Challenge The Scramble Challenge - Mark 2


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I just want to apologize for the lack of updates on my scramble, I have this massive school project that needs to be in in 2 days, but the problem is that it is only half-done. I have spent the majority of this week doing it, so I have found no time to either play nor write updates for the scramble.
Solid/Old will be fun to use. I've used Steelix before, and they can be amazing if used right. Should be interesting. Was the shaking present in MGS4, by any chance?
In MGS4, there was a Psyche meter that when decreased it makes you being able to aim not very well along with back pains and eventually passing out from damage.
That's OK, celever. Good luck with that project! Come to think of it, I am busying myself with Special Olympics work at this time. After all, I consider myself as a Special Olympics Texas athlete and Global Messenger before I consider myself as even a Pokémon fan, let alone a scrambler.
I just want to apologize for the lack of updates on my scramble, I have this massive school project that needs to be in in 2 days, but the problem is that it is only half-done. I have spent the majority of this week doing it, so I have found no time to either play nor write updates for the scramble.
You just make sure you'll get a good grade. :) We can wait for updates.


no longer hibernating
is a Community Contributor
Thanks for understanding guys :)
Since I haven't found any time to go on my DS, I have now lost it :evan:
Don't worry though, I have just finished my project (it has to be in tomorrow) and am looking for the DS as of current. :P
Full Chapter Twenty-Three of Ruby is here!

One Week after the Weather Institute raid
Fortree City Pokemon Center

I knocked on the door to Birch’s room. A few seconds later, the door opened.

“Hey Skarm, how you doing?”

“I’m fine, thanks. Actually, I was meaning to ask you about something.”

“What’s that?” he said, guiding me into a chair as he sat down on the edge of his bed.

“Do you think Groudon is real?”

“Just because I’m a scientist doesn’t mean I can’t be religious, Skarm.”

“Actually, I was serious. Do you think Groudon is a living creature that actually exists, buried somewhere under the earth?”

“I don’t think so. I think the writers of the Murasaki were just using Groudon and Kyogre as metaphors.”

“But what if he was?”

“Well, if Groudon was real, and his powers were removed from him just as in the story, then the orb would also exist somewhere. You’d just have to find that and you’d prove Groudon’s existence.”

“I think Magma thinks that Groudon is real.”

“Oh Arceus...that would explain so much. The climate scans you told me they were running, the lengths they went to to kill us all makes sense.”

“I think they think he’s real, and not only that, they think he’s a Pokemon. If he was a pokemon, do you think he could be captured?”

“No. Absolutely not. No pokemon would stand a chance against him in battle except Kyogre. No poke ball could contain him.”

“Well, that’s comforting. At least Maxie won’t be able to capture him if they awake him.”

“But Groudon awaking would be devastating. The legends about him state that he was the size of 3 warriors stacked atop each other, with the weight of 50-and that’s just his earthly form, he’s a god! He could cause earthquakes, force volcanos to erupt, move continents...If Maxie wanted to expand the landmass, and he somehow knew that Groudon was still alive and how to find the Red Orb...the consequences would be disasterous.”

Magma Headquarters, undisclosed location

Maxie leaned back in his chair, still nursing his wounds from the crash. He lazily tossed darts at a board in his room. His radio buzzed.

“The grunt you asked for is here, sir.”

“Yes, send her in.” The door opened and a slight, red-headed girl entered the room, eyes downcast.

Maxie rubbed his eyes. “So you’re the one everyone’s been talking about.”

“I guess so...” The girl never looked up.

“How old are you, sixteen?”

“Sixteen and a half, sir.”

Maxie could believe it. The flat-chested girl was only a hair taller then 5 feet and her Magma hoodie was a size too big. “Courtney, I’ll be straight with you, because we don’t have much time. That last strike at the Weather Institute was too big for me to coordinate alone. You were there-nobody knew how they got in, and then we put a bullet in one of them and they still managed to escape.”

“Why do you need me, sir?”

“Tabitha died in the helicopter crash. I need a new lieutenant. One with a quick mind, one who can adapt.“ Maxie tossed Courtney a vest similar to the one he was wearing. “Put that on, you’re it.”

“Sir...there must be others, more qualified others, this is a mistake. I’m a high school dropout, I can’t possibly-”

“There’s no mistake.” Maxie counted on his fingers. “One-your performance under fire in the Mt. Chimney hunt was excellent. Two-You persuaded your commander to pull your squad over to the road, which led to us reacquiring the loose ends. Three-You’re a lot more interested in this sort of thing then you pretend.”

“What do you mean, sir?”

Maxie pulled two books from under his desk, Warfare in the Pokemon Era by Dirk Surge and Ender’s Game by Orson Scott Card. “I found these in your room. Don’t pretend you’re not interested.”

“Sir, I...I...”

“Remember what the colonel said about being so good that others would be forced to respect you? This is where that gets you. In command. With responsibility.”

Courtney began to warm up. “That’s why I dropped out of school. Everything was moving too slowly. I wanted to do something real.”

“Time for you to do something real. I have two assignments for you. One of them is ongoing, and the other one...we’ll get to that. First, take a look at these two.” Maxie swiveled his monitor screen around. On it was a picture of Skarm and Winona running down the halls of the Weather Institute.

