Beedrill: Bug/Poison/Flying
Justification: Bees can fly.
I would think it more important that
Beedrill can fly. Though it can't Fly, but there's plenty of Flying types that can't Fly. Point being, don't we care more about the Pokemon's traits?
Riachu: Electric/Fairy
Base Stats: 70/100/65/100/90/120
New Moves: Play Rough, Dazzling Gleam
Justification: Fairy egg group.
"Raichu" is misspelled. Don't really agree with making all the Electric rodents even
more alike, either, but whatever.
Golduck: Water/Psychic
Base Stats: 90/92/88/105/90/95
Justification: Learns many Psychic type moves via level.
Having Psychic powers isn't the same thing as being a Psychic type... and in fact the series has, at various points, claimed that all humans have Psychic
potential within them, even though most people don't manifest such. In general, having substantial access to a move type doesn't necessarily qualify a Pokemon as being of that type -there usually has to be something about the
Pokemon itself that fits to the typing.
Primeape: Fighting/Normal
Base Stats: 75/115/70/70/80/105
Scrappy Replaces Vital Spirit
Justification: Most mamilian Pokemon are Normal types.
It's "mammalian".
Most mammal Normal types are Normal types because they're just sort of generically a real animal, but as a Pokemon, rather than being a fire-breathing cow or something. Primeape is quite clearly pulling from associations between monkeys and martial arts, giving it something more distinctive than "just a monkey".
Arcanine: Fire/Normal
Justification: Extreme Speed used to be it's signiture move, and it is Normal type.
It's "signature". But what about Arcanine itself suggests Normal type? Various pokedex entries ascribe it an almost mythical characteristic -basically the opposite of ordinary everyday boring Normal type.
Muk: Poison/Water
Base Stats: 115/115/85/75/110/60
New Moves: Waterfall, Aqua Jet
Justification: Liquid ooze based on Water pollution.
I never noticed any water pollution inspiration to it, unless you're inexplicably using the anime episode in which Grimer clog a power plant and are in water as the basis, which seems a stretch. And Vaporeon is the only Water type off the top of my head that is "made of water", vs the million and one Water types that
live in water and/or use it as an offensive tool -oh and Vaporeon lives in the water and uses it as an offensive tool too.
Gengar: Ghost/Poison/Dark
Justification: (Suggested by Yazma)
It's a ghost that hides in your shadow and evolves from living toxic gas. I... don't see why Dark is justified, unless the goal here is to make Gengar
even better than it already is.
Blissy: Normal/Fairy
Justification: Fairy Egg Group.
It's "Blissey", and why do people want to remove the ability to smash it with Close Combat and similar and require super effective damage be restricted to 80-90 BP moves and the occasional Gunk Shot? And there's plenty of Fairies not in the Fairy egg group, not to mention several Fairy egg group Pokemon I wouldn't expect to be a Fairy type... this is a weak justification for making an already great Pokemon absurd.
Scizor*: Bug/Flying/Steel
Jusification: Keeps Flying type from Syther.
Oh god the misspellings.
Scizor's Pokedex entries are
explicit that it's wings serve the purpose of
keeping it cool. They are
not functional as flight devices. It makes
perfect sense that Scizor is no longer Flying type, because
it can no longer fly.
Pinsir: Bug/Fighting
Justification: Learns many fighting type moves via level. (suggested by Jaguar360)
So now it's no longer doubly weak to Stealth Rock, can mash basically anything with a STAB neutrally-or-better effectively 120+ BP move (Aerilated Return/Frustration and Close Combat), and we again come back to the point that a Pokemon's learnlist is not the best place to look for ideas of what type a Pokemon
should be.
To be entirely fair, Pinsir is a Bug that looks to seek out duels and stuff, I
can see the Fighting typing as being logical, but
ohmygod would Mega Pinsir be a monster and the presented justification is ugh.
Gyarados: Water/Flying/Dragon
Justification: Based on a Dragon. Mega retains Dragon type.
