The Everything some hero (NFL) Thread - 2015-16 Season

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If anybody doesn't think these Peyton Manning allegations are really fucking serious they're a bunch of ignorant cunts. Just saying that having read through portions of the document, it's REALLY disgusting. Shaun King wrote a great article here, its worth a read - it contains a tl;dr version of the document, which you can find on the webpage in its entirety.
I actually had no idea that this scandal even existed until Leremyju brought it up like 3 weeks ago.

And my issue with the scandal is that a lot people are currently involved in it for a lot of different reasons.

The way Shaun King wrote the story made it seem like he was getting some kind of revenge for Cam Newton, as opposed to bringing attention to the real issue at hand.

Patriots fans are the ones that are really making a big stink about this. But its quite clear that the only reason they're doing that is because they're still angry that Tom Brady got completed railroaded by the media, fans and the NFL before any of the facts of defaltegate came out. Now they want every player to be treated just like Brady was during Deflategate which is completely asinine (but as an angry patriots fan I don't really blame them)

The only people that are really in the right here are the women that filed the title IX lawsuit against Tennessee (The stuff Tennessee did was pretty awful)
20 years ago. Who cares.

But to elaborate. who the hell cares.
That's what I thought, until it turned out he couldn't just man up and apologize, he had to do shit like this (from xJownage's article):

In fact, both she and Manning signed a confidentiality agreement when she left the University of Tennessee that they would not discuss it.
Manning and his father, Archie, had written a book called "The Mannings" and perhaps wanting to put their stamp on the incident in Knoxville before it ever reached the public, they threw Naughright under bus. After years of amazing reviews and great work at the university, the controversy from the book and the stress it created eventually caused Dr. Jamie Naughright to be let go, once again, for doing nothing wrong.
and basically just shitting on her for no reason

To his father, he concocted far worse lies that were torn apart, one by one, when he and others were forced to testify under oath. He told his father, Archie, "she's kind of trashy," and "had the most vulgar mouth of any girl he'd ever seen" and "was unattractive but had big breasts" and had "been out with a bunch of black guys" and "had a toilet mouth."
edit: missed that there was another page before I posted


dark saturday
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the original accusation of peyton sticking his nasty butt in the trainer's face is pretty hard to have missed if you lurk r/nfl, it comes up fairly often. this new deal is just SMH there isn't more outrage about it.

i've known he was a gross skeevelord to the woman which is why this sb was a total wash for me, i just plain Don't Like cam in that way some people are simply incompatible and peyton sexually assaulting someone is like ? how are u supposed to support that tho? can't? don't like this guy ? ? ? i'd be happier for denver's defense if their qb wasn't this douche.

just look at all the nonsense he spewed to try and derail her legitimacy, her VULGARITY and, whether true or not, the claims she TOOK MULTITUDES OF BLACK DICK. cause hoodrat southern universities are racist enough to invalidate a woman's assault based on rumors of who she slept with :^)

this is 20 years ago sure but who here isn't fairly convinced someone would still try crap like this today in an old money WASPy sort of southern college lol. and it would probably be successful defamation of character to those old white racist sexist pigs. dank.

buuuuut just like he was in the family peyton is the golden child qb so he doesn't get put on blast like brady and the black THUG qbs do. i mean i can't say for CERTAIN but i wouldn't bat a single eyelash to receive some actual confirmation archie manning has narcissistic personality disorder, peyton is his golden child and eli is his scapegoat. a lot of people think the chargers shenanigans were mostly orchestrated by archie not eli and it makes sense he views even his least favorite son as an extension of himself to control.

i don't like cam for being a sore loser and making himself look like a sore winner as a result amidst other reasons. but i really don't like peyton for all this noise and assaulting someone, especially sexually, is way worse than just throwing tantrums on the field and behind a microphone.

"b-but it happened 20 years ago! past mistakes!" ok but how do you feel about life sentences ? let's do it the Ultimate Escalation if hitler doesn't an hero after 20 years in jail should he be let out because he's totally changed and realized his mistakes? not to mention wtf has he done to atone for it besides slander her and release some douchebag book lol.

anyone willing to shrug this under the rug as "boys will be boys, it's in the past" is Gross.
After 20 year I'd forgive even murder or any crime worse than that if the person looked like he changed his ways. The fact people are even talking about this is pathetic, ridiculous and embarrassing. Last I'll say about this though because how silly this whole thing is.

Texas Cloverleaf

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I just think it's silly to have held him, or anyone, up as some idol of moral character. I don't really get all the outrage against him because I never had that viewpoint where he was some "perfect" person. Judge based on what may or may not have occurred, not based on the standars you ascribe to the man that he may or may not share.

And that's my problem with the current media circus, it's focused less on the actions of 20 years ago and their relevance to today and more on "it's Peyton manning you were lied to he's a bad guy get the pitchforks."


proudly reppin' 2 superbowl wins since DEFLATEGATE
Pretzels earlier post had it correct in that a lot of people are angry because of the outrage stirred up by significantly lesser deeds and less evidence. The story line of the beloved white qb with a sexual assault that was covered up versus the black kid who was too arrogant and too uppity and overall just not the acceptable kind of black (we're fine with black qbs just look at Russell Wilson!!) was so fucking palpable in the weeks leading up to the super bowl it's a shock to me that yall didn't see it. This was a line of thought going INTO the super bowl, and now there's new developments in Peyton's history and it's just a great time to highlight the hypocrisy for those who just were too oblivious. This isn't new outrage this is tired and exasperated outrage.
it's the degree that the Mannings went to destroy the girls life that has me more angry than anything else.

that's diabolical.

diabolical doesn't go away with time.
it's the degree that the Mannings went to destroy the girls life that has me more angry than anything else.

that's diabolical.

diabolical doesn't go away with time.
Yo you quoted my post even though I don't recall saying anything about Manning in this allegation yet. Be thankful that I haven't said my thoughts on this cause no matter what I say to defend him, I'll be accused of being biased so I'm probably just gonna shut up until free agency starts :pimp:
Pretzels earlier post had it correct in that a lot of people are angry because of the outrage stirred up by significantly lesser deeds and less evidence. The story line of the beloved white qb with a sexual assault that was covered up versus the black kid who was too arrogant and too uppity and overall just not the acceptable kind of black (we're fine with black qbs just look at Russell Wilson!!) was so fucking palpable in the weeks leading up to the super bowl it's a shock to me that yall didn't see it. This was a line of thought going INTO the super bowl, and now there's new developments in Peyton's history and it's just a great time to highlight the hypocrisy for those who just were too oblivious. This isn't new outrage this is tired and exasperated outrage.
Russel Wilson


(S)Cam Newton

The only way this Superbowl could have gone better, is if Peyton or Von Miller had dabbed in Cam's face.


Two kids no brane
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I'm gonna miss the slightly lesser Jason Witten.
Me too. The way the crowd would chant "Heeeeeeeath" every time he touched the ball (or if they even think he might have at some point touched the ball). I remember several times when another tight end would catch it and they'd still chant Heath because they thought it was him, lol.

Great blocker, great teammate, great person. Gonna be hard to fill his shoes :(
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