I wouldn't say that Thundurus is done yet. The Two tags addressed in the recent analysis change (Optional Changes and Counters) have to be renamed to Other Options and Checks and Counters to each of the respective tags, whereas Team Options has to be removed completely. Only the short changes listed will not affect your GP checks if you make only marginal changes and short sentences.
Also, I'd like to add that there is no lead Tyranitar in the current metagame, and that the "support" set you speak of should be addressed as "Prankster" in some areas. Remove Bulk Up from the Overview as it does not have a set listed for it and is only in the Other Options. Additionally, please add a brief mention of Rain Dance in the Other Options, as Thundurus can forgo Taunt or a scouting move to shut down sandstorm teams in general (lure Tyranitar, beat it with Hammer Arm or Focus Vlast, and set up Rain Dance in front of Excadrill). Additionally, if you aren't running Politoed and want Swift Swimmers, Thundurus does the job perfectly due to Prankster, so add this. Offensive Thundurus and Tornadus with one support move has been a rage in the Suspect thread.