“These two have been there to interfere with every one of our missions. Memorize their faces. I want them out of the way.”

“Do I have to kill them?”

“I don’t particularly care what you do with them. Trick them into going to the wrong place. Put them both in the hospital. Get Skarm deported. Or you can kill them. Whatever method you want is fine with me-I just want them out of the way.”

“And the other assignment?”

“We have two missions that we’re going to launch simultaneously tomorrow. Half of us are going to Slateport to commandeer Stern’s submarine. The other half is going on a hunt for the Red Orb. You’re going to command one of them, and I’m going to command the other. Which one do you want?”

“I’ll take the Orb hunt. I’m too inexperienced to steal a sub.” Courtney leaned in towards the screen. “You don’t have a location listed for this.”

“That’s because nobody knows where the Orb is.” Courtney looked up, surprised. “I’ve read through every copy of the Murasaki I could find, searching for the location. But there’s nothing, other then that the orb is in Hoenn for sure.”

“So where do you want me to go?”

“Use your subconscious.” Maxie stood up from his chair, the final dart in his hands. He handed it to Courtney.

“What do you want me to do with-EEK!” Maxie covered Courtney’s eyes and turned her towards the wall of the office, which had a map of Hoenn with every past mission’s location marked by a pin.

“Throw the dart.” The point buried itself just southwest of Lilycove. Maxie glanced at the location. “Open your eyes.”

“Mount Pyre?”

“Sometimes, it’s best to listen to your instincts.” Maxie left her in the office, staring at the dart buried in the wall. “This mission is your show. Don’t disappoint me.”

Magma Ops Briefing Room
A few minutes later

“Alright everyone, listen up.” The murmurs of the men in the room ceased. “Maxie put me in command of this mission and I’m not planning on fucking it up. You hear me?”

“So here’s the target.” Courtney slid a contour map of Mt. Pyre under the camera, and it instantly showed the same image on the screen. “”Our objective is twofold: Search for the Red Orb and making sure---”

“Oh, for the love of...Do you really think anybody’s gonna take orders from you?”

“Once you hear my bloody plan, you’ll want to follow it!” Courtney circled two spots on the map. “This one is the visitor center, and the other one over here is the main ascent. Mount Pyre and the surrounding area is in the middle of a no-fly zone enforced by the Grande Isles government, so we’ll be going in by boat and landing at the Visitor Center.”

“Get off that stage, grunt. Get us the one who’s really running the operation!”

“WILL YOU SHUT UP?” Courtney’s voice silenced the room for a second. “Do you want to know why Maxie put me on this mission? Because you guys fucked up the last one. ‘It’s airtight, nobody’s getting in’ you said. Then they get in anyways, they slip through your fingers three times, and you wonder why none of you are running this operation.” Courtney paused. “You want me to get to the point? It’s this. Yes, we’re searching for the mythical Red Orb. But at the same time, we know the two loose ends from last mission aren’t going to let up. Even if the police won’t believe them, they’ll still come and stop us.”

Courtney smiled. “And that’s when we strike. Since Mt. Pyre has an interior and exterior ascent, they’ll have to split up or lose the Orb. We’ll ambush them. They work well together, but alone they won’t be able to stop us. We kill them and stash their bodies on the boats. Then we dump them at sea on the way back. Nobody will ever know what happened. And we’ll have the Red Orb.”

Mt. Pyre
Stage One, 0500 hours

“Everyone in position?” Courtney whispered into her mike.

“Team one, standing by to breach the main doors.”

“Team two, standing by at the roof access hatch.”

“Team three, ready to support.”

“Is the phone line cut?”

“Roger that, phone line is cut and jammers activated. No coms going in or out.”

“Excellent. Remember, breaching teams, no casualties. Tie up the park rangers, take their uniforms, and get ready for stage two. Breach on my mark.” Courtney steadied the binoculars to get a better view. “!”

The doors were swung open, and Magma personnel charged in, forcing the rangers to surrender within seconds. “Visitor Center secured, Blaziken.”

“Roger that. I’m coming by to inspect your work.” Courtney stepped off the boat onto the dock and began to walk towards the building. As she did, she slid a mask over her face-none of her opponents would ever know they were outsmarted by a pimply, awkward red-haired girl.

She walked through the open doors of the visitor’s center. “Men, have you swept the entire building?”

“Yes, we have.”

“Find me the one in charge of burials. Move!” The man was brought to her in a second. “Where are the graves of Skarm Schult’s pokemon?”

“I won’t tell you! You can’t disturb graves!”
“’re right, I can’t disturb graves.” Courtney drew a gun from inside of her jacket, not sure if she would have the courage to use it. “I will, however, put you in one if you don’t tell me where his pokemon’s graves are located. They should be all together-a family plot.”

“I won’t tell you, you-you-you desecrator!” Three shots fired, shattering the tiles around the man’s head.

“I’m not going to ask you again. Either you tell me where the graves are, or I shoot you for real this time. In the foot, of course-wouldn’t want to kill you straight off without your information. Then, if I still don’t have the information I want, I’ll shoot you in the kneecap-big bullet will destroy the bone and you’ll never walk right again. If we still don’t have it after that...well, I hope you’ve already had kids because you won’t be able to have any without balls. So give me what I want, or I’ll torture you until I get what I want.”

