I think the main thing that makes Bastiodon way too good is its abilities - both Magic Bounce and Unaware make it nearly impossible to break through. Magic Bounce makes it immune to usual stallbreaking techniques like Taunt + Wisp, while Unaware makes it impossible to break through with a set-up sweeper unless it has Mold Breaker. Those abilities on something with those stats and typing is absolutely ridiculous. The spread and typing are really good but manageable - its the abilities that make it way too good.
I think the main thing that makes Bastiodon way too good is its abilities - both Magic Bounce and Unaware make it nearly impossible to break through. Magic Bounce makes it immune to usual stallbreaking techniques like Taunt + Wisp, while Unaware makes it impossible to break through with a set-up sweeper unless it has Mold Breaker. Those abilities on something with those stats and typing is absolutely ridiculous. The spread and typing are really good but manageable - its the abilities that make it way too good.
While I do agree that those two abilities are very good on any defensive Pokemon, I don't see how those abilities are that game-changing for Bastiodon in this case. Dragon Tail, in my opinion, is what makes it so good. While Magic Bounce prevents Bastiodon from being taunted, and leaves the possibility of safe Roars open, there's really no reason not to pick Dragon Tail instead, not even Fairies. Taunt and WoW are both possibilities against Magic Coat-less Bastiodon, sure, but only WoW really does anything to harm it. The new STAB Dragon Tail off of 110 Atk can just be spammed under Taunt. STAB Iron Head can take care of Fairies immune against it. And most sets of Bastiodon don't have reliable recovery, so it's already going to be slowly chipped off during the battle, making WoW less important. Unaware is probably only relevant if a Fairy starts to set up against it, since there's no other way to stop Dragon Tail other than immunity, and y'know, Dragon Tail makes things switch out and lose all boosts. I guess you could argue Dragon Tail is too slow to force a switch after the opponent set up, but a smarter player will probably predict the set up. But then again, Unaware Bastiodon can switch in on Pokemons that were already setting up for a while, and Magic Bounce Bastiodon can switch in on any status move against any Pokemon.
Uh... I'd argue it has to lose Dragon Tail and Unaware to be balanced and less unpredictable. There are, what, 5 viable sets made from the two abilities and varied status moves? It's kinda hard to work around so many sets.
Alright, since the discussion has been heavily focused on Bastiodon with the consensus that it's too centralizing in its current form, there will be some slight adjustments to its power level. The objective of these changes are to make it more balanced in the metagame while still retaining most of the roles it currently fulfills. As such, the abilities Magic Guard and Unaware will be kept untouched, since they are a huge part of Bastiodon's identity and strongly define the way it is played.

Bulk: When trying to find the right amount of bulk, we have to consider that Bastiodon acts as a defensive Pokemon in a highly offensive metagame full of powerful wall- and stallbreakers, many of which can hit it for super-effective damage. Since Bastiodon lacks any form of reliable recovery, adequate defensive stats are essential for it to reliably perform this role. The original spread was modeled after the Dragon/Steel typed Mega Aggron from the OU Theorymon project, which possesses a solid bulk of 70/230/80 in combination with the Filter ability and remained fairly balanced in its metagame so far (though not exceptional). Its access to Paralysis support in Thunder Wave and STAB Iron Head and Dragon Tail also makes it very similar to Bastiodon from a pure defensive standpoint.
Bastiodon's defensive stats of of 80/175/145 allowed it to function well as a defensive Pokemon despite the unfavorable environment, while still ensuring the 2HKOed by strong offensive Pokemon with a super-effective STAB, such as Landorus-T, Garchomp, Excadrill and Keldeo, and newly added threats such as Armaldo, Archeops and Carracosta, even on the higher defensive side. Therefore, Bastiodon's bulk was kept mostly the same with only minimal decreases.

