NU The NeverUsed League IV - Round 2

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volition immanent
is a Community Contributor Alumnusis a Tiering Contributor Alumnus
art credits to Bummer!

Welcome to the first cycle of the fourth annual NeverUsed League! This year we have decided to return to the old-fashioned Double Elimination tournament system. There is a slight twist, though; the NeverUsed League will work slightly different than last iterations of the tournament, since it will not have a Playoffs Stage. Instead of that, we have decided to make the NeverUsed League count towards the 2018 NU Tournament Circuit. This means that points earned in the NeverUsed League, together with all other NU Tournaments that count towards this Tournament Circuit, will determine who will fight in the eventual NU Tournament Circuit Playoffs. More on that can be found here. All you really need to know is that if you do well here, you have a shot at getting a cool and highly unique ribbon.

Here is this years format and general rules:

  • There will be 3 cycles - all of which will be standard Double Elimination USUM NU Tournaments
  • All sets played will be Best of Three series
  • All points gained in the NeverUsed League will count towards the NU Tournament Circuit, and is by far the best shot you have to score lots of points to guarantee a PlayOffs spot
  • The NeverUsed League 4 will not have a Playoffs Stage
  • I will keep a close look on toxicity and bad sportsmanship in this thread. Shit-talking in battle / this thread is okay to some extent, but know that there will be consequences if you cross the line
  • Please take your time to read the general scheduling guidelines below
Note the sportsmanship infraction may be used liberally this SPL, and any unsportsmanlike conduct on the forums, in #spl / #pokemon / any of the semiofficial tier channels, or in opposing SPL team channels (I won't infract for you being a dick in your own SPL team channel unless the situation is so extreme I feel I absolutely have to make an exception (consider basically any masterclass interaction ever)), will be grounds for an infraction. We encourage you to play semi-aggressively, but don't be a Masterclass.

I'm sure plenty of you have come across activity drama while scheduling matches. I'm here to reduce the arbitrary element associated with some of these decisions. It is entirely your decision to adhere to these STRONG RECOMMENDATIONS, but note that if you choose not to, I'll most likely ignore any pleading from your end.


Once that week's thread is posted, you have up to 48 hours to contact your opponent ON HIS VM WALL and mention your timezone and exactly what dates, what time ranges you are available, and where you will battle. Note that the default accepted sim and server is the official server on Showdown/Smogon Tournament Server. You must provide at least 3 different time ranges at least 48 hours from the timestamp of your message, with at least 2 that are 24-hours apart from each other. The minimum and maximum length for 1 time range is 30 minutes, and the minimum difference between the 3 required time ranges is 3 hours. If you give 3 time ranges that stick with this policy, you can give any additional time ranges at any time you please.


Once your opponent has contacted you, you now have up until 72 hours after the week's thread has been posted (NOT after your opponent's message) to respond with times that are good for you. What this means is that if both of you spend the maximum time contacting and responding, you should have back and forth collaboration at a maximum of 72 hours after the round has been posted, with both parties given an additional 24 hours to prepare for the battle should it be scheduled as soon as required. If none of the opponent's proposed time ranges are good for you, you must respond with alternative time ranges.

The first opponent now has X hours to prepare for the battle (if the second opponent agreed to some time) or 24 hours to contact a TD if, for whatever reason, this second set of time ranges does not suit the first opponent. Note this should be an absolute last measure.

Once a time is agreed upon, please make a message on your opponent's VM wall between 10 minutes and 1 second before the agreed upon time and say you are ready to battle and then get to agreed upon location (regardless of whether or not your opponent sends you a response VM). Please protect yourself by making this message, as it makes decisions much easier. You will be required to wait for your opponent for the duration of the time range.

If neither of you contact each other before 48 hours after the thread has been posted, you're both opening yourself up to a potential no contest or substitution. If I look at the situation, I might just determine I'm going to no contest, or whatever based on however I'm feeling at that moment. Don't leave yourself and your team vulnerable to this.

