Tier Lists (Ubers, OU, UU, RU, NU, LC)

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Thanks a lot for the list. I was actually pretty confused about some of the tiers. I knew what was Uber, but beyond that, I wasn't sure.

It's really odd to see Wobbufet outside of Uber. I guess the Encore nerf really did hit it hard. I have yet to fight one myself. I only ever played 4th gen OU, and only after the release of Platinum.
Thanks a lot for the list. I was actually pretty confused about some of the tiers. I knew what was Uber, but beyond that, I wasn't sure.

It's really odd to see Wobbufet outside of Uber. I guess the Encore nerf really did hit it hard. I have yet to fight one myself. I only ever played 4th gen OU, and only after the release of Platinum.

It's not even the Encore nerf, really, it's the power creep as well. A lot of things can 2HKO Wobb with great ease [~70% +], which means unlike before, Wobbuffett is a one-time use, unless you're Wishing to it.

Not to mention Spikes and SR everywhere, thanks to Deo-E and Ferrothorn.

It's quite a lot which can really mess up Wobbuffett now [Such as Pranksters], although, the Encore nerf CERTAINLY did not help.
Ah, that's true. It's really not worth it if you lose him after only one use. I suppose It could trap weather pokemon though. It can help you win the weather war that way.

Also, I just realized my post made it sound like I don't play BW OU. I do. I just started playing OU late in gen 4.
Depending on if there is an NU tier or not, NU will be treated the way RU was last month, with a few separate lists to sort them by since there will be no usage for it yet. RU will be treated like the other tiers are treated now, also I'll be adding a top 100 usage for Ubers and citing sources.

anyone who has a link to something being banned that I don't have on the list, send it to me and I will put it into the list. I'll be on most of today making changes.

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Thank you very much. When attempting to build a team in a tier that I may not be particularly familiar with I personally find it much easier to use a list of what I can use versus a list of what I can not.
I'm a bit confused.
Garchomp is listed under OU usage list under skarm when it's uber.
Is that an error or something?
Thanks for posting this. I just stumbled upon it today and it's helpful especially since it's Alphabetical. makes searching for pokemon much easier
Pikachu just recently got a event that not only gave it it's dreamworld ability(not a DW release though) and light ball so that needs updating (it's also female to boot so now now Lightning Rod pikachu-line is legal.)
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