“Alright, alright. Those graves are fairly recent, so they’ll be higher up on the inside. Fourth floor, I believe.” Courtney jerked her gun down and shot the man in the foot. “AHHHHHHHHHH!”

“Tell me the truth this time.” The man jerked spasmodically on the floor, reaching for his foot with his bound hands. “Oh well. I have plenty of bullets left. Shall we try again?”

“It’’s on the fifth floor. Right next to the stairwell. Dug the grave myself.”

“See? That wasn’t so hard.” Courtney squeezed the man’s bleeding foot, causing him to yelp. “Team two, go check the fifth floor interior for a grave labeled ‘Bounty’. Should have a picture of a Zigzagoon. If there’s no grave, radio back immediately.”

“Roger that.” A few minutes of painful screaming later, the radio buzzed again. “Right next to the stairwell. How should we proceed?”

“You’re off the hook, mortician. Bind his wound and toss him in the room with the rest of the rangers.” Courtney raised the radio back to her lips. “Team Two, somebody piss on the grave and the ones next to it.”

“But, Salamence, that’s-”

“Do it now! After that, sweep the interior of the mountain for the Red Orb.”

“Roger that.”

“Team Three, take the park rangers’ uniforms and put them on. We’re setting a trap. Team One, with me, we’re sweeping the outside. Go!”

Fortree Pokemon Center
0530 hours

“ us....”

I was in a daze. Everything was spinning around me, and there was no floor beneath my bare feet. All I could see was a Zigzagoon in front of me.

“They’re abusing us. They won’t even leave us alone when we’re dead. Help...”

No. This couldn’t be Bounty’s voice. Pokemon couldn’t speak in any way humans could understand without machines.


“Where are you? Is this a dream?”

“For you, this is a dream...for us, it’s us.....we’re at Mt. Pyre....”

My eyes snapped open. I shook for a moment, dislodging the covers. Then I groggily reached for my phone. I hit the fourth speed dial button. The phone rang several times.

“Who...the 5 in the morning?”

“Winona, it’s Skarm. We need to go to Mount Pyre. Now!”

Introducing Courtney: the hero admin Magma needs right now...but certainly not the one it deserves.

Also, I wanted to do an in depth Magma episode, so there you go. I promise all of the seemingly strange stuff in this chapter will make sense come the next one. I just had to get you guys something before the weekend is out.
SoulSilver huh? I'll give you do realize that the legendary is going to be so restricted, right?

Catch a Lugia and name it Flareon.

Flareon cannot learn any STAB move over 65 base power because it is a Flareon.

Because it is a Flareon, it believes that it has a gigantic 130 Base Attack stat, and seeks a way to use it. Learn at least one physical attack and use it once in every major battle it participates in, because it is a Flareon.
Chapter 9 of my Pokemon Blue Scramble is up! I've got my full team now. I'll be honest, Torture is the Pokemon I've been looking forward to using the most. I can't wait to get all of it's torturing moves.

Chapter 9: The Final Teammate
Ttar had seen a notice that Route 12 would be blocked off by a sleeping Pokemon, so he didn't bother trying that side. Instead, he returned to Cerulean City, and headed onto the path to the east, Route 9. This route would take him to Rock Tunnel, another cave he'd have to go through to get to his next destination.

This route had lots and lots of steep ledges. There were a variety of trainers scattered throughout, but none of them gave much of a challange. However, one strange thing did happen. Ttar let Creeper take the lead in several battles, as it was the lowest leveled of his Pokemon. Ttar had found the Teleport TM on the route, and taught it to Creeper, for fast transportation back to a Pokemon Center. Creeper clearly had not overcome his desire for children. Whenever Creeper would beat all of a young trainer's Pokemon by himself, he would use Teleport after the battle was over! Ttar would be forced to start from the beginning of the route again, as it would Teleport him back to Cerulean. He did it a total of 6 times before Ttar finally reached the end of the Route!

Ttar found another Pokemon Center at the end of Route 9. He was now on Route 10. Right next to the Pokemon Center was the opening for a cave. After healing his Pokemon, Ttar ventured inside the Rock Tunnel

It was completely dark inside. According to a map, this cave hadn't been developed at all, so it was always quite dark. Ttar wasn't able to see, but then suddenly he remembered that he had taught Creeper Flash! As odd as it sounded, Ttar ordered Creeper to use Flash. A bright light shone from the Pokemon's body, and suddenly the entire cave was lit! Ttar had to keep Creeper out walking with him for the effect to last, so he did, and they kept walking.

The cave had lots of twists and turns. There were many trainers, who would've normally used the darkness to hide themselves. However, Ttar had Flash, so they were plain to see. They used a wide range of Pokemon, some that Ttar had never seen before. Still, Ttar had quite the powerful team, so one by one, every trainer in the cave fell. Creeper tried to Teleport away after singlehandedly taking down a young girl's team, but because he was in a cave, it failed!

The cave was long and exhausting, but Ttar eventually made it to the other side. There were a few more trainers on the southern part of Route 10, but Ttar managed to defeat them. He hopped down a couple of ledges, and found himself in Lavender Town.

