How about we talk about everyones favorite krow... mixed krow
mixed krow @ Life orb
hasty nature
240 att evs 80 spa evs 1880 spe evs
Brave bird
heat wave
hidden power grass
sucker punch
Mixed grow despite the hidden power nerf from last gen still plays much the same and can still hit extremely hard from all sides. With murkrows solid 18 16 offenses and amazing 19 speed he can come in and revenge most of the meta. furthermore mixed krow can even with the HP nerf smite down his old nemesis chinchou and with heat wave destroy ferrtothorn. The crux of this set though comes from Brave bird which when coming off murkrow is one of the strongest moves in the entire meta right now. Furthermore Mix krow is really hard to revenge kill as it has access to the strongest priority move in the game and wields it very well. Last but not least even though mix crow came in with a new resist to his stab and new weakness he is still just as good or even better then ever before in this meta.

mixed krow @ Life orb
hasty nature
240 att evs 80 spa evs 1880 spe evs
Brave bird
heat wave
hidden power grass
sucker punch
Mixed grow despite the hidden power nerf from last gen still plays much the same and can still hit extremely hard from all sides. With murkrows solid 18 16 offenses and amazing 19 speed he can come in and revenge most of the meta. furthermore mixed krow can even with the HP nerf smite down his old nemesis chinchou and with heat wave destroy ferrtothorn. The crux of this set though comes from Brave bird which when coming off murkrow is one of the strongest moves in the entire meta right now. Furthermore Mix krow is really hard to revenge kill as it has access to the strongest priority move in the game and wields it very well. Last but not least even though mix crow came in with a new resist to his stab and new weakness he is still just as good or even better then ever before in this meta.