Wrong! Gyarados is based on
kites of carp that are part of a traditional festival, which itself comes back to a story about a carp becoming a dragon by climbing a waterfall -but Gyarados is based
on the kites of carp.
This is why it is part Flying type and yet lacks most Flying type considerations -it's a kite, they can fly sort of, but not in the way of a bird. (Think of its access to Bounce but not Fly)
(I only recently learned this myself, and was just mystified for years about what was up with Gyarados...)
Lapris: Water/Ice/Dragon
New Moves: Outrage, Draco Meteor
Justification: Based on Loch Ness Monster.
It already gets Outrage, albeit only as a tutor move in Gen V thus far. It's also an extremely gentle Pokemon and partly based on ferries,
and it's an Ice type for
some reason. (I guess because Loch Ness is a misty, cold lake?) If it made sense to be a Dragon type it probably would've been that in Gen I instead of Ice typed, in all honesty.
And it's Lapras.
Porygon-Z: Normal/Electric
Justification: Computer program.
That's like saying a wood carving should be Steel typed because you used a metal knife.
Kabutops: Water/Rock/Bug
No justification provided, and if it's because Kabutops is an arthropod, I got news for you: so's Crawdaunt, Kingler, and basically anything else with a shell. Bugs are arthropods but arthropods are not necessarily bugs.
Dragonite: Dragon/Flying/Water
New Moves: Hydro Pump (Level), Scald
Justification: Water 1 Egg Group.
My only criticism is I feel it's more relevant that pokedex entries describe
undersea colonies of Dratini, and you
fish up Dratini to catch it back in Gen I. I actually agree with the typing -I can believe that if Pokemon had three types in the first place that Game Freak would've gone Dragon/Water Dragon/Water Dragon/Water/Flying for the line.
Mew: Psychic/Fairy
New Moves: Moonblast, Play Rough
Justification: Pixie
fan terminology is like the worst justification i can imagine for anything
And wouldn't that imply that its
enhanced clone Mewtwo must be a Psychic/Fairy?
Noctowl: Normal/Flying/Psychic
Base Stats: 110/60/60/86/106/80
New Moves: Calm Mind
Justification: Learns many Psychic moves via level.
It already gets Calm Mind by TM, and in all honesty if it were going to be Psychic at all I'd expect it to be in place of the Normal typing, not in addition...
Togekiss: Normal/Fairy/Flying
Justification: Keeps normal type from Togepi.
Amphoros: Electric/Dragon
New Moves: Draco Meteor
Justification: Mega is Dragon.
oros? It's Ampharos.
By the way, the Japanese name is a pun that explains the Mega's Dragon typing -part the name, read aloud, can be read either both as a kanji meaning "electric current" or as a different kanji meaning "electric dragon". So fair enough.
Azumaril: Normal/Water/Fairy
Justification: Keeps normal type from Azuril.
There's two "L"s in Azurill and Azumarill. And how on earth does keeping the single most common type to outright replace -including that Eeveelutions who
don't have to replace the Normal type all do so- make any sense? Why are we giving Azumarill Return/Frustration STAB??
Jumpluff: Grass/Flying/Fairy
Base Stats: 85/65/80/65/80/120
Justification: Fairy Egg Group.
Mismagius: Ghost/Fairy
New Moves: Moonblast
Justification: Mystical
As cool as Ghost/Fairy Mismagius is, the whole "is a witch that evolves from a banshee" thing doesn't seem to mesh with the Fairy vibe.
Dunsparce: Normal/Ground/Fairy
Base Stats:
New Moves: Play Rough, Earth Power.
Justification: Ground because dig, Fairy because appearince. (Suggested by Jaguar360)
It's based on the Tsuchinoko, a mythical snake that can burrow backwards with its spade-like tail and is fat. So fair enough on the Fairy typing (Though really I'd have expected Game Freak to do that itself if they felt it fit) but the Ground typing seems a bit of a stretch to me for the same basic reason as the Fairy issue, but more so. Wouldn't it have just been straight Ground in the first place if the burrowing was that defining?
And why is "Base Stats" being stated but no stats specified?