Utility: This is where Bastiodon clearly outshines the aforementioned Mega Aggron, since both Magic Guard and Unaware not only benefit its own defensive capabilities but the entire team to a great extend. Furthermore, both of Bastiodon's STAB attacks come with great benefits, such as the flinching change by Iron Head and of course the phazing by Dragon Tail. Together, this factors allow Bastiodon to compress incredibly many roles into one moveset, which is probably the main factor that pushes it over the top.
Bastiodon @ Leftovers
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Ability: Magic Bounce / Unaware
Impish Nature
- Glare
- Iron Head
- Dragon Tail
- Earthquake / Stealth Rock
A look at Bastiodon's standard set shows just how many roles this one Pokemon can actually fulfill for its team. Besides stopping either status or set-up with its ability this set also employs both paraflinching and parashuffling, while retaining its dual STABs which in order to to beat vital Pokemon such as Fairy-types and many Dragon Dancers one-on-one. In the last moveslot, it can then still find place to round off its coverage, or support its team through entry hazards. As mentioned by the someone above, STAB Dragon Tail is quite a potent tool in Bastiodon's hands, since phazing is extremely valuable to it and the move hits reasonably hard even without investment (dealing almost 50% to offensive Charizard X). Therefore, it was nerfed on Bastiodon's new spread by removing the STAB boost, making it a much less appealing option beside the more reliable Roar, and forcing Bastiodon to dedicate one of its moveslots almost entirely for the purpose of phazing.

Typing: One of Bastiodon's main niches in the metagame is its ability to keep many of the newly set-up sweepers such as Kabutops and Omastar in check, something that I wanted to preserve with the new spread even after removing the Dragon typing. As such, the most obvious alternative from a flavor perspective, Steel/Ground, was not deemed as a suitable replacement. In the end, I settled with Steel/Normal as the new typing for Bastiodon, since it did work well enough flavorwise (especially considering that its counterpart Rampardos recently received the Rock/Normal typing), while also holding a couple of benefits competitively. Most importantly, it retains Bastiodon's ability to check a boosted Omastar, arguably the most threatening Pokemon in the metagame at the moment, due to the lack of a Water weakness. The Normal typing also grants it an immunity to Omastar's secondary STAB Shadow Ball. It also retain's both of Bastiodon's prior weaknesses, Ground and Fighting, so anything that threatened it previously through offensive pressure is still able to do so with the new spread. Finally, it gives Bastiodon a 4x weakness for the opponent to take advantage off, ensuring that it won't be as difficult to break through as before (an issue pointed out by The Reptile) considering the ubiquity of Fighting type coverage. However, in order to somewhat balance out the resulting decrease in defensive capacity, Bastiodon was given access to the move King's Shield over Draco Meteor, allowing to to decrease the impact of this new weakness with good prediction and at the cost of one additional moveslot.

So in conclusion, here are the old and new Bastiodon spreads. As always, feel free to leave feedback and constructive criticism. ;)


Stats: 80 / 110 / 175 / 50 / 145 / 40
Abilities: Magic Bounce, Unaware
Movepool additions: Dragon Tail, Glare, Draco Meteor


Stats: 80 / 105 / 170 / 65 / 140 / 40
Abilities: Magic Bounce, Unaware
Movepool additions: Dragon Tail, Glare, King's Shield
The idea of giving it King's Shield is incredible. Bastiodon could in theory perform even more roles with it, but that's not really the case. A RestTalk set wouldn't be able to utilize King's Shield efficiently, while an Unaware set doesn't benefit from King's Shield attack drop, and is an easy target to Taunt. Magic Bounce sets have to decide between playing offensively or defensively, with options varying from Glare/Iron Head/Dragon Tail/Body Slam to Glare/Roar/Stealth Rocks/King's Shield.
Prehistoric Magikarp
| Submissions

Alright guys, it's finally time to tackle the last remaining Pokemon in this project! Prehistoric Magikarp!

| Image source [1],[2]
Pokedex said:
In the distant past, it was somewhat stronger than the horribly weak descendants that exist today.
Bulbapedia said:
It is believed that the ancestors of this Pokémon were much stronger than the Magikarp seen today, and this belief has led scientists to research this species.