Ttar's first instinct, after healing his Pokemon, was to check out the Pokemon Tower. However, a woman would not let him enter, and she didn't give much of a reason. Ttar had to come back later. His next plan was to head south along Silence Bridge. He did so, and fought past a few Fishermen along the way, but soon found the same Snorlax was still blocking the path. Annoyed, he turned back to Lavender.

The only remaining course of action was to head west, onto Route 8. The Route was a winding path. Creeper did his thing again versus a Lass near the beginning of the route. After battling his way past a few trainers, Ttar saw a grassy patch before him. He could see something moving inside it, so he went to check it out. He got near the moving thing, when it noticed him! It shot a small fireball right in Ttar's face! He fell back, batting the flames off of his hair. The moving thing turned out to be a wild Vulpix, and it looked very pleased with itself. Ttar was irritated, so he called out enviro to battle!

Ttar commanded enviro to use Sleep Powder. It did, and the Vulpix fell asleep. Ttar had enviro weaken the Vulpix a bit with a couple of Vine Whips. Ttar then pulled a Great Ball from his bag, and tossed it. The ball rolled three times, and then stopped. Ttar caught the Vulpix!

The Vulpix had angered Ttar, and it seemed to have enjoyed it. Therefore, Ttar nicknamed the Vulpix 'Torture.' He now had 6 Pokemon; a full team. Ttar felt stronger than ever! He healed up his new teammate at the Pokemon Center, and then continued on Route 8.

He let Creeper battle a couple more Lasses. After the last one, this marked his 10th time Teleporting away from a young trainer. Creeper seemed a lot happier now. Perhaps his desire for children had been satisfied? He no longer seemed interested in battling them. This was probably a good sign.

A few more trainers were all that awaited Ttar on this route. He let Torture have a shot at them, and she leveled up a few times. Just as before, the gatehouse to Saffron City was barred to outsiders, so Ttar had to take the Underground Path again.

Ttar hated the dank path, but he had to deal with it. He found some useful items on the floor again, too. He emerged onto Route 7 soon enough. With nothing to see there, Ttar continued east, and entered Celadon City.

Ttar's first destination was the Celadon Dept. Store. He had heard all about it from his mother, and knew that he could get tons of useful items there. He bought a bunch of medicine for his Pokemon, as well as a Double Team TM for Angry Nerd. He also bought a Fire Stone and a Leaf Stone, to evolve enviro and Torture. Ttar put them in a secret compartment of his bag, wanting to save them for the right moment. He then went to the rooftop.

A little girl approached him, and begged him to buy her a drink. Ttar was happy to oblige, but when he asked which drink she wanted, she responded, "All of them!" It pained Ttar, but he bought one of all three drinks from the vending machine, and gave them to the little girl. She was exstatic, and thanked him by handing over three TMs. One of them contained Ice Beam, which he taught to Arceustar, so it could beat Grass-types. Another contained Rock Slide, which he taught to Doomed. The final one contained Tri Attack, which he wanted to teach to Angry Nerd, but sadly was not able to. With a full supply of items, he left the store.

As he walked out, a woman walked in. She clearly wasn't paying much attention to her surroundings, and she ran right into Ttar! They both fell over, but Ttar got up first. He offered his hand to her, and she held out a disc to him.

"Take it, please!" she said. "I'm so sorry! I should've never come here!"

She dropped the disc on the floor, and ran off. Ttar was confused, but he picked up the disc. It was HM02, Fly. This would be really useful! He taught it to Angry Nerd, and now, Ttar could fly wherever he wanted to go!

Ttar was tired out from his time at the Dept. Store. He went to rest at the Pokemon Center before seeing what else Celadon City had to offer.

Current Team:

Arceustar the Squirtle
Level 26
-Tail Whip
-Ice Beam
-Mega Punch

Doomed the Nidoqueen
Level 27
-Body Slam
-Rock Slide
-Water Gun

Angry Nerd the Fearow
Level 26
-Mirror Move
-Double Team
-Fury Attack
[Special Attackers solo'd: 10/10]

enviro the Weepinbell
Level 28
-Vine Whip
-Sleep Powder
-Stun Spore

Creeper the Drowzee
Level 27
[Children solo'd: 10/10)

Torture the Vulpix
Level 20
-Tail Whip
-Quick Attack
MysticZap, take Yossarian the Pidgey for your SoulSilver run. Yossarian isn't fighting for you because he wants to, he's fighting for you because of Catch-22. You have to drag him kicking and screaming to every battle. As such, he will never fight any opponent who is higher level then him or has a type advantage against him.

Catch-22 is making it impossible for Yossarian to leave your party, no matter how hard he tries. He must solo twenty trainer battles to evolve into Pidgeotto, then an additional 5 trainer battles for each new move you wish to teach him. Once you reach 40 total trainer soloes, you may forgo teaching Yossarian a new move at any time to evolve him into Pidgeot.

Have fun!

or not
SS, huh? Well Mystic, I'll give you one! Just give me a minute to think one up.

