Thundurus (Analysis)

Evolution Stone Trace Porygon2 is a prime example of such a Pokemon. With a 252 HP / 252 SpD EV spread, it can take any of Thundurus's unboosted attacks barring Hammer Arm. More importantly, it can Trace Mischievous Heart and cripple Thundurus with a priority Thunder Wave, or OHKO with Ice Beam.
Just a small nitpick, even with Prankster Porygon 2 is not going to be outspeeding Thundurus, so you can still Taunt or attack him before he T-Waves. It's certainly annoying once you switch to something without Prankster, though.

Also, change Mischievious Heart to Prankster. :P
Don't run 4 HP EVs for your sets. You gain an extra Stealth Rock damage, so it's better off investing the 4 EVs left in SpD (Thundurus enjoys passed Calm Minds).

Changes the sets from 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe to 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe.
Don't run 4 HP EVs for your sets. You gain an extra Stealth Rock damage, so it's better off investing the 4 EVs left in SpD (Thundurus enjoys passed Calm Minds).

Changes the sets from 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe to 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe.

In addition, if you don't invest in HP at all you land at 299 HP, which is one of the fabled Life Orb numbers (ends in a 9), letting you get 11 uses without any other residual damage instead of 10, and reducing turn-by-turn recoil. I would also think that, as inconsequential as it is, it would be better to put those 4 leftover EV's in Defense so you're 1 point more prepared for various Fighting moves and Bullet Punches you're likely to switch in on. It's 1 point, though, so it doesn't matter all that much.
When Focus Blast's accuracy is factored in on such a hit or miss pokemon I agree Taunt can be nice to prevent annoying moves and priority taunt is nice utility!

Instead of just mentioning Quagsire in the Water/Ground counters section, I would add Swampert and Gastrodon because specially bulky Quagsire is the least useful (and outclassed by the physical set IMO) of the three. In particular, Swampert can put pressure on the opponent with a Choice Band set that can 2HKO any pokemon in the game should Thundurus be abusing rain. Gastrodon with Recover is a good defensive option as it can still handle a +2 Focus Blast when it isn't chillin' at full health.
Truth be told, Quagsire is probably the best of the three at handling Thundurus, since it will negate all the SpA boosts with Unaware. It takes all of Thundurus's unboosted attacks well. Only Grass Knot will OHKO Quagsire. Swampert is pretty rare in the metagame, too. I will consider adding Gastrodon, though.

I also made most of the changes which Cherub Agent pointed out, too.
Hey, I know that this is marked as done, but can you please update everything to the English names? For instance, it's not Mischievous Heart anymore, it's Prankster. There are other things you should check for and fix in the analysis like that, too. Thanks.
To the best of my knowledge, I have fixed everything with their English names. I am also working on correcting some small punctuation errors wherever required. There is no cause for worry.
I wouldn't say that Thundurus is done yet. The Two tags addressed in the recent analysis change (Optional Changes and Counters) have to be renamed to Other Options and Checks and Counters to each of the respective tags, whereas Team Options has to be removed completely. Only the short changes listed will not affect your GP checks if you make only marginal changes and short sentences.

Also, I'd like to add that there is no lead Tyranitar in the current metagame, and that the "support" set you speak of should be addressed as "Prankster" in some areas. Remove Bulk Up from the Overview as it does not have a set listed for it and is only in the Other Options. Additionally, please add a brief mention of Rain Dance in the Other Options, as Thundurus can forgo Taunt or a scouting move to shut down sandstorm teams in general (lure Tyranitar, beat it with Hammer Arm or Focus Vlast, and set up Rain Dance in front of Excadrill). Additionally, if you aren't running Politoed and want Swift Swimmers, Thundurus does the job perfectly due to Prankster, so add this. Offensive Thundurus and Tornadus with one support move has been a rage in the Suspect thread.
However, Thundurus is not without its faults. Even though it is fast, it is still outsped by a host of Pokemon.

I don't think having 111 base Speed is a fault. It's currently tied with Landorus and Tornadus for the third fastest Pokemon that actually sees use in the OU metagame, after Deoxys-S (obviously) and Starmie. It's outsped by some Pokemon with Choice Scarf (and Excadrill during sandstorm), yes, but that's not "a host of Pokemon" and it's far from a fault specific to Thundurus. You could say this about literally every Pokemon that sees common usage besides Deoxys-S.
With Drizzle being allowed in OU, you might want to give a mention to Thunder being an option. You mentioned it once, alongside a Rain Dance set in OO...but I think it deserves more of a mention. Just say something like "If you're using a rain team, Thunder makes this pokemon one of the best rain abusers in OU"
Magnezone is a great partner for the guy if the Mag is holding a Balloon on the switch for Excadrill
Uh, no. Rock Slide will pop that Air Balloon with ease, exposing Magnezone to Earthquake.

With Drizzle being allowed in OU, you might want to give a mention to Thunder being an option. You mentioned it once, alongside a Rain Dance set in OO...but I think it deserves more of a mention. Just say something like "If you're using a rain team, Thunder makes this pokemon one of the best rain abusers in OU"
I second this!
With Drizzle being allowed in OU, you might want to give a mention to Thunder being an option. You mentioned it once, alongside a Rain Dance set in OO...but I think it deserves more of a mention. Just say something like "If you're using a rain team, Thunder makes this pokemon one of the best rain abusers in OU"

I also agree with this.
@Parachomp And that is why you give Magnezone magnet rise. It prevents the whole issue with Exca meaning it has to struggle to do anything to you. Not sure if magnet rise is standard but I'd think it would be on any Magnezone made to take on Exca
you have to use the move magnet rise, and since you are slower than dory, he will eq zone b4 he can do anything
Uh, you use magnet rise as he goes for his attacking move. Unless there is lolflinch hax (only 27% taking into account miss chance) involved you'll get your magnet rise up and be able to KO him as he is unable to do any sort of real damage to you.
Uh, you use magnet rise as he goes for his attacking move. Unless there is lolflinch hax (only 27% taking into account miss chance) involved you'll get your magnet rise up and be able to KO him as he is unable to do any sort of real damage to you.

Are you suggestiong Air Balloon Magnezone with Magnet Rise? Seems...kinda wasteful for an item...
Not like magnezone has a much better fourth move (charge beam and flash cannon ugh). It's really meant to be used as a pseudo counter for certain steel pokemon. Metagross (though now they're running hammer arm ugh), Excadrill, and probably a few others.

I'm only speaking from experience of using magnezone itself.
I think the slashes on the NP set should be:
Nasty Plot
Focus Blast
Hidden Power Ice / Grass Knot / Taunt

Being walled by Lati@s (as well as Zapdos and Goruggu) really, really sucks.

replace Hidden Power Ice with Hidden Power Ghost, it has perfect coverage.
Other Options should be condensed. Each option doesn't need its own paragraph. I'd just separate attacking from supporting options if necessary.