Tipping the Scales - Round 2

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I lost 2-0, rather stupidly. I was pretty much set up but tried to be clever and it didn't work out, Rag took advantage, and with it, the win. gg dude :).
What the hell

I seriously gave an unthinkable amount of time for this round, and there are still 11 uncomplete matches? You guys have... 11 hours to finish your games and I'll be making calls on Activity afterwards.
If you can legitimately show that you put effort into completing your match, and your opponent does as well in the next 11 hours, I'll move your match on until round 3. Round three may take a long time to get up (I'd rougly push it to a week and a few), since I'm just studying for exams until the 21st and won't get the data in to Articanus by that date.

For this reason, I may extend the deadline by a few more days, but only if you guys can show you're trying to finish your matches, otherwise I'm just promoting more laziness.

but well done to those who finished on time :)
I won my match a while ago and after some trouble about not saving the log you and arcantus decided that my score would be 1-0. Idk if you just forgot to bold my name or whatever I just want to make sure I'm still in this.

I have our PMs saved if you don't believe me :<
woops I must have missed some matches >__>

but yeah... that's the round. I'll update the OP in a couple of hours
okay, I updated the OP. coin flip matches are 1-0.

Expect round 3 up next wednesday or thursday. There's lots of data to collect, in addition to my exam next monday and wednesday.

so yeah, round 2 is over now. A hint to those who bother to read this: be comfortable with new UU for round 3 ;)
Just wanted to point out that Mysterio713 hasn't been online since Dec.13, so it's basically a bye for his opponent if he advances...
agh sorry. I'm done all my exams so I'll fix all this stuff up. I've been busy beyond belief recently, so sorry about that.
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