Have you looked at Dragonite? This thing is 10x as big and brutal as Dragonite. More to the point, this is going to be a pretty big Pokemon regardless, so I don't see why size is an issue.
Dragonite is 7'02"... And you're saying it's going to be
bigger than that? With all due respect bmb, I'm all for more badass bugs, but what reasoning do you have to say this thing is a complete Mothra the instant we voted for it? Surely there are others that see this thing closer in size to Venomoth or at the very most Volcarona.
Not entirely sure what the point of this question is since Metagross can't reproduce anyway and Hydreigon has three heads...
Regardless of size and this, Aurumoth doesn't have the same overall theme as the Pseudo-Legendaries. Our exception, Metagross, is distinctively supposed to be a super-computer and therefore its genderlessness would be a complete given. Aurumoth on the other hand is clearly organic and therefore would be outright breaking the theme of Pseudo-Legendaries should it be included as one, neither matching the standard nor the exception, becoming a double-exception itself. I feel it'd be best if we can not break too many "general guidelines of flavor" in regards to the things we create, what we call Pseudo-Legendary being one of them.
Additionally, Aurumoth reaches an uncanny valley if given gender, as it's clearly more organic than it is artificial, yet it lacks the distinctive characterization that almost all breedable Pokemon have. Does Heatran having gender not seem just off? Does it not seem unflavorful that mystique creatures like Sigilyph can reproduce? While it's technically allowed, it just doesn't make a lot of flavor sense. If we absolutely
needed a Bug-type that could breed, we would have gone with a different artwork that looked more natural and fertile than a Raymanian-limbed, otherworldly-looking moth spirit. It's saying something when literal spirits fill gender roles more easily than said moth spirit.
I honestly don't see how any of the questions you posed even remotely support legendary status.
They were mainly points towards how Aurumoth doesn't appear to be a conventional Pokemon nor close enough in flavor to be a Pseudo-Legendary. Its BST and appearance alone would dictate that it would at the very least have the same role as Rotom in Diamond/Pearl. "Not the only one of its kind, but the only one you'll ever see" form of unique uncommon mon. The same title could apply to Pokemon like Heatran, another Pokemon implied in canon to have multiple exist, the difference being that it's labelled with full Legendary status so as to lessen the complications of describing it. I merely just believe that Aurumoth is more of a Heatran than it is a Rotom, let alone a Garchomp.
Regardless, this is somewhat immaterial until movepool submissions. But to say at this stage that Aurumoth is far more legendary than pseudo-legendary is something I disagree with (though this is flavour, I can't say you're wrong because your reasoning is just as valid as mine, heh).
I suppose my main point in all this is that while we have opposing (though validly equal) viewpoints on Aurumoth, we should at least have the option to decide through majority whether this thing is to be legendary or not, as it's clear that not everyone agrees that Aurumoth should be a Pseudo-Legendary. We don't need a brand new poll to decide this. All we need is either the ammending of the Legendary category in Dex entries, or a split third option of "No pre-evolutions, nonlegendary" and "No pre-evolutions, legendary" in the pre-evolution poll. They're simple solutions that really wouldn't hinder the CAP process whatsoever, only improve on flavor and give more of a choice to the community of
what Aurumoth is to us. After all, if everyone does want it to be a Pseudo-legendary like you, they'd simply vote for that in the poll. You'd have nothing to be concerned about regarding the likelihood of its Pseudo-Legendary status if others actually do share the same perspective as you.