EDIT: Mystic, take Ax the Totodile. Ax is in the middle of a huge flashback after you catch him, and takes on my personality (sort of). As such, As a Totodile, Ax is pushed around by many of the other trainer's pokemon, and is not allowed to battle more than twice per route against trainers. This goes until his first evolution at level 20. However, before he can evolve, he must show the crybaby gym leader how it's done. Solo Whitney, attempting to do so with all physical moves (if this is too difficult, go ahead and use special moves) After this, he begins to fight back. Have Ax solo an entire route, healing no more than 3 times. This should be done ASAP after evolution. However, Ax was scarred by his childhood experiences, and such can only use a move with 80 BP or more once per enemy, and can only use STAB moves if the enemy pokemon takes them for SE damage. Ax may evolve as soon as he reaches level 39 and OHKO's 5 trainer pokemon, setting up with Screech. As a Feraligatr, Ax enters the unknown. All of his resctrictions as a Croconaw retain, but Ax moves on from his horrid childhood, and is actually quite cunning. Ax knows extactly what to do and when to do it. As such, Ax is allowed to use Aqua Tail and Crunch whenever they are SE, regardless of his restrictions. Ax also wants to continue helping the team, so Ax must solo one gym leader and 1 E4 member, in which Aqua Tail and Crunch are NOT SE. Good luck, and have fun! Btw anyone wondering about the Whitney challange yes this is like the one I did in my canceled SS Scramble, but sadly I forget who gave me that challange XD Whoever gave me that, credit goes to you :)
MysticZap I reserve a Vulpix for you.

EDIT: Take Mozilla the Vulpix. Mozilla represents Mozilla Firefox in the poke-universe: Fire types=Firefox, Grass types=Google Chrome, and Water types=Internet Explorer. The 3 are always at war over who is best. Mozilla must never hurt a fellow Fire-type, and, unless otherwise soloed, must solo every Grass and Water type. Once it soloes 50 of each Grass and Water types, it may evolve. (So 100 total; keep track!) Once it evolves, it realizes how silly the feud is. And how helpless the little Water/Internet Explorers are (really slow but with a great song XD). So, it must never hurt another single Grass or Water type. Instead, it attempts to end the fighting by soloing 25 Fire types. At this point, you must rename it www.peace and it may never fight another Grass, Water, or Fire type as long as it lives or it will leave you forever, as sad as it would be to go...

GL;HF! I hope you like it!
MysticZap, for Soul Silver, take Combo the Weedle. As soon as it evolves into Beedrill, it can only use multihit damaging moves. Solo one elite four of choice to prove it can handle things.

For Platinum, take a Gible ASAP and name it BigMouth. It may evolve after learning dragon claw and dig and solo'ing one gym leader. You may evolve again after learning it Roar and solo'ing a gym leader / team galactic commander by alternating between Roar and any other attack, to live up to its name. Finally, as a Garchomp, you must solo Bertha, also alternating between Roar and any other attacks.

GL (If the challenges are too short, just give a shout, I do not have that much time and you have been waiting for some time already.)
MysticZap, for Platinum take Prince the Piplup.
Prince believes he should have the crown of Water King, and so wants all water-types to bow down before him. So, to evolve he must solo 20 other Water-types. Once he evolves into Prinplup, he realises that to become king he must defeat the current Water King Floatzel. So, he goes to Floatzel's Castle (the Pastoria Gym) and he challenges Floatzel and his top minions (Quagsire and Gyarados)(you must use water attacks every second turn to prove your water mastery). Once Floatzel is defeated, he tells Prince he has to be fully evolved. You must now evolve him into Empoleon ASAP. Upon evolution, he takes the crown and must now be renamed King.
However, he is not content with the water crown, and being a steel-type he wants the Steel crown, and being native to cold climates he wants the Ice Crown for good measure. So he must defeat Bastiodon and his underlings using Steel-type attacks every second turn, and Froslass and her minions using ice-type attacks every second turn. Once he does this, he wants to take one final Crown- that of the strongest pokemon! To do so, he must solo Cynthia's Garchomp!

So in short:
-Defeat 20 water types to evolve into Prinplup
-Solo Crasher Wake, using water-type attacks every second turn to evolve into Empoleon
-Once an Empoleon, rename him King
-Solo Byron using steel-type attacks every second turn
-Solo Candice using Ice-type attacks every second turn
-Solo Cythia's Garchomp

Tell me if this is overkill. I if there is too many solos I can remove the Byron and/or Candice solos.

And for Soulsilver, take Red the Gyarados-yes, the Red one!
Red is furious at the Team Rocket Grunts that forced him to evolve. As such, once he gets into their base he just loses control and starts to Thrash around, only going into his Pokeball when he gets tired. He begins to follow your orders in the battle against Ariana, shown by the example of Lance's Dragonite, and wants to solo her. He also wants to solo Petrel, as a bit of revenge. Because he was so awestruck by Lance's Dragonite, he wants to battle it, but to train he must solo Clair first.
In short:
-Red the red Gyarados
-go out first in every battle in Rocket HQ, using only Thrash and must switch out when he gets confused
-Solo Ariana alongside Lance's Dragonite, and solo Petrel
-Solo Clair
-Solo Lance's strongest Dragonite

Good luck with these!
Hi everyone

I would like to do a Scramble on Soul Silver. There are some things I want to have included:

- It should be a monotype team. The only restrictions are that one Pokemon of that type must be catchable before the first gym and at least 4 Pokemon must be obtainable before the Elite 4.
- I can't trade to get Pokemon from other games or evolve

I will take the first team of submitted Pokemon that belong to the same type. So if you want to make a suggestion, it would be better to check what type earlier challanges propose, then your chances of being chosen are better.
Thanks in advance.


