Top 10 Titans of the 6th Gen UU Metagame

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Mega Aero.

Sorry but absolutely nothing comes close to TTar with wings.

Quote from literally every suspect test

"But X destroys me if I don't run Maero"

A very tough call‚ but overall I feel like Salamence was the most influential Pokemon of the XY/ORAS UU metagame‚ due to its versatility‚ dominance and viability across all viable playstyles, from HO to full stall. Being the best offensive Defog user for most of the generation helped a lot in that regard‚ even if that was far from being the niche that got Salamence banned from UU in the end, with its fearsome Dragon Dance and mixed sets being the 2 main reasons behind that decision.

With that said‚ I also support the Hydreigon nomination. Aerodactyl and Suicune are two phenomenal Pokemon that will surely make it into the list‚ but a huge part of their appeal comes from their ability to check influential threats rather than their own influence in the tier‚ so keep that in mind when voting.
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nearly forgot about this but i was thinking a lot about numero uno earlier.

its p safe to say that its either mence or hydrei because theyve been the most dominant mons throughout the gen....i think im gonna have to give it to mence though. its pretty easy to compare the two in that they fit on all playstyles, excel in most roles, etc etc. but i think mences typing + intimidate made it so easy to slap on a team when you dont really have anything else to use. they both have really good defensive typing but i felt like checking fightings was a lot more imperative for most teams than being able to switch into chand. i dunno though i feel like scarf hydrei was /the/ mon to use for most of 2014 cause it checked so much shit and lo / specs sets are buttugly to switch into and was just more threatening for balance than mence but i feel like that was mainly because a lot of lo mence teams were shoehorned into running defog so iron tail / outrage wasnt that common.....

ill vote mence also because of dd though, i never used it that often but it was pFuckinGood at runnin through other offenses. scarf is used 1/240 times so i wont mention it.

Consistent top threat and a great check to the predominant Water- and Fire-types. Its 98 base Speed tier is usually what determines a Pokemon on whether it is fast or just another offensive Pokémon with middling Speed.

Aero was my next choice. Checking 99% of the offensive Pokemon in the tier by virtue of existing is pretty huge. I don't know why that would make a Pokemon any "lesser" in this list, since Aero basically dictated what offensive Pokemon had a presence in the metagame, but it's whatever.

Anyway, Salamence basically had as many sets as Jirachi, and it was almost always the best choice in every role it had, and like I said during its suspect packing the wrong answer (a Fairy expecting a Defog, Ice Beam Cress expecting DD) just meant you got swept.

has incredible typing, insane utility, reliable recovery, reliable boosting move, amazing ability, great movepool, and the ability to run at least 5 viable sets. it fits on every team.
I have to go with Salamence. From the moment it was allowed in UU, this monster was an absolute terror. Not only were its mixed and dance sets arguably the best wallbreaker and sweeper, respectfully, but it could also run many other viable sets, including offensive defog, fatmence, and even some more gimmicky sets like specs, most of them flawlessly. There's a reason this thing was S for the entirety of its run, and that's because it was just that good.
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