Original typing:

Original stats: 20 / 10 / 55 / 15 / 20 / 80 (BST 200)
Original abilities: Swift Swim, Rattled

After extensive research on the species it has been determined that Magikarp's genes indeed hold some unrevealed potential, and now it is up to you guys to uncover these remnants of the past!
Special thanks to QxC4eva for creating the professional looking custom models for prehistoric Magikarp, which give us a good idea of how it might have looked like in the past. Feel free to use them in your submissions. ^^

Due to the special status of Magikarp, there will be some slight changes in the procedure this time round, so take note of the following when making your submissions:
  • Typing: Magikarp's primary typing will remain Water as usual. However, its secondary typing can be anything including Rock.
  • Stats: The new Base Stat Total will be 500 (instead of 600), as to keep prehistoric Magikarp slightly below Gyarados in this regard. We're still aiming for a top threat though, so feel free to optimize them as much as necessary.
  • Movepool additions: Magikarp will gain access to all of Gyarados' moves, as well as its "signature move" Magikarp's revenge. Additionally, it will receive two other moves which can be freely chosen in the respective submissions as usual.
  • Eviolite: Since prehistoric Magikarp isn't part of any known evolutionary line, the item Eviolite won't have any effect on it.
  • Justification: This round will be more casual compared to the rest of the project, so a few lines regarding the flavor / competitive aspects of your spread will suffice. No sample sets needed! ;)
Type: Water
Category: Physical
Base Power: 120
Accuracy: -
Power Points: 10 (max 16)
  • Makes contact
  • If sucessfully used, sets up the effects of Rain Dance, Aqua Rind and Magic Coat for the user
  • The user recovers 1/2 of the damage dealt
  • 100% chance to confuse the opponent
  • 100% chance to lower the opponent's Defense and Special Attack by 1 stage
  • The user must recharge on the following turn
Typing: Water / ...
Stats: 20+ / 10+ / 55+ / 15+ / 20+ / 80+ (BST 500)
Abilities: [1] / [2]
Movepool additions: Magikarp's Revenge / [2] / [3]

> The primary type is will remain Water.
> The secondary type can be anything including Rock.

> The Base Stat Total has to be 500.
> The original Base Stats can't be decreased.

> Magikarp will get a total of 2 abilities.
> They should be sensible flavorwise and competitively.

Movepool additions:
> Magikarp will gain access to all of Gyarados' movepool, as well as the move Magikarp's Revenge.
> Additionally, it will receive a total of two new moves as well.

> Briefly explain the flavor and competitive aspects of your submission
As a little incentive for quality submissions, the top ranked candidates will be rewarded with a shiny fossil Pokemon! You must have a handheld copy of either YX or ORAS in order to receive the following:

Top three entries for Magikarp:
#408 Magikarp ♂ | Lv.1 (Untouched)
Ability: Rattled
Jolly Nature
EMs: -
OT: +Jedi (01405)
Hatch Location: Scorched Slab

Submissions will remain open until 22.04.16, after which the most popular spread will be determined in a vote! All the best, and have fun! ;)
In the distant past, it was somewhat stronger than the horribly weak descendants that exist today.
In the distant past, it was somewhat stronger than the horribly weak descendants that exist today.
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Reactions: QT
Rest in peace all hope for Genesect. Ah well, I'll just have to make do with Magic Carp.


Primal Magikarp

New stats: 100 / 85 / 110 / 35 / 60 / 110 (BST 500)
New abilities: Magic Guard, Swift Swim
New Moves: Recover, U-Turn
Ya told me not to get serious with this one, but eeeehh... Role-wise, Primal Magikarp reminds me of, oddly enough, Furfrou! Magikarp's fast and physically bulky, and it has U-Turn! I used Eviolite Magikarp as a baseline, added well-rounded boosts on top of that, and poured the rest into Attack and HP.

...where IS Genesect during all this? Being all fancy and robotic? Probably.
Pika Xreme: Yeah, unfortunately, our scientists don't have enough sample tissue of Genesect to make any accurate reconstructions of the original creature. Sorry.

Also, just to make sure, you did not factor the Eviolite boost into your stat spread, right? Since the Eviolite, as mentioned, would have no effect on prehistoric Magikarp. ;)
Pika Xreme: Yeah, unfortunately, our scientists don't have enough sample tissue of Genesect to make any accurate reconstructions of the original creature. Sorry.

Also, just to make sure, you did not factor the Eviolite boost into your stat spread, right? Since the Eviolite, as mentioned, would have no effect on prehistoric Magikarp. ;)
I didn't plan on using the Eviolite, so it doesn't matter.