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is a Community Contributor
PikaSai, take a zubat and call it sucks.
Sucks sucks, in both ways to take it, however it grows attached to each of its sucking techniques. This means that the first HP draining move you use on Zubat it must keep forever, and it may never use any other HP draining attacks besides that attack. This means you may want to do some some switch training at the start of Sucks's life until it gets another good attack.
Now sucks knows that it is feeble, and as such needs empowerment before it can evolve. Solo a gym leader with sucks and it can be a golbat ASAP, but it has to evolve the first level after the solo as empowerment only lasts so long.
Oh, and it believes sol'ing Bugsy is too hard since suck sucks at the type chart, so you can't solo him.

As a Golbat, you must rename it rulez.
Rulez thinks it rulez, it is cocky and loves itself. As such, it must know attract ASAp and never forget it, as it is so in love with itself. Furthermore, it believes that since it rulez so bad it can't evolve. Anyway, as a Golbat, it has that scary Red sprite, so it must know some kind of scary move, these are any ghost attacks, or something like scary face. Also anything with a flinch chance. Anyway, (x2!) the hP draining move from as a zubat still stands, as well as he must solo another gym leader, as he rulez so bad.
Chapter 6 of White 2 is officially up! I take on the PWT, board the Plasma Frigate for the first time, and develop two new team members!
Oh, you actually used a master ball on mah piranha. :) Nice update (albeit a bit long, I don't have time :pirate:, so I skim through them instead.) Keep going.
@PikaSai I have two choices for you...mono-Flying or mono-Poison. And I feel like mono-Poison is a little overdone, so...

Take Angry Bird the Natu! This Natu is really angry that everyone thinks it's so weak! It may onle ever use STAB moves! It must solo every pokemon with a SE STAB on it (Dark, Ghost, Ice, Electric, and Rock)! It must solo a gym leader to evolve! It must solo 1 E4 member! GL;HF!
Chapter 10 of my Pokemon Blue Scramble is up! The entirety of Celadon City is covered this time. A Pokemon evolves as well! I've got the rest of the game planned out in chapters, and it'll be done in 20 chapters, so this is the official halfway point!

Chapter 10: Celadon City
Ttar asked a woman in the Pokemon Center about other things to do in Celadon City. She mentioned two places to see: the Celadon Gym and the Rocket Game Corner. Ttar decided that the Gym would be the best place to start.

The Gym was located in the southwest corner of the city. As soon as he approached, however, enviro forcibly came out of it's PokeBall. It appeared to be shaking it's head, as if it didn't want to battle in the Gym. Ttar was annoyed, but he returned to the Pokemon Center and dropped enviro off. He then continued on to the Gym. There was an old man outside, who appeared to be peeking in the windows. He didn't say anything, and Ttar walked past him into the Gym.

The Gym was full of trees and flowers. There also only appeared to be female trainers in the Gym. It was obvious that the Gym was for Grass-types. This would be perfect training for Torture! He sent Torture out, and proceeded to challange the girls. They all put up a good fight, but Ttar overwhelmed them with Torture's type advantage.

Ttar found himself before the Gym Leader soon. She was a woman dressed in a kimono. She also appeared to be asleep. Ttar wasn't sure whether he should disturb her or not, but he decided to give her a tap on the shoulder. She woke with a start, and stared up at Ttar.

"Hello," she said softly. "Lovely weather, isn't it?"

Ttar wasn't sure why a Gym Leader was making small talk. He explained to her that he was there for a Gym Battle.

"Oh dear, I'm sorry," she said. "My name is Erika, and I'm the Celadon Gym Leader. I teach the art of flower arranging, and I use Grass-type Pokemon. You may challenge me, but I shall not lose."

On that note, she pulled a PokeBall from her dress and held it out. In a flash of light, a Pokemon appeared. It looked like a much larger version of Weepinbell, so naturally, Ttar assumed it to be the evolved form. Ttar wanted Torture to get more training in, but wasn't feeling confident, so he sent out Angry Nerd to start the battle.

"Angry Nerd, use Fly!" Ttar said. Angry Nerd flew high into the air, out of the opponent's reach.

"Victreebel, wait for it," Erika said calmly. Victreebel stood strong, waiting for the hit. Angry Nerd charged downwards at the Pokemon, and hit it with all it's might! The Victreebel collapsed and fainted in just one hit! Ttar pumped his fist, as Erika called her Pokemon back. She sent out her next Pokemon, which appeared to be just a mess of vines with shoes and potruding eyes. This Pokemon looked much weaker, weak enough for Torture to take on. He called back Angry Bird and sent out the little fox.

"Torture, use Ember!" Ttar called. Torture shot a burst of flames, but the Pokemon brushed them off.

"Tangela, use Constrict!" Erika commanded softly. The Tangela extended it's vines, wrapped them around Torture, and squeezed. It hardly did any damage, though. Ttar ordered another Ember, and Erika ordered another Constrict. A third Ember was enough to faint the Tangela, and Torture leveled up! She was looking stronger than ever, and Ttar wanted her to continue battling.