Just because at anytime one of the responders does not respond within the given range does not give you automatic activity win credentials. If they don't contact at all on your VM wall up until 48 hours before the end of the round (note, I'm not going to take irc or sim messages as evidence due to how easily they can be if you want to protect yourself, stick to the VM messages), then you obviously have activity win justification. You WILL contact your opponent in a timely manner. However, if they do contact you at all after the suggested response time and before 48 hours before the end of the round, you are required to respond before 24 hours before the end of the round with 2 1-hour time ranges at least 1 hour apart before the end of the round. The opponent, since he did not stick to the proposed response schedule, WILL BE REQUIRED TO PLAY AT ONE OF YOUR NEWLY SUGGESTED TIMES, so you have the advantage here. This obviously puts a bit of an emphasis on the last 48 hours of each round (as is standard operating procedure for most of our official team tournaments anyway), so I will try my best to keep the last 48 hours of the round as close to the majority of the weekend for as much of the world as I can.

If you follow all of these guidelines, you will a.) most likely get your match done with minimal issue or b.) protect yourself and your team from an undue no contest or activity decision. Yes, I hate activity decisions in official tournaments. Yes, I will do my best to prevent activity decisions in the playoffs (the qualifying round is fair game however and I will have no problem issuing an activity call here), but don't push your luck.

Here is an example of how following this would work:

Week 1 thread is posted June 7, 2013 at 12:00 AM. Its deadline is June 14, 2013 at 11:59PM. User A and User B are matched up. User A contacts User B on his VM wall on June 7, at 9:00 PM (47 hours after the thread was posted, so ok), and gives 4 time ranges: June 10, from 7:00-7:30 PM (22 hours after the timestamp of his message, which is only ok so long as at minimum 3 of the other proposed time ranges adhere to the requirements), June 11, from 9:00-9:30 PM (48 hours after the timestamp of his message, which is ok), June 12, from 6:00-6:30 PM (69 hours after timestamp of his message, so ok, but only 21 hours after the earliest time range that is 48 hours after the timestamp), and June 12, from 9:00-9:30 PM (72 hours after the timestamp, so ok, and 24 hours after a legal time range and 3 hours after another legal time range). The June 11 and both June 12 time ranges satisfy the requirements, so User A can propose his first June 10 time range as well. User B responds on June 10, at 8:00 PM (23 hours after User A contacted him, so ok), and picks June 11, at 9:00 PM to battle, which is ok because it is 24 hours after his own response.

You'll note I made most of my response ranges multiples of 24 hours, but also included 24 hours. This means I expect you to be able to check Smogon at least once a day. If that is not feasible, you put yourself at risk.

Ah, the big beefcake. I'm going to go ahead and put this out there: we reserve the right to judge any individual match on a case by case basis, regardless of assumed precedence set. If you don't like that, you are welcome to not play. Be aware of this.

Also, to protect yourself as much as possible from DCs and timer issues, play on Showdown (because it has an at least semi reliable system of rejoining after a DC) and make a gentleman's agreement to not hit timer and not be hour-a-move dicks.

Round 2:

Winner's Bracket

FLCL vs. snagaa
MJ vs. praj.pran
Luispeikou vs. Rapture
vs. Finchinator
Exiline vs. Feliburn
Newalfonquest vs. Ampharo
vs. Leru
nishikino kotori vs. HT
PokeTCG gamer1288
vs. MultiAmmiratore
allstarapology vs. Contact
Eternally vs. Disjunction
Espeonage. vs. lax
vs. Robert Alfons
TSR vs. Nat
HQuaze vs. Jarii
vs. Shaneghoul
Skelos vs. Accelgor
CKW vs. passion
Sir Kay vs. Dundies
Jrdn vs. GunGunJ
Heldinho vs. Orphic
Stan Soojung vs. Adaire
vs. Yoshizilla315
Teddeh vs. soulgazer
Sacri' vs. WhiteLion
Tangelo vs. Many
atomicllamas vs. carcy
dodmen vs. A Hero's Destiny
vs. zugubu royale
esche vs. Syncrasy
Twinmask vs. Go0d
vs. Garay oak
Watchog vs. King Wynaut
Acsel vs. Spl4sh
Flares. vs. Santu
vs. KingKdot
Cdumas vs. Frania
Mylo Xyloto vs. Nailec
Oibaf vs. Holiano
vs. Haund
Vai Lusa vs. TheJFrenzy1
vs. TJ
StarBlim vs. AAamen
Count Riario
vs. Flamestar
DragonKnightmaster vs. Ayanokouji
vs. TheGreninjaWarrior21
vs. Lord Sylex
MiyoKa vs. bye