Gliscor: Ground/Flying/Bug
Justification: Bug Egg Group. (Suggested by Yazma)
It's a flying scorpion, actually, which is a much more pressing reason to justify the Bug typing. I don't necessarily
agree mind, but there's better justification available is my point.
Granbull: Normal/Fighting/Fairy
Base Stats: 100/130/85/70/70/55
New Moves: Drain Punch
Justification: Bulldogs where used in Fighting, Granbull can learn many fighting moves.
Actually, they're called
bulldogs because they were a specially bred breed made for the express purpose of getting them to attach to a bull's face and hold there as long as possible. As part of inane arena bet stuff. That's why they're so stubborn about holding on, not to mention why they have such bizarre faces.
Why is it being given back its Normal typing without explanation or commentary?
Celibi: Grass/Psychic/Fairy
Justification: Pixie
fan terms are still bad justification for anything
And it's Celebi.
Blaziken: Fire/Fighting/Flying
Reckless Replaces Speed Boost.
Justification: Chicken.
Since when do chickens fly? And before anyone points out Dodrio, keep in mind Dodrio can be taught Fly -Blaziken
cannot. Flying is
not the
Bird type for a reason.
Masquerain: Bug/Water/Flying
Base Stats: 80/70/72/90/92/70
New Moves: Surf, Hurricane
Justification: Keeps Water type from Sirskit.
Water skater metamorphoses into a flying bug that no longer skates on water.
Is still Water type.
Learns Surf, allowing it to ferry Trainers across the ocean on its back, even though it doesn't learn Fly because it couldn't possibly carry a Trainer on its back.
Breloom: Grass/Fairy/Fighting
New Moves: Play Rough
Justification: Fairy Egg Group.
gods no. Egg group says
something about a Pokemon, but typing is
not that thing.
Ninjask: Bug/Ground/Flying
Base Stats: 71/100/55/60/60/170
New Moves: Earthquake
Justification: Keeps Ground type from Nincada.
Shedinja: Bug/Ground/Ghost
New Moves: Earthquake
Justification: Keeps Ground type from Nincada
Does nobody realize Nincada is a Ground type because it
lives underground, which neither Ninjask nor Shedinja do? And why on
earth would either of them gain Earthquake, which is generally given to Pokemon that either have a mastery of ground or are so immensely strong (or perhaps heavy) they can just slam the ground to shake it, which is
well beyond Ninjask and Shedinja's ability.
Not even getting into how competitively useless it would be for them.
Probopass: Rock/Electric/Steel
Levitate replaces Sand Force.
Justification: Magnetic.
Fair enough on Levitate, but if magnetism as a theme was enough to justify the Electric typing, wouldn't have Nosepass been Rock/Electric from the beginning?
Sableye: Ghost/Dark/Rock
New Moves: Stealth Rock, Rock Slide, Stone Edge, Rock Polish
Justification: Parts of its body are turning into rock.
No, it is
not turning into rock. It has precious gems for some body parts, including its eyes, which is not remotely the same thing. Nor are the gems in question likely to be sufficient armor as to justify a Rock typing...
Mawile*: Steel/Fairy/Dark
Justification: Brutal and Deceptive.
If Dark made sense it would've gotten it in Gen III. And you want to take a Pokemon with virtually perfect coverage that got banned from OU recently
in spite of having a one-dimensional moveset and give it STAB on Sucker Punch?
Volbeat: Bug/Electric/Fairy
Base Stats:
New Moves: Moonblast
Illumise: Bug/Electric/Fairy
Base Stats:
New Moves: Moonblast
Justification: (Suggested by The Pizza Man and SimsSims2800)
Again, "Base Stats" is stated but no stats are provided. And why are very dapper fireflies part Fairy? And why are very dapper fireflies part Electric?
Flygon: Ground/Bug/Dragon
Justification: Bug Egg Group.
Again, a more relevant point is that the entire line is
based on real bugs, specifically antlions and the dragonfly-esque creatures they metamorphose into.
