Project Top 10 TITANS of the Sword & Shield NU! [Voting Round 10]

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Flygon places #7 for Gen 8 Neverused's most influential titan. Now we will be voting for Gen 8 NU's 8th most influential titan over the course of the generation. You may choose from any one of the options listed below and will have 72 hours to vote like last time. Any votes that contain Pokemon that aren't in the list below will be omitted from the tally. Sorry for delay #2.

:blastoise: :rotom-mow: :cofagrigus: :icy_rock: (Hail) :vaporeon: :sandaconda: :talonflame: :xatu: :escavalier: :cresselia: :machamp: :slowbro-galar:

My vote goes to Escavalier
escav but then it’s rotom/tflame hail is barely a 10th placeholder

Escavalier places #8 for Gen 8 Neverused's most influential titan. Now we will be voting for Gen 8 NU's 9th most influential titan over the course of the generation. You may choose from any one of the options listed below and will have 72 hours to vote like last time. Any votes that contain Pokemon that aren't in the list below will be omitted from the tally.

:blastoise: :rotom-mow: :cofagrigus: :icy_rock: (Hail) :vaporeon: :sandaconda: :talonflame: :xatu: :cresselia: :machamp: :slowbro-galar:

My vote goes to Hail
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