I reckon some new fossils are about to be unearthed.

Primal Magikarp
New typing:

New stats: 80 / 115 / 95 / 30 / 95 / 85 (BST 500)
New abilities: Swift Swim, Hydration
New moves: U-Turn, Me First

So... Let's give boost for Magicarp.
Because Magikarp Revenge summon rain, Swift Swim and Hydration gain really good synergies with this move.
Swift Swim give that really important boost for speed, when Hydration heal Magicarp status condition when he have any.
I give for him better bulk from 20/55/20 into 80/95/95 just because he could need that bulk against oponent, who actually did not have super effective move against Magikarp.
U-Turn give oportunity for tempo plays, where Me First - tool for suprice and (maybe) knocking out oponent with pseudo STAB move.

Funny pokemon...

Prehistoric Magikarp

Stats: 70 (+50) / 90 (+80) / 70 (+15) / 100 (+85) / 70 (+50) / 100 (+20) (BST 500)
Abilities: Hydration / Sheer Force
Movepool additions: Acrobatics, Hurricane
Justification: I went with a Flying secondary typing as its Bulbapedia bio states that "A long-lived Magikarp is able to utilize its immense splashing power to leap high enough to scale mountains" which makes me feel like long living Magikarp have the ability to "fly" in a sense. The idea behind Hydration is ripped from its bio as well with it stating "It also has a strong enough immune system to survive in the most polluted of waters". Hydration also helps negate the "problem" with Magikarp's Revenge's recharge turn. Sheer Force was added as a way for Prehistoric Magikarp to take advantage of Gyarados's immense special movepool, allowing it to be a very effective lure or special wallbreaker.
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Primal Magikarp
New Typing

New Stats: 80(+60)/120(+110)/85(+30)/30(+15)/85(+65)/115(+35) (BST:500)
New Ability: Swift Swim, Technician
New Moves: Magikarp's Revenge, U-Turn, Dual Chop
Justification: The fish climbs the waterfall, but instead of becoming a dragon, it just gains draconic abilities. It is able to swim in the harshest storms, and even survive on land longer than any other Magikarp. When it gained it's draconic abilities, it's brain grew immensely, being able to make almost any move stronger, so Technician.

Swift Swim allows Magikarp to take advantage of Magikarp's Revenge, due to it setting up rain. Technician Dual Chop does a lot of damage (60 BP Per Hit), and U-Turn allows it to gain momentum.

Sample Sets

Rain Sweeper

Primal Magikarp@ Life Orb
Ability: Swift Swim
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Magikarp's Revenge
- Earthquake
- Outrage
- U-turn

Primal Magikarp@ Life Orb
Ability: Technician
EVs: 4 HP/ 252 Atk/ 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Dual Chop
- Magikarp's Revenge
- Bulldoze
- U-Turn

Genesect cries in the corner.

: Water / Normal
Stats: 75(+55) / 70(+60) / 95(+40) / 80(+65) / 70(+50) / 110(+30) (BST 500)
Abilities: Adaptability / Protean
Movepool additions: Magikarp's Revenge / Air Slash / Extreme Speed
Justification: Magikarp's ability to adapt throughout the evolutionary process is truly astounding. Even today, it can be found literally anywhere, from trash-filled seas to clean puddles. That's why it gets Adaptability and Protean, representating it's literal adaptability. Air Slash and Extreme Speed symbolize it's method of spreading everywhere as well as it's carp-dragon legend. Magikarp had to be very agile and strong while splashing from one waterfall to another. To top it off, the Normal typing shows how normal it is everywhere, and gives Magikarp STAB Splash and Flail, which are the two things it's known to be perfect at, since the beginning of time.


70 / 120 / 70 / 50 / 90 / 100 (BST 500)
Abilities: Drizzle / Sheer Force
Movepool Additions: Magikarp's Revenge / Extreme Speed / Dragon Rush
Justification: Gyarados naturally learns Rain Dance, and the Lake of Rage is said to have been created by many Gyarados getting together and whipping up a storm. Sheer Force simply because I thought it fit. the someone already explained Extreme Speed, and Dragon Rush is there because it's described as a tackle, one of Magikarp's basic moves.


