The No Johns Tournament - DPP Edition: Round 2

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Activity Post.

Sent two requests to scimjara that weren't succesfull.

Hope we do this now cuz he is on

Edit : i met him online left him 3 messages and he just logged out ignoring them. .-.

Didnt ignore them. I just went offline and just saw them now when coming back. Im home for most part tomorrow so we should be able to get the battle done hopefully.
We're on skype when I forfeited since he said I could go change the evs since I didn't have evs on half of my pokes.

You didn't even say anything about that you piggly son ofabitch

Edit : Nevermind got counterteamed and lost cause jesse's a fucking bitch
I told him if he forfeited I would take the win and he forfeited anyways

we redid the game and I won he's mad gg
My opponent and me have some issues to get our match done due to timezone and exams for my part. May need an extension.
Sorry I've been very busy for the past few days, hopefully we'll get it done today.

Won in a very gg.
Thank you for the rebattle
I´ll try to battle tonight (we are GMT+1).
But I don´t know I will be available, although I've been available the last days.
If the deadline is extended, tomorrow I could play.
I'll try to do it today, if not I'd like to have an extension since I've been waiting 2 days for my round 2 opponent.
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