The next batch of pokes we get...

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Nintendo is probably going to take 3+ years to come out with another game, huh?

I cant wait though... How all the new things impact gameplay, for the most part is awesome. (Except for stealth rock, killed articuno and charizard :[ )

but my point... There is nothing nintendo can do to make a special wall that can compete with blissey, is a nerf needed?

and what total new gen poke do you think has made the greatest impact? Id say the chimchar evo line or the gible line
Sandstorm/hail should deactivate 5 (or 8) turns after the sandstream/snow warming pokemon switches out. I think this will make the battle system more balance. That way, weather summoning abilites can be given to more pokemon - auto rain dance and sunny day for 5 turns. To keep kyogre and groudon different because they are legendary, their weather effect can last forever, leaving them unchanged.
Special attacks need some more base power. An 80 BP shadow ball even with STAB is pretty week. Even a random bug move bug buzz gets 90 BP. Makes no sense.

Why is rock slide's bp 75? I would rather get earthquaked than get smacked by a bunch of boulders. I'm pretty sure one boulder is enough to kill me...
I hope they don't make a Pokesav shit for the next Generation. It really messes up the Game. I think it was Cresselia, her Defences are awesome, but CB T-Tar eats her :(
Not sure what you're looking for here....

But if you're concerned about the fact that Nintendo won't have a chance to "fix" the Blissey problem..... won't a combo D/P game eventually come out like every other Generation has? Once that happens, there's a lot of changes they can make to the current gen without introducing any new pokemons.

As for what I want desperately next generation: An evolution for Far'Fetch'd. C'mon Game Freek, you know you want to redeem the Duck.
The thing I want the most is a speedy defensive ghost/steel type since It would be a awsome defensive combo and a insomnia flying type with high defense.Also there should be more flying type attacks.Aerial ace just sucks and not many pokemon learn drill peck.
Im not a bug fan , but i'd like to see some more bugs

name all the competitive bugs : heracross , yup thats about it =] lol

bug catching was the reason pokemon ever began in the first place , i read that the creater was a bug catcher as a kid so thats how pokemon started as he said in an inviterview. (though i read that a while ago , i think it was an interview)

anyway.. bug types need some more love , and PLEASE give something other then kyogre drizzle , that would be awesome
Im not a bug fan , but i'd like to see some more bugs

name all the competitive bugs : heracross , yup thats about it =] lol

bug catching was the reason pokemon ever began in the first place , i read that the creater was a bug catcher as a kid so thats how pokemon started as he said in an inviterview. (though i read that a while ago , i think it was an interview)

anyway.. bug types need some more love , and PLEASE give something other then kyogre drizzle , that would be awesome

have you ever heard of...

Vespiquen, Pinsir, Venomoth, wormadam-steel, Scizor, FORRETRESS, YANMEGA

Pyr0 beat me to yanmega but you get the point...
DOH , my bad i always fergot yanmega , scizor =P

im sleepy tonight , so sorry about that x_x

and well forretress to me just doesnt feel like a bug , even if it is
I would like to see two new eeveelutions next gen.
Back to the Bugs... Scyther is still plausible. not to mention butterfree or beedrill
SCARF- Masquerain-buetifly-mothim also work wonders. Especially since mothim can U-turn of 96 atk power and still attack with base 95 sp.atk power. Still a bunch more usuable bug types if i can remember any.
I would like to see two new eeveelutions next gen.
Back to the Bugs... Scyther is still plausible. not to mention butterfree or beedrill
in fact i heard of a Butterfree OWNING the Battle Tower with some Sleep Powder combo, it was on Smogon. Try looking in Smogon Forums/Stark Mountain/RMT for that.
ok maybe i should have just shut up about bugs , stupid BeachBoy

sleepy :F

well now with all this co-motion ,on bugs , maybe an evo on banette?
In my opinion a fresh start like the one from GSC to ADV. They can't fix what they've destroyed.

This way they can eliminate certain traits, or move accessability for certain Pokemon.
Some weaker pokemon could use evos, like Luvdisc and Chimecho and other fairly useless pokemon. Make things more interesting.

It might be too late, but could Poison be salvaged as an attacking type? Less resists and more supereffectives would be nice. Grass could use help as an attacking type as well, or on defense too really. Ice could have a weakness or two removed, or gain additonal resists.

Stealth Rock really imbalances types as well, RIP Articuno, Moltres, and Charizard. Maybe additonal attacking types instead of just rock, or perhaps more ways to spin.

Blissey totally outclasses any special wall in the game, this should be fixed.

New type pairings would be nice for more variety.
A physical Fire/Dragon would own. STAB Fire Punch and Dragon Claw with the help of Earthquake and Sward Dance would be awesome! Add Sunny Day to it and a sweet ability it would be hard to stop.
If Pinsir evolves, and it gets better stats, it will be a big OU, because it's only outclassed by Heracross. Anyway, they should give some evolution to weak things like: Chimecho, Luvdisc, Xatu, Jynx (Magmar and Electabuzz got it, why didn't Jynx?), Farfetch'd, Furret, Stantler, etc...
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