65 (+45) / 95 (+85) / 90 (+35) / 65 (+50) / 50 (+30) / 135 (+55) (BST 500 (+300))
Abilities: Swift Swim / Adaptability
Movepool Additions: Magikarp's Revenge / Aqua Jet / U-Turn
Justification: The mighty Magikarp, one of the original fish, takes on the humble-yet-mighty Water / Normal. It is humble, for it is shared with the mundane Pokemon that share the world, yet it is also mighty due to it showing Magikarp's elemental prowess and giving him a mostly unique typing. The mighty Magikarp is an adaptable fish, which is also shown by its Normal-typing. For this purpose, Magikarp takes on the powerful Adaptability ability, making its seemingly mediocre 95 attack pack a punch. It also pairs well with its STAB combination, as it is one that has good neutral coverage. Alternatively, you can take on the mighty Swift Swim, showcasing Magikarps speed and, in a way, synergistic with its signature move Magikarp's Revenge. Speaking of speed, Magikarp sits at a blazing 135 speed, outspeeding a lot of the competition - it might be a familiar speed, seeing as it is the same speed of the lighting fast Mega Manectric. As for its moves, Aqua Jet also showcases this blazing speed, while U-Turn also fits this theme, letting Magikarp hit the opponent and swiftly escape battle.

Sample set(s):

Choice Banded
Magikarp @ Choice Band 
Ability: Adaptability 
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe 
Jolly Nature 
- Magikarp's Revenge 
- Return / Double-Edge 
- Aqua Jet / Earthquake
- U-turn / Earthquake

Dragon Dance
Magikarp @ Life Orb / Lum Berry
Ability: Adaptability 
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe 
Jolly / Adamant Nature 
- Dragon Dance 
- Magikarp's Revenge 
- Return 
- Earthquake / Aqua Jet
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Prehistoric Magikarp | Voting

It's time to determine how Magikarp really was like in the past!
Below are all the entries that are eligible for the poll, be sure to consider their respective power level and playstyle carefully, especially given the unique move Magikarp's revenge and Gyarados' extensive movepool!

Pika Xreme

Stats: 100 / 85 / 110 / 35 / 60 / 110
Abilities: Magic Guard, Swift Swim
Movepool additions: Magikarp's Revenge, Recover, U-Turn

Role-wise, Primal Magikarp reminds me of, oddly enough, Furfrou! Magikarp's fast and physically bulky, and it has U-Turn! I used Eviolite Magikarp as a baseline, added well-rounded boosts on top of that, and poured the rest into Attack and HP.

Stats: 80 / 115 / 95 / 30 / 95 / 85
Abilities: Swift Swim, Hydration
Movepool additions: Magikarp's Revenge, U-Turn, Me First

Because Magikarp Revenge summon rain, Swift Swim and Hydration gain really good synergies with this move.
Swift Swim give that really important boost for speed, when Hydration heal Magikarp status condition when he have any.
I give for him better bulk from 20/55/20 into 80/95/95 just because he could need that bulk against opponent, who actually did not have super effective move against Magikarp.
U-Turn give opportunity for tempo plays, where Me First - tool for surprise and (maybe) knocking out opponent with pseudo STAB move.

Stats: 70 / 90 / 70 / 100 / 70 / 100
Abilities: Hydration, Sheer Force
Movepool additions: Magikarp's Revenge, Acrobatics, Hurricane

I went with a Flying secondary typing as its Bulbapedia bio states that "A long-lived Magikarp is able to utilize its immense splashing power to leap high enough to scale mountains" which makes me feel like long living Magikarp have the ability to "fly" in a sense. The idea behind Hydration is ripped from its bio as well with it stating "It also has a strong enough immune system to survive in the most polluted of waters". Hydration also helps negate the "problem" with Magikarp's Revenge's recharge turn. Sheer Force was added as a way for Prehistoric Magikarp to take advantage of Gyarados's immense special movepool, allowing it to be a very effective lure or special wallbreaker.

