To Rome with Love [Completed]

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Can I put cutiefly instead ? It seem more safe !

I don’t know, you can try with it too. Level 50+ Fearow from the Poni Plains haven’t been sniped so far, that’s why I said a fearow like that would be a good deposit
I don’t know, you can try with it too. Level 50+ Fearow from the Poni Plains haven’t been sniped so far, that’s why I said a fearow like that would be a good deposit

Requesting: Zorua
ReDeposited: Level 9 male Cutiefly in a poke ball .
IGN: Reus
Message: Please trade pokemon with me. Thanks in advance.

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Pokémon Deposited: Tentacool, Net Ball, Male 22.
Pokémon Requested: Electrike
IGN: Inigo
Message: Please trade Pokémon with me. Thanks in Advance.
I want this Electrike for VGC.
Cutefluffysheep: Thing is, level 1 Pokemon get easily sniped on the GTS. I would recommend you deposit a level 50+ Fearow that you catch in the Poni Plains. Phione has already been sniped or buried.
Deposited: Fearow <Premier Ball> Lv. 33 Male
Requested: Electrike
GTS Msg: I want to fill my Pokédex.
IGN: Apolo
Reason: I want the hidden power.

-----> Tyvm for your time!
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Requesting: Larvesta
Deposited: Level 55, Female, Fearow, Great Ball
IGN: Taka
Message: Please trade pokemon with me. Thanks in advance.
Charizard is such a classic shiny to me, and the moon ball makes it that much better :]

Requesting: Charmander
Deposited: Pelipper (named To Rome), Level 32, male, Poke Ball
IGN: SamJo
Message: Please trade Pokemon with me.
Thanks in advance~
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Pokémon Deposited: fearow ,level 27
Pokémon Requested: larvesta
Message: Please trade Pokémon with me. Thanks in Advance.

I want to breed a hidden power ice volcarona.
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Pokémon Deposited: Pelipper, Female level 33
Pokémon Requested: Electrike
IGN: さと
Message: Please trade Pokémon with me. Thanks in Advance.

i want to breed another shiny Electrike with him as the parent, and i'm going to use it as Manetric for my battle team.
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Requesting: Clamperl (Huntail is one of the good green shinies).
Deposited: Pelipper (named with Love), Level 32, female, Poke Ball
IGN: SamJo
Message: Please trade Pokemon with me.
Thanks in advance~
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Deposited: Fearow <Premier Ball> Lv. 34 Male
Requested: Clamperl
GTS Msg: I want to fill my Pokédex.
IGN: Apolo
Reason: I don't have this shiny.

-----> Tyvm for your time!
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