Erika called out her final Pokemon. This was one Ttar knew, from when he was a kid. He had been digging in his mother's garden, when a large flower sprayed him with spores. It turned out to have been a Vileplume, hitting him with Poisonpowder. Ttar shrugged off his bad memories, and told Torture to get ready!

Erika immediately commanded Vileplume to go for Petal Dance, and it swirled around. It then charged Torture, and did considerable damage, but Torture was still ok to battle. At Ttar's command, she launched Ember, which did considerable damage. The following turn was a repeat of the last, but now, Torture seemed weak. Ttar called her over, and sprayed her with a Super Potion. As if it were magic, Torture seemed to be full of energy again!

The Vileplume hit with Petal Dance again, but since this was the third turn, it became confused! Torture hit it with another Ember. The next turn, the Vileplume hit itself in confusion! Torture fired one last Ember, and the Vileplume's petals wilted. Vileplume had fainted, and Ttar had won the battle!

"Oh!" Erika said, looking very shocked. "I concede defeat. You are remarkably strong. I must confer to you the RainbowBadge, as proof of your victory."

She handed Ttar a badge resembling a large, multi-colored flower. Ttar thanked her, and took the TM she offered him. He then bid her farewell, and left the Gym.

Back at the Pokemon Center, enviro seemed happy to rejoin Ttar's party. Ttar healed his Pokemon, and then set off for the last location he had to visit in Celadon City: the Rocket Game Corner.

Ttar didn't have a Coin Case, so he couldn't play any of the slot machines. He enjoyed watching other people win, though. The look on their faces when all three reels matched was priceless. However, one thing started to bug him. Near the back, there was a man dressed in all black, fidgeting with a poster. Ttar decided to approach him.

"I'm guarding this poster!" the man said as Ttar approached. Ttar gave him a puzzled look. He couldn't imagine why someone would want to guard a poster. Then Ttar noticed the man's shirt. It had the all-too-familiar red R on it. Ttar pulled out a PokeBall, ready for the inevitable conflict. The man sneered.

"What, you want some of this, kid?" he said. "Well, come on, then!"

The Rocket sent out a Raticate. Ttar sent out Arceustar, who hadn't got to participate in the last gym due to his type disadvantage. He ordered it to use Bubblebeam, which only took two shots to KO the Raticate. The Rocket then sent out a Zubat, but it was unable to take down Arceustar before succumbing to Bubblebeams.

"Dang, I lost!" the Rocket said, "Forget this!" He ran off behind a set of shelves. Ttar chased him, but when he got to the other side of the shelves, the Rocket was gone! Ttar was confused, but he turned his attention to the poster that was being guarded. There was nothing remarkable about it. Ttar felt it, and discovered that there was a button behind it! He pressed the button, and he heard something click. Behind the shelves, a set of stairs had appeared, leading down. Ttar was about to walk down them, when Arceustar started tugging at his leg. Arceustar shook his head, saying he refused to go in. Ttar was starting to think that his Pokemon were becoming spoiled. He pressed the button to close the stairs, and dropped Arceustar off at the Pokemon Center. He then returned, ready to see what Team Rocket was hiding.

Ttar found himself in a basement. There was a very oppresive atmosphere. He explored this floor, and found two Rocket Grunts! Neither of them could stand up to him, but they did stall him for time. He went down another flight of stairs he came across. On the next floor down, he found a section of the floor with with strange tiles. He stepped on one, and he suddenly went spinning. He was pushed along the floor until he hit a bumper. Ttar was dizzy, but he figured he was on the right track. Something like this would discourage intruders.

He continued with the spinning puzzle, and after a few tries, found himself at the end. He went up a flight of stairs, but there was nothing important up there. It had been a trick! Ttar had to fight a couple more Rocket Grunts, but they were easily defeated. He returned to his starting point, and took the stairs down to the third basement this time. Ttar found more Grunts to battle in the third basement. He let Creeper take on one of them using a Machop. Creeper leveled up from this, and after the battle, he began glowing! He took on a more humanlike figure, and his nose shortened. He also gained a yo-yo from nowhere. Creeper evolved into Hypno!

Ttar found a bunch of useful items on the ground, including a TM10, Double-Edge, which he taught to Angry Nerd. He came across another spinning puzzle. At the end of this one, he found a downwards staircase. In the fourth basement, he came across an especially shifty-looking Rocket Grunt. He looked like he had something to hide, so Ttar approached him. The Rocket challenged him, but lost, just like all the rest. When defeated, a key slipped out of his hand. Before he could recover it, Ttar snatched it up and ran off.

This key would activate an elevator. Ttar had seen an elevator after he finished the first spinning puzzle. He groaned in dread, but he had to do the puzzle again. He finished the puzzle, close to puking, and boarded the elevator. He figured that he would go to the bottom floor again, the fourth basement. As he got off the elevator, he saw a large door being guarded by two grunts. This had to be the place. The boss' office. Ttar was ready to put an end to Team Rocket.

Ttar beat the two Rocket Grunts with no problem, and then opened the door. Sitting at a large desk was a man with short hair and a black business suit. The man smiled the most sinister smile Ttar had ever seen.