Stats: 80 / 120 / 85 / 30 / 85 / 115
Abilities: Swift Swim, Technician
Movepool additions: Magikarp's Revenge, U-Turn, Dual Chop

The fish climbs the waterfall, but instead of becoming a dragon, it just gains draconic abilities. It is able to swim in the harshest storms, and even survive on land longer than any other Magikarp. When it gained it's draconic abilities, it's brain grew immensely, being able to make almost any move stronger, so Technician.

Swift Swim allows Magikarp to take advantage of Magikarp's Revenge, due to it setting up rain. Technician Dual Chop does a lot of damage (60 BP Per Hit), and U-Turn allows it to gain momentum.

Sample set: Rain Sweeper
Primal Magikarp@ Life Orb
Ability: Swift Swim
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Magikarp's Revenge
- Earthquake
- Outrage
- U-turn
Sample set: Technician
Primal Magikarp@ Life Orb
Ability: Technician
EVs: 4 HP/ 252 Atk/ 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Dual Chop
- Magikarp's Revenge
- Bulldoze
- U-Turn
the someone

Stats: 75 / 70 / 95 / 80 / 70 / 110
Abilities: Adaptability, Protean
Movepool additions: Magikarp's Revenge, Air Slash, Extreme Speed

Magikarp's ability to adapt throughout the evolutionary process is truly astounding. Even today, it can be found literally anywhere, from trash-filled seas to clean puddles. That's why it gets Adaptability and Protean, representating it's literal adaptability. Air Slash and Extreme Speed symbolize it's method of spreading everywhere as well as it's carp-dragon legend. Magikarp had to be very agile and strong while splashing from one waterfall to another. To top it off, the Normal typing shows how normal it is everywhere, and gives Magikarp STAB Splash and Flail, which are the two things it's known to be perfect at, since the beginning of time.

Stats: 70 / 120 / 70 / 50 / 90 / 100
Abilities: Drizzle, Sheer Force
Movepool additions: Magikarp's Revenge, Extreme Speed, Dragon Rush

Gyarados naturally learns Rain Dance, and the Lake of Rage is said to have been created by many Gyarados getting together and whipping up a storm. Sheer Force simply because I thought it fit. the someone already explained Extreme Speed, and Dragon Rush is there because it's described as a tackle, one of Magikarp's basic moves.
The Reptile

Stats: 65 / 95 / 90 / 65 / 50 / 135
Abilities: Swift Swim, Adaptability
Movepool additions: Magikarp's Revenge, Aqua Jet, U-Turn

The mighty Magikarp, one of the original fish, takes on the humble-yet-mighty Water / Normal. It is humble, for it is shared with the mundane Pokemon that share the world, yet it is also mighty due to it showing Magikarp's elemental prowess and giving him a mostly unique typing. The mighty Magikarp is an adaptable fish, which is also shown by its Normal-typing. For this purpose, Magikarp takes on the powerful Adaptability ability, making its seemingly mediocre 95 attack pack a punch. It also pairs well with its STAB combination, as it is one that has good neutral coverage. Alternatively, you can take on the mighty Swift Swim, showcasing Magikarps speed and, in a way, synergistic with its signature move Magikarp's Revenge. Speaking of speed, Magikarp sits at a blazing 135 speed, outspeeding a lot of the competition - it might be a familiar speed, seeing as it is the same speed of the lighting fast Mega Manectric. As for its moves, Aqua Jet also showcases this blazing speed, while U-Turn also fits this theme, letting Magikarp hit the opponent and swiftly escape battle.

Sample set: Choice Band
Magikarp @ Choice Band
Ability: Adaptability
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Magikarp's Revenge
- Return / Double-Edge
- Aqua Jet / Earthquake
- U-turn / Earthquake
Sample set: Dragon Dance
Magikarp @ Life Orb / Lum Berry
Ability: Adaptability
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly / Adamant Nature
- Dragon Dance
- Magikarp's Revenge
- Return
- Earthquake / Aqua Jet


In order to vote, copy the listed names and rank them according to your preference. You may choose to rank as many or as few candidates as you like.

Most Preferred
Second Most Preferred
Third Most Preferred
Pika Xreme
the someone
The Reptile
Voting will remain open until 25.04.16. Good luck to every participant, and may the best entry win!
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