Milotic: Water/Dragon/Fairy
New Moves: Outrage, Draco Meteor, Dazzling Gleam, Moonblast (egg from Altaria)
Justification: Dragon because Dragon Egg Group, Fairy because of its beauty.
Wait, Fairy=beauty? Since when? And why is a
sea serpent that is pure Water normally being made part-Dragon?
Banette*: Ghost/Normal/Dark
Base Stats: 74/115/75/93/73/75
Mega Stats: 74/165/85/103/93/85
Movepool: +Play Rough
Justification: Ghost possessing a normal doll, that seeks vengeance against children.
I can sort of see the Normal typing, but the Dark typing is fairly arbitrary (And note that G
rudge is a Ghost move, not a Dark move -the games themselves place "holds a grudge" as a Ghost concept, not a Dark concept, which makes sense given the things that are normally attributed to preventing Ghosts from moving on) and why on earth does it gain Play Rough?
Absol: Dark/Psychic
Justification: Can see the future, and learns many Psychic moves via level.
It foresees disaster, that's not necessarily the same thing as "seeing the future". It's also got this yin-yang thing going on, and is trying to do right by people, and so on. Wouldn't Dark/Fairy make more sense with all that? (It even gets Play Rough naturally)
Absol-M: Dark/Psychic/Fairy
Justification: "Angelic" design (suggested by Peef Rimgar)
... how so? And what does angelicism have to do with the Fairy type?
Glalie: Ice/Rock/Fairy
Solid Rock Replaces Ice Body
Justification: Rock because it has a rock core, Fairy because Fairy Egg Group.
I appreciate the Rock typing flavor-wise (It's always baffled me that it isn't Ice/Rock as is) but, again, the egg group makes no sense as a justification (This is a
demon-faced thing that wants to be left alone)
and this makes it
incredibly crappy competitively, more so than it already is -Bullet Punch, die.
And how does Solid Rock make more sense than Ice Body? It's not like it's going to be more useful competitively, if that's the thought.
Frosslas: Ice/Ghost/Fairy
Justification: Fairy Egg Group.
a fairy dies every time somebody uses this logic
Luvdisc: Water/Fairy
Justification: Heart shaped.
What does
that have to do with anything?
Deoxys (all forms): Psychic/Poison
New Moves: Sludge Wave
Justification: Mutated Virus.
There has never been a single instance anywhere in the Pokemon canon of equating the Poison type to virii.
Jirachi: Steel/Psychic/Fairy
New Moves: Moonblast
Justification: It's a pixie.
fan terms are still dumb reasons to do things
Empoleon: Water/Steel/Flying
New Moves: Brave Bird, Roost
Justification: It's a bird.
Yeah, a bird
that doesn't fly. It's not the Bird type. It's the Flying type. Are we going to start removing the Flying type from Gliscor, Dragonite, the
sky Pokemon Rayquaza, and every other Flying type that isn't a bird?
Staraptor: Normal/Flying/Fighting
Justification: "Savage" bird that "courageously challenges" foes much larger than it.
This sounds to me like a really weak attempt to justify giving it Close Combat STAB.
Shouldn't it be
dark if we're going to focus on how it's a savage bird and all?
Luxray: Electric/Dark
Justification: Looks like a Dark type.
dark coloration does not a Dark type make
Anybody else notice that Absol is visually dominated by white, because its fur is white? You can't even tell me it's about the name of the Dark type -the original Japanese gets translated as the "evil" type- because the English version is just being kid-friendly by American standards in its choice of terminology.
Lucario: Fighting/Steel/Psychic
Justification: Psychic abilities.
The whole "aura manipulation" thing isn't Psychic. Even its telepathy isn't described as a psychic power. The aura manipulation thing is DBZ-esque "high level martial artists can literally kill people with willpower".
Rotom-Normal: Ghost/Electric/Normal
Rotom forms: Ghost/Electric/[type]
Justification: Rotom-N is Ghost type.
It loses its Ghost typing and keeps its Electric typing because it retains its electric nature but cannot phase the things it has possessed, where phasing into them is how it possesses them in the first place. This change is not actually logical or consistent.
