What Event Legendaries are you talking about?
I would imagine: Mew, Celebi, Jirachi, Shaymin, & Victini is what he's talking about
What Event Legendaries are you talking about?
Thanks a lot for the list. I was actually pretty confused about some of the tiers. I knew what was Uber, but beyond that, I wasn't sure.
It's really odd to see Wobbufet outside of Uber. I guess the Encore nerf really did hit it hard. I have yet to fight one myself. I only ever played 4th gen OU, and only after the release of Platinum.
Where does it say that Staraptor is BL officially? Did Round 3 get published somewhere out of my reach?
Where does it say that Staraptor is BL officially? Did Round 3 get published somewhere out of my reach?
round 2 was enough to kick him out.
He had a super majority there, and i think it was overkill since he didn't even need it actually.