"Just a kid," the man said. "Just a kid that's been ruining Team Rocket's heists. You've cost me a lot of money, you know. And you're going to pay for it. I, Giovanni, will put an end to you!"

Giovanni threw out a PokeBall. An Onix appeared from it. Unimpressed, Ttar sent out enviro. Ttar had enviro use Vine Whip, after the Onix used Rage. All it took was one hit, and the rock snake had fallen. Giovanni sent out a Rhyhorn next, but again, a Vine Whip was enough to take it out. Giovanni was starting to lose his cool. He sent out what he said was his last Pokemon, a Kangaskhan. The huge Pokemon was quite intimidating, but Ttar was confident that he could win. He called enviro back, and sent out Angry Nerd. Now that Angry Nerd had some powerful attacks, he should be able to take out the Kangaskhan.

Ttar ordered a Double-Edge. It did a good chunk of damage, and the recoil it caused wasn't too bad. The Kangaskhan used Rage, which did little damage. Another Double-Edge brought the Kangaskhan close to fainting, but thanks to Rage, it got an attack boost when hit! The next Rage almost took Angry Nerd out! It barely survived, and launched one last Double-Edge. This was enough to take out the Kangaskhan, who fell with a huge thud.

"I seriously can't believe this kid beat me," Giovanni said. "But no worries. I no longer need this hideout. I've got bigger plans. And you won't stop me! I hope we meet again. I can't wait to wipe that smug look off of your face!"

With that, Giovanni took off. In his haste, however, he dropped something. It appeared to be a set of binoculars. They said 'Silph Scope' on them. Ttar had heard of that before. Supposedly, the Silph Scope could let you see invisible things! Ttar put them in his bag, and left the hideout.

He arrived back at the Pokemon Center. Arceustar greeted him happily. After his adventures today, Ttar decided to call it a night. He would go after Giovanni tomorrow. He had to. Team Rocket would be stopped!

Current Team:

Arceustar the Squirtle
Level 27
-Tail Whip
-Ice Beam
-Mega Punch

Doomed the Nidoqueen
Level 28
-Body Slam
-Rock Slide
-Water Gun

Angry Nerd the Fearow
Level 28
-Mirror Move
-Double Team
[Special Attackers solo'd: 10/10]

enviro the Weepinbell
Level 29
-Vine Whip
-Sleep Powder
-Stun Spore

Creeper the Hypno
Level 28
[Children solo'd: 10/10)

Torture the Vulpix
Level 29
-Tail Whip
-Quick Attack
-Confuse Ray
Damn, it's been a super long time since I've been on again. ._. I really need to start writing my HG Scramble again, and I've got a few good ideas for it~ No spoilers for y'all, mwahaha. :P

If I remember correctly, I think I still need one more Pokémon for my B2 Scramble, but it's been so long since I've even opened it that I can't remember for sure. -_-
It's been a long time, stall! Could you find a link to your Black 2 scramble?

Pikasai, take Yossarian the Pidgey for your SoulSilver run. Yossarian isn't fighting for you because he wants to, he's fighting for you because of Catch-22. You have to drag him kicking and screaming to every battle. As such, he will never fight any opponent who is higher level then him or has a type advantage against him.

Catch-22 is making it impossible for Yossarian to leave your party, no matter how hard he tries. He must solo twenty trainer battles to evolve into Pidgeotto, then an additional 5 trainer battles for each new move you wish to teach him. Once you reach 40 total trainer soloes, you may forgo teaching Yossarian a new move at any time to evolve him into Pidgeot.

(The same challenge SS gave Mystic!)
@Pikasai, for your SS Flying challenge, I give you... Impaler the Skarmory!

Impaler used to belong to the lead singer of the Kanto based Death Metal band, ThunderPunch. He wanted to be just like his owner, but no matter how hard he tried, his voice remained quiet and unimpressive.
One day, he flew off in secret to better his cries, but when he returned, unbeknownst to him, his owner had been drafted into the army. Believing he'd been abandoned, he flew off to start a new life in Johto, in the hopes that one day, he'll be worthy of his old master's respect...


- Since he needs to work on his voice, he will refuse to fight until he learns Metal Sound. And after that, it must be his first move every time he comes out. Also, he believes Sugar is bad for the throat, so he won't accept any Berries or Rare Candies.

- As a sign of respect to Metal, he will not battle any Rock, Steel, or Poison types. And no Guitarist trainers.

- He must always know one Steel attack, and one attack involving either slashing or stabbing (true to his name)

- He must finish off every pokémon he battles with said slashing attack (Crits from other moves are excusable)

- If he faints (Totally not Metal!), he must solo the very next trainer battle he can to make up for it.

- To prove himself as a badass, he will demand to solo any 1 of the Elite 4/Champion during the first run, (Apparently Will is the only one that doesn't break the above rules), and any 2 during the second.

- As revenge for his "abandonment," he must solo his former owner, Surge. Including Magneton, the replacement band mascot.

- Finally, he hates mainstream music, so he will never set foot in either Radio Tower.

(Also, I know I keep saying "he," but Skarmory are rare, and he's only Male in my head, so he can be Female)

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