Thundurus (Analysis)

I've been seeing a lot of Thundurus' lately and a good few of them have some sort of a SubPlot set.
A priority sub gives them a guaranteed Nasty Plot if they switch on something that can't threaten them much. Then they use Thunderbolt or Hidden Power Ice.
And it is much harder to revenge kill it with a priority move if it has a sub up, too.

It gave me trouble. Maybe it's a solid set worth mentioning, or maybe I just suck. Or both!
I know this is a bit late becuase this is now "done," but I noticed that grass knot is mentions in the Counters and Checks section for quag, but no where else, it should be mention atleast in OO.
Nasty Plot set said:
Hidden Power Ice hits Grass-, Ground-, and Dragon-types that resist Thunderbolt, and with the two moves together, Thundurus achieves almost universal coverage, with the exception of Magnezone, Volt Absorb Lanturn, and Shedinja.
BoltBeam coverage is also resisted by Rotom-F, Rotom-H, Lightningrod Seaking, and Thick Fat Mamoswine. The latter two are rare, but they do exist.
I would think the Rotom formes might deserve a mention, but I completely agree on the other obscure resistors being deleted. Rotom-H especially is the second most common forme behind Rotom-W, and while not "common" at spot 124 in April, it's listed in other analysis and is a good bulky/powerful addition to many teams, Sun especially. Other than Rotom's mutations, though, "Magnezone in OU" is fine.
I know this is marked done, but I think that Thundurus runs a good Torment set.


name: Thundurus of Torment!
move 1: Protect
move 2: Torment
move 3: Thunderbolt
move 4: Hidden Power Ice
item: Life Orb / Leftovers
ability: Prankster
nature: Timid
evs: 4hp/252spa/252spe

This set works well because it's usual "counters" generally have one move against it, such as Swampert using Ice Punch. Thanks to prankster, Thundurus always goes first with Protect. Then it can also go first with Torment, which leaves the opponent helpless. Sweepers such as Excadrill also do not fare well against this Thundurus, since you protect Rock Slide/Stone Edge then torment them leaving them vulnerable. In the last slot you could drop out Hidden Power Ice for Focus Blast, letting you hit Ferrothorn. However one should note that Gliscor is now unable to be disposed of.
this doesnt work because thundurus is wayy to frail and has no immunities to status. it worked with heatran because of his immunity to toxic and burn, as well as his multitude of resists and bulk. thundurus has none of those

also seeing as this is possibly going to be banned soon, i think we should hold off on anymore work of this
Lum Berry should be mentioned as an option on the Nasty Plot set, as many rely on Jirachi's paralysis as a check to Thundurus.

Substitute should receive a mention on the Nasty Plot set; it lets Thundurus set up on Ferrothorn/Thunder Wave Jirachi. I would slash it before Taunt.

I don't think it's appropriate to halt work on this analysis under the assumption that Thundurus is going to be banned soon. First of all, Thundurus did not receive a supermajority last round, so its case isn't as clear-cut as you seem to think it is; second of all, the deadline for this current suspect round is unknown. My response to the post I am addressing is meant to be taken as a clarification, not a criticism, as I understand that the post in question was made awhile ago.