And Rotom uses Formes.
Uxie: Psychic/Fairy
Mesprit: Psychic/Fairy
Azelf: Psychic/Fairy
Justification: The Lake Trio are all based on Fairies
They're based on the imperial regalia of Japan.
And "you, me, us".
And OK yeah their names (Even in Japanese) are in part from fantasy critters.
But they're
not based on fairies.
Given the Japanese (And Chinese, for that matter, and European, and...) Dragon=imperial equivalency I'd sooner add Dragon type to them. (Thus making them all further Latis, which is painful)
Manaphy: Water/Fairy
Justification: Pixie
Shaymin-Land: Grass/Fairy
Shaymin-Sky: Grass/Fairy/Flying
Natural Cure Replaces Serene Grace
Victini: Fire/Psychic/Fairy
New Moves: Play Rough
Justification: Pixie
fan-term bad
And no justification is even listed for Shaymin anyway. Buh?
Serpeiror: Grass/Dragon/Dark
New Moves: Outrage, Dragon Rush, Draco Meteor, Dark Pulse
Contrary is now released
Justification: (Suggested by Jaguar360)
I get where Dragon is coming from and can actually agree with it, but why Dark??
Emboar: Fire/Ground/Fighting
Thick Fat Replaces Reckless. Thick Fat is now Released.
Justification: Pigs are dirty creatures.
Pigs are exceptionally clean creatures that A: bath in dust (or mud) when water is unavailable, to regulate their temperature either way (They can't sweat) and B: are forbidden by Jewish creed to eat as "unclean" food. No.
Nor does being dirty in any way explain the Ground typing, nor is Em
boar even based on
pigs per se (TUSKS), and in fact it's probably in part influenced by Ganon's design, not to mention it's pulling from the Chinese tale "Journey to the West" for it's man-pig-ness....
Samurott: Water/Fighting
New Moves: Sacred Sword, Close Combat, Aura Sphere, Focus Blast
Justification: Based on Samurai
This makes my brain hurt.
I will give whoever came up with this that Sacred Sword's original users all use horns, and that Keldeo's horn is basically identical to Samurott's horn.
Lilligant: Grass/Fairy
New Moves: Moonblast
Justification: Looks like a Fairy
Imma say it looks like a dragon and say we dragon type it without explanation.
Scrafty: Dark/Fighting/Dragon
New Moves: Draco Meteor
Justification: Dragon Egg Group
why are we making the punk lizard into a dragon
Alomomola: Water/Fairy
New Moves: Play Rough
Justification: Heart shaped.
Still not seeing any relevancy whatsoever.
Klinklang: Steel/Electric
Levitate replaces Clear Body
Justification: Magnetically levitates.
If magnetism -oh wait, I already covered this with Probopass.
Eelektross: Electric/Poison/Water
Base Stats: 95/125/90/115/90/60
New Moves: Gunk Shot, Waterfall, Aqua Jet, Hydro Pump, Surf, Scald
Justification: Based on Lampray
The heck does being based on a Lamprey (It's spelled with an E by the way) have to do with justifying a Poison typing. And why would anyone anywhere want to annihilate Eelektross'
entire gimmick by making it not a pure Electric levitator?
Bravary: Normal/Flying/Fighting
New Moves: High Jump Kick
None provided, makes no sense. How the heck does a bird of that construction perform a flying kick, one leg outstretched to smack into the target with great force? Why doesn't this break every bone in its body on impact, other than Pokephysics? What, is this some meta-commentary about how Americans are reckless and combative??
Heatmor: Fire/Steel
New Moves: Iron Head, Flash Cannon
No justification provided, doesn't really make sense. It has some metal collars, so it's Steel typed? Does Granbull become Steel typed when I take it for a walk in a metal collar? Does any Pokemon holding an Iron Ball become Steel type??
Hydregion: Dark/Dragon/Flying
Sheer Force Replaces Levitate
New Moves: Air Slash, Hurricane
Justification: Levitate was a stand in for Flying subtype.
what why
Volcarona: Bug/Fire/Flying
Justification: Moths can fly.
