Approved To the developers of Pokémon Showdown! Please add IV Locking

Hello! Please I beg of you to make a system or implement a code in the site where you can "LOCK" IVs and it will display in the export that the specified IV is locked after being pasted. Why? I have struggled time after time after time again running a Kartana set that requires 19 IV for Attack so that speed stat outnumbers it by 1 (347 vs 348). I am specially and very very respectfully requesting this because every time I paste the export or even check the move list, the site systems code wants to do either 2 things under these circumstances 1 if my mon has 0 physical attacks it will result as 0, or 2 if the mon has at least 1 physical stat it WANTS to make it 31. I have lost so many matches because the system under my awareness reverts my set to 31 IV for attack. Then when I get in a special predicament "IN-GAME" (where its too late to change) I lost because the system decided that it wanted to begin the match with 31 IVS for attack when I specifically desired 19. I'm sorry for bringing such despair to your attention (that's how I view it nothingless), but someone has to say something and I feel its something that has been dismissed many times. Today I hope to think that this will be an addition to the site and may provide a better experience for someone like myself running a very specific set up. Thank you for reading this post, and enjoy your day.

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