is pretty erratic. Before saving in the house, check if there's weather outside on that date. Summer (February, June, October) doesn't have any weather, so you might want to search for those months. It is recommended to find a seed with a target frame of 650 or above. Encounter any season change screen before you reach the house, otherwise this will mess with the consistency of your results.</p>
<p>Now that you are ready, save inside the house.</p>

<h2><a name="getting">Getting your Desired Roamer</a></h2> 
<p>To find what frame you are initially on, hit your seed and go outside. Mash the A button until you regain control of your character. Go and catch the roamer, verify the IVs and find the nature. If you are able to find the characteristic of your roamer (via RNG Reporter or the PID%6 method), it should help narrow down the possible frames you hit.</p>
<p>If you have not yet found what frame you start on, hit your seed again and do 10 Chatot calls, and see what you get. Repeat this step, adding Chatot calls in increments of 10 so that you can find your Shifted Starting Frame. Depending on the season and if there is weather already present, you will have different Shifted Starting Frames.</p>
<ul class="toc">
<li>No Weather Present: 550-750</li>
<li>Rain Present: 1500-1900</li>
<li>Snow Present (Winter Only): 260-300</li>
<p>You may need to check outside of these ranges, however these are the most common.</p>
<p>Once you have found your Shifted Starting Frame, you can now determine how many advances you need to hit your Target Frame. Hit your seed and do your advances. Catch the roamer and adjust your advances as necessary. If you are trying to RNG your roamer shiny, it will appear shiny in your Pok&eacute;Dex only if you succeeded.</p>
<p><img src="/media/bwrng/sroam.png" alt="" /></p>


Remodeling Kitchens
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Guide Images (13 total)

Closing Remarks:

There are some article changes from BBCode to HTML like image placement and some prose errors that slipped through the 2 checks. 6,000+ words is a lot to comb through!

If anyone in the future wants to do a C-Gear and Entralink guide, I'm fine with having them added on as parts 8 and 9. We have 2 guides in the 5th Generation RNG Help Thread that cover these subjects, because hardly anyone does those kinds of abuses anyways ;)


I hope you catch a million Pokémon
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edit 8/27/11: saved at hitting your delay because I don't have RNG Reporter in front of me and I'd rather have it.

BW RNG Manipulation Guide Part 8 - C-Gear Abuse
<meta name="description" content="RNG Manipulation Using the C-Gear" />

C-Gear Abuse

Standard Seed abuse is much easier and more intuitive than C-Gear abuse, but this form of RNG abuse still finds uses. C-Gear abuse is very similar to 4th Generation abuse in that it uses a seconds and delay value in the seeding formula. Why would one choose this method over Standard Seeds? The fact is that the parameters for Standard Seed abuse on the DSi, DSiXL, and 3DS are currently unknown. Furthermore, C-Gear abuse only relies on the DS's MAC address, as opposed to the various DS parameters needed for Standard Seeds.

Although the delay and seconds value can be a pain to hit accurately, they are still feasible with a reliable timer, such as EonTimer, and a quick hand. The real problem, however, is that the PIDRNG cannot be controlled. As such, shiny abuse and encounter slots are out of the picture, while a synchronizer must be used to get a chance to obtain a desired nature.

Choosing Your Seed

In order to find a desired seed, click the Time Finder button on the main screen of RNG Reporter. Click on the Capture tab, and for method, choose Method 5 (C-Gear). In the above boxes, enter the desired Year, the Min Frame to 1, and the Max Frame to any value. Please note that the higher the Max Frame value is, the longer the search will take, but the amount of seed selections will be much higher. For the Min Delay value, enter [good min delay here, i forgot lol], and set the Max delay to any value. Again, the wider the range, the longer the search time, but the better the selection.

Let's say we want to obtain a special attacking Cobalion for use in the UU tier. As do most special attackers, Cobalion needs a Hidden Power to gain more coverage. In this case, we'll use Ice. For Hidden Power Ice, we know that the optimal IV spread for Hidden Power Ice is 31 / e / 31 / 31 / 31 / 31, where e is an even Hidden Power number. On the right hand side, enter the IVs as shown, with HP_E chosen for the Attack IV.

[time finder image]

Now, on the left side below the Method menu, click the Generate button. RNG Reporter will now start the search for the seed. Searches can take anywhere between 5 minutes to an hour, depending on the range. Slowly but surely, the results will populate the list below. For reasons stated below, the seed 4F2ED1D3 will be used. Right-click on the desired seed, copy it onto the main screen of RNG Reporter in the Seed (Hex) box, then click the Generate button. Verify that the desired IV spread is on the correct frame.

[main screen shoot]

Hitting Your Delay

Now that the desired seed is in place, click the 5th Gen Tools button on the top of the main screen, and choose Seed to Time (C-Gear Seeds). Set the seconds value to 0 and click Generate. A list of dates and times will appear. Choose whichever is most appealing. For calibration purposes, it is best to set the - and + Delay boxes to 10, and the Seconds boxes to 2. Now, set the Min and Max frame to 21 and 32, respectively. This will help to see if the frame was incremented incorrectly. Now, click Generate, next to the Search IVs button. Scroll down Time 08:59:00, Delay 4332. The target IV spread is nestled in the middle of that IV range.

[time finders]

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