I agree this makes general sense but oh god OHKOed by Stealth Rock.
Genesect: Bug/Steel/[Drive]
Ability when not holding Drive: Mega Launcher
Ability when holding Drive: Download
New Moves: Water Pulse
Justification: Genesect's signature items are based on types, so lets let them change its type.
I can sort of see Mega Launcher, but why does putting a different Drive into it change its typing? If I put a DVD about the ocean into a DVD player does the DVD player turn into water?
Meloetta-A: Normal/Psychic/Fairy
New Moves: Play Rough, Moonblast, Lunar Dance
Meloetta-P: Normal/Fighting/Fairy
New Moves: Play Rough, Moonblast, Lunar Dance
Justification: Mr. Mime and Gardevior are Fairy, so if it works for them...
The heck does a mime and a creepy otherworldly ballroom dancer have to do with a living musical note that sings and dances. And why on earth does it get Lunar Dance? You have to manually teach Meloetta a song to remind it of how to dance!
Talonflame: Normal/Flying/Fire
Justification: Keeps normal type from Fletchling
this makes no more sense than it did for Azumarill
Vivillon: Bug/Flying/Fairy
New Moves: Dazzling Gleam
Justification: Very happy, friendly.
There are
so many Pokemon that would be Fairy typed if that's what mattered. Like Koffing.
Florges: Fairy/Grass
Justification: Symbiotic relationship with flowers.
please the entire world stop trying to add the Grass typing to the flower Fairy
Malamar: Dark/Psychic/Water
Base Stats: 91/97/93/73/80/78
New Moves: Surf, Scald, Hydro Pump, Waterfall, Aqua Jet
Justification: Water 1 and Water 2 egg groups.
More relevantly, it's an underwater squid.
But why can it swim up Waterfalls now?
Barbarcle: Water/Rock/Fighting
New Moves: Drain Punch
No justification, which is good, because nothing could justify this.
Aurorus: Rock/Ice/Fairy
New Moves: Moonblast
No justification, makes no sense, makes Aurorus even crappier than ever. If you're going to give Aurorus anything, give it Electric typing
because of its aurora theme and Electric movepool.
Goodra: Dragon/Poison/Fairy
New Moves: Gunk Shot, Play Rough, Dazzling Gleam
Justification: Poison because of its slime, Fairy because of its friendly nature.
It's slime isn't toxic (just gooey -note that it gets Gooey
but not Poison Point or Poison Touch or Liquid Ooze) and being friendly is a ridiculous reason to be Fairy typed for the reason I described with Vivillon.
Gourgeist (all sizes): Ghost/Grass/Fire
Flash Fire replaces Pickup
Attack and Special Attack are Swapped
New Moves: Lava Plume
Justification: Based on Jack-O-Lanterns, and can learn many Fire type moves.
Everything about this mystifies me. Yes, it's based on a Jack-O-Lantern, but if you look you'll notice it doesn't seem to glow with an inner fire in either evolution stage. It's just a creepy ghostly plant. And even with flame powers, why can it spew lava?
Zygarde: Dragon/Ground/Poison
New Moves: Dragon Rush, Gunk Shot.
No justification provided, not even the word justification.
Not all snakes are poisonous.
Lati@s*: Dragon/Psychic/Flying
New Moves: Air Slash
Telepathy replaces Levitate
Why is the psychic jet being given a typing that goes with a Pokemon that flies with actual physics?
Gastrodon: Water/Ground/Poison
Regenerator Replaces Sand Force
Slugs are not poisonous.
Golurk: Ghost/Ground/Fighting
Garbodor: Poison/Steel
Wormadam-T: Bug/Poison/Steel
No justification for any of these. I'm particularly baffled by Garbodor -it's a pile of trash, not a pile of recyclables. Soft trash. Like food. And garbage bags. Though really I don't get Wormadam-Trash Cloak being Poison typed, either. It's using
insulation from buildings, not trash as in garbage cans -there's a reason this is its
indoors form.