Tier Lists (Ubers, OU, UU, RU, NU, LC)

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I'm not sure about this, but I'm a little bit uncertain about having 229 Pokemon in the RU Tier...Will we do something about it soon?

Yeah, NU will be created once everything is settled down. It doesn't matter if these 229 mons are in RU or NU since they'll all be usable in RU anyway...
how is dusknoir RU and dusclops UU? I know about evolite but come on seriously was that a miss type are was that voted their?
I had a feeling Espeon was banned from UU, given its speed and Special Attack, not to mention at least decent Sp D, and of course Magic Bounce Ability. All that's enough to ban Espy from UU for certain. And I understand Dusclops in UU, so Noir should have been UU as well.
how is dusknoir RU and dusclops UU? I know about evolite but come on seriously was that a miss type are was that voted their?
It's because with Eviolite Dusknoir has some of the absolute best defenses in the game.
Point in case with 3 Quiver Dances on Volcarona, a +Def Dusclops (NOT a +SDef) can survive 2 fire attacks or 3 Bug Buzzes with a bit of investment.

Dusknoir can make no such claim, defensively. Also, it's offensive stats are trash.

Dusclops being UU is not a typo and for (hopefully) the last time, your opinion has nothing to do with tiering. It is based on usage and more people use the more effective Dusclops than that piece of garbage Dusknoir.
It's because with Eviolite Dusknoir has some of the absolute best defenses in the game.
Point in case with 3 Quiver Dances on Volcarona, a +Def Dusclops (NOT a +SDef) can survive 2 fire attacks or 3 Bug Buzzes with a bit of investment.

Dusknoir can make no such claim, defensively. Also, it's offensive stats are trash.

Dusclops being UU is not a typo and for (hopefully) the last time, your opinion has nothing to do with tiering. It is based on usage and more people use the more effective Dusclops than that piece of garbage Dusknoir.
If this statement holds true (which it does) then chansey should go OU as dusclops and chansey have the most shallow move pools in the game other then shuckle. Also yes 3 quiver dances volcarona can do all of that and dusclops survive but I personally think that volcarona should go UU due to stealth rock damage. Plus tran and chandulure malse that thing with no HP ground.
If this statement holds true (which it does) then chansey should go OU as dusclops and chansey have the most shallow move pools in the game other then shuckle. Also yes 3 quiver dances volcarona can do all of that and dusclops survive but I personally think that volcarona should go UU due to stealth rock damage. Plus tran and chandulure malse that thing with no HP ground.

Dusknoir was actually considered one of the "elite 4 of suck" back in 4th gen along with Weavile, Electivire, and Ninjask (sometimes Umbreon although it only made OU twice). It actually is much less bulky than Dusclops due to Eviolite, and due to incredibly low HP, Sucknoir's bulk isn't impressive... at all. Rotom-A was a better spinblocker last gen, Jellicent is a better spinblocker this gen. There is no way in hell Dusknoir can justify a spot in OU or even UU for that matter.

Volcorona is absolutely not UU. 85/65/105 defenses are nothing to scoff at. 135 SpA and 100 Spe make it the most powerful special attacking bug in Pokemon. It also has Quiver Dance, Fiery Dance in its arsenal. Quiver Dance makes BUTTERFREE a viable UU threat. With Volcorona's monster base stats, its no wonder its OU. Fiery Dance gives it advantages over every other fire type in the game being able to score a KO and a boost at the same time. Morning Sun and Rest can alleviate the SR problem, or hell, just use some Spin support. Regarding the Heatran/ Chandelure comment, pretty much every OU threat has a hard counter. Thundurus has Quagsire, Excadrill has Gliscor. In fact, Heatran/ Chandelure aren't even hard counters, as HP Ground mess them up badly, and HP Rock messes with others that resist Fire+Bug. The only real counter to Volcorona in existence is Jellicent.
Haha there's no way in hell Volcarona could go UU. It forces switches quite well, and can almost always get 1 QD, and then 2 QD, and then Rest/Moonlight, more QD.. But at +2 Volc can sweep almost anything not majorly resistant. I'd imagine it could sweep most of UU at just +1
And Volcarona would tear shit up so badly in UU. It tears shit up in OU, and Quiver Dance could even make Butterfree a monster, so there's no chance it'll ever end up in UU, and if people demote it to UU, then life's gonna suck for Houndoom and every other Fire-type down there, since no one would ever use them anymore. Its' offensive terror is too much for UU, and I don't think they'll be able to check the fiery moth down there.
So Vulpix is BL, correct?

I am pretty sure it is, since Vulpix was banned from UU because of Drought.

This is not actually true. The banlist for UU is:



Drought was banned, not Vulpix. I believe the reasoning behind this was that (1) it automatically means Drought Ninetales can't be used in UU should Ninetales ever fall to that tier and (2) Drought is clearly broken in UU on whoever has it since Vulpix (a Pokemon with a BST of 299) was broken with it.
This is not actually true. The banlist for UU is:



Drought was banned, not Vulpix. I believe the reasoning behind this was that (1) it automatically means Drought Ninetales can't be used in UU should Ninetales ever fall to that tier and (2) Drought is clearly broken in UU on whoever has it since Vulpix (a Pokemon with a BST of 299) was broken with it.

Ahh, I get it. So basically if Ninetales ever drops into UU, it is completely useless since people only use it for Drought. Vulpix and Ninetales suck without Drought to back it up, even though their designs are pretty cool. Wobbuffet is banned because of its' Shadow Tag ability, Staraptor is a beast with Reckless BB, Espeon has Magic Bounce, and Kyurem has a massive Sp Attk.
This is not actually true. The banlist for UU is:



Drought was banned, not Vulpix. I believe the reasoning behind this was that (1) it automatically means Drought Ninetales can't be used in UU should Ninetales ever fall to that tier and (2) Drought is clearly broken in UU on whoever has it since Vulpix (a Pokemon with a BST of 299) was broken with it.

inb4 drought azurill
This is not actually true. The banlist for UU is:



Drought was banned, not Vulpix. I believe the reasoning behind this was that (1) it automatically means Drought Ninetales can't be used in UU should Ninetales ever fall to that tier and (2) Drought is clearly broken in UU on whoever has it since Vulpix (a Pokemon with a BST of 299) was broken with it.

Vulpix isn't found in any of the tier lists, though...
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