Losers Bracket

Simia vs. Raseri
SaDiSTiCNarwhal vs. bdov
Eternal Spirit
vs. mael
Harpp vs. London Beats
p2 vs. Huston
Azx vs. cbt
Meat Grinder ♫ vs. naruto(sage)
Kushalos vs. DBW
Luthier vs. cielbakasan
Djokra vs. blinkboy
Hipparion vs. S poi re
Chano vs. roman
Caasi vs. HNBL
vs. cyanize
LordST vs. false.
Bad Player vs. neomon
Abnxrmal vs. Senpai D.M
vs. HJAD
Mikaav vs. Sam I Yam
Heika vs. double switches
Trace vs. dogknees
DurzaOffTopic vs. Xiri
vs. Altaria236_SM
Fleurer vs. Kiyo
Inferno Monferno vs. Hamhamhamham
Melle2402 vs. MegaAccelgor123
Snowy vs. Mysterious M
PasY_G vs. Shiba
vs. Bye
wmartinez101 vs. Escoffier
Centinela vs. Hyogafodex
vs. Ervli
Hot N Cold vs. Drud
didi vs. Megazard
vs. Chill Shadow
fssong vs. CoolHandPat
quziel vs. Cloud9 NxtLvl
Cynde vs. Arifeen
Slick Willy
vs. Superior91
Paraplegic vs. Not Miyan
vs. Z+V
Carmin06 vs. voltix31
vs. Evan.
0NI vs. leo05051998
Frigus vs. SiTuM
King Billu
vs. Za Meowdo
Abk1997 vs. Laurens
vs. Lednah

if you're wondering why 2 people in the winner's bracket, and 1 person in the losers bracket have a free pass now, it is because I messed up counting. Flamestar, Ayanokouji, and TheGreninjaWarrior21, you three are lucky to get placed in the Winner's Bracket for free, since you were the first on the sub list.

If I made any mistakes, please notify me of it. I am not even close to being perfect and can miss certain things during the tagging and posting proces.

Deadline: Monday, January 22, 4PM GMT +1[/user]
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volition immanent
is a Community Contributor Alumnusis a Tiering Contributor Alumnus
won ggs
Shadestep did you notice the art in the OP is broken?
fixed, thanks.

also, due to the new ruling on tournament banned players entering circuit tournaments, I will unfortunately have to disqualify a couple of users.
Twinmask vs. (winner of rozes vs Go0d)
rozes will be disqualified. new matchup: Twinmask vs Go0d
blazedbyblaziken vs. (loser of rozes vs Go0d)
rozes will be disqualified. blazedbyblaziken receives a bye and advances to the next round.

HANTSUKI vs Yoshizilla315
Yoshizilla will be disqualified. Hantsuki receives a bye and advances to the next round.

Star vs TheGreninjaWarrior21
Star will be disqualified. TheGreninjaWarrior21 receives a bye and advances to the next round.

Frigus vs SiTuM
Frigus is an alt of a permabanned user. Even though this user won his series, SiTuM receives a bye and advances to the next round.

sorry for the inconvenience all. Thanks for co-operating.


is a Tiering Contributoris a Two-Time Past SPL Champion
World Defender
Can't you fill some of the byes with players who just lost their opponents? For example GW21 just received 2 consecutive byes into r4 winners lol
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volition immanent
is a Community Contributor Alumnusis a Tiering Contributor Alumnus
Can't you fill some of the byes with players who just lost their opponents? For example GW21 just received 2 consecutive byes into r4 winners lol
I would if I could; unfortunatey, having 1 less matchup will completely mess up the pairings in later rounds, when less people are left. The tournament has 196 people in it, making it a three-way finals in the end. Thus, it’s not possible to match up multiple people that do not have opponents for this round.

Part of this was a mistake from my end (the miscount of the amount of matches in round 1), but all these issues should be resolved now, and no users will receive any more bye’s starting next round.


is a Tiering Contributoris a Two-Time Past SPL Champion
World Defender
Ah alright that makes sense (althought it's still kinda stupid and I will yell at gw for being a lucky dog the rest of this week).
Meanwhile there might be a conflict in schedule between me and my opponent (I was subbed in) and I don't think we're going to get it done